Hey gang! I know there are not many people who read or write for this show, and I just wanted to stretch my legs in this area. I love this show, and I wanted to share it with you.

If you do come across this story, let me know if you like it, and want to read more. I would really appreciate it.

I actually started this in 2012, and just realized I needed to update this story. Especially after re-watching the show a few months ago.

Please remember to review at the end!

She sat in her lair under the water's edge with her arms around her knees. Tears trickled down her face and hurt lined her features. She knew she shouldn't cry, but her heart had been torn in two. For someone like her, love was out of the question. Or at least, it should have been.

When she had accepted her tasks and powers, she gave up being human. She became a demon. A creature designated to maintain balance in nature and the world. She was human no longer.

She thought she had beaten life. She was wrong

The Ancient One left her heart intact. He said it was to keep her somewhat human. Little did he realize her heart was the reason she accepted her job. She never believed she would feel any sort of happiness again with someone, especially him.

The first time she saw him was on an island with the shark women. She had been drawn to him, not because he was the Beastmaster, but because he made her feel like a woman again.

Her primal instinct was to mate and then kill. That was her goal; unfortunately, she did not count on falling in love with him. For the next year, she tried to show him how much she loved him. Her efforts had been in vain. He didn't love her. He never would. He said so.

"You are nothing, but a demon. I could never love you. You're not human."

He had no idea how much he hurt her. He didn't know how far away from the truth he actually was. She was a woman, a woman who had been transformed by magic. Unlike the other demons, who were created from the air, she had been a woman who had asked to be transformed.

She learned to survive on her own. The more she depended on herself, the more she became a demon. Seeing him for the first time, being near him, she realized how much she missed being a woman.

Now he was gone. He would never see her for what she used to be. He only saw her for what she was now. She tried so hard to get him to see her as a woman. He never did.

Tears fell faster at the remembrance of being rejected. The only man she ever truly loved rejected her, and still, she tried time and again.

Enough was enough she couldn't take it anymore. From now on she will do her job with no interfering with the lives of humans. She will use all her power to forget about him and her pain. She had to forget about him. She would if it took the rest of her existence.

She would forget about Dar the Beastmaster.


He missed his friends. He missed the animals. He missed everything, even her.

On the table, next to his bed was the ring she had given him when they first met. He had never given it back to her. He wasn't sure if he should, or if he could.

He found himself thinking a lot about her lately. The trouble she got him into, the help she had given him, but most importantly the love she had shown him. He ran back over in his mind, the times she had professed her love.

He never believed that creature like her could love anything, but she did. He knew she loved him. He flashed back to the moment they met, and the help she had offered. She had released Tao and the others, all for him. He remembered her touch, how cold and un-wanting it seemed.

Still, he found himself yearning for it even more.

He remembered everything.

The help she gave when they were battling Anubis. She stayed with Tao because he asked her. She used her powers to help the animals because he asked her. She did everything he asked.

He thought of the time he rejected her. She was a woman scorned and he paid for it. His gift was taken. On his quest to earn it back, he confessed how he could not love her. She wasn't real.

Oh, but she was real. She was alive. She was like the animals he cared for…misunderstood.

Everyone believed animals had only one purpose: serve man.

He never believed it. He believed animals needed caring and love. They had a place in the world, as did she.

Animals had feelings. They loved, hated, and had morals. She had those feelings, and yet, he spurned her all those times because he believed he was nothing but a conquest for her. Looking back, he realized he was wrong. She truly loved him, and he loved her.

All those times he rejected her was only because he was scared of getting too close. He had lost one woman he cared for and felt the pain of that loss, but he moved on. Then, he met Arina.

She was dangerous, beautiful, and lost. He had helped her all those times because he believed he was falling for her. It was until he lost his heart completely, did he realize he only felt friendship for Arina. He was in love with Iara the Demon.

He held up the snake ring and smiled. He enclosed it in his hand, and closed his eyes, envisioning her, and praying he had not lost her.

Please be kind!

I had let this story lapse for a couple of years because I lost my inspiration. It's hard when you don't receive many reviews (or any) and few followers for a story that once began as an adventure. Anyway, I know not many people read this, but perhaps, those who do find enjoyment in this short story.

Since I've waited a few years, I'm only going to write between 5-10 chapters for this. Maybe. It may be shorter. Who knows. I do know that I don't want to wait any longer to finish this story!

Also, I've changed the direction of this story from before. I didn't much care for Season 3 of the show, so it's going to be a slightly different version than the show, but some aspects will remain.

Until Next Time…