
Chapter 1

"Isabella Swan get your ass down here right now!" my oldest brother Alec yelled.

"Fuck you Alec! I'm getting ready for school!" I yelled back.

Being the youngest of six and the only girl didn't help my situation any, you'd think that I'd be spoiled and pampered, but no… I was smothered! They watched me like a hawk! My brothers and my cousins! I was the only girl in my entire family, so I was constantly under someone's watch, unless I was in my room, which explains why I spent so much time alone.

"Isabella, get down here now, so I can approve of your outfit before we leave for school!" he shouted.

"Dad's already approved of everything!" I yelled back.

The next thing I know, my door is yanked open by my brothers and in walk Alec my oldest a senior 18, the triplets James, Riley and Mike, juniors 17 and my twin Jasper, and we were the babies, freshmen.

"I'm not letting you go to school looking like some cheap whore! You're not wearing a bunch of perfume and makeup and dressing like a slut, just so a guy will fuck your brains out!" he shouted as he barged into my bathroom.

I was standing there with my arms crossed and eyebrow arched.

"Does this meet your fucking approval?" I asked.

"Yes." he turned and walked out mumbling to himself about me not being like other girls and giving him a heart attack.

"Bells, why do you gotta do that to him all the time?" Jasper asked.

"Because he's an ass who thinks he can boss me around. I'm a big girl." I shoved Jasper.

"NO, he thinks that Jasper's girlfriend might wear off on you." Mike laughed and punched Jasper in the arm, which started a fight down the stairs.

"Uh, yeah right. I don't think so. Alice is my friend, but she dresses a little too girly for me, most of the time." I smiled at Jasper."It's called easy access." James wiggled his eyebrows and Alec slapped him upside the head.

"Don't give her any fucking ideas!" he turned red like dad and I laughed.

"Jasper, on second thought, maybe I should take Alice up on that shopping trip this weekend." I smiled as I drank my orange juice and walked out to the garage as I waited for Alec to yell. 3, 2, 1... "BELLA!"

"Yes, my name is Isabella Marie Swan and my brothers, which you've met, smother me. Just wait until you meet my cousins. UGH! They're just as bad! I'm dreading high school!"

"BB!" I hear yelled across the parking lot as I get out of Riley's car.

"Hey, how are you cuz?" I hugged my cousin Sam, which was kind of hard, since he was 6'5, 220lbs. And solid muscle.

"You ready to be the baby fish this year?" he asked and I rolled my eyes.

"You and Paul leave me alone!" I snapped.

Paul was his younger brother, a sophomore, but just as protective of me.

Jasper and Alice came strolling up all snuggly, like they had been since the summer.

"Bella, Jasper said you want to go shopping?" she smiled and bounced.

All eyes turned to Jasper and he paled.

"Oh, um yeah. I need a few more basics, you know." I smiled.

"Cool. Jazz can come too. Edward said he'll drive us." she pointed to her older brother.

I waved and said thanks.

"No problem. I've got to get sheet music anyway." he shrugged.

"Hands to yourself Cullen." Sam and Paul said in unison.

He lifted his hands in defense.

"Uh, do y'all live under a rock? He's dating Rosalie Hale." I sighed.

"Bella, you're living under the rock! She dumped him 2 weeks ago for Royce." Alice shivered.

"Eeeewwww… Gross!" I spat, he was a slim ball, everyone knew it, but I guess she saw something there.

"Sorry dude." I shrugged.

"No biggie. I've got more important things to focus on." and he smiled at me, making me uncomfortable.

"Well, I've got to go; I'll see you in gym Alice." I hugged her and jogged off.

The morning passed by slowly, I had a few classes with Jasper, so I at least knew someone in a few classes and some of my brothers friends were in a few of my classes, because I had AP classes, but a few of them were looking at me like I was next on their meal plan.

I'd have to tell them about that.

The bell rang for lunch, which I was happy.

I stood up and was knock down by a fucking wall.

"Oh, so sorry. Let me help you up." A guy bigger than Sam said.

"Why don't you look where you're going Hulk?" I snapped as I picked up my bag and stood up.

"I'm sorry. My foot caught on the chair, really. The name's Mc Carty." he held out his hand.

"I'll be sure to tell my brothers." I said dryly, as I walked off.

"Wait! Wait! Shit! You're little Izzy, aren't you!" he yelled, running after me.

I kept walking, because only my brothers called me that and I hated it even then.

"Look, look, I'm totally sorry. Let me buy you lunch, please." he held open the door for me and followed me in the lunchroom.

I grabbed my tray and ignored him.

"Look, I'm friends with your brothers, I know I've seen you at the house a few times, you're just usually stuck in your room, like some precious doll or something, and you never come out. I see you through the window, watching us, play ball, coming and going. Don't you get lonely? I know you're friends with Alice, she's never home, always shopping or doing God knows what with your twin Jasper, speaking of which, he's allowed out, so why aren't-" he was rambling on and on…

"Would you please SHUT UP!" I yelled and all eyes were on me and three of my brothers were to me in a second flat.

"Is he fucking with you Izzy?" they asked.

I sighed.

"No! He just won't shut the fuck up." I said.

"Oh, that's Em, for ya! He's a talker." they laughed and walked away.

I rolled my eyes and he smiled at me, passing money to the cashier, before I could, I smiled at him, before walking to an empty table in the back.

My brothers walked over and grabbed my stuff, "I don't think so, you're with us short stuff." they smirked and shoved me to their table with the football team and cheerleaders.

Could life get any worse?

Why yes, yes it could.

I was between, Edward and Emmett, both smiling at me like I was the flavor of the week.



Welcome to my newest story…

I hope you'll enjoy it…

It's going to be a rollercoaster and YES, her brothers and cousins are SUPER protective and MEAN!

LOVE y'all!


Stephanie Owns ALL!