Sorry for the wait it took forever for me to get all my files transferred from my old laptop to my new one. Hope you like the update~!
Chapter 6
Lily and Rizen walked hand and hand down the alley to get back to the Broom shop where they spotted both Gary and James still avidly looking at each broom. Lily shook her head and smiled at the two before telling them to come on they needed to get most of the shopping done today. They came along dragging their feet but what really got them moving about was when Rizen asked if they were good could they all go get new matching brooms. Rizen winked at Lily before being pulled along from store to store by Gary.
Ever so slowly Rizen inched himself away from Gary and the rest of the family, he knew that if they kept at this pace, he would barely get anything that he needed. When Gary was finally done getting his books, Lily turned to grab Rizen only to find him missing. She thought he when outside to wait so they exited together and didn't see him she started to panic a bit. She really wanted to take her boy for ice cream but what she really needed was to keep Rizen close to her for as long as she possibly could. Lily had just about reached her wits ends and was ready to ask James to go search for her Raven when Harry came running down the path carrying a snowy white owl.
"She's beautiful Raven." Lily squealed. She knew her Raven like to be prepared and have things done first before free time but that didn't stop her from worrying. Harry, no Rizen was one of those few kids who hated to leave something until last moment unless it was required, it was one of his quirks and Lily loved him even more for it.
"Can we go back, there's another one I want." Rizen said. I wasn't very often that he told them of his wants so Lily was more then happy to go see what captured Rizen interest. In the store they found a dark brown owl with white wings for Gary and a small mutt like kitten. James and Lily cooed and awed at many of the animals, it was when they were paying for Gary's items that he got Lily's attention once more.
"Can I get a snake too?" Rizen asked with a grin. James cringed a bit but Lily quickly elbowed him.
"How about we talk to the specialist?" She asked. She could tell just by Rizen's flushed cheeks how please he was with her answer, she could tell that he really wanted whatever snake had caught his eye. A phrase came to mind as she thought about getting Rizen whatever he wanted just for showing her that expression. Whatever a Malfoy wants, a Malfoy gets, it made her shoulders shake as she tried to contain her giggle. She could just picture the reaction she would have got from Sevy if she said that to him, he would give a small one syllable chuckle and then act as though she ruined his image for life.
Together they walked over to the trainer and Lily told James if the snake bothers him that much he could take Gary to get his robes and they would meet up for ice cream. When she said that Gary gave a shout of joy before forcefully dragging his father out the store so they could get to the ice cream faster.
"That white snake," Rizen said to the trainer.
"I wouldn't take that one, she's tries to bite everyone who comes close." The trainer said. He obviously didn't understand that Rizen wanted that snake. So he rolled his eyes an put his hand in the container and waited for the snake to make her way over to him. Rizen couldn't blame the snake for wanting to bite people when all they did was grab at you just because your different.
Rizen had spoken to the snake earlier so he already knew she was going to be his, he just needed to put on a show for the trainer so he wasn't suspicious. The snake was more than happy to be with a wizard who could speak so she quickly slithered her way towards the boy. She wrapped the upper part of her neck around his forearm and Rizen picked her up carefully. He stroked her head and cooed muggle like for a moment while the trainer watched before paying for her and whatever she would need.
"Ready for some ice cream Raven?" Lily asked as they exited the shop. Rizen's new white snake had decided to perch itself around his neck like a scarf, which Rizen didn't mind but he knew his Father, well James would. He didn't think James was scared of anything let alone something as small as a snake, although Rizen knew that some snakes weren't that small at all or harmless. He nodded at Lily before he grabbed one of her hands so they could walk together comfortably.
The ice cream shop was small with two tables in door and four outside, they had all sorts of variety and candy. It was no wonder why the shop although tiny stay in business, most kids dragged their parents to get something from the store. Rizen smiled grimly as he and Lily sat down at an outside table. Lily gave a small comment about him watching their bags while she went to go get their ice cream.
Rizen was watching the sky as Lily came back out the shop with two teas in hand. He smiled gratefully at his mother for she always knew a quick cup of tea could brighten the day no matter how dreary. To have tea was to separate yourself from the world and give yourself a full moment to breathe properly. The way a hot cup of anything soothed him, there was no word Rizen could come up with that would properly tell how relaxed and comforted it made him. All that shattered when James and Gary came back to them in a huffing while whining about wanting to leave, well Gary whined and James practically demanded they leave now like the bid bad wolf came out to play.
Rizen rubbed at his temples and looked up at his father only to see three blonds and a raven haired man fast tracking their way towards them. Rizen frowned at Lily and nodded his head towards James, she understood his motions all the while keeping a calm smiled on her face. James was just finishing his rant about the scum they let shop knowing full well what type of people they were, when Lily stood up from her seat. She cheerfully greeted the group of four and James could barely contain his sneer, and the looks the dark haired man was giving seemed to only infuriate him more.
"Sevy, have you met my little Raven?" Lily asked after laughing over something the tall blonde woman said to her. The dark hair man shook his head slightly and Lily's smile widened as she turned her head to give a look to all three of her boys. James grabbed Gary by the arm and almost dragged him into the shop while Rizen set his tea down reluctantly to go stand by Lily.
"Raven this is Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy and their son Draco Malfoy." She stated pointing each one of them out discretely. Rizen introduced himself using the name Lily and James gave him and shook each of their hands. Rizen then glanced back at Lily and she patted his back that he could go back to his tea while she conversed with them. Narcissa Malfoy told Draco to go get his robes done while they were here and that reminded Rizen that he still had that to do before they could leave for home.
Rizen was quick with his tea and went up to Lily to tell her where he would be. She smile and commented on how responsible he was. The words made him blush slightly before he scurried off and he could hear the light chuckles the adults had over his cuteness.
He didn't like how the woman called him dear as if she knew him but listened to her and got up on the free stool. Draco was still standing on a stool getting his robes done, Rizen thought the boy would have been done by now so he wouldn't have to deal with any conversation. Rizen didn't normally get along with children his own age for to them he wasn't outgoing or carefree enough, nor did he do stupid things for no reason like his brother.
Now that Rizen got the chance he took a moment to fully observe the boy beside him. He was very pale with a pointed face, and like his parents has that white blond hair, must have been a family trait.
"Hullo," the young Malfoy said. He didn't need to question if Rizen was also going to Hogwarts for their families discussed it earlier.
"My father went with me to buy my books before we seen your father and brother in the store. My mother says she'll take me to get my wand after my robes are finished." His voice had a drawling tone to it as though his words were a bit rehearsed.
"Then I'm going to drag them off to look at racing brooms. I don't see why first-years can't have their own. I think I'll bully father into getting me one and I'll smuggle it somehow."
"Bully who?" Narcissa questioned as she stood browsing trough items in the front of the shop. Rizen noticed when she entered but couldn't say anything for Draco seemed not to breath when speaking. Although the blond boy was more eloquent then many their age, to Rizen he came off as a bit arrogant and biased about pure blood superiority or something.
Narcissa smiled fondly as Draco's expression didn't change even though she knew she surprised him, and she quickly gave a questioning glance towards Lily son, Harrison. She knew the boy noticed her presence just like he did with every Wizard or Witch the step in or out of the room, she could tell by the slight tensing the boy did. If that boy got half the attention James Potter gave to his oldest he be a force to be reckoned with, his sharp senses and knowledge made him stand out but only when he wanted to. For every once in a while she would notice the boy went completely off her parental radar, and she could only imagine the hell Lily would go through if the boy didn't want to be found.
Draco told his mother of what he wanted and asked if it was possible for them to find a way to have Hogwarts rule about first years owning brooms changed. Narcissa gave a small delicate laugh before telling her son anything was possible but if he wanted it done sooner he should ask his father Lucius.
Rizen waited patiently for Madame Malkin to finish his robe so he could go back to his family and they could leave. He had done everything that he wanted to do today. Well now that he thought about it he could do with a few more ingredients. He thanked Madame Malkin for doing her job promptly and left to go to the closest Potion shops. It wouldn't take him long so there was no point in going back to interrupt his parents conversation.
He walked into the shop and browsed the meager selection the shop he entered had. Rizen had been in the shop earlier and didn't notice anything of worth but with his mother not hovering over his shoulder he could browse to his heart's content. He smiled as he found some decent ingredients for one of his favourite potions. His mind was set of becoming someone similar to a healer of some sorts since he didn't think tracking down criminals was a good career choice for him. Reaching out Harry picked up a bottled Wolfsbane potion and closely looked it over before putting it back on the shelf in disgust. They had store the potion wrong for its bottle size and many idiots wouldn't notice something was wrong until they opened it, that's even if they noticed.
"Potter, shouldn't you be with a parent?" The dark haired man his mother had just introduced to him said as he walked out of the back room.
"They're having tea and ice cream at the moment, I doubt they'll notice I was gone longer than necessary." He said grabbing one of the last semi good batch off cloud arachnid legs.
Snape watched as Lily's oldest picked and sorted through items like a professional, if he didn't know better he would assume that the Potters now had a Potion practitioner among them. If so Severus couldn't wait to teach the boy more in the subject to get back at James in a way but also be useful to the boy for Lily. Snape could just hear the names James would shout at him since he couldn't use an inside voice to save his life. Thus he would also hear words from Sirius Black as a result. Snape enjoyed annoying those Idiot marauders, he chuckled at the thought of them ever finding out such.
"Have a good evening Mr. Snape," Rizen said as he was paying for his materials and left the professor to his twisted thoughts.