It was dark. Dark and hot. She didn't know why, but she felt completely numb. Like her whole body had become a fuzz. But at the same time, she felt like she was on fire. Her arms and legs were burning, and he throat felt like she had swallowed a flame. She tried opening her eyes, but all she saw was grey. She gave up on sight, trying to focus her hearing on the muffled noises around her.

Someone was close to her. She could partially hear a voice calling out at her side. The voice was loud and repetitive. Like it was screaming the same thing over and over again. But whose was it? What were they saying? Was someone calling out to her? As the questions rushed through her head, she slowly felt a surge of dizziness wash over her, followed by everything turning black. Then everything was gone.

Wendy's head hurt like crazy. She didn't know why though. For some reason that was all she could feel. A huge pounding in her head, making her ears ring. She didn't remember where she was. Wendy began trying to feel around her, when she realized she couldn't move her body except for wiggling her fingers. With a bit of a shock, she snapped her eyes open, taking in the view of an all-white ceiling. Wendy managed to turn her head some and look around the room she was in. She slowly began to recognize it. The curtains that hung in front of the windows, the wooden night stand that sat next to the bed she was lying in, even the sweet yet bitter sent that filled the room. Fairy Tail. To be more precise, the medical ward in Fairy Tail.

The young girls mind began to flail all over as she tried to remember what had happened to get her here. But she couldn't come up with anything. Why was she there? What had happened to her? Just as she felt her eyes begin to water, Wendy heard the door creek open, followed by footsteps. Soon the familiar figure of Mirajane leaned over the side of the bed.

"You're awake!" The white haired mage cheered. "Can I get you anything?"

Wendy tried to talk, but when she opened her mouth no words came out. Her throat was burning. She needed a some water, but without words, she didn't know how to ask. She decided to try coughing. The rough sounds hurt not only her throat but her chest as well. She was a bit worried that Mira wouldn't understand.

"I'm guessing you need something to drink. Give me one moment. I'll go get you something." Mirajane gave Wendy a sweet smile before turning to leave the hospital like room. After what seemed like an eternity of waiting alone, the older mage returned, holding a tray with a pitcher of water and a glass. Mirajane put the tray down on the nightstand, then pour some water into the glass. She then tucked one of her arms behind Wendy's shoulders and lifter her up, propping up a pillow with her free hand, then leaning Wendy against it so that she was sitting up right. Keeping her arm around the small girl's shoulders, Mirajane lifted the glass to Wendy's lips to allow her to sip at the cold and clear liquid.

Wendy was thankful, although, at the same time she was a bit embarrassed that she had to be taken care of like this. She wanted to be able to hold her own glass of water at least. She just needed to move her arms. Concentrating her energy on her left arm, Wendy began by wiggling her fingers. Then rolling her wrist around in circles. Once she confirmed that she could do this, she began to lift her arm up, bit by bit. It was slow, and it was a bit sore, but when she felt her own palm wrap around the cool glass, Wendy felt a wave of satisfaction run over her.

"Don't push yourself too hard." Mira giggled as the blue haired girl pushed the bottom of the cup into the air, gulping down every drop. Mira then took the glass and refilled it, but instead of giving to Wendy, she put it down on the table. "Are you feeling better?"

Wendy found herself nodding, still too worried about her throat to attempt speaking again. She began working on her moving her right arm so that she could then reach over and pick up the water. However, she stopped herself when she saw the bandages that lined them like sleeves she found herself shocked once more. Shocked and a bit scared as well.

"W-w-" The blue haired mage stuttered out the words she was trying to say. "W-wh-at h-happ-happened?" She looked over to Mirajane for an answer.

When Mirajane saw the hint of fear in the younger mages eyes, she leaned over to give the girl a hug and rub her back gently. "It was an accident on a mission." She explained in a bit of a whisper. "Don't worry. It'll be ok."

Wendy nodded nervously. While Mira's reassuring words had managed to calm her down some, she couldn't help but feel scared. She still felt fuzzy. She had gone on a mission? With who? Probably Natsu, Gray, Lucy, and Erza. But what kind of mission was it. She rarely went on anything that seemed to dangerous. She still wasn't all that much of a fighter. Her train of thought was quickly interrupted by Mirajane standing up.

"If you're feeling better, I'm going to go tell everyone that you're awake. They've all been worried." Mirajane handed Wendy the cup of water before turning to once again leave the room.

Wendy sipped at the water once more. She still had no idea was had happened. She could figure out that the reason she couldn't remember anything about the mission probably had to do with the severe pain in the back of her head. It was as if someone had struck her with a hammer. As she took another sip of water, the door slammed open, causing her to jolt.

"Wendy!" Natsu came running into the room, not stopping until he reached the foot of her bed. He must have been about to ask her something on the lines of 'are you alright', but he was quickly wacked on the head by none other than Erza.

"Calm down Natsu. She's just woken up." Erza said, holding complete composure after just hitting her pink haired friend.

"Seriously Natsu." Lucy walked up next, her hands firmly crossed across her chest. "Give her some space."

"I. I'm alright." Wendy made out in a soft voice. She attempted to show a slight smile despite the fact that talking only made her throat feel worse.

Before she knew it, Wendy was being showered with questions. How are you feeling? When do you think you'll be out of here? Do you feel sick at all? Through all of this, Wendy could only smile and nod or shake her head. The excitement was just wearing her out. Felt herself slowly closing her eyes. Exhaustion taking over her and slowly lulling her sleep.

When Wendy finally woke up again it was nearly the end of the day. She had slept for several hours, but still somehow felt tired. There was a new pitcher of water on the night stand, and late afternoon sun shone through the windows. Mirajane was reading a book in a chair that was next to her.

"H-hello." Wendy said softly. Mirajane immediately looked up from her book.

"Hello there. Have a nice nap?" She asked with a smile.

"Yes." Wendy nodded. She felt a bit more rested. He throat wasn't as sore either. Probably from drinking so much water before sleeping.

"The Master asked me to get him when you woke up again." Mira explained. "So if you don't mind, I'm going to go get him now." She left the room for no more than a few minutes before returning, walking behind the guild Master.

"How ya feeling Wendy?" Master Makarov asked the blue haired girl, taking the seat that Mira had just left.

"Kind of tired." Wendy said simply. She thought about how to explain how she was feeling. It was a bit weird. "Pretty sore too. But kind of numb at the same time."

"Numb?" The Master repeated. "What do you mean?"

"Well." Wendy took a moment to think. "It's like there it this tingly feeling around my waist and I can't really feel my legs."

Makarov and Mirajane shared a worried glance. It was silent. The only sound other than the collective breathing of the three mages was coming from the guild on the other side of the heavy wood door. It was disturbing. Wendy didn't know what to make of it. Just what was going on? Had something else happened?

"Wendy." Makarov cleared his throat, getting the young girl's attention. He had a bit of a saddened expression on his face. One that match the look Mirajane had. "I'm sorry."

The apology didn't make any sense to Wendy. "I don't get it Master. What do you mean? There's nothing really wrong with me."

"Wendy-" Mirajane tried to cut in, but didn't even finish her sentence.

"I'm fine aren't I?" Wendy asked again. She didn't understand what was happening.

"Wendy. What do you feel?" Master asked, his voice both stern and concerned.

"Nothing." Wendy replied right away. She didn't get it. She looked and saw that Mirajane had even turned her head to look away from her. What was going on?

"Are you sure?" The Master's face slowly went from concerned to pained. Sweat formed on his forehead.

"Yes." Wendy nodded. "I don't get it Master. Why are you asking me this?"

"Because." He paused. "I've been hitting you since I sat down."

Wendy looked down. He was right. His hand was practically pounding against her thigh. But she didn't feel a thing. She hadn't even noticed that he had moved the blanket, let alone started smacking her leg.

"W-what." Wendy's voice became filled with fear, shaking along with her newly found shiver. "W-why can't I feel it?"

"I'm sorry." A dark cloud seemed to cover the Master's face. His chilling words had caused what felt like an ice cold pole to shove itself down her spine.

Frantically, Wendy tried to move her legs. Nothing happened. She tried lifting them, kicking, turning them, bending them. Nothing happened. She threw the blanket to the side and looked down in horror. Her legs were completely bandaged up. But even with the bandages she could see where they had been gashed and bruised. She tried to swing her legs to the side of the bed, but couldn't move them an inch. Finally she knew what the Master had meant. She lifted up her hands and began to sob. As the tears began to stream down her face, Mira ran to her side and held her close to her chest, allowing the younger girl to clutch onto her dress and cry.

"I'm sorry Wendy." The Master muttered.