Author's notes: Okay so this is my first VK story so if your reading this please go easy on me. I am a fan of the series! I love it so much! That I had this idea came to my head so I've decided to publish it.

Side Note: I've decided to take it a little back from the beginning so bear with me it will all make sense eventually.

Hope you enjoy it:)

Zero wasn't the kind of guy to admit he was jealous.

In fact he hated the word.

Jealous and Zero never add up in his book. He should make another name for the feeling he feels right now. Discouraged-no that's not it...Lonely hell he's always felt lonely the only time he wasn't feeling lonely was when…

Okay not lonely…uh…think Zero think…

Maybe he could make an up a new word on how he was feeling…z…z…znap…yeah… znap.

He was feeling znap staring down at Yuki practically drooling over Kaname. He doesn't know what she sees in him. He's a Pureblood they are nothing but selfish crude, manipulated beings that only care about themselves.

Must be wonderful having the world fall at you're bloody feet all the time.

He sighed watching as Kaname said something flirtatious; watching as Yuki blushed. He looked away deciding it was about time for him to get off the roof. He wasn't jealous he was…znap… Okay that was getting old already. He let out a big huff, blowing his silver hair out of his face only to have it back into place. Zero walked down to the front gates of the Night Class, he was debating whether to get back on duty or pry Yuki away from Kaname.

He wished he went with second option.

He was too busy watching Yuki gush and embarrassed herself in front of Kaname that he wasn't paying to any attention to where he was going. With a sly jolt he ran into an unlucky older women; quickly the lady's bags fell immediately from her hands. Zero quietly cursed while bending down to pick them up." I'm really sorry". Zero said,

"That's alright young man." Her voice was shivering and weak that proved she was an older women, Zero looked up handing the old lady her bags. She wasn't any ordinary older women. She wore her silvery hair in the signature Japanese hair style with chopsticks in the back. While her clothes were a long golden embedded red dress that was covered in a long simmering purple scarf. Her face shown kindness with her soft glowing skin, that didn't shadow in wrinkles though her eyes were the sign that shown she was old. Her eyes were just a dimmer of green that barely shown the slightest making her eyes almost as pale as white. Those green dim eyes looked through him saying they seen things that he couldn't possible image. Those eyes send a shiver down his spine. He tried hard not suppressed the shiver quickly he looked back at Yuki.

The old women followed his gaze she suppressed her smirk letting out a sigh." Oh young love",

"What?" Zero asked,

The women smiled gently patting his cheek," You are a strong noble young man. If you can see past him" she nodded towards Kaname," You might be able to get to her." She laughed nodding her head towards Yuki not saying another word walking away leaving Zero with a confused expression.

"Kaname-sampi", Yuki blushed as she shivered around his presence, Kaname knew he had that affect over her. Even though it was flattering he wished she could act like she used to do when they were kids, before she had her memory lost. He knew she liked him, but could a simple crush turn into love. His plan for everything was working rather smoothly just liked he hoped. But the love life he planned with Yuki wasn't working as planned. That's why he made Takuma make plans for a ball. A ball that was supposed to be honor for the Headmaster, secretly it was a party trying to convince her that he was a worthy of a man for her.

"So Yuki,"

"Yes Kaname," she smiled

"The Night Class is having a ball in honored of the Headmaster."

"Oh he would love that!" She squealed,

He smiled knowing his plan would work," And I was hoping that you would accompany me"-


Of course right at the moment the almost Level E vampire Zero Kiryu showed up just like he always does. Kaname silently swore in his head he only wished Zero would hear." Why hello Kiryu it's so nice of you to join us." Kaname said in a teasing tone.

Zero ignored, Kaname's tone only slightly nodding," Kuran."

"Oh hi Zero." Yuki said half way flushed from her conversation with Kaname. Zero smirked," We have work to do, so hurry up Yuki."


He didn't stop to wait for her to finish instead he walked away. Yuki sighed, while Kaname huffed, always the over dramatic type Zero." I'm sorry Kaname but Zero's right I have to go." She apologized,

"I understand. But Yuki I"-

She smiled and nodded cutting him off before he could finish his sentence already running off to catch up with Zero.

That was another thing that was ruining his plan. That dreaded Zero, he knew she saw something deeply in him, was it love?

He gagged just thinking of it, why she could love such a killer such as him while she could have someone tamer. Someone like him, he was so in thought of another plan that he ran into someone accidently." My, apologizes." He muttered, picking the bags that were drop on the ground.

"That's quite alright sir." The weak voiced said,

Kaname knew was an old, women just by the tone but when he looked into those lit green eyes he swore he saw them before. The old women smiled darkly at him," So she's the girl." She said was a teasing tone.

"Excuse me?"

She laughed," All you think about is her past, why not see through his for a change." Without saying anything else the lady was gone.

Dinner was another drag as the Chairman did yet again another unsuccessful attempt to try something different. Zero ate it, knowing he'll probably want to digest someone else's blood later on. Knowing that would occur made his stomach twist into knots as that familiar guilt washed over him. Grunting he got up from the table, walking towards the kitchen to wash the rest of the dishes. Yuki followed him to help while the Chairman followed Yuki who kept at him with endless talk about today's events. Apparently she wanted to tell him something important.

"It was so much fun even though I fell during the game I still had a great time!" Yuki said cheerfully,

"That's great Yuki," The Chairman nodded,

"Anyway I was talking to Kaname today."


"And he said he was planning on having a ball just for you!"

"Oh really!" Chairman up and down like a little girl excited about her new toy. It made Zero roll his eyes continuing to wash the knife in his hand. Leave it to Kuran to be a kiss up.

"Oh Yuki!" The Chairman continued, "We have to thank Kaname for this exciting event!"

They went on with other annoying things to do, to impress the worthless Pure Blood till something stopped his attention." I think I might ask Kaname to the ball."

That. Those little words hurt. He knew she was probably on planning to ask him. It still hurt knowing that she wanted to spend her time with him. It cut deep. Really deep. In fact it hurt more then he thought, like an actually knife-

"Zero!" Yuki shouted,

He looked down to see the knife he was washing sliced his palm. The blood spilled in appetizing way to make him curse, and run out the door.

He breathed more evenly as he felt the outside air blow through his silver locks giving him a new fresh air that felt good. He slid down to the ground looking at the blood, it wasn't anybody important. Just his, better not waste it. He drank from his hand letting the blood flow back into his veins. It wasn't as good as Yuki's but it was better than nothing. He stopped to wipe the blood off his face, breathing slowing he wasn't going to go back not sure if he was satisfied yet." I thought I smelled blood." A smooth angelic voice said,

Zero only knew one person who could have that voice." Kuran." He growled letting his long bangs cover his eyes so he won't have to stare into the dreaded bloody eyes.

"Looks like you're slowly losing it." Was all that Kaname said, that's all it took to get Zero riled up just like Kaname planned. Zero stood up, pointing his gun in his direction. Kaname made no move playing his game right." Oh I wouldn't," he laughed a sinister laugh," Not unless you want Yuki to see. She's probably looking for you right now."

He was right Yuki was probably waking up the whole campus just looking for him. He didn't understand why she would worry about him so much. He tried to hide the slight joy in his stomach knowing that, slowly he put down his gun still clenching it at his sides." What? No servants today?" Zero growled,

Kaname smirked," I told them I wanted to be left alone."

"To spend time with me. Oh Kaname you really do care."

Kaname snorted at Zero's joke still holding his poker face together." Anyway I wanted you to give"-

"Oh you want me to give something to Yuki. So you could make her fall at you're feet like everyone else does."

"That's not the point."

"Then go find somebody else!" That was supposed to be the end of their conversation still Kuran had to keep talking." Why are you in such a hurry Zero? Waiting to go enjoy feeding off Yuki?"

That made him, stop to stare deadly at the Pure Blood." She wants me too."

That made something boil inside Kaname, a tree branch broke beside them. Zero let out a sly smirk," What Kaname? Hit a nerve?" He teased,

"Least you can enjoy it." Was all Kaname said, it was quiet after that both boys letting the silence drip on. Kaname couldn't help feeling the slight sting of jealousy. Zero was with her every day she wanted to give her blood to him. But she would never let him drink from her.

Zero didn't want to stay any longer he was tired and restless thanks to Kaname. Of course he wanted to brag on how Yuki will fall dramatically in love with him. It hurt knowing the truth, more than a knife.

"Least you have her." Was all Zero wanted to say.

Zero turn around wanting so badly to rush inside seeing, Yuki's childish grin. Though it wasn't Yuki's face that, he saw first. Turning around he saw the little old women they both had seen today.

She stood there with amuse smirk placed upon her face as she looked at the two boys." Oh such hatred." She muttered,

Zero was startled, while Kaname was trying hard to remember where he seen her before." Boys will be boys." She laughed, it sounded like a cry from a raven with its louds screeching sounds running at your ear drums.

It made both boys flinch.

"Apparently you did not take my advice." She continued to say," I guess I'll have to teach you the hard way."

"Excuse me"-

The women cut Kaname off with another screeching laugh,

You're lives are nothing without a little competition.

Though it's what you lack.

Only to know each other's lives.

Will help switch you back.

Then everything went black.

If your a little confused right now, just bear with me and this all this will make sense eventually. So please review and tell me what you think of it so far. I love to read all of your comments:)