Disclaimer: I own nothing.

I'm sorry! Sorry! I started something new instead of updating my old stuff! Please forgive me and bug me in PMs about my horrible procrastination problems.

Yeah...Don't ask about the title. It's just random.

The Garuru platoon solemnly sat in their chairs trying not to think too much about the Keroro platoon on their ride to Pekopon.

It had been unexpected that the main fleet had called them. Something had happened to the Keroro platoon. They couldn't contact them at all. The only message they had gotten was a small message sent to them by the blue haired pekoponian boy uttering two words: "Help me." The transmission had then turned into static and finished. The Keroro army had been confused by why a pekoponian boy had contacted them so they had contacted the keronian leading the operation on Pekopon, sergeant Keroro. After about one hundred unanswered calls the main fleet had contacted the Garuru platoon to investigate. Their biggest hypothesis was that a rival alien had kidnapped the Keroro platoon. Of course, Garuru had denied that his brother had been kidnapped so easily, but that was better than the alternative, which seemed to be the more likely answer. Death.

Riding their ship to Pekopon seemed to be a long, dreadfully, quiet ride. Doom, dread and fear loomed over every single member. They wondered if they would see their rivals or acquaintances or if it was already too late.

Pururu tried to lighten the mood.

"When I see Keroro-kun I'm going to scold him for not answering all those transmissions!" She nervously laughed, "Captain, you better teach your brother some manners!"

"I will." Garuru nodded solemnly. Unbeknownst to the rest of the platoon, their strong leader was losing it with worry. He knew army work was dangerous, but his brother was so young… What if something had killed him?

Garuru took out a picture from his belt of him, Giroro, him and his father, he stroked it while no one was looking.

"Giroro….Please be all right…" He whispered. Soldiers shouldn't show weakness and worry, especially in such horrible looking circumstances, but still….Garuru couldn't just abandon his little brother. He clung to a bit of hope that he was all right.

The only one we know for a fact was in danger was that Fuyuki pekoponian….He reminded himself. He began to feel dread looming up in his chest, Which meant that female pekoponian might have been in danger as well….And Giroro wouldn't stand for that….

He tried to look calm and collected, he hoped his platoon hadn't realized how stressed out he was.

Pururu put her hand on his shoulder.

"It's all right, Captain. They'll be fine." She assured. Garuru relaxed his shoulders a bit at her touch.

"Don't worry. I know that." He reminded her, even though he was secretly happy she had comforted him. Tororo piped up.

"Pu, pu, pu. Yeah! I'm the one that'll beat Kululu! Not some random alien! He's stronger than that. I should know!" Tororo laughed, still a waiver of uncertainty was in his voice.

"Yeah…M-master wouldn't die so easily either." Taruru's worry however, was not as easy to mask.

"If Dororo died before he could remember me I'm going to track down his ghost in the afterlife and kill him." Zoruru growled. Garuru smiled, although he tried not to hide it.

"You're right, platoon. They wouldn't just die so easily. They're part of the keron army, meaning they're strong! They'll be fine and this trip to Pekopon will be a complete waste." He assured his platoon. Every time he said it he was more and more sure that the Keroro platoon was fine.

Finally, the ship made it to Pekopon.

"Buck private! Pull up a camera of the Hinata house!" Garuru ordered. He knew everything would be fine.

"Pu, pu, pu. Okay!" Tororo took a sip of cola and pulled up a camera. He immediately spit out his drink and stared blankly at the screen along with the rest of the platoon.

All that remained noticeably of the Hinata house was ashes and rubble.

"Platoon. Let's go down and investigate." Garuru ordered. They all slowly nodded and beamed themselves down to the mess.

Garuru immediately went over to where Giroro's tent had been. All he could find was some melted guns and ashes. No clues about where his brother was.

Zoruru checked what was once the kitchen, he found ashes only.

Tororo scanned above the ground for life. His monitors found nothing.

Taruru looked under the rubble for bodies, or anything resembling something that was once alive.

Pururu went to where Keroro's room had been. Only ashes were there and the usual rubble. Not even the Gundam had survived. She pushed a large slab of concrete out of the way which seemed to be covering something up.

"Guys…I found something!" She called. All of them rushed over. She pointed at the burnt refrigerator which had lost its door. The insides looked like purple as if there was a portal.

"Let's head in." Garuru ordered, "I'll go first in case there's danger." He stuck himself into the portal to go down to the Keroro platoon's base. He held a gun firmly just in case something jumped after him.

The base remained slightly intact, although with a couple hunks of concrete and ashes strewn about in various places. Garuru led the platoon to the main base of operation to gather clues.

The only thing they found was a cracked screen and everything in disarray. Garuru didn't need to shout the order to look around. Everyone instinctually did it.

Pururu desperately dusted the rocks and various objects for any signs of her three friends, Dororo, Giroro, or Keroro. She found nothing.

Taruru blew up some slabs of concrete so the platoon could continue searching in the base.

Tororo sat down and tried to hack into the computer system that Kululu had created for the platoon. It seemed to be down.

Garuru over looked the operation trying to hide his worry at his brother's whereabouts.

Zoruru looked under what was once a desk.

"I found something…" He admitted. Garuru rushed over to him as Zoruru tried to dust off a small notebook with his robotic arm. Garuru could barely see a star on the cover. "This should provide some clues." Garuru nodded and opened the notebook to the most recent entry. He made out Keroro's hand writing.

"We're screwed and it's all Kululu's damn fault." Was the only thing on the page.

"What happened?" Garuru asked trying not to let his awe and wonder slip into his voice.

"I don't know, captain." Zoruru replied. Garuru growled.

"Well, we're going to find out. We'll find the Keroro platoon and we'll get them out of this mess they created." He vowed. The platoon nodded, agreeing with his vows.

-End of prologue-

Yeah, next chapter will be before any of this happened. So if you don't like the Garuru platoon don't worry! They won't be there through most of the retracing…If you do….Just remember they'll be investigating and by the end they'll be back.

Please review!