I hate my brother. - SH
You say that all the time. What did he do now? - JW
He bothered me. - SH
Shocker. - JW
Ha bloody ha, John. - SH
Have you ever noticed how many people out there think we're a couple? - SH
I.. What? - JW
Well, have you? - SH
Yeah, I have. You can't be on the internet and not notice. - JW
Do you think they're right? - SH
... - JW
That is, do you think it would work? - SH
Us... As a... Sherlock, is this a joke? - JW
No. I'm trying - and evidently failing - to ask you to be in a relationship with me. - SH
Jesus fucking Christ on a fancy fucking motorbike. - JW
Yes. - JW
God, yes. - JW
... Yes? To us? - SH
You should come home now. - SH
I'm running. Damn the shopping. - JW