"Master Streak, a letter from the prince," The servant informed the mercenary, a rolled up piece of parchment that was securely tied in hand. "The messenger was hasty to deliver it." the cream colored vixen handed her master the letter and watched him examine it. Soon after, the old, but strong ,dark azure hedgehog sighed, laid down the recoiling parchment, and pulled out his hidden pocket - knife to play with it deep in thought.

"Lacey," Streak called, emerging from his thoughts. "Tell my son that his father would like to have a word with him."

"Yes, Master" The cream kitzune replied and turned to carry out her duties.


"Yes?" the servant stopped in her tracks to turn to him, listening.

"Tell your brother Aster to begin to ready my equipment and Vexiam to saddle Apricornius and Welliondis."

"As you wish."