
AN: Also please take note that this story was written before the actual events in the manga during the GMG and the dragons attacking Fiore!

Chapter 1

After winning the Grand Magical Games, Fairy Tail celebrated in their bar. Two hours of celebration passed and Cana suggested a drinking contest. And of course most of the members took this challenge without thinking of the consequences.

"Come on Lucy join the contest!" Natsu begged.

"What's the point of joining when we know who the winner will be? Besides I don't think I can handle that much liquor." Lucy said.

"You know who the winner will be! Are you psychic Lucy?! Tell me who the winner will be!" Natsu exclaimed. Lucy sighed. 'This boy can be sooo dense sometimes.' She thought

"By the way where is Happy?" Lucy asked as she looked around.

"Oh. Happy? He fell asleep an hour ago." Natsu said as he pointed towards Happy. The blue exceed was passed out on the table, surrounded by empty mugs. Lucy giggled at the scene. 'He drank too much warm milk.' Lucy thought. "So are you going to join?" Natsu asked.

"I might as well have some fun. Let's g-." Before Lucy finished her sentence Natsu pulled Lucy towards the table where the contest was being held. They took a seat between Erza and Gajeel.

"What are you doing here Erza?" Lucy asked a bit shocked that Fairy Tail's Titania was taking part in this.

"I wasn't interested at first, but the word 'contest' brought me here. Erza answered.

"What about you bunny girl? What's your reason for being here? The last time I heard bunnies don't drink." Gajeel said. Lucy turned her head towards Gajeel and replied.

"Natsu was the one that brought me here Lucy explained.

"The more competition the better. Don't expect me to hold back just because you're my friend, Lucy." Erza said with a serious face. Lucy sweat dropped and laughed nervously.

"Alright mages let me explain the rules before we start. Lucy looked up and saw Cana sitting on the table. "There will be rounds. In each round you will have to drink as much beer you can in a minute. It doesn't matter how much you drink as long as you do. Whoever is the last person standing is the winner. "Cana explained. Mirajane came out with two flags in her hands.

"Round 1. Start!" Mirajane said while raising the flags. Everyone started drinking the small cups that was in front of them. At the end of the round everyone in the contest was still up. Lucy drank five shots. Erza drank seven. Surprisingly, Natsu drank ten. Gajeel had nine. On the table, Cana had twelve. "Round 2. Start!"Mirajane said. A few people were starting to pass out. The first one in particular was Levy. Lucy then started to feel tipsy from drinking. She looked at Natsu and Erza. They were both staring at each other intensely.

"I'm going to beat you this time and it doesn't have to be in fighting!" Natsu shouted.

"Like hell I'm going to let you win!" Erza said. At the end of round two, ten people passed out.

"Round 3. Start!"Mirajane shouted. In the middle of the round things began to be crazy.

"Juvia will prove to Gray-sama that Juvia is a better drinker than her love rival!" Juvia said as she looked at Lucy. At this point mostly everyone became drunk. Even Lucy.

"NO! Lucy will win Gray-sama's heart!"Lucy declared as she slammed the cup down on the table. Everyone who was not drunk looked at Lucy with wide eyes. Where was Gray? You ask. He was on the floor sleeping after twenty shots of liquor. After seven more rounds there was only four mages left. The finalists were Cana(of course), Natsu, Erza, and Lucy(surprisingly). Everyone surrounded their table, cheering and making bets on who would win.

"Round 10. Start!"Mirajane said. Lucy laughed out of nowhere.

"Who needs winning when I drank what? Thirty-six." Lucy stood up and wrapped her arm around Natsu.

"Lushhee is right. Ima go back to m-" Natsu hiccupped before he could finish his sentence.

"I'll go wit you." Lucy said. Both Natsu and Lucy walked arm in arm, supporting each other.

"Come back here t-to finish this contest!" Erza shouted at them. She tried to walk towards them but fell face first on the floor and passed out.

"By default the winner is Cana!"Mirajane announced. Cheers were echoed in the room.

"Those amateurs can hold up their liquor pretty well." Cana said with an approving smile. "Who's up for another contest!" Cana shouted. The cheers died right after she finished talking.

"I better take my friend back to their house now." One of the mages said. "Me too." "Me too." "ME Too!" Everyone shouted in unison. Cana sighed and continued drinking. Lucy and Natsu just continued walking or staggering to Lucy's house. They laughed for no reason and people who walked by looked at them giving them strange stares. They finally reached their destination after a while. Lucy had difficulty opening the door. She even tried opening the door with her celestial keys. Once she opened the door they went inside.

"Ne, Natsu. Why did you want me to join the contest?" Lucy asked as she fell on her bed.

"I j-just thought it would be fun."Natsu said. Natsu walked towards her bed but slipped on a banana(AN: lol I just had to do it .). He landed on top of Lucy. Even though they were drunk they knew what the situation was. Natsu followed his instincts and kissed her. She responded back. It was a gentle kiss. They shared another one, but this one was more passionate and so was their night together. In the morning, Natsu woke up. He sat up and rubbed his forehead to make the pain go away. He looked around then saw a certain blonde. 'Looks like I ended up sleeping next to her again' Natsu thought. He took the blanket off and noticed he wasn't wearing any clothes. 'Crap!' Natsu thought. He pulled the blanket to wrap it around him, but ended up rolling Lucy off the bed and onto the floor.

"Oops" Natsu said. He heard her groan in pain. '3, 2, 1'