My first fanfic. Dunno if I did it right or not.
I don't exactly understand why you have to disclain things even if this is clearly a fanfiction sight where no one is writing original peices, but will do any how since I would prefer to not be sued.
Wait, I don't even know how to make a disclaimer. Was that good enough? Is someone going to report me? Will I be getting harassing phone calls from someone's lawyer? Do you want to read my story or what? Well scroll down and Read!
Chapter 1: Shaky
The ground jolted, throwing Finn off balance. Jake quickly stretched to save his friend from getting too friendly with the dirt.
"There it is again! What the math, dude?" Finn said, turning to his magical dog.
"Dunno. Maybe it's the fish people having a party. Ooh! we should go check it out! We haven't see Susan Strong in a while!" Jake said, easily distracted. Finn didn't forget about the weird land shakes, but decided that if they went underground, they might find the cause.
They reached the hatch that led to Beautopia, they knew they wouldn't be able to get down there, not this way.
"Oh my Glob." Jake said, his eyes widening. Nearly the entire field that was once taffy trees had collapsed into a monstrous crater.
"Dude, you don't think Susan and the fish people were down there, do you?" Finn asked, feeling suddenly panicked.
"Maybe. But they're probably okay." Jake assured. A large chunk of land crashed into the crater in the distance.
"I hope." He added quietly. Finn stood there a long time, staring into the yawning hole. He wanted to believe Jake. Even if they were down there, they probably would have been spooked by the earthquakes and been trying to get away from them. At that moment, another violent surge caught Finn off guard and sent him flailing down into the basin.
"JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!" He bellowed as the jagged bottom grew close. Jake snapped into action, jumping in after Finn, stretching his arms to secure him before expanding his body into a parachute form.
"I gotcha buddy." He said, as they floated gently to a somewhat even patch at the bottom.
"Yeah." Finn squeaked, gripping Jake's arms tightly. When they landed, Jake shrunk back into his natural form, chuckling.
"You were really freaked, huh?" he said.
"Not THAT freaked. I was just...surprised." Finn said self righteously.
"Yeah, whatever, you're just lucky Flame Princess doesn't know what a girly scream you have." Jake said roguishly.
"I DON'T SCREAM LIKE A GIRL!" Finn yelled, his voice breaking at the most inopportune time, making Jake roll around on the ground with laughter while Finn glared red-faced at him.
"Shut up Jake." Finn said.
"Hahahaha, 'I'm Finn and I scream like a girl'!" Jake said in a falsetto voice.
"I said shut up!" Finn hissed, trying to shut Jake out.
"It's cool bro, Jakey just likey making fun of your puberty!" Jake said, not getting it. Finn slapped his hand over Jake's mouth, listening hard.
"Be quiet!" he said. He thought he heard something other than his dog making fun of his squeaky voice. Jake mumbled behind his hand.
"Sh!" Finn shushed, letting go of him and walking toward the place he thought he heard the noise. There was faint moan to his right and Finn pounced on it.
"HELLO? CAN YOU HEAR ME? I HEARD YOU!" He called at the dirt. More barely perceptible murmurs.
"Jake! There's a voice under this mess!" he yelled over his shoulder, attacking the sod. Jake quickly stretched over.
"Oh yeah, man, I bet there's a body attached to that voice!" He said excitedly, helping. As they dug deeper, the voice got louder. At some point, Finn knew who it was and it made his hands go faster. Finally, a hand broke through.
"Susan!" Finn said, knowing he would recognize those meaty fingers anywhere.
"Stand back." Jake warned, squeezing his upper body down the small gap they had made and bringing Susan up.
"Susan! What happened? Where's the fish people?" Finn asked, crouching down next to her. He really didn't need to, she was almost taller that him sitting down too. She seemed to be holding herself like she was scared.
"Hey, it's okay, you're safe now." Finn said, patting her shoulder, brushing off some of the dirt. She didn't move.
"Oh, dude..." Jake said, staring.
"What?" Finn said cluelessly. Why was Jake gaping like that? He noticed that Susan Strong wasn't holding herself, there was something in her arms. Something that move and fussed. Susan had a baby with her.
So this is the part where I tell you that I messed up on this and that, but I think I did a pretty good job. With the story part at least. Yeah, the part with Fionna is going to come up, maybe not in the next chapter, but soon. I don't like to rush things. If you read this, thank you for giving my life meaning! ^.~