Jamie Knote is a high school girl with scars covering her arms and face. this is the story of how she got those scars and what the further result of that was. this story will eventually be a young justice fan fic but i havent worked my way there yet. please be pacent with me, this is just a hobby.
Jamie Knote seemed to be your average senior girl in high school. She was a strait "A" student without trying and the 1st lieutenant of the color guard. Normal brown eyes with normal brown hair, taller than average but not enough to be thought of as a basketball player. It wasn't like she was popular or well known or a favorite. She was just average.
No, no, no! You are not telling my story
This isn't some big and fancy story, with a narrator that sounds like he could be the voice of god in a movie. Nope, you get me. Because this is my story and this is how it needs to be told. So let's start over.
I seemed to be your average senior girl in high school. Not average in the way that I can't keep my legs closed and every boy I see is just another toy. No, way far from the true actually. Average as in I have normal brown eyes and brown hair. I'm the 1st lieutenant of the color guard. It's kinda funny, I have excellent hand-eye coordination in guard but in say basketball, I suck. I am taller than most girls my age and shorter than all the guys except for the shrimpy Freshmen. I'm not popular (thank goodness), not well known (even in the band, like I used to be), and I was only a favorite to one teacher (and my guard teacher doesn't count).
One not so average thing about me is my arms and face, well specificity what's on them. When I was 13, I was camping in the woods with my dad. As we were hiking around the mountain I got lost. Like I was told to, in the event that I got separated from the group, I stayed put. And so, of course, the clouds that had been looking threatening all day finally broke open and let all the water that it had been storing up during the drought loose. I climbed into the nearest tree so that I wouldn't be swept away by the runoff water. As I sat with my head resting on a tree branch above the one I was perched on, I felt a charge of ozone around me. I sat up and grabbed onto the branch I was sitting on and swung down so that I was hanging about 10ft off the ground. I wasn't quick enough to let go of the branch before the lightning struck my tree. The charge went through the tree and into my hands. Now what kind of story would this be without me have been making a fire earlier with lighter fluid that I managed to get on both arms, up to my elbows. That's right, it wouldn't be a very long story.
The fire burned from my fingers all the way to my elbows before I landed in the water that I had gone into the tree to avoid. Luckily, that little dip in the nice cold mountain water was enough to put out the fire. Now I am lost, burnt, wet and about to be unconscious. What luck I have, right? So at some point my dad finds me and rushes me to a hospital. They treated the burns and I got stitches in the gashes that I managed to get as I fell out of the tree. We didn't have enough money to get skin graphs to cover the burns so I have gross scars up to my elbow and three lines going from in between my eyes to my temple, I was lucky to have closed my eyes as I fell out of the tree, other ways I could have been blind in one eye.
That was four years ago, so the scars look more like I got mauled by something significantly larger than I am, as oppose to melted skin. I can put make up over the scare on my face but unless I wanted to always wear elbow length gloves there is no covering my arms and hands. And I live in Texas so wearing long sleeves is out of the question. But yeah, other than that I thought that I was normal. Little did I know that that wasn't just regular lightning. And again, just my luck.
I later found out that some mad chemist group called Eli Industries had created that storm and was using it to test some of their new matter altering electroids. They lost control of it and it grew and combined with the storm that was already forming. And of course it the lightning has to hit the tree that I was in.
Nothing was different in the tests that were done in the hospital, but after the wounds had healed and I only had scares left, I noticed something different. I was home alone while my dad was visiting his brother and my mom was at work. Like I normally do, I went upstairs to my room, ordered a pizza, turned on my music, grabbed a book and crawled in bed. I had just started a new book that was really hard to get into so I kept looking around my room. I got up and went over to my fish bowl and watched my two fish, Pabo and Bastiain. My mind wondered to what it might be like to breath under water, not having to come up for air or have to carry a bulky tank with your limited air supply in it. We could explore so much more of the ocean and so much deeper if we had gills.
I continued leaning against my dresser where the fish tank is and daydreaming about the underwater world when I realized I was having a hard time breathing. I straightened out my body hoping to regain the flow of oxygen. Whenever this happens I usually start breathing too much and then start to hyperventilate. So I just cut to the chase and did what I have to do in the event I do start hyperventilating, I grabbed a blanket folded it up and held it over my mouth so that I could still get air but not to much. And as if things weren't weird enough, I felt like someone was behind me, and breathing on my neck. I'm supposedly home alone and I think someone is behind me. I did what my dad had taught me to do since I was seven; I grabbed the knife I had stashed on my night stand, dropped thing blanket and turned around into my fighting stance.
There was no one there. But I know I felt the air moving on my neck, still holding my knife, I walked over to my mirror that was attached to my closet door, not to look at myself but to look behind me at my room. I do this to get a different perspective on things and try to figure out if something is out of place. I felt the breath again so I re-adjusted my focus to my neck. I just about fell over. I grabbed onto the door to steady myself and leaned closer, I had what looked like cuts in my neck. I Put down my knife and reached up to feel the cuts. They were perfectly formed gills. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, after holding it for a second I opened my eyes and let it out slowly. That was the breath that I first felt on my neck, I can't take air in through the gills but I can push air out.
That's when the doorbell rang. And again with my luck, right? So now I have gills and the pizza guy is waiting right outside. Crap. I yanked the pony-tail holder out of my hair and used my normal brown hair to my advantage. Grabbing my money, I raced down stair and opened the door.
"Hello," I said still having some slight problems breathing.
"Hi, one large pepperoni and black olive pizza for Jamie?" he asked.
"Yup, that's for me."
"Alright, that will be-"
"Here's a twenty, keep the change," I said trading the money for the pizza. "Have a good day!"
I went back inside and closed the door. I know that that was probably rude but he wasn't having to deal with gills randomly sprouting out of his neck, not to mention I tipped him way more than necessary. He should be happy.
I dumped the pizza one the counter and ran back upstairs to my room where I closed and barricaded my door. Walking slowly, I approached my mirror. Knowing what I was going to see didn't help the fact that this wasn't human. You have no idea how much I wanted those to go away, for me to wake up when the doorbell rings, to tip the proper amount and to eat my pizza in peace. Taking a deep breath I looked up at the mirror. And I just about fell over all over again. They were gone. My gills that had miraculously appeared had just as miraculously disappeared. I plopped down on my bed before gravity got the chance to take me down. Man, I can't take this kind of stress, it's not good for me I'm sure. And yes, I know I'm complaining. And I think the girl who previously had gills has a right to... So bite me.
After sitting there for a minute or two, my stomach started telling me it wanted the pizza that was waiting down stairs, getting cold. Yes, because when you have a heart stopping event in your life you still need the greasy deliciousness that is pizza.
i realized after the fact that i use luck a lot in here. this will all make sence in the future i promise. i also realize that i need to work on my writing style a lot. and suggestions would be awesome. please review!