Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon. I repeat, I do not own Digimon.

A/N: This is in Mimi's POV and also, this is Michi.

Chapter One- Lost and Found

I was walking home by myself from work with a dog following me.

Lately, that dog has been following me around. I'm not sure who that dog belongs to so I just decided to let it follow me around. When I tried to bring it home inside, it tried to run away. Well, once I actually brought the dog inside my apartment that I share with Sora and well... lets just say I had to spend all night cleaning up the house. I didn't know that a dog could make so much mess...

I slowly looked up at the sky from the ground and it seemed like it would rain very soon.

"I guess it's going to rain soon..." I said to myself. Than the dog behind me starting barking.

It's kind of annoying when he barks sometimes, especially when I'm trying to think.

The dog had a blue collar around its neck that said 'Courage and Light.' Whenever I looked at the dog, it reminded me of Taichi and Hikari. Especially Taichi...

It has been almost five months since me and Taichi broke up. I don't really like to think about that day because it brings me so much painful memories...


"Huh?" I turned around and saw someone familiar walking toward me.

"You found our dog!" Said the girl picking up the dog that has been following me around for days.

"Hey Hikari! I thought you and your family moved to Hiroshima." I was very surprised to see her. She and her family had moved to Hiroshima about three months ago. Than I thought for while and realized that Kari had said 'you found our dog' which meant that the dog must belong to her or something.

"We moved back here."

"When did you move back here?"

"About five days ago."

"Oh I see. So... that's your dog?" I asked pointing to the dog.

"His name is Rudy and it's actually Taichi's dog."

"Oh... Well, how did Rudy ended up getting here. I mean, do you live near here or something?"

"We were walking around this neighborhood about five days ago and Rudy got separated from us. He was chasing a butterfly."

"So, where do you live?"

"Near Yolei's house."

"Oh..." I looked at Hikari and she looked like she regrated saying that.

Me and Yolei used to be very close friends but... we had a fight about five months ago. She was the part of the reason why me and Taichi broke up with each other.

"Well, I better get home. I think it's going to be raining soon."

"Yeah I know. Well it was nice seeing you again. Bye." I waved to her as she left.

I slowly turned around and walked to the direction of the place I lived. It was only one or two minutes away.

I can't believe Taichi's back... I gave out a loud sigh. I hope I don't have to see him...

When I got home, I saw Sora talking on the phone. She soon hung up the phone and looked at me while I was placing my coat on a chair.

"Hey Mimi, I heard Taichi and Hikari moved back here just now from Koushirou."

"Yeah, I know. I just met Hikari outside and you know the dog that has been following me around?" Sora just nodded her head as in yes. "Well, it was Taichi's dog."

"Really? That's kind of strange if you think about it." Said Sora looking at the clock. Than suddenly she jumped up from the couch and got her coat.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"I got a meeting to attend in ten minutes! I'll be back late tonight." She quickly grabbed her keys and an umbrella and ran out the door.

I just gave another sigh for the hundredth time that day and not long after Sora left, I heard someone knocking on the door. I slowly opened the door and saw Hikari partly soaked from the rain with Rudy in her arms.

"Hikari! You're soaked." I let her inside and gave her some towel followed by a cup of warm tea.

"Is it raining that hard?" I asked her.

"Yeah. When I was walking home, it starting raining so I came running here since this was the nearest place that I knew."

"Did you see Sora?"

"Yeah, I saw her running out the door but I don't think she saw me though." With a towel, Kari cuddled Rudy and tried to dry him before saying anything. Rudy was shaking like a little baby bird that couldn't fly. "Is it ok if I stay here until the rain stops?" She asked me.


"Thanks! Can I use your phone? I think I should call home."

"Yeah sure." Right after I handed her the blue phone from the kitchen, she started dialing some numbers.

"Hello? Taichi?"


"Yeah it's me. It's raining very hard outside right now so I'm at Mimi's and Sora's house. Oh and guess what? I found Rudy."

"What? How did you find him?" He sounded very delighted to hear that Hikari had found Rudy.

"Well, Mimi found him a couple of days ago." Right after he heard Hikari say Mimi's name, he felt a little... strange?

"Really... Well I'll tell mom that you are at some friend's house."

"Thanks. Bye."


Taichi hung up the phone and laid down on his bed. He just thought about Mimi for a while as the old memories came back. Than suddenly, he stood up from his bed and slightly shook his head to get the memories out of his head. He didn't want the memories.


This is the end of chapter one and like I always say, please review! I'll try to get the next chapter up very soon.