iOmg Part 2
Chapter 23: iGet Revenge? Part Two
Carly's POV
Right now Mrs. Benson & I are at the police station trying to figure out where Sam and Freddie are.
"Well what we can do is try to track down where these text messages where sent from and that may be where your friends and son are. Do you know who might be involved in this?" Officer White asked
"Steven Carson, Nora Dershlit, Valerie Harris, Jonah King, Nevel Paperman, and Brad Summers. I know Brad did something with them for sure the others I'm not sure."
"How are you sure that this Brad guy did something to your friends?"
I showed him iBust A Jerk.
"We have a location sir," Officer Howard exclaimed.
"Where are they?!" We both shouted.
"An old warehouse at the edge of Lake Washington."
"Lets go."
****At The Warehouse*****
"You are both stubborn," Brad said after the 10th time shocking them.
"Nothing you do or say will make us cave," Sam said.
"Brad Summers, Nevel Paperman, Nora Dershlit, and Steven Carson you are under arrest!"
"Sam, Freddie!" I yelled as I went to untie them.
"Carly!" Sam & Freddie screamed.
"Freddie!" Mrs. Benson exclaimed
"Are you guys okay?"
"Were fine, Sam said.
"What is on your neck besides your Seddie necklace?"
"Shock collars."
"How many times did the shock you?" Mrs. Benson asked
"10 times."
"Oh my poor baby."
"What are we arrested for?" Nora asked.
"Kidnapping, assault, and breaking & entering." Officer White said.
"Are you kids sure you're okay?" Officer Howard asked.
"Were fine." Freddie said.
The officers drug Nevel, Nora, Steven, and Brad away and the 3 teens hugged. Happy that the four people they hatted most was taken care of for good. Freddie grabbed Sam's hand as they headed to the vehicles.
"So what happened?" Carly asked.
"Freddie was setting up the picnic when we got knocked out and when we woke up we were tied up here."
"Brad was trying to make us make a video telling the iCarly viewers that iBust the Jerk was a prank."
"So you guys never had your date?"
"Nope but we can try again tomorrow right Freddabag?"
"Of course Princess Puckett."
"Come on Freddie-bear. Lets go."
"Just a second mom."
"I'll see you guys tomorrow."
"Bye Freddie."
"Bye Baby."
Sam and Freddie gave each other a kiss and hug then he left. As Freddie hopped in his truck with his mom and Carly and Sam got in Carly's convertible the 3 teens felt as free as ever.
Will Carly, Sam, and Freddie's lives finally be clear of drama? What will Sam & Freddie do on there Re-do second date? Will Carly ever get a boyfriend? Questions to be answered soon. R&R please!