A/N: I need to apologize to those of you still following this story. My heart's not been in it lately. Besides the thing I alluded to in the A/N last chapter, that was me trying (and failing) to return to another passion of mine (theater) and Cory's death. This is one of the two stories I included Finn in (he was a minor character in Alas My Love). I want to continue the story, but I just don't know how many more chapters I have in me.

Chapter Eighteen

After helping with repairs in Silvestri, Rachel and Sam made good on their promise to Marilla and Matthew and returned to Allegretto to find their daughter. Also, Rachel missed her family, even though the mirror travels made them all so close. Rachel and Sam entered their suite in the Calligaris Castle, each carrying one of their twins. Sam smiled at little Helena, who was looking more and more like her mother every day.

Rowena stretched and yawned, going back to sleep in Rachel's arms. Rachel smiled, laying her daughter down in the cradle.

Sam laid Helena down by her sister and wrapped his arms around Rachel, kissing her temple.

"Come on, love," he whispered, seeing Emma entering their suite to watch over their twins.

Rachel smiled at Emma and followed Sam out of their suite to find the rest of their family.

"That's it, RJ, scoot over to Daddy," Jesse's voice said from his suite.

"Go ahead, sweetie," Santana encouraged.

Rachel and Sam knocked on the suite door, waiting for Santana or Jesse to answer.

"Good boy!" Jesse said from behind the door.

Santana opened the door and grinned, throwing her arms around her baby sister. "Where are your girls?" she asked.

"With Emma," Rachel said, smiling as she hugged her sister back. "They're sleepyheads."

Santana laughed as Jesse came up behind her, holding RJ on his hip.

Sam smiled behind Rachel. "Long time, no see, eh, St. James?" he said.

Jesse grinned, shaking Sam's hand. "Too long. Santi was wondering if you were ever coming back," he said, kissing RJ's head.

"I was not," Santana said, playfully glaring at her husband.

"We actually have a dual purpose in coming back," Rachel said, smiling at her little nephew.

RJ grinned and hid his face in Jesse's neck, playing the shy baby card.

"What's the second purpose, Rai?" Santana asked, allowing them inside the suite.

"We met the sweetest, elderly couple with the cutest little farm in Silvestri the other day," Rachel said. "And Sam and I promised to find their daughter and bring her back to the farm. Or at least talk her into reconnecting with her parents. It just doesn't seem fair for the two of them to run that farm all by themselves. We did get help for them in terms of the harder work on the farm, but their daughter is married to Lord Bridgeton and I'm sure the Lord and Lady could find a place on their estate for her parents to stay."

"Lady Marian is their daughter?" Jesse asked.

"You know her?" Sam said.

"We met her and her husband at one of the state dinners while you two were gone," Jesse said. "She did seem a little out of place and like she was trying too hard to fit in..."

Rachel bit her lip. "Did she seem happy?" she asked, worrying for Marilla and Matthew.

"Hard to say," Santana admitted. "She was very clingy with the husband...and kind of interested in ingratiating herself to Jesse and I as well as the others."

"Did you all try and convince her that you were normal people just like her?" Rachel asked.

Jesse nodded, stroking his son's back. "Some people are hard to convince of that," he said.

"I want to meet her," Rachel said. "I think Santana and I should pay the estate a visit."

Sam laughed. "I'm not arguing with her," he said to Jesse.

"We could bring the babies to soften the tone of the visit," Rachel suggested.

"Good idea," Santana said.

"So if Mom and Dad ask...we've gone to Bridgeton," Rachel said, kissing Sam's cheek.

Sam nodded.

Santana smiled, grabbing her cloak and taking RJ from Jesse. She kissed Jesse's lips softly, pulling away slowly. "Behave yourselves," she said.

Jesse smirked. "Hurry back, Princess," he said.

"I will," Santana promised, leading Rachel out and back to Rachel and Sam's suite.

Emma smiled at the princesses. "Back so soon?" she asked.

"Santi and I are taking the children for an outing," Rachel said, smiling.

"I see," Emma said. "Will you need an extra hand?"

"Not necessarily," Blaine said, grinning as he came up behind his sisters, holding Gil.

Noah grinned beside his brother, holding Beth's hand. "I can take one of the twins," he said.

Rachel looked at Santana who shrugged.

"Your links," Blaine said by way of explanation.

"We didn't even use them..."Santana said, eyeing her brothers suspiciously.

"Dad is going to..." Rachel started, Kick both your asses for getting into our heads without permission. She finished her thought to make sure Beth didn't pick up on it.

Puck and Blaine smirked.

"Come on, let's make it a family outing," Blaine said, putting his free arm around Rachel's shoulders.

"Fine, but we just may overwhelm the poor woman with the cuteness," Rachel said, winking.

Beth grinned. "Auntie Way said I cute," she said to Puck.

"Because you are, baby girl," Puck said to his daughter, kissing her head.

Santana frowned a moment. "Wait...she said something at the dinner the other night...I don't think taking the babies is a good idea..."

"Why not?" Blaine asked, bouncing Gil and making him laugh.

"The Bridgetons don't have any children," Santana stated.

"So?" Puck and Blaine said together.

Rachel looked at her sister. "Was she kind of...jealous of you and Jesse or something?" she asked, understanding a bit better than their brothers why this could pose a problem.

"Kind of, yes," Santana admitted.

Rachel smacked Puck on the back of the head. "You know why," she said.

"Oww..." Puck said, rubbing the back of his skull where she smacked him. "Same reason why the older ladies in our congregation back in Lima were trying to get me to date their mini-cougar daughters?"

"Yes!" Rachel said.

"I still don't get it," Blaine said, looking at his siblings.

"When a woman reaches a certain age and has no children but wants them, she gets jealous of anyone who has them," Santana explained. "I thought it was limited to Catholics and Jews, but apparently it's universal."

"Ohhh..."Blaine finally said.

"So...me and the babies can't go?" Beth asked, looking up at her father.

"Afraid not, Peanut," Puck said, crouching down in front of her. "You stay here and help Emma take care of them, okay?"

Beth nodded. "Kay," she said, kissing his cheek.

Puck grinned, hugging her to him. "Love you," he said.

"Love you too, Daddy," Beth said, breaking the hug and walking over to Emma.

Blaine and Santana put their sons in another crib beside Helena and Rowena's crib, smiling down at the babies.

Puck, Rachel, Blaine and Santana left for the carriage house, deciding to take one of the plain carriages to the Bridgeton Estate to meet with Lord and Lady Bridgeton. Puck and Blaine helped their sisters into the carriage before climbing in themselves and signaling to the driver to proceed to the Bridgeton Estate. The four of them passed the time in the carriage by singing some of their favorite songs. Rachel and Santana couldn't help but grin as the four of them sang in perfect harmony.

"Must be genetic," Puck said as they finished singing "Born This Way."

"Kurt will be so mad that he missed that," Blaine said, winking at his brother and sisters.

Rachel laughed. "It was one of his favorite songs," she said. "But I think he'll live."

"We're here, your highnesses," the driver called as the carriage stopped.

Blaine and Puck got out of the carriage and helped their sisters out as well. Puck and Santana approached the front door first, followed by Blaine and Rachel. Puck knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

The butler opened the door and bowed. "Your Highnesses...to what do we owe this honor?"

Puck grinned. "We're here on official business with the lord and lady of the house," he said.

"Are they expecting you, sire?" the butler asked.

"No," Puck said. "Does that change anything?"

"Oh no," the butler said, backing away. "I will tell them you're here."

"Thank you," Puck said.

When the butler was out of earshot, Rachel swatted at Puck. "That was mean," she said. "Using your station to intimidate that poor man."

Puck grabbed his sister's hands. "It got us inside, didn't it?" he asked her.

"Well, yes...but still," Rachel said, putting her hands down at her sides.

"You two...stop," Blaine pleaded with his brother and sister.

"Yes, please do," Santana said, smiling at the thirty-something couple that came into the foyer.

The woman (whom the foursome could only assume was Lady Marian) curtsied as soon as she caught sight of Rachel and Santana."We are honored that Your Highnesses have seen fit to visit our humble estate," she said, keeping her gaze downcast.

Rachel smiled. "I'm honored to finally meet you, Lady Marian," she said. "My husband and I met your parents a short time ago."

At her words, Lady Marian straightened up and looked uncomfortable. "Did you, Your Highness?" she asked, swallowing hard.

Rachel nodded.

Santana, Blaine, and Puck noticed the protective stance that Lord Bridgeton took at the mention of his wife's parents.

"They seemed very nice," Rachel said. "And I promised to try and helped them as best as I could."

"How so?" Lord Bridgeton asked, an edge to his voice.

"They're getting on in years, my lord," Rachel said, looking him in the eyes. "And my husband and I as well as his sister and brother-in-law agreed that they need help on their farm, so we helped them the day we met and we helped them get more permanent assistance...but I wanted to do more."

"Such as?" Lord Bridgeton asked.

"What my sister wants to ask," Puck said, holding Rachel's arm. "Is if your wife's parents can come and stay with you and live out their sunset years in comfort rather than toil."

"I suppose where you grew up that's how it works," Lord Bridgeton said, glaring at the four royals.

"Yes, in fact, it does," Santana said, glaring at the man. Blaine held her hand tightly so that she wouldn't pounce on him like a hungry lion on its prey.

"Here in Allegretto, it's not that way," Lord Bridgeton said. "I'll thank you all kindly to leave my property. Come along Marian." The man guided his wife from the room and the four Calligarises watched his wife look over her shoulder, frowning.

Puck led his brother and sisters out of the estate and back to the carriage.

"Did you see the expression on her face?" Rachel said to Santana.

"Like she wanted to help her parents? Yeah, I saw it," Santana said. "But her husband's too much of a prick to allow her to do so."

Puck and Blaine frowned.

"Those poor people," Blaine said.

"We'll help them out anyway," Rachel said. "Even if we have to build some kind of retirement home in all three kingdoms, people like Marilla and Matthew will be able to rest after a lifetime of hard work."

Santana smiled at Rachel. "You're getting selfless in your old age, Rai," she said.

Rachel laughed. "I know...scary isn't it?"

"Kinda yeah," Santana said.

Puck helped the girls into the carriage, letting Blaine in first before he climbed in. He signaled to the driver to head back to the castle.

"It wasn't an entirely wasted trip," Blaine said. "It got Rachel thinking like the old Rachel that I kind of missed."

Rachel grinned. "You're just saying that because you're my other half," she said.

Blaine winked at Rachel. "Maybe," he said.

"I think the retirement home is a good idea," Puck said. "There are probably quite a few older people in our countries who could benefit from that type of setting."

"Who are you and what have you done with my big brother?" Rachel asked grinning at Puck.

"I resent that, Rai," Puck said. "That really hurts."

"I was kidding, Nic," Rachel said, smiling.

A/N: Thanks to Lindsaylovespacey for beta'ing! Please leave a little love in the box! :)