A/N: Loved the response I got, so I figured I'd continue.

Chapter 2: You Want a Revelation

"Grandpa! How was m-" Henry's greeting was cut short when he got up from the couch in front of the TV.

"-om. Mom?!" His wide-eyed stare took in the sorely missed sight of his blonde mother.

"Well that's new. But can't say I don't like the sound of it." Emma said kindly as she stepped completely through the doorway towards her son. Her head was cocked a little to the side as she looked down on the boy, watching as his face scrunched slightly.

"Emma!" A slight oomph was exhaled by the woman as the ten year old boy-blur crashed into her middle. Her grip on him was just as hard as Henry's hold around her middle.

"I missed you so much." The muffled sniffle drifted up to Emma's ears as he buried his face deeper into the leather covering her stomach. Combing her fingers gently through his hair, a small smile curled her lips as she held back the sob she could feel coming on.

"I missed you too Henry."

"What happened to you? Where have you been? Are you wearing armor?" The boy's questions fired off rapidly one after the other. His eyes got wide as he pulled back from their embrace and he took in what she was wearing.

"Henry, I think we'll have to answer all that tomorrow. It's a bit late for questions. I'm assuming you still have a bed time." Snow piped up as she stepped towards her grandson and let go of James' hand. A glance at Emma showed the blonde's grateful look.

His face lighting up again at the sight of his grandmother, he gave her middle a heartfelt squeeze as well. As he moved back, he gave a puppy-eyed look up at the brunette's face. "Please?" His tenor voice drew out the vowels as he begged for stories of what had happened.

Tinkling laughter escaped her as she looked down at the wonderful boy she had missed dearly, along with her Prince Charming of course. Tapping his nose affectionately, she shook her head.

"Not tonight dear one. On the morrow when we get a chance we can talk all about our adventures. Just be patient for a little while." With a kind smile she turned him gently around and with a gentle push silently asked for him to get ready for bed.

His shoulders slumping a little, he sighed and nodded his head. He took the stairs two at a time as he made his way upstairs.

"He's gotten a bit bigger." Emma looked on as he disappeared around the corner.

"Yes, he's had a spurt of growth since you've been gone. Where have you been? Are you both...alright?" James stepped forward, his eyes scanning his daughter. He'd barely had time to get used to the idea that the Sheriff was his Emma. Not before she and his love had been ripped from him again.

A light hand rested on his shoulder, his head turned to look into the face of his beloved. "I'll tell you a small portion of it tonight. I really do think Emma should rest right now. It's been...harder for her in these last few days."

James' concerned eyes turned towards his daughter again, though her gaze hadn't left the spot where she had last seen her son.

"Is he staying in my room?"

"What?" Confusion came over Charming's face.

"Henry. Where is he sleeping?" Emma gripped her elbows as she turned away from the stairs.

"Yes. He...he wanted to be as close to you as possible." He so wanted to hold her, but from the way she shifted and held herself it didn't seem the gesture would be welcomed right now.

"I...I'll let him sleep. I'm going to take the couch." Emma turned, unhooking her sword from her waist and setting it down on the center table.

"Are you sure? I'm sure he wouldn't mind taking the couch or even sharing." James stepped forward as he reached a hand out to her.

The flinch that she barely suppressed was almost violent as she flitted to the other end of the couch and turned to fully face him. Her face was calm though as she shook her head a little and waved a hand dismissively.

"It's fine, really. I'm too tired right now to worry about sleeping arrangements tonight. I'm probably just gonna use the bathroom and pass out. You two…just go to sleep and we'll deal with most of this tomorrow, yea?"

The blonde's hands went to her side where she began to pluck at the ties that held the protective leather closed. Working efficiently, she was able to pull it off. Her black tank-top beneath it was a little worse for wear but still serviceable.

The two parents exchanged a glance but reserved whatever was on the tip of their tongues for later. Braving a quick, one-armed hug and a kiss to her forehead, Charming said good night.

Snow stepped forward after her husband had withdrawn and drew her daughter into a hug.

"Rest then. I know it's been…confusing, but we'll get through it all. Just like we've been doing, yes?" Her green eyes searched the hazel ones in front of her.

"Yea, we can soldier on." Exhaustion snuck into her voice as her shoulders slumped a little under Snow's embrace.

Giving one last squeeze Snow moved back to follow her husband.

The snick of the bedroom door could be heard in the quiet. Emma let herself fall to a seat on the couch next to her chest armor. She hung her head and let her palms press into her closed eyes and let out the sigh that had been clawing for escape.

Hazel eyes snapped open as the odd floorboard creaked. Heating and water pumps hummed quietly in the background and Emma clenched her eyes shut once more.

This world was noisy.

Growing up here all the background noise had faded into just that. The background. Now sound was the precursor to an action and was a sign of something, whether it was a fluffy animal or an enemy. The noise of suburban life niggled at her and made her twitchy.

An absent hand rubbed at her side as the sudden movement of her waking had stretched her healing cut unexpectedly. It was at that stage now where it was just itchy. An idle finger would move to scratch and pick at the scab annoyingly.

Catching herself, she exhaled forcefully as she raised her arm to cover her eyes.

Nights filled with anxiousness. Waiting on the edge for the next attack, for a growl in the darkness right where the fire light ended. Being in a place that was safe was odd and she wished that realization wasn't true.

Her whole life she wanted answers. Where she came from and who she was. After her crash course of where and who her parents were…well. The revelation wasn't as uplifting as she had hoped they would be.

Rolling to her side, she caught a glimpse of her sword on the center table where she'd placed it earlier. The thought that she wasn't far from her weapon let her shut her eyes and drift to an uneasy sleep again.

She rolled over, the feeling at the base of her spine tingling all the way up to her neck. Caramel eyes opened to see rumpled sheets and her bedroom wallpaper shaded in darkness.

Letting out an annoyed huff, Regina sat up slowly. The silk of her night clothes whispered against her skin as she ran a frustrated hand through her hair.

She has always had trouble sleeping to some degree. Whether it was memories or nightmares, her nights have never been for dreams or flights of fancies. The last few however have been increasingly uncomfortable. It was almost like a need to run or a tension in the pit of her stomach.

Looking out to the uncovered window, she let her mind drift as the moonlight filtered in. The quiet of the night was welcomed as it soothed her even if it was just a little. She much preferred the moon to sunlight. It wasn't as harsh or revealing.

Her mind rewound to a few scant hours back to the probable reason for her tension. Back again were the two thorns in her side that she had been working towards bringing back. For Henry. And maybe a little for herself.

The spark of guilt after they had disappeared had come as a surprise. With Snow, perhaps it was a dying remnant of what could have been. Before it all went wrong and she was just an innocent child to Regina. Not a liar or betrayer of secrets.

Now Ms. Swan, the source of her confusion. Magic aside, and that was a big question, there was just something there that Regina skirted. Thoughts and feelings of Henry were things she would always keep close. It took a while but she had come to the unfortunate conclusion that her son was a package deal with the blonde savior.

Coming to that idea had left a bad taste in the brunette's mouth. But the small smiles and gradual warmth that Henry had shown helped to bolster her resolve.

There were a lot of things she wasn't proud of. A lot of crossroads where she looked back and wished she had taken that other road. This would not turn into regret for her to look back on. Empty handed and alone again.

Henry...he would be something she could be proud of. She would be something he could be proud of.