Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS, NCIS: Los Angeles or any of their characters

Anything for a Friend

Callen made his way into his house at around eight pm. He took off his coat and dropped his bad before headed towards the stairs. It was then that he heard a noise coming from the back. He immediately took out his gun and slowly made his way into the kitchen towards the back of the house. He looked around and found nothing.

Callen was about to check outside when he felt a presence from behind him. He turned just in time to fend off an attack from two men. One the men tackled him to the ground, causing the gun to fall out of his hand.

Callen immediately kneed the man in stomach, causing him to double over, and then he rose to his feet. Just as he did though, the second man launched an attack on him. He though a punch, which Callen quickly dodged. Callen then through his own punch, knocking the wind out of the man.

Callen immediately went to go for his gun, but stopped immediately when he saw three more men waiting for him. One was a man he'd recognize anywhere. "Kort."

Kort smiled smugly. "Hello, Callen. I'm afraid you're going to have to come with us."


Tim made his way into the office the next morning and immediately went to take his seat. He was surprised to see that his partner was also there. "Hey, Kens. You're here early." Most of the time, Kensi was the last one in. She always made it on time, just usually last.

"Yeah, well, I may have forgotten to finish all my paperwork last night and Hetty may have called me at home and told me to be here an hour early to finish it," Kensi said.

Tim laughed. "Yeah, that sounds like Hetty."

Just then Sam walked in. "Morning."

"Hey. Where's Callen?" Tim asked.

"How should I know? Do I look like his mother? Don't answer that," Sam said when he saw Tim open his mouth to respond. He could just guess what their newest member's answer would be.

"Well, you have to admit, the two of you do show up at the same time more times than not," Kensi said.

"Well, not today," Sam said as he went to his desk next to Tim.

"It's true though. The two of you are usually like clockwork. You either show up at the exact same time, and you're usually bickering like an old married couple," Tim said. "In fact, if I didn't know any better…"

"Do you miss getting smacked upside the head? Because I could help you with that," Sam said as glared lightheartedly at his friend.

Tim just snickered in response. "Seriously though, I wonder where he is. This is late for him."

"Maybe he slept in," Kensi said.

They all looked at each other before speaking in unison. "Na!"

"Please, G would have to sleep period before he could sleep in," Sam said. He still remembered when his partner had stayed with him. It was like he was nocturnal. He barely ever slept. He kept Sam up more nights than not

"Well, I'm sure he'll turn up soon. We should get to work," Tim said before turning on his computer on so he could start working.


About an hour later, Callen still hadn't shown up. To say the team was a bit uneasy would be an understatement. Callen was rarely ever late. In fact, the only time he was was when his cover had been compromised and he had to go off the grid. So him being late did not bode well. It meant that something must have happened to him.

"Maybe you should try to call him again," Kensi told Sam.

"I tried three times. It went straight to voicemail. His phone is off," Sam said. That made him even more nervous than the fact that his partner was late. G never turned his phone off. They all knew better than that. Their jobs were too important and too dangerous for that.

When he was with Gibbs, this would be when Tim would've suggested tracing his phone. But Callen's phone did not have GPS locator chip. None of their phones did. It was a safety precaution in case someone managed to get the code or something.

Kensi looked towards Hetty's office and saw that the woman was on the phone. From the look on her face, it seemed as though she was screaming at the person. "Hetty has been on the phone for nearly a half an hour. You think she knows whatever is going on?"

"It wouldn't surprise me. Hetty knows everything before the rest of us," Sam said.

"I think we're about to find out," Tim said as he watched Hetty slam the phone and walk out of her office.

"The Operations Center. Now," Hetty ordered before heading towards the stairs.

The others immediately jumped up and followed quickly. They walked in to see Eric and Nell at their stations. They both looked surprised to see them there.

"What's going on?" Eric asked.

"That's a good question. Hetty, is this about G? Do you know where he is?" Sam asked.

"What do you mean? Is Callen missing?" Nell asked.

"It seems that way. He's an hour late," Tim said.

"Oh God," Eric said. He knew very well the severity of that. Callen was never later. He was usually early.

"What could've happened?" Nell asked.

"Was he kidnapped?" Eric asked in concern.

Hetty put up her hand to stop everyone from talking. "Mr. Callen was not abducted. At least not in the traditional sense."

"What do you mean, Hetty?" Kensi asked. She didn't like the way she said that. It sounded like something very bad had just gone down.

Hetty took a deep breath. "Mr. Callen was arrested by the CIA."