Title: Sleep Undisturbed (Let Your Fears Rest Easy)
Summary: 'Damian's fears could rest easy another night. Tomorrow night, he knew he would do the same thing, but for now, he could rest.' One-shot. Please read & review!
Characters: Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne
Genre: Family/Hurt/Comfort
Pairing: None. Parental!Bruce/Damian
A/N: Not much to say on this one. Just DaddyBats and Dami fluff. :) The title (or actually titles—I couldn't decide which I liked better—I just picked one of them for this) make it sound dramatic, but it's not really. ;P Enjoy~
Headcanon (from incogneat-oh on tumblr): Damian's checked in on Bruce at least once a night since his return.
Damian crept down the hallway silently. He stopped in front of the door to his father's room, taking a deep breath. He's alright, he repeated mentally and opened the door.
His father was lying on his bed, not moving. The boy's heart nearly stopped. A glare filled his eyes, shielding the panic. He darted over, repeating the thought over and over.
Breathing. A slight rise and fall of his chest. Alive. Damian's fears could rest easy for another night. Tomorrow night, he knew he would do the same thing, but for now, he could rest.
Hesitantly, the ten-year-old touched his father's shoulder. Then he ran back to his room, not wanting to wake his father. When he was two and woke his mother for no real reason, she was never happy with him. He didn't want the same thing to happen now that he and his father were finally working out their issues. Adding another was not an option, and Damian wouldn't open that door. Not for anything.
Crawling into his bed, Damian pulled the black sheets over his head. He held them over the top half of his face. A pitiful imitation of his father's cowl, but it was enough for him. So long as no one saw him like this, it would do. Settling down and pressing the side of his face into his pillow, he closed his eyes and breathed normally for the first time all night.
Bruce was motionless on purpose. He let Damian believe that he was asleep. The boy desperately needed the security of knowing he was alright, without feeling the need to justify being worried about him. Every night, Damian came in to check on him, and every night, he let Damian come in and leave assuming he was unnoticed.
After about ten minutes, he quietly got up and went to Damian's room. He opened the door cautiously, in case the child was still awake. When there was nothing, he went inside, stopping next to his son's bed. Damian was lying on his side, facing the wall. His bed sheet was pulled up and over the top of his head, covering his forehead as well. It looked like it had been covering his eyes originally, too, but he had snuggled down, and the sheets had been pushed up. The ten-year-old's hands were closed in tight fists around the material, gripping tightly, and his eyes were squeezed shut.
Bruce smiled, pulled a blanket over him, tucked it around him, and left the room, letting Damian sleep undisturbed.
A/N: This one feels so incredibly short...ah well, I love Damian. :) He's so cute~ And DaddyBats, of course. Love DaddyBats. :D Please review! All reviewers get free cookies~ Reviews are beloved~ So please review! :D Au revoir until next time~