Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or The Avengers
Bruce was agitated. They were in Egypt. And it was hot. Fucking blazing. Bruce wiped the sweat off his brow as he wove his way through the crowds of Cairo following behind a briskly moving Harry.
Well, Tom at the moment.
Bruce made sure to always firmly remind himself that they were two separate people. Tom may have Harry's face, and Harry's body, but that was where their similarities ended. Bruce's Harry wouldn't prowl through the streets with a demanding aura that had other people moving out of his way. He wouldn't carry this intensely focused frown, and he wouldn't look at Bruce as if he were the bane of the young man's existence.
But that was alright, because most of the time Bruce still had Harry. And Harry is so perfect, Bruce would put up with anything to stay with him…even Tom.
So when Harry asked if they could go to Cairo because Tom wanted to look for something, Bruce had reluctantly agreed.
At the time they had already entered Egypt, but had planned to head north as quickly as possible. Bruce thought it was best for both of them to avoid the crowds and authorities in the cities and suburbs and maybe settle for a few weeks in one of the rural farm towns.
"What could he possible want in Cairo?" Bruce asked annoyed. It had taken awhile, but Bruce had gotten used to the casual way Harry referred to Tom and Tom's wants and were cuddled together in bed in a small hotel on the edge of Abu Simbel. It was their first night in a bed in over a month, and Bruce looked forward to enjoying Harry in unusual comfort.
It was the mention of Tom that was quickly killing his good mood. Bruce adored Harry, but overtime as Tom made more appearances, it was like having Harry taken from him.
"I'm not sure, but I think he's looking for something he left there", Harry answered pleasantly.
"I didn't know you'd been to Cairo before" Bruce answered. When he considered it, Bruce realized he had never asked his companion much about his life or his travels. Bruce had assumed that if Harry couldn't remember how he'd gotten to the middle of the amazon, we wouldn't remember being anywhere else either.
"I've never been to Egypt before." Harry corrected him.
Bruce had decided to let the issue rest.
Bruce believes Harry when he says he's never been to Egypt before, but the confidence that Tom weaves through the alleys with, speaks of great familiarity.
Tom finally entered a small side shop. Bruce is sure he wouldn't have noticed it if Tom hadn't entered. The store front is entirely unmarked and has no windows. A small bell rings when he enters the shop.
" - لص!", Bruce hears a deep voice ring out from inside the shop. Before he can even step inside,Tom barrels out of the store, knocking Bruce out of the way and running at full speed down the alley, clutching a small chest in his hand. Three large men quickly follow. Bruce throws himself at them, stopping them from following Harry. Bruce could care less what happened to Tom, but he won't let anyone hurt Harry.
All four of them fall hard. He hears a gunshot ring out. Bruce has just enough time to see Tom disappear around a corner before he is roughly thrown back into a wall by one of Tom's pursuers.
"وأنت تسير إلى الأسف أن، الرجل الصغير. لماذا لا تخبرنا قليلا عن صديقك؟", One of the men says smugly while cracking his knuckles.
A burlap sack is thrown over his head while one of the men holds him. The sack is suffocating in this heat. Bruce forces himself not to hyperventilate at the reduced oxygen. He knows if he stays calm, it won't be enough to kill him. As the world grows dark Bruce wonders if Harry is okay.
Bruce wakes up sometime later in a vehicle. He figures its probably a van since he has enough room to lay down. The air conditioning takes the humidity out of the air, so he can breath easier. After a long drive, Bruce is roughly maneuvered out of a truck, and the burlap sack is removed. Bruce hadn't struggled or tried to escape. He knew if he let himself become over agitated the big guy would make an appearance, and he couldn't let that happen in the middle of a city. Bruce knows how this will end for his kidnappers and he can't say he feels sorry for them.
Bruce was relieved to find out that he had been transported out of the city. It was dark now and even in the distance he couldn't see many lights.
Bruce could feel the cold touch of metal on the back his head. His heart started pounding. He remembers clearly the last time he was shot in the head. It had been a desperate attempt to end his life, and like everything else, it hadn't worked.
"Trust me. You don't want to do th-" Bruce was cut off as a bullet entered the back of his head. Pain exploded through his head and the world went dark. He gladly let the big guy take over.
Bruce woke with a shock as he felt something hit his head. It was just a drop of water. He could hear the rain falling outside. He looked around was on the top loft of a small barn. Laying on top of him is Harry. Its still dark outside. He lays awake in the barn till morning.