The group still had a lot to teach super-boy That day they taught him to Google himself, witch ended with a lot of shirtless pictures. This then lead some of the team to search them selves:

"hey rob lets Google our-selves." says a bored Wallace west rolling around on Richards bed.

"why not/" was all robin said as he typed into Google "kid flash"

"Wow there's a lot of pics of me running" says Wally, getting a look from robin as if he just said 'omg I'm ginger!'

"of course there is Wally that's all you do." said a smirking robin. Wally glared at him then grabbed the laptop typing in robin, before dick even noticed Wally had moved. Wally sat on the bed and starred at the screen.

"there just lots of acrobatic pictures" Wally says bored.

"then search our names together see if you get any bro fist pictures." Dick says sitting behind Wally to see the laptop screen. The second the words were search, it came up with 'did you mean: birdflash'

"cool we have our on name!" Wally clicked on it. The seconded it loaded both boys admitted a dark blush, the first picture was a fan picture of them as anime characters kissing.

"is that us making out." says Wally, hoping robin will say 'yeah, you want to try' but all he got was a little squeak from the boy behind him.

".. I think it is and I don't remember that happening.." squeaked out the young boy after finding his words again.

"it wish it had." Wally said under his breath, he had meant to say it in his head not out loud. Robin heard it and whispered back the same way

"so do I." the ginger froze and the younger boy hid his face in his hands, this is definitely not how these two thought there confessions would be.

It just happened, its my mind baby! I thought of it, wrote it and now you have read it. I was hyper and there was the computer, so aw well.

One -shot, like always if you want more just ask and ill try.

love you all!

Stay chalant. Hope your trout, whelmed and always feeling the aster. Crash your mode and keep noted. steam-panda out!