Hey, I am back. I know I told you this fic was complete and over. Last day I read it again and was like why don't I try to write an Epilogue and here it is. I hope you will like it. Read and Review!


Isabella looked in the mirror. Behind her Gretchen was doing something awful to her her head that Isabella gasped in pain.

" Stop attacking my head, will ya?" Isabella shrieked. Gretchen rolled her eyes. Her auburn hair was tied up in a ponytail and she pressed her glasses against the bridge of her nose as she concentrated on an intricate braid on Isabella's hair. From the bed in her room, Katie giggled. Her beautiful blonde hair was not in its usual pigtails, instead it hung loose. It was comic, to see Isabella shout at them for doing beautiful things to her hair.

"Come on, chief…just a little more work to do…and its done" said Ginger. She looked so happy. She was almost hysterical that Isabella felt nervous. And that was hard to believe. She was Isabella Garcia- Shapiro. She was the Fireside Girls Troop Leader. She was someone who had achieved most of her patches in the least amount of time. She was supposed to be confident and calm. Not tensed and nervous with wedding jitters. Wedding. Wedding.!!!

Isabella blinked a few times. She couldn't believe it. She was getting married. To Phineas Flynn. All her dreams were coming true. This was the moment she had always dreamt of. The moment she always wanted. Its been so long…the wait, until Phineas finally told her how he felt. Isabella blushed at the memory of that day…the Ferris wheel, the fountain and Phineas, in front of her, his face nervous and yet a bit confident. She smiled. It was the day she promised to never forget. It was the day, she half died…out of happiness. And now, today will be added to her list of unforgettable days.

Holly hummed a tune as she straightened out the wrinkles of her dress. The fireside girls had decided to wear matching dresses, being Isabella's bridesmaids. When finally, Gretchen was done with Isabella's hair, she sighed. Isabella looked at the full length mirror. She looked absolutely dashing. A blush crept up to her cheeks and Adyson let out a wolf whistle, which made her blush some more.

"Adyson!" Isabella whisper yelled.

Adyson giggled. She looked at the other Fireside girls. They were all practically bouncing with happiness.

"I can't believe its happening…" said Ginger and then in a low tone added "..we are not even young anymore….can you believe it?" Holly rolled her eyes. Seriously Ginger was getting a little paranoid. Over nothing.

When Isabella was all ready, the Fireside Troop members gathered together and stood in front of her singing the Fireside girl Anthem. Isabella almost choked over her own happiness. This was everything she had dreamt of. As Mrs Garcia-Shapiro entered the room, the girls spilled out downstairs.

"Oh my god…Isa you look beautiful…I am so happy for you baby" she said and kissed her on the top of her head.

"I love you mom" she said…she was on such a big emotional rollercoaster. She felt her mom pin something to her hair.

"There….something old and blue" she said. Isabella smiled lovingly.

"Now now baby, don't cry….its your day…" she patted her daughter on her back and led her downstairs. Everybody drew in a breath at the sight of Isabella. She looked absolutely gorgeous. Isabella blushed.

As the music played, Isabella remembered the day they set a wedding for Phineas and Ferb's aunt and uncle. It was a fun day. As she walked down the aisle, she noticed Phineas. His eyes widened at the mere sight of her and then he blushed, which almost made Isabella giggle. Phineas was so adorable sometimes. Candace looked beautiful in her dress. She looked proud of herself, she was the one who had set the wedding.


Somewhere underground, doobee doobie doobaa doobie doobee doobaa Agent P!! Perry slid down the glass slide into his seat, where Major Monogram was patiently waiting for him on the screen.

"I am extremely sorry about this Agent P, I know its difficult for you…with Phineas' wedding and all" Perry gave off a bored look. "…but its Doofenshmirtz again. He is up to trouble." Major Monogram looked calmly at Perry.

"Sir, he is always up to trouble" said Carl from behind the camera. Perry made a sound. "See Agent P agrees with me too" said Carl.

"Oh shut up Carl…now agent P…stop that man!"

Perry jumped off from his seat and landed neatly on an airplane. On the screen showed the location of the Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc. building. Perry locked the target and flew the plane…jumping out of it as the plane reached above the building and his parachute let him land safely on the roof.

…~*Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc*~…

Dr. Doof looked around his room. It was time for Perry the Platypus to arrive. But he wasn't there yet. Somehow it made him tensed. He looked at his RockMusicinator Inator. Wondering if Perry the Platypus had somehow come in without his notice, Doofenshmirtz leaned down to lift the clothing over his inator when Perry broke his glass window, again and came inside.

"Perry the Platypus not that window AGAIN!! Why not try the other window next time??"

Perry looked at Dr. Doof with boring eyes. But the moment didn'tlast long as a pair of chains tied up his forelimbs and feet, fixing him in his place.

"Ha! Perry the Platypus….I was wondering why you were late…you see I am running out of time to tell you the story of how I always felt neglected…" Dr. Doof looked at Perry. "I know Perry the Platypus…all my stories have me being neglected…but this one is new…so you better listen…."

Perry stared at him. He noticed that the chains were loose enough to move a little.

"When I was young, my mother was always interested in my brother…he used to play melodies and she would clap for him. I liked rock music and she never liked those…You see Perry the Platypus, I wanted to show my mother that my taste in music was not bad…but she wasn't interested. So I have decided to make the entire tri-state area listen to rock music. And within an hour….people will be running mad…my inator makes people go mad when they hear this music!!!" Doofenshmirtz looked triumphant and turned to see Perry. Only Perry wasn't there.

"Ouch!" he gasped as Perry kicked him from his left side. "that hurts Perry the Platypus!!" He ran to his inator and switched the Activate button. Perry's face paled. Soon the machine started vibrating and a rock song started playing out.

"Nothing can stop me now!" said Dr. Doof. And then a ray of white light started coming from the Inator. Perry jumped to its top and the machine fell down,but sent a ray to the opposite direction.


"You look amazing…Isabella" whispered Phineas as she got near him. The vows were exchanged…their faces shone with happiness and affection. Just as Phineas and Isabella leaned in for their kiss, a loud bang echoed throughout. Everybody looked around. Candace looked pale…almost white. Just then Ferb came out with a mic singing…

Bow chika vowaw…

that's what my baby said…

Mowmow maw…

and my heart starts thumping…

Chikachika choo waw…

never gonna stop…

Gitchie gitchie goo means that I love you…

And then Baljeet got onstage singing…

From the mountains of the Himalayas…Through the valleys of Kashmir…My forefather and their forefathers….

Dancers came up from both sides of the stage…Isabella and Phineas were astonished. Their friends were singing the songs that they had sung during their old summer days…

Just then the Fireside girls joined with more songs…Isabella really wanted to go join them with their dance. Phineas did too. But they stood there and enjoyed the show. Mr. Fletcher and Mrs Flynn Fletcher looked amazed. Mrs. Garcia Shapiro and other elders were enjoying the show. Phineas noticed that Amanda, Candace's kid joined the dance along with Buford, Irvin and even Suzy, Jeremy,s little sister,who was not so little anymore.


"Perry the Platypus, what did you do?" Dr. Doofenshmirtz ducked as he saw the ray coming towards him. It hit the mirror on his wall and reflected back. He smiled an evil smile as the ray went outside the broken glass window. "you can never stop me now…ahahaha!!!"


Just then the music changed. Everybody looked around. It was rock music everywhere. Loud enough that the whole town was listening to it.

"wow!" exclaimed Phineas. He took Isabella's hands and they moved to the dance floor along with the Fireside girls and others…. "This is awesome" said Isabella. Everyone started dancing like crazy.

Ferb had no idea from where the music was from. But it was fun,and it was like their summer again…things happening without them doing. So probably it'll be gone by itself too. Ferb looked around. Perry was nowhere to be found.


"you can never stop me now…ahahaha!!!" But his smile vanished as he saw Perry flip the machine over, sending its top flying over the room, hitting on the wall where its Self Destruct button pressed against the wall and the machine started its countdown…5…4…3...

Perry took off from the building through the same window.


Cu….rse you Perry the platypus!!!


There was a flash of blinding light. Then suddenly the music stopped. Everybody looked around. Phineas and Isabella looked at each other. Baljeet set their player into the Love Handel song as if nothing had happened.

I should've known from how I felt

When we were together

And even more when we were apart…

Phineas looked lovingly at Isabella. Isabella blushed. They were slow dancing now.

"That's our song!!" said Lynda and started slow dancing with Mr Fletcher.

You tiptoed in…

and you got under my skin…

You snuck your way right into my heart...

Baljeet danced with Ginger and Candace with Jeremy. Amanda stood with Suzy, the little girl so happy with the celebration.

I put up barriers to shield my emotionsA wall that you could never break apartBut like a ninja of love…repelling down from above..You snuck your way right into my heart...

Phineas leaned in for a kiss. Isabella blushed again and closed her eyes. As their lips met, she felt fireworks go up in her head. Somewhere someone in her head told her that this was not a dream. Isabella hugged Phineas tightly.

As they broke apart, Phineas exclaimed "oh there you are Perry!"


How have you guys been?? I really missed you. Do let me know how you feel about this.