Sorry for the delay posting this chapter! I got some help on this one from my new bud, Somniac7. His critiques and advice really helped me through this chapter... so thanks again! :) Definitely going to him if I need help with my chapters again. I listened to Toxic by Yael Naim on REPEAT while working on this chapter (hence the chapter title) but seriously if you haven't listened to it I strongly encourage you do while reading! I know this is the chapter you've all been waiting for so I really hope it meets your expectations! I worked really hard on it! I'd appreciate feedback and comments! Thanks!

Chapter Sixteen . Toxic

- Maka -


Maka's muscles were tight, her chest crashing upon her unsteady heart. Her heart rate pulsed throughout her body in her veins, like liquid fire sending her senses ablaze. Her breath whispered past her quivering lips which hung slightly agape from shock, and cautious anticipation. And the warmth which radiated from her entire body burned on her checks in an over-saturated hue of pink. Each quick gasp she took her gut would churn in another tight knot until it squeezed at her lower stomach building on the gnawing sensation of want, desire and hope.

Soul hovered above her, his knees pressed into the bed on either side of her hips and his hands gripped her shoulders; trapping her beneath him. He was breathing heavily, Maka could tell from the way his shoulders quickly rose and fell. And if that wasn't enough, his heartbeat was an uneven drum solo...or maybe it was her own. His eyes, jagged crimson, searched her face, reflecting the same mix of shock and confusion she felt. It disappeared though, behind those maroon hues as he leaned down, slowing closing the gap between the two of them.

Their wavelength, like an electric voltage, emitted a low hum within the two of them, reverberating when their chests got closer.

His hand reached for her, gently cupping the side of her face while his thumb stroked her warm cheek. His fingers trailed down, following the edge of her jaw before gliding back up to her neck and tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"S-soul... w-what're you doing...?" Maka stuttered, her lips fluttering nervously like butterfly wings.

"You're so soft." Soul murmured before nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck, making her flinch. His breath making her visibly shudder beneath him.

Maka froze when her neck came in contact with something warm and wet. "ah, Soul s-stop.." She shuddered and grabbed a fist-full of bed sheets in each of her tiny hands while he continued to torment her. His tongue moved leisurely along her neck, leaving a hot burning sensation in its absence. It traveled up to her ear where his sharp teeth grazed her earlobe before nibbling on it. "S-soul stop, please." Maka pleaded, squirming beneath him.

"Why?" He challenged quietly, continuing with his ministrations.

She pulled away from him and huffed, her heart rate haywire and face deep red with an ever-present blush. "Why are you doing this?" She questioned breathlessly, swallowing the nervous lump that had formed in the back of her throat. "Tell me Soul, why-ah.." Maka squirmed once more as he bent back down and peppered little kisses along her neck and jaw line, trailing up to her cheek.

He stopped and studied her emerald eyes, delicately shielded by her long eyelashes. "I think I'm in love with you, Maka." Soul whispered, his breath ghosting on her face before he leaned down close and his lips came in contact with hers.

Electricity shot through Maka, as if both their wavelengths had touched and this was the taste. Maka couldn't suppress herself any longer, the insufferable need for him to touch her was driving her mad, intoxicating her more than any black blood would. She could feel his lips on hers, persuading her to move them with his. Maka shivered and sucked in a quick breath. She released the breath, giving him the opportunity to flick his tongue in the part her lips had created. Maka's body tingled with nerves, which he could probably feel, just as much as she could feel him murmur her name on her lips. Maka brought her arms around his neck, letting her fingertips sift through the hair on the back of his neck and pulled him closer.

Soul pressed a hand on the bed beside her head as Maka's lips gradually warmed up to his. Again, his tongue slipped out and slid across Maka's lips, gently nudging them to open. Maka sighed and parted them, at last allowing him entrance. A low groan emitted from the back of Soul's throat as he obliged, and his hand cupped the back of her neck. His tongue flicked into her mouth and greedily explored it. His lips slanted across hers as he deepened the contact and flicked his tongue around hers.

Maka's gut twisted at the sound, warmth pooling inside of her lower abdomen. She felt clumsy and inexperienced, unsure of how to move her tongue with his. He pulled away for a moment and their uneven breaths mingled. Their lips brushed each others, before his tongue licked her bottom lip and he nibbled it. Maka curled her toes, a moan escaping her lips as she wiggled beneath him. Soul's reaction surprised her. His lips were on hers once more, but much bolder. They pressed across hers, slipping to the corner of her mouth and back down her jaw and neck. His tongue licked her neck in circular motions before he sucked on the sensitive skin.

"Soul." Maka breathed heavily, finding her fingers weave through his white hair. She felt dizzy and hot, her senses swirling with him. She reached up and tugged him down so that they were facing each other. She then shyly bent forward and licked his neck, peppering kisses along it until she reached his collarbone. She hesitated, glancing down at his already bare chest, noticing his scar. Feeling a bit bold, she extended a hand and ran her fingers along his chest -something she always wanted to- and followed the path of his scar with a finger. She could feel Soul twitch beneath her touch, hear his ragged breath. She paused once more, her fingers still on his scar. She felt his eyes fixate on her. Maka leaned down and ran her tongue along his scar-

"Fuck, Maka!" Soul released a groan and grabbed her suddenly, pushing her back beneath him. A blush dusted his own cheeks, making Maka's turn darker. Soul's hands rested on her sides for a moment before he began to slide them up and down, his thumbs brushing beneath her shirt to skim her hips. The touch brought on a warm pulsing sensation from between her thighs, something that was foreign to Maka. She shifted her legs, hoping to relieve the uncomfortable feeling. She panted and rolled her hips, lightly brushing against Soul. The movement elicited a deep growl from him. He pressed his body against her, and the pulsing feeling from her lower abdomen felt like a throb. She experimentally pushed her hips up against him again, and the action brought something hard to press against her.

Soul's hands became more daring as they slipped up Maka's shirt, along her ribs and stopped right below her breasts. His crimson eyes flicked back on Maka, gauging her reaction. Wordlessly, she helped pull her shirt above her head where Soul took it and disregarded it to the floor before settling his gaze back on her.

Maka immediately reached up to cover herself, a hot blush moving all the way down to her neck. "D-don't just look at them like that." She said nervously, crossing her arms over her bare chest.

"You're beautiful, Maka." Soul encouraged in a husky voice. He pulled her arms away and held both her hands above her head. With his free hand, he squeezed her breast -a feeling that could bring him to his knees. With sudden urgency, he released her hands and used both of his to massage her breasts, occasionally squeezing them.

"Nnngg.. Ah!-" Maka was silenced by Soul's hungry, demanding lips. The kiss was different from before...hotter. Their tongues tousled each other, his lips slanted over hers so that he could delve his tongue deeper into her mouth. Soul pinched her nipples and Maka daringly sucked on his tongue, making him tense above her. When at last they broke apart, both Meister and Weapon were panting, and a trail of saliva stretched from each of their tongues.

Maka took a deep breath, waiting for her heart to slow. She peered up at Soul, surprised to see the glimmer of his sharp teeth in a half-grin. "What?" Maka demanded, pouting in embarrassment.

"I'm just surprised you haven't Maka-chopped me yet." Soul chuckled sheepishly, bending forward to brush her bangs from her face.

"Don't tempt me." Maka tried to sound angry, but her voice wavered.

"Speaking of.." Soul mused quietly, rolling on his back and bringing Maka with him.

Maka settled on top him, her hips straddling his; the thin fabric of her shorts and his boxers the only thing between them. Her face darkened at the thought. She could feel Soul watching her again. She shifted her weight nervously and Soul went rigid beneath her. Suddenly, something hard poked against her butt. As soon as realization dawned on her, her face ignited with a dark blush; matching the crimson shade of Soul's eyes. She was sitting on Soul's fucking boner. Her name caught her attention though-

"Maka," Soul murmured, "do that again, please." He breathed.

Maka bit her lip at his request. She was so nervous and embarrassed... and yet, seeing Soul beneath her shudder from just a little touch lured out an instinctive, primitive need to continue. She meekly obliged, wiggling atop him again. He gasped, and Maka intimately rolled her hips against his, curiously pressing weight against the foreign bulge as well.

"Holy shit." Soul hissed, making Maka shiver with excitement and nerves. He reached for her to pull her down with him but Maka stopped him. Soul studied her questioningly, but she adverted her attention down low.

Maka slipped down Soul, carefully bringing a hand forward to palm at the tent in his boxers. Soul froze immediately, a quiet strangling noise coming from the back of his throat. She continued her ministrations however, gradually building up the confidence to stroke his entire length. He quivered in her hands and Maka squeezed it. Soul released a loud moan, which surprised the inexperienced Meister. When she glanced back down, his boner poked through his boxers making Maka squeak nervously. Gathering her confidence once more, Maka leaned down and kissed the tip of it, quickly pulling away to lick his pre-cum from her lips. She blinked in surprise when she felt more dribble on her fingers.

Soul grabbed at her, pushing her back on the bed and his lips were instantly on her. Maka responded immediately, opening her mouth and taking him in. She could feel his hard-on throb between her thighs, pressing against the thin fabric of her shorts. He could so easily slip himself inside her, but he didn't. Instead, she felt his hand trail down her body and slip off her shorts. His fingers skimmed her panties, before one slipped around them and curiously poked at the sensitive area that had throbbed all this time. The touch sent shivers crawling all over Maka's skin.

"You're so wet.." Soul marveled quietly, pulling his finger away to inspect it. His crimson eyes flicked back to his Meister, before he curiously sucked on his finger. He grinned, and licked his sharp teeth identical to his expression when he ate a good soul-. Maka shuddered nervously, feeling extremely exposed now that he pulled away at her panties.

His fingers were back on her, delicately stroking at her folds. Each touch driving Maka further over the edge. When at last she thought his tortuous ministrations would end, his finger slipped inside her. Maka moaned out loudly, squirming along the bed. She could feel his finger swirl around inside her, making a "c'mere" motion. Maka shut her eyes and groaned as another finger slipped inside her. It hurt, but it felt good all at once. One more finger and Maka was crying out his name, panting with need, wantonly displaying her lust for him. Finally, Soul pulled his fingers out and spread them apart licking each of them clean.

Both Meister and Weapon's breath was ragged and uneven. Their wavelengths buzzed chaotically between the two, sending tiny shocks through their veins.

Soul hovered above Maka, resting his forehead on hers as he gauged her reaction, dimmed by the moonlight. He pushed back the bangs that stuck to her sweaty forehead before kissing it. Neither of the two said anything, they just listened to the hearts very slowly calm down.

"Soul?" Maka spoke out in a quiet voice, afraid that if she spoke any louder her voice might fail her. She could feel him gently brush her cheeks, and she reached out to do the same.

"Mm?" He hummed, responding to her voice.

"I'm not ready -um," Maka fell silent, biting on her tongue. Her face flushed.

"I'm not asking you to." Soul replied easily, a smile tugging at the edges of his lips. He studied her face, his half-lidded eyes hazy with affection for his Meister who could be so fragile in quiet moments like these. "But..."

"But?" Maka inquired, raising a skeptical eyebrow at him. Her heartbeat skipped.

"But I do have a question for you."

"And that is?" Maka countered quickly, his reasoning for drawling out so long making her nervous.

"Do you feel the same?"

"The same?" Maka's eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. She thought back to all he had said, which wasn't much except for..."Ah!" Realization dawned on the Meister and her cheeks darkened. "Yes I do." She whispered, nervously peering up to glance at him.

Maka could tell he was smiling from the way his pointy teeth glimmered against the moonlight from outside. She felt it too, when his lips gently pressed against hers. It wasn't much longer before the chill of the night crept into their room. And even though both their bodies pressed against each other, the chill still crawled along Maka's bare skin.

Soul rolled off Maka, making her groan in protest now that she really felt the night's chill. He returned in an instant, but this time with his shirt. Maka sat up and allowed him to pull the shirt over her arms and head, letting it fall over her. He kicked at the blankets, tugging them up and over the two of them until at last each sighed and settled beneath the covers.

The sudden silence and lack of movement felt strange between the two of them. Neither of them could sleep, but neither of them admitted to it.

As soon as Maka reflected on their previous actions, her heart rate would pick up and her face would warm. Her skin still prickled hotly in the places he had touched, so basically Maka's entire body hummed alive. It was no wonder she couldn't sleep. "Nnhey... Soul?" She rolled over to face him.


"I love you, too." She confessed at last, immediately feeling an immense weight leave her chest -one she didn't realize she had.

Soul was still for a long time, and Maka thought he might have fallen asleep. But she suddenly felt his arms snake around her waist and pull her close. He buried his face in her hair, and she in his chest.

Maka didn't realize she had fallen asleep. And she was just as confused as to why she woke, considering it was still dark. Soul's arm remained over her waist and his head rested above hers. Maka stirred and instinctively nudged closer into him. She slipped her legs between his and rested her cheek back on his bare chest so that her ear was listening to his heart. She could feel Soul stir beside her, but sleep was already clouding her again. Before her eyelids fluttered shut, Soul's arms gently tightened around her and his warm voice whispered her name in her ear.


Please leave feedback/reviews! Thanks! Until next chapter! ;)