I am writing my second story! Okay so it is a multi chapter another Kim and jack romance! Okay this whole story is going to be in jacks point of view unless I change my mind!

Disclaimer: I don't own kickin'it if I did you would not be reading this you would be watching it on TV.


Chapter one how it all started

We were in the guys change room at the dojo, it always takes Kim forever to get ready so we usually play some sort of game Kim isn't even at the Dojo yet so we will have quite some time to truth or dare each other. Me Milton, Jerry, and Eddie are all playing truth or dare. However we are using the randomizer app to decide who goes next. Eddie says it's 'more fun this way' or whatever.

"And it is...," Jerry said trying to build suspense. A usless atambpte really because all that he is being is super anoying.

"Just press the stupid button already!" Milton said frustratedly. "Who even gave you the job of button presser anyway?" Milton said making a very valid point. To be honest we never trust Jerry with a job and if I remember correctly the only reason he is doing so now is because he won a coin with Eddie. Why Eddie agreed to this or was even allowed to make this kind of desiction without our permison I have no idea.

"Ohhhh! Jack is spaced out he must be thinking about Kim!" Jerry said in an obvious atempt to draw attention away from himself. However it worked because now everyone was staring at me curiously. I rolled my eyes however now that Jerry mentioned it I couldn't get her off my mind. Her long blond hair. Her snort when she laughs. The way she always smels like cherries. Don't ask how I know that last one. Or how she loses herself in karate as she gose through the motions. She is breathtaking. Darn it that last line made me sound like a girl dosen't it? Ahhh! It's what love dose to a guy. Shut up stupid contious. You so have a crush on her. No I don't she is just my friend. Denial is the first sign of a crush! Go away! For now I guess. For now? Okay I know what you are thinking! Talking to yourself is the first sign of insanity, blah blah blah! I don't believe in that though okay? I believe talking to yourself isn't werid it's when you lose in an argument with yourself that it's werid.

"If he wasn't thinking of her before he definiatly is now!" Milton teased. I could already feel my face go 10 different shades of red. Darn! Thats not the kind of guy I am I don't blush! YOU JUST DID ten different shades wait make that 11! What happened to leaving me alone? I did for a whole 2 minutes!

"FineIlikeher," I said really fast. Crap! did I just say that out loud? Yes I believe that you did! Everyone burst out laughing.

"IT's Milton's turn," Jerry inturrupted I think he was trying to make it up to me after having redirected all of the attention to me.

"Okay Jack truth or dare?" Milton asked, as he turned his body so that it fully faced me.

"Truth," I decided. Milton has the worst dares so I thought truth was the safest.

"On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you like Kim?" he asked.

"11," I replied then sighed. They would make me answer and they already knew I liked her anyway.

"Okay want to make a bet?" Milton asked. He had a devilish smile and I should have known right then that this was a really bad idea but I couldn't help myself.

"Sure," I replied. As I smirked.

"I bet you could not get Kim to fall for you in under 40 days. Loser has to clean the boys washroom for a month," Milton said. I then heard a chorus of oh's and ah's from the surprisingly quiet so far Jerry and Eddie. The worst part I knew Milton wanted me to win but he just wants me to stop being such a coward.


Sorry it's so short it is just an introduction though I promise the others will be way longer! Thanks for reading!