DWA: Well . . . This is it. The finale. I know you just want to get to the story so I'll do it. Since this is a Double Update Finale, there are no reviews to answer.
Ashley: DarkWolfAssassin does not own Pokémon.
DWA: And with that. We start. I present to you, Chapter 28: The Finale
[Translated Pokespeech]
"Demonic Speech"
'Demonic Thought'
Chapter 28: The Finale.
Mike ran on to the field, and saw a person in a sand colored cloak with tan eyes staring at him.
"You've come . . . as expected." She said.
"Ashley?" Mike asked and she nodded.
"Let us start." The Ashley said raising her arm, her hand holding a Poke Ball. "Hippowdon, rise from the sands." She said and her large mostly black Pokémon appearing and causing a sandstorm.
"Ethan Front and Center!" Mike shouted and Ethan appeared on the field.
"I requested the Flygon, and yet you send this Pokémon to attack. Hmph, regardless of your actions, I will see the Doombringer. Fissure." Ashley said in a monotone voice. Hippowdon rose up on its hind feet and slammed down, causing a crack in the Earth to shoot towards Ethan. Ethan jumped over the crack and came back down with a Metal Claw, hitting Hippowdon.
"Fire Fang." Ashley said in a monotone voice. Hippowdon opened its massive maw and its teeth became engulfed in fire and quickly bit down on Ethan's flipper.
"Hydro Pump!" Mike shouted.
"Throw him." Hipoowdon raised its head up and slammed Ethan on the ground and threw him across the field before he could use Hydro Pump.
"She's good, real good." Mike said. "Scald!" Ethan fired the scalding water and it hit Hippowdon in the face. However, it didn't seem to do much.
"Take Down." Hippowdon charged Ethan with an orange energy trail behind it.
"Hydro Cannon!" Ethan charged a ball of water at his beak and fired it at Hippowdon, striking its leg and driving it into the ground.
"Hydro Drill!" Ethan started spinning and gathered water around him and charged straight at Hippowdon, who had gotten up.
"Careless fool. Fissure." Hippowdon did nothing for a second and then rose up, and slammed down on Ethan with a vengeance. Ethan had taken a 1-hit-KO move, he was done.
" . . . Shit." Mike said as he returned Ethan. He then pulled out Leaf's ball.
"Leaf, Front and Center." Mike said and Leaf appeared on the field.
"I see. You want your Flygon to have time to recuperate. I understand. Fissure." Hippowdon executed the move once more. Leaf vanished, speeding away. Hippowdon looked to the left and charged in that direction with take down, actually hitting Leaf.
[What the hell!?] Leaf said getting up. She then looked at the storm around her. [I move the winds, and she feels it. Damn.] Leaf said, analyzing the situation quickly. She relayed the info to Mike.
"Oh shit." Mike said when he got the info.
-Zig zag, never move in one direction.- Mike said and Leaf gave a mental okay.
"Leaf Blade!" Mike shouted and Leaf's tail and head-growth glowed green and she vanished into the storm. Hippowdon followed her movements, but got disoriented from it.
"What?" Ashley asked, showing a little emotion. "He . . . already figured out my secret, something the others couldn't find out . . . impressive." She said.
Leaf continuously slashed Hippowdon, the large Pokémon not able to keep up, soon it fell to the pain. Leaf re-materialized in front of Mike as the sandstorm ended.
"Impressive. Aaron fell to my Hippowdon, and only my Hippowdon, and it took you two tries to defeat her. Congrats." She said in monotone as she returned her Pokémon. "Excadrill, now."
The Ground/Steel Pokémon shot out from the ground using Horn Drill on Leaf's stomach.
"LEAF!" Mike shouted as Leaf fell, he caught her and saw bad wounds on her stomach and that she was very weak.
[Let me go . . . I can still fight that cheap son of a bitch.] She said, struggling to even move.
"No. You're out." Mike said returning her. "Leaf is out." Mike said walking back to his box. He looked at Excadrill and saw the smirk on its face.
"Blade, Front and Center. Wreck this bastard." Mike said as Blade appeared with a glare.
[Come on, whatever you did has Mike pissed and so am I.] Blade said.
"Drill Run." Excadrill connected its hands to the horn on its head and charged at Blade, spinning at high speeds.
"Blade, do as you wish." Mike said and Blade smiled wickedly.
[See you in hell.] Blade said as he roundhouse kicked Excadrill away. He then spun on one foot shooting multiple Psycho Cuts at Excadrill. Excadrill endured the attack.
"Hone Claws." Excadrill started sharpening its claws as Blade Teleported in front of it. He then took hold of it with Psychic.
[What did you do that has Mike so pissed?]
[I sneak attacked that bitch of a Leafeon, that's all.] Excadrill spat at Blade.
Blade got some mental images of the attack from Mike and got very angry.
[Permission to rage sir?] Blade asked through clenched teeth. Mike smirked.
"BLADE'S FURY!" Blade covered his arms in psychic, grass, and dark type energy, elongating his arms by four inches in each direction. He then started to mercilessly pound on Excadrill with Close Combat, each hit expelling some of the energy gathered in his arms. Blade then gathered the rest of the energy into his right fist and slammed it into Excadrill's face, the cracking of bone could be heard throughout the stadium. Excadrill spun through the air and slammed into the wall and made a deep indentation.
[Fucking dick.] Blade said panting from the attack.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I have no idea what that was . . . that was the most brutal attack I've ever seen, and that's saying something because I was here for Dark Realm! And I'm sure you hear that cracking noise, was that Excadrill's jaw?!" The announcer said/questioned.
"Wow, you really know how to bring out the best in Pokémon." Ashley said as she returned her Excadrill and threw the ball to Mike.
"I call a time out. Please take my Excadrill and your Leafeon to the center, and immediately return here."
Mike looked at the ball for a while, and teleported to the Center. He put the two balls on the counter and teleported back.
"Thank you. The time out has ended. Mamoswine, go." She said throwing a Poke ball and the large Mammoth-like Pokémon appeared.
"Blade, you want to rest a bit?" Mike asked and Blade activated his Luxury Ball and returned himself.
" . . . That would be a yes. Mag, you're up." Mike said and Mag took the field.
"Bulldoze." Ashley said and Mamoswine started going rampant, kicking up dirt as it charged Mag.
"Ashley just doesn't seem to care for the battle at all. She's just attacking." Eli said, as Mag evaded the Bulldoze attack.
"No, she has a strategy, and it seems to involve a lot of attacks." Jane said as a Blizzard attack came from Mamoswine.
"Still, she seems to be focused on something else." Cassidy said, and then she tuned the others out.
'Anything Tirava?'
'Nope, not a thing, I can't figure her out.' (This will be Tirava's speech . . . not that it matters at this point.)
Mamoswine and Mag were locked in a battle of physical power, Ice Fang vs. Brick Break.
"Come on Mag, you got this." Mike said under his breath. Ashley was silent. Mamoswine rotated its head to throw the Brick Break off and stabbed Mag with its tusk. Mag took minimal damage but was thrown back nonetheless.
"Mag, Lava Plume!" Mike shouted and Mag's arm cannons exploded at the ends and sent Lava out in an explosion, burning Mamoswine and doing major damage.
"Double Team." Mamoswine flashed and sent out multiple copies of itself around Mag.
[Shit . . . well, time to see if I got it down.] Mag said as Mike gave the command he was hoping for.
"Magma Storm!" Mike shouted. Mag's arm cannons started dripping magma onto the sandy ground, turning it to glass on contact. Mag crossed his arms and held there for a second before throwing his arms out and sending magma into the air. Mag then started spinning while spewing magma and he soon caused a tornado of magma that engulfed the field. When the storm ended, the field looked as though a nuclear apocalypse just took place, the ground was glassed and there was fire on the ground in some places. Mamoswine was out . . . cold . . . well its fur was very black but you get the point.
"I am impressed, you taught your Magmortar two impossible to teach moves. Hmph, now release your Flygon, I have waited long enough." She said in her usual monotone voice.
"Fine. Skye, you're on!" Mike said as his daughter took to the skies. Mag walked next to Mike, watching Skye fly.
"Finally. Krookodile." Ashley said and her red Pokémon appeared with a roar.
"Shadow Claw." Krookodile's claw became enshrouded in ethereal energy and he jumped up to Skye and slashed at her, and she countered with a Dragon Claw, the two attacks cancelling out.
[Come on girl, show us the Wasteland.] Krookodile said to Skye with a smirk.
[I will when I need to, and now is not the time! Dragon Pulse!] She shouted firing multiple orbs of draconic power at Krookodile. Krookodile was thrown back but landed upright.
"Crunch." Krookodile jumped up and bit down on Skye's midsection.
[Argh! Get off you bastard!] Skye shouted while hitting Krookodile with her tail, Krookodile just bit down harder, drawing blood.
Skye started punching and kicking in desperation using Close Combat. She eventually got Krookodile off, but gained cuts in return.
[Bring it out.] Krookodile growled.
[NO! I won't do it. I said I would but I won't, not unless I'm near death.]
"Outrage!" Ashley growled, surprising everyone. Krookodile's eyes glowed red and he jumped up and slammed Skye to the ground, and started beating her into the ground, not letting up.
["SKYE!"] Mike and Mag shouted in worry. Krookodile seemed to be trying to kill Skye.
'She . . . she planned this. That trainer wants to see a Doombringer? THEN SHE CAN HAVE WHAT SHE WANTS!' Skye screamed in her mind. Skye's eyes opened abruptly and a blast of sand shoved Krookodile off her. She then coated her wing with sand and steel and started to relentlessly beat Krookodile into submission.
[You wanted a Doombringer?] Skye asked. Krookodile looked up in fear. [You got one.] She finished firing a Dragon Pulse and knocking Krookodile out.
"Amazing, the power of a Doombringer is simply amazing! Now for an ultimate battle, a Doombringer verses a Guardian! Flygon, protect the sands!" Ashley said and her Flygon appeared.
[So you're the Doombringer?] The Flygon asked. Skye nodded as the sand warped and curved around her.
[And you're the average Guardian. I will show you how much I can do! WASTELAND!] Skye shouted and a fierce and massive sandstorm kicked up and covered the field. Flygon took to the skies and started looking for Skye. He was then hit by a Dragon Pulse to the back.
[Gah, I can't sense her in the winds! Impressive.] Flygon said as he shook off the pain and continued patrolling. He heard a noise behind him and charged a Hyper Beam.
Flygon spun quickly and fired the beam and it hit Skye dead on. Skye fell and hit the ground.
[Nice shot.] A voice said behind him, Flygon turned and saw Skye, he looked back to the ground and he saw a sand copy fading into the wind.
[Shit.] He said as he turned back to Skye, who had a Dragon Claw ready.
[Bye bye.] She said sweetly and a devious grin. She then continuously slashed Flygon with Dragon Claw, all while Flygon had to recharge from the Hyper Beam. Skye then slashed hard and sent Flygon down to the ground. Flygon stood up shakily.
Skye slowly lowered herself to the ground and hovered a couple inches above the ground.
[So, how am I doing?] Skye asked.
[Like a true Doombringer, using the sands to your advantage, I am truly impressed. However, I still need to fight!] Flygon said firing another Hyper Beam and hitting the real Skye dead on, sending her far back. Flygon then took off to hide and recover.
[Well, a cheap shot but hey, I won't complain, this is fun!] Skye said flying off after Flygon. She quickly found him from the sands vibrations.
[Hey big boy!] She called out, Flygon looked at her in surprise.
[Aww what the hell?] Flygon said as Skye charged a Draco Meteor. She then fired the single meteor at Flygon, the sands redirecting its trajectory. Flygon smiled just before he was hit by the powerful ball of energy, the explosion ending the Wasteland Sandstorm, which showed Flygon knocked out in the center. Skye flying back to Mike.
"Mike has done it! He has beaten the Elite Four, and will battle the Champion tomorrow! See you all there ladies and gents!" The announcer said. Mike returned Skye and Mag and walked out. He was tired from fighting the best trainers Sinnoh had to offer in only a couple hours. As he walked through the halls he met up with Ashley.
"Hey." Mike said giving a wave.
"Hello Arceus Assassin." She said staring at him. Mike's eyes widened and he unsheathed his katana.
"How the hell do you know that?" Mike asked getting into a fighting stance.
"Lower your weapon, I am not here to fight, nor am I affiliated with Engulfing Shadows." She said, not moving whatsoever. Mike kept still.
"And I'm supposed to believe you?"
"No. I will explain. I have a friend in Engulfing Shadows. He will not be named for security purposes. He has told me all he possibly can about ES, you, and their plans, all of which you already know. I will just say that you have an ally when the time comes." She said as a small sand twister floated out from her cloak, a piece of paper on the top. Mike grabbed it after relaxing and saw it held her number.
"You're not asking me out right?" Mike said with a grin. Ashley actually giggled.
"No, when you need me, call me." She said before sand enveloped her and she vanished. Mike looked at the slip of paper as he sheathed his Katana. He then held his Poketch up to it and it scanned the number and input it into the contacts list. Mike then walked out of the stadium to see Jane, Erica and Eli. Cassidy jumped on his back.
"Hey Mike!" She said cheerfully.
"Well someone's happy." Mike said smiling. Cassidy nodded.
"Well her boyfriend did beat the Elite Four, so if I were her I'd be happy too." Jane said. Mike simply nodded.
"True, come on, I have a day to relax, let's not waist it!" Mike said as he sprinted with Cassidy on his back. The others followed close behind.
(A/N: Not much filler guys, this is the last chapter so I wanna get straight to the Champion fight. So, let's skip the day of fun, and get to the fight.)
-(ooo)- Time: 12:00n
Mike was standing on his side of the field, waiting to see the current champion, as he had forgotten to check, and just decided to let it surprise him.
"Mike has come a long way, he had beaten the league, and the Elite Four. However, can the roaming champion beat the Sinnoh Champion, PAUL!" The announcer said, causing Mike to smile. Paul ran on to the field with his trademark smirk.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Paul, I had no idea you were champion." Mike said.
"Hmph, you shouldn't be surprised, after all, I did almost beat you in that three on three." Paul said.
"Ahh yes, you did. However, almost is the keyword in that sentence, I hope you did some training." Mike said, enlarging Dusk's ball.
"Of course I have. Torterra, stand by for battle!" Paul called and his Pokémon appeared.
"Dusk, Front and Center!" Mike called. "Shadow Ball!" Dusk fired the attack at Torterra, who took the attack with ease.
[Hmm, your defenses are high, I commend that.] Dusk said.
"Torterra, Energy Ball!" Torterra fired the green ball at Dusk who simply avoided it. "Stone Edge." Totrerra flashed and stones began spinning around, and then began flying at Dusk.
"Psychic." Mike said and the stones flew down after Dusk's eye became outlined in blue.
"So that's how you fight. You either evade or manipulate attacks, or don't give the opponent a chance. Torterra, return." Paul said recalling his Pokémon. "Gliscor, stand by for battle!" He shouted as the familiar bat-scorpion appeared.
"Ice Beam!" Mike shouted and Dusk fired the cold beam, which Gliscor avoided flying behind Dusk.
"Night Slash." Paul called, and Gliscor shot at Dusk.
"Spirit Guard!" Mike called and Dusk's antenna shined, a dead spirit appearing and blocking Gliscor and dissapearing.
"What was that?" Paul asked, perplexed by the attack.
"Dusk has the ability to call on lost souls to do his bidding, and in return, they are sent to the spirit world. These spirits can attack, defend, raise stats, and even heal. Pretty cool right?" Mike said, Paul frowned.
"Seems like an annoyance. Stone Edge!" Gliscor surrounded itself in two crisscrossing rings of stones that sent jagged stones at Dusk.
"Dark Pulse." Dusk fired crisscrossing rings of dark power at the Stone Edge attack, the two collided and cancelled each other out.
"Spirit Strike!" Mike called. Dusk's antenna flashed and a spirit came out of nowhere and rammed into Gliscor, sending it to the ground. Gliscor shot up at Dusk with an X-Scissor that did very little damage.
"Ice Beam!" Dusk fired an Ice Beam in Gliscor's path, the quadruple damage knocking it out.
"Damn. Nice effort." Paul said returning his Pokémon. "Ursaring, stand by for battle." He said and his bear like Pokémon appeared.
"Dusk, return. Alright, Blade, Front and Center!" Mike shouted and his brother appeared.
"Hammer Arm!" Paul called. Ursaring's arm became enshrouded in a white glow and he charged at Blade. When he swung his arm at Blade, Blade caught the attack and reversed it to work in his favor by using the force to slam Ursaring into the ground.
"Close Combat!" Mike called and Blade started to pummel Ursaring.
"Slash!" Ursaring's claw glew white and he slashed at Blade, who used a quick Night Slash to block and flipped off Ursaring. Ursaring was very weak.
"Ursaring ret-" Paul started to call but Blade cut him off with a Triple Blade that slammed into Ursaring and knocked him out, surprising Paul.
"One of my toughest, knocked out in a couple hits. I was right when I thought that Gallade could sweep my team." Paul said with a smile as he returned Ursaring.
"That's two and Blade is ready for more." Mike said. Paul chuckled.
"Sure, Honchkrow!" Paul said and his Dark/Flying type appeared.
[Oh so not cool.] Blade said at the disadvantage he had.
"Sky Attack!" Paul said and Honchkrow started to glow white.
"Blade can't do shit to that bird. Return." Mike said and Blade sighed as he was returned. "Mag, Front and . . . Left!" Mike said and Mag appeared jumping to the left, narrowly avoiding the Sky Attack.
[That would've hurt.] Mag said. He then glared at Honchkrow who was flying around.
"Flamethrower!" Mike called.
"Dark Pulse!"
The two attacks were launched and collided, neither gaining ground. Though Mag had a real advantage, he was only using one arm.
"Second arm Mag." Mag aimed his free arm at Honchkrow and fired the stream of flames that hit it head on. Mag smirked as hit covered his fist in electricity and jumped up to Honchkrow's height and slammed his fist down on the birds head, sending it down.
"Lava Plume!" Mike shouted and Mag fired the attack downwards, hurting himself as he fell through, but Honchkrow took the brunt of the attack. As the smoke cleared it showed Mag's arms crossed as Honchkrow continuously fired a Dark Pulse, though Honchkrow was visibly hurt and weak.
"He's trained so much, his Pokémon have more power than I thought." Paul said to himself as Mag fired a surprise Solarbeam and knocked Honchkrow out.
"That's three." Mike said as he returned Mag and took out Blade's Luxury Ball again.
"Aggron, stand by for battle!" Paul said and the large Pokemon appeared.
"Blade, time to return! Front and Center!" Mike shouted and Blade appeared once more.
"Leaf Cut!" Mike shouted and Blade slashed multiple arcs of pink and green energy that slashed and cut Aggron, who easily resisted the attacks.
"Double Edge!" Paul called and Aggron charged at Blade with a white aura around it. Blade front flipped over Aggron.
[Too slow big guy.] Blade said looking behind him without turning. Aggron had already initiated another Double Edge. [Idiot.] Blade said grinning. Blade spun around and gave a roundhouse kick that stopped Aggron in its tracks. Blade then used Psychic to levitate Aggron.
Aggron fired off a Flash Cannon and Blade rolled out of the way, avoiding the blast of energy but dropping Aggron in the process.
"Aggron, Metal Sound!" Paul called out and the horns on Aggron started vibrating and the sound waves made their way to Blade and bounced off a psychic shield.
[Nice try.] Blade said smirking.
"Close Combat." Mike said and Blade teleported in front of Aggron and unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks that did quadruple damage due to Aggron's typing, knocking it out.
"Two attacks . . . and Aggron and went down." Paul said in disbelief.
"Blade's my best. You don't have much of a chance." Mike said as Blade nodded in agreement.
"Hmph, I'll still give it a damn good shot! Gastrodon!" Paul shouted and the blue slug-like Pokemon appeared.
"Mud Shot!" Paul said and Gastrodon fired balls of mud at Blade, who punched or kicked each one.
"Leaf Blade." Mike said.
[Well no shit.] Blade said coating his arms in green power and running up to Gastrodon.
"Muddy Water!" Gastrodon stretched its neck and started rotating it and muddy water started to spin around it. Blade jumped back from the attack.
[A counter shield. Pah, easy.] Blade said and used Psychic to spread the shield, allowing him to get inside the shield and slash at Gastrodon, who retaliated with Hydro Pump. Blade was pushed back by the attack.
"Wow, Blade you got pushed back, impressive. Triple Blade." Mike said and Blade shot off a large arc of Dark/Psychic/Grass energy that slammed into Gastrodon and knocked it out.
"Rrgghh. Return." Paul said as he recalled his Pokemon.
'I'm down by four, and I'm the Champion, Sephi wasn't kidding about this guy.' (A/N Sephi was the Johto Champion, I may have her appear in the fourth Arc. Just a little info.)
"Alright, Electivire, stand by for battle!" Paul said and the powerful electric type took the field.
[Hey there buddy, ready to dance?] Blade asked and Electivire fired a Thunder into the air. [That, would be a yes.] Blade said grinning and teleporting behind Electivire, slashing with an X-Slash, a combination of X-Scissor and Night Slash. Electivire's tails wrapped around one of Blade's legs and Blade teleported away.
[Ah ah ah, I don't think so.] Blade said charging a Psycho Cut.
"Electivire, Thunder." Electivire drove its tails into the ground and electricity tore through the earth, speeding to Blade. Blade slashed down with both arms and ran after his arcs. As the two attacks met, Blade jumped as an explosion sent him higher. Blade sent a massive amount of Dark type power into his right arm, extending the blade past his hand about nine inches and slamming it into Electivires head on the way down, he then back flipped in midair kicking Electivire in the face.
"What the, how did he do all that?" Paul asked and he looked to Mike to see him lying back on the ground, hands behind his head.
"Oh that? Ehh, when Blade's determined that's everyday stuff." Mike said not even getting up. "Blade, can you end this quickly?" Mike asked. Blade cracked his knuckles.
[Oh I can think if something, like maybe a Close Combat!?] Blade shouted teleporting over to Electivire and the two started to exchange blows, Electivire using Thunderpunch. In the end, Blade won, Electivire went down.
" . . . Toterra, stand by for battle!" Paul shouted, aggravated at the lack of care Mike was showing for the battle. "Giga Drain!" Paul shouted and three "vines" of energy shot out from Toterra's spikes and wrapped around Blade, who simply cut them with his arms.
[I'm sorry but that will not work. Please try again if you wish.] Blade said. He then fired off two Triple Blades that both hit Torterra, who took both attacks with ease.
[Kinda wish I knew in Ice type Move . . . maybe Guardian can teach me Ice punch.] Blade said as he dodged a Stone Edge. Blade started to run around Torterra and was firing Psycho Cuts at random intervals to keep up the pressure. Torterra was visibly weakening to the assault.
"Leaf Storm!" Paul called and leaves spread out in a tornado like fashion, stopping Blade while hurting him.
"Blade, stop it with Psychic and end it with Blade's Fury." Blade expelled Psychic energy, destroying the storm. He then put Psychic/Dark/Grass enegy in each arm, enough so the blades would extend by four inches, he then used Close Combat, striking Torterra multiple times while expelling the energy with each hit. Blade then gathered the rest of the energy into his right fist and slammed it into Torterra's tree on its back, doing a massive amount of damage and ultimately, knocking Torterra out.
Paul was silent as he returned Torterra, as was the crowd. He then spoke.
"Well Mike, you beat me, and in a sweeping victory no less. I am proud to call you the Champion of Sinnoh." He said and the crowed started cheering and chanting Mike's name. Mike and Blade took a bow, and all of Mike's Pokémon came out to join in the event. Darkrai was in the stands clapping for his "masters" victory.
(Meanwhile, in Hoenn, Littleroot Town…)
A boy, his father, and his sister were watching the Roaming Champion Mike fight the Sinnoh Champion. They cheered as another one of Paul's Pokémon went down.
"Mike is so cool!" The young girl shouted bouncing in her seat.
"I still wonder where he's even from, he just showed up, no announcement or anything." The father said.
"I'm just glad we skipped school for this, hell even the teachers are playing hooky." The boy said taking a sip of water.
"StanleyStanleyStanley, are you going on your journey soon!?" The little girl asked, excitedly.
"I hope so Lily. We just gotta convince mom." The boy, now known as Stanley said.
"Yeah, and when you go, I'll meet ya in a league and kick your butt the year after!" Lily declared.
"I'm sure you'll both be fantastic trainers. After all, the Zenex Family has been great with Pokémon since ancient times!" The father said. Stanley looked at the TV, a fire in his eyes.
'I'll be just as good, if not better then Mike too.' Stanley said in his mind.
-(ooo)- Location ES HQ: Time: 5:00pm, POV David.
"So Emily, how goes our efforts in Hoenn?" David asked, the Admins were in a meeting at the point.
"Terrible, we can't do a thing, the leaders are too worried about the Aqua and Magma remnants." Emily said.
"Alright, here's an idea. The Remnants use guns, we use guns, why don't we help with their problem, trick everyone into thinking we kill for good reasons. They'll have to like us if we help them!" James said. David and the Admins stared at James.
"That, is one of the best idea's I have ever heard. James . . . that was astounding." Alex said, quite surprised at the normally dull man's intellect.
"When it comes to military might, I'm your guy." He said leaning back.
"Then we will send a letter to Hoenn, and you will lead our Hoenn military section James. I'm quite impressed with you. Today, Engulfing Shadows will make itself known." David said, causing the Admins to smile.
"About time David." Alex said.
"Indeed." David said nodding. "Time to go to work."
-(ooo)- Time: 7:34pm, Mesa Plains Café, POV Mike: 1st Person
All of us bumped or glasses together in a toast, even Sam was joining in.
"To Mike!" Sam said. The others repeated him while I chuckled.
"I have to say guys, this is a bit much." I said.
"Oh come on, you've won four Championships, and turned down being Champion four times. Hell, you were our inspiration in the beginning!" Eli said.
"I'm just not used to this." I said rubbing the back of my head.
"Oh get over it you damned idiot." "Damion" said.
"Damion, shut up." I said causing him to laugh.
"Make me." He challenged.
"I'll just call Cressy and say your being a bad boy." Cassidy said and Damion paled.
"Who gave you her number?" He asked.
"Miu." Cassidy replied.
"Oh she is so dead!" Damion said under his breath.
As we spent the night talking and laughing, it was only a matter of time before it was ruined.
The door opened and I saw a woman with green and red eyes wearing a white and gold suit of armor.
"Armor Arcy? It's not the Medieval Times." I said.
"I need to talk to you." Arceus said. "Now." I sighed.
"I'll be back. Heh, three hours and twenty five minutes, a new record." I said as I walked out. She led me behind the café.
"So . . . what's up?" I asked.
"I have reason to believe that the world is going to be in great peril in the future. A Child of the Legends had been born." She said.
" . . . Yeah I have no idea what that is." I said plainly and she groaned.
"A Child of the Legends is a Pokémon that has the abilities of us Legendary Pokémon. Weather, Time, Space, all that stuff. The birth of one is a mystery but each one has come before a time of disaster. We need either you, or the Zenex families help."
"Didn't the Zenex family disappear?" I asked.
"I know Ravaza told you that and honestly, I'm okay with him being back. Yes they did, but I have reason to believe that they have come back, and are in Littleroot town of Hoenn. The Zenex family is a family of Resonance Souls, who have the ability to connect with Legendary and common Pokémon easier than most. They can also use Legendary weapons, that were forged by man in ancient times and imbued with great power."
"So you want me to get a Xenex to assist me, and guide him or her on a journey." I said.
"Yep. Either you or a Xenex Family member will tame the Child of Legends, and I prefer the Xenex. His Resonance Soul will guide him, you just need to make sure he's ready along the way, and not tell him of your history, or his family's history." I thought for a long time, and decided from my fight with David that I needed more help.
"Alright I'm in. Thanks for the tip Boss." I said. Arceus nodded and disappeared in a white light. I walked back inside.
"Okay guys, I'll stay here for tonight, and then I gotta go to Hoenn, official League business, after all, I'm on their payroll." I said getting laughs. I relayed my new knowledge to Cass and my team, and they all gave a mental okay.
'Tomorrow, I go back to Hoenn. I have the feeling things are gonna change, but can't tell if for the better, or worse.' I thought as he rejoined my friends.
DWA: And we are DONE! WOOOO. My first story is over . . . I feel odd as I'll be leaving Mike behind, but we will see more of him, after all, he's the Arceus Assassin!
Mike: Yep, I'm out guys, see ya whenever! *Leaves*
DWA: I want to give a thank you to all who read the Prologue and looked past all my spelling errors. Kyled91doc, GSlayer, randomprsn, all you and more helped me with this story, and I personally thank you. I hope you'll enjoy my next installment. Read, and Review!
ES will grow, and so will the forces of the Assassin. Want to find out what happens? Find out in the next Arc; The Arceus Assassin: Arc 2: Hoenn!
EDIT: Arc 2 is now up, go on my profile to find the story in My Stories . . . obviously.