Hi! If you're new here, please keep reading, at least the next few paragraphs. I know this page has a lot of text on it but most of it is just a synopsis of the story. If you're not new to this story and want to start reading my latest chapter, please do! I hope you're enjoying it.
Now. You're new here, and I have some explanations. If you want a super, super explicit erotic story about mass effect characters and some new ones we've made up, you're in the right place. But there's a problem. I suggest you skip many of my chapters. See, I started this story about 2 years ago under a different title. But it got taken down. And all of the chapters that got taken down, I wrote. Then a few months passed. I got a boyfriend (the guy who knew about my fictions before and gave me lots of ideas on where it should go before we were together.)and we decided to restart my fiction. We found a way to redownload my old chapters and begin writing new ones. But when we saved my old chapters the formatting on some of them was awful; Not at all how I wrote and uploaded them before. On some sections of those early chapters, there are no gaps between the lines. It's just unpleasant to read. Not to mention, the ones, I and I alone wrote weren't that great. But as soon as my boyfriend jumped in, the quality shot up.
So. I suggest you start at least on "chapter 5", and go from there. And I'll say it again, if you're looking for simple erotic fiction in the mass effect universe, you'll find it here.
If you plan on reading from chapter 5, here's a simple synopsis of the story up until then.
Chapter 1 It starts with an attack on the Normandy from an unknown entity. The crew scrambles into escape pods and eject from the ship as it's being destroyed.
Shepard, Miranda and some mechanics, maintenance crew, all around expendable employees of the systems alliance are in a single pod together.
Some pods are assumed to have never landed and the crew extinguished. And some, by the alliances calculations must have landed, but the crew within them have not taken it upon themselves to contact for rescue or cannot be tracked.
Shepard and Miranda's pod flew near by omega, where a claw reached out and pulled it in. Shepard and Miranda wander off together as the rest of the crew does too. Shepard and Miranda find themselves getting drunk in a bar. They pay for some pills of which the effect are unknown. Shepard takes one and as they head, together, to a hotel room and lay down, Shepard shoots up in pain. He finds that the pill was krogan Viagra. (Don't be tuned off by this. Since my boyfriend joined, it's not been so awfully cheesy. He even refers back to this moment and kinda makes it matter in the story later.) They have sex.
Chapter 2 admiral Anderson turns up to omega to return Shepard and Miranda to the citadel. He informs them that the 'thing' that attacked the Normandy dropped an unspecified amount of troops on omega.
Anderson notices Miranda, naked, under the sheets and is shocked at the unprofessionalism of the both of them. He leaves, after a small confrontation with the protective Shepard and is content with them finding their own way out.
They leave the hotel and encounter some suspicious goings on. Faster they rushed to the escape pod's landing zone and find that it is empty and the pod is missing. Then Miranda and Shepard both feel the barrel of a gun touch their necks and a subsequent hit to their head knocks them out.
They awake later in a darkened room, where they are injected with a serum.
The next thing Shepard sees is Miranda pouring over him, worried that he isn't ok.
He awakes and sees they're trapped in a cell. To be extracted by a special operations group sent by the alliance. they are extracted safely to the citadel, where they rest in a safe room, sleep together and await the next day where they give a report to the council.
Chapter 3 Shepard and mirwnda hear, during the council meeting that 6 pods were located and rescued. All of which contain, (among inconsequential characters), Joker, Kelly chambers, Shepard and Miranda.
"Safe interstellar accommodation" is supplied to both of Miranda, Shepard. Accommodation is supplied and entrusted by the systems alliance, so all responsibility is theirs. Just as a formality the council announces it to the recipients.
The council meeting is the concluded and everyone is urged to leave. Shepard leaves first and is confronted with the captain of his temporary "interstellar accommodation".
The captain who he is assured has gone through numerous background checks, is named Samara. As soon as she see's him (again, this is my writing not the better stuff my boyfriend comes up with.) she induces him in some kind of heavy state of arousal. He then passes out and is awoken in his accommodation (her ship.)
Samara explains that she cannot help it. When she finds someone she has a deep connection with she biotically induces with him with her "shrill-la". It happens when you get in your old age and don't have a partner to sleep with, and she is nearing 1000 years old.
Shepard suggests, sarcastically, assuming he'd be let off the ship, that she find a partner to sleep with on Thessia, otherwise he cannot stay. Strangely and surprisingly to Shepard, samara isn't all insulted by Shepard's request and agrees.
They land in Thessia and Samara engages a powerful shill-la upon Shepard.
She promises to relieve it and they sleep together.
Afterwards, in blissful relaxation, she takes him back up to the roof they landed on and points out a small hut in the depth of Thessia. She takes him there and he is subdued once more at gunpoint.
Chapter 4 What happens to Shepard then is unknown. It cuts to Miranda attending a quick meeting and learning that urgently, all interstellar accommodation has been disbanded and all involved are being interrogated.
Miranda and joker are then supplied with a "thoroughly searched" ship and told to go to Thessia, where the only interstellar accommodation that actually left the citadel docking bay landed.
Joker lands their ship and decides, for obvious reasons, to stay behind. After some investigation by Miranda, finds him in a ransacked, gutted, nightclub with the music and lights still running.
Shepard is in some trouble, but alone.
She takes him away to a nightclub nearby that is still running and packed full of people. He hires an unused, small-ish stripper's room with a pole in it, and they have sex in there.
They then quickly return to the citadel via Miranda and Joker's borrowed ship.
Miranda is then told by joker in a teary eyed confession that he is in pain and needs relieving. He can't masturbate or have sex because of his brittle bone disease and the build up of ejaculate is subjecting him to excruciating pain. He eventually guilts miranda into giving him a handjob in a metal container with the door shut in the docking back they landed in.
Chapter 5. Perhaps you could read from here. :)