a/n: Yeah yeah, there's another chapter. Shut your mouth.

Nikolai recalled that year being the worst 365 days of his life. He was, in a sense, the "patient zero" who involuntarily began this latest trend. Like a disease, the trend spread around the world in a matter of months, revolutionizing the way humans saw animals. Of course, not everyone endorsed bestial intercourse to those extremes. With the new trend came the inception of a whole slew of activist groups who were bent on erasing the corrupt thoughts between man and animal and segregating the two.

"Get the tear gas going," mayors would say into the intercom as they were stroked by their animal maidens.

Though it was obviously hopeless, activists still persisted, and the person they hate more than the 'ality endorsers is, you guessed it, Nikolai. Normally, people would be pleased to know they've created a fad so beloved by many. They'd get their fifteen second fame and live the rest of their lives feeling like they've accomplished something, even though their names have been completely forgotten by the rest of the world. However, the problem is that when a person starts arevolution, it could lead to their assassination. So the question is, did Nik start a fad, or a revolution?

Fads don't last for 365 days.

The Origin of Pokéality 2:
Choosing a Side

The sun was setting. Everyone had left the park, except for Nik, who sat on the brick railing that was built on the edge of the dam. Below, he could see the Dam's water rushing into the creek that separated the mountain range. Above him was a cloudy sky marked with pastel shades of orange and red. And, not too far away was the mountain he, Taylor, and Matt camped on. This park was the closest form of semi-civilization to that mountain.

As though his eyes were a camera lens, Nik pretended to zoom all the way to the peak of the mountain where he spent his night with that godawful beast. While astroplaning, he pictured the campfire and the hammocks. He put himself in that very spot, but then, he was alone. No Taylor. No Matt. No beast. It was a chilling feeling really, but then Nik was overwhelmed with loneliness. He felt conflicted and hurt. He had shied away from both animalsand humans during that year. He came to the park regularly, sitting on that edge as a sort of meditation ritual. He thought it relaxing to be alone, as he had adopted a case of social anxiety that made his stomach churn whenever he was in the presence of someone. Nik's mother, albeit fairly oblivious and nearly senile, had even understood this transition of humankind. She evidently acknowledged her son as the trendsetter as well. She never estranged him, however, because that wouldn't be very motherly, would it?

Nik couldn't help but relive that entire camping trip every waking moment. No matter how hard he tried, he just could not rid his mind of the remorse. That powerful feeling of regret he had felt in the car trip home was the most memorable emotion he had ever experienced:

"Why would I do that?" Nik had ceased clutching the car door's handle and buried his head in his hands, talking to himself. "I had no control over myself. She begged me, she was in heat..."

Heat. Heat or no heat, there was no excuse for Nik to succumb to that beast.

"We're not going to think of you any differently, okay?" Taylor had said. "Plenty of people have had bestial sex before. All of them are dead now, but regardless..."

That was a goddamned blatant lie. No one in the history of the universe would ever get so low.

Nik had lay back and relaxed. He stared at the Mightyena, who nodded approvingly. He furrowed his brow. For the rest of the trip, the boys sat in awkward silence. Nik was dropped off at his house. "Take a bath, kid." Matt gave a grin, reassuring Nik that everything would be fine.

Everything wasnot fine. Another blatant lie. Matt knew damn well the repercussions of doing something like that: social outcasting. The funny thing about society was that, even though 60% of it partook in pokéality after that point in time, it still hypocritically denied its engrossed fascination in bestial sex. So, Nik was more of a villain than a hero nevertheless.

"My life is over," Nik murmured where he sat, continuing to replay that car ride over and over again in his head. He wanted revenge on that zoroark. She used him—no, no, that's not right; Nik established that her being in heat was a bollocks excuse to have her way with him, making their intimate encounter one solely based on unreasoned rape. Nik knew, though, that he would never see that zoroark again.

Nik then recalled the following day, when the three of them went back to their school. Despite the tension between them, they were obligated to sit with each other during their 12 o'clock lunch on the patio like they usually did. They had said nothing to each other, making everything a lot more uncomfortable. Eventually, with a shimmer of hope, Nik had thought he could fix everything with lies before it unnecessarily transcended into something bigger. "So," he had said with a chuckle, "you two still think I banged that thing?"

"Yes. We heard you," Matt said candidly without looking up from his lunch. "Besides, you admitted it yesterday anyway."

Nik had realized at that point that it was going to take a lot more convincing. Unfortunately, he was too flustered to compose an argument compelling enough. "B-bullshit," he forced out awkwardly.

Matt shook his head, smiling, and continued his lunch. The conversation had ended. Nik had lost.

Nik sighed as he watched the sunset. It was getting dark. His cellphone kept ringing, but he did nothing about it except for listen to the ringtone again and again.

I'm sippin' on tanqueray, with my mind on my money and my mouth fulla ganjay.

"I should change my ringtone," Nik said absently. He looked behind at the park to check if anyone was coming; he shouldn't be at the park after dusk, and he could be in trouble if a DEP guy found him—not that he'd care much. He was more afraid of interacting with another human being than getting in trouble. He gasped as he saw a shadow making its way towards him.

Reflexively, he quit sitting and hid behind the brick railing on the narrow stone edge before the drop.

I rock ruff and stuff with my Afro Puffs. Handcuffed as I bust...

"Phone, shut up, shut up!" Nik whispered as he frantically fiddled with the cellphone. Not knowing what else he could do, he answered the call, stopping the ringtone. He could hear footsteps not far way. It sounded like someone was dragging his or her feet across the pavement. From the phone, Nik could hear his mother speaking. To his horror, the unidentified figure approaching began to speak too.

"Finally I've found you. You've ruined America, so you know what I'm gonna do to you?" The figure appeared over the railing and looked the stunned boy right in the eye. There was something in his hand, presumably a weapon. Nik found his fetal body tipping over the edge. Before the stranger could do anything, Nik fell from the perch and tumbled downward, getting caught in the cascading water leaving the dam. His body was propelled outwards by the water, sending it into the roof of one of the dam's aqua power plant that were situated along the rim of the dam. Merely two yards away was the opening of the plant where the water was rushing into the spinning wheels generating electricity.

Nik curled up in agony and groaned. He took a while to get up. When he did, he stumbled, gripping his rib, towards the ladder leading to the control room of the plant. As he descended the stairs, he looked skywards hoping to get a glimpse of his attacker. No one was visible at the edge where Nik had fallen. There was no way Nik could have survived that fall, so there wasn't much reason for the attacker to make sure.Why am I alive? the boy thought in his hazy and discombobulated mind. The only way down was through the control room and through a trapdoor, leading to yet another ladder, but the control room was understandably locked, leaving Nik boggling about on the metal platform outside the room. He slumped against the railing and looked down. He'd have to find a better place to fall asleep than this. He desperately tried the door again. He'd have to punch through the window, but he didn't want to resort to that yet. His knuckles weren't exactly the strongest bones in his body, as was established during previous fistfights between himself and the "hah hah, animal fucker" bullies attending the school. His knuckles wereespeciallynot as durable as the bones that collided with the roof of the control room, anyway.

When he finally gave up, he collapsed on the metal platform and lay there—that is, until he heard theshing of a bullet bouncing off the metal to his side. He immediately knew his attacker was after him again, this time with a weapon, so he struggled to his feet, holding the railing to keep him steady. Another bullet was fired, hitting the metal right next to Nik's foot, making him backup over the railing. He was about to leap off when he saw the platform shift uneasily, emulating the sound of bullet-on-metal.

Nik rubbed his head wearily. He knew his mind was going, as was the platform he was standing on. With each movement he made, more metal snapped from the hinges at the side of the control room, producing pops and unnerving belches. Though there weren't any bullets, Nikolai couldn't feel safe just yet. He had to jump into the water before the platform came down with him—that, or he could climb back up atop the control room, but he didn't feel like camping out next to a massive grinding machine for a week just so he could be found by angry DEP police afterward. He gave the drop a semi-discerning glance before positioning himself over the railing.

Should I wait for the platform to snap off? Would that be safer? he questioned. But then, pictures of the platform spinning upside down midair appeared in his hazy mind, and he decided against it.

He leapt off and fell thirty feet, immediately silencing the groaning metal, trying to align his body perpendicular to the water. He slipped through almost noiselessly. His body disappeared beneath the rippling water, but he did not resurface instantly. Instead, he washed ashore and lay there with the booming waterfall in the background for the rest of the night.

A minute or so later: "Wait, do you see that?"

"What is it?"

"I don't know ... Looks like a body."

"Good, that settles our dining situation."

"Wait. Its face—his face...oh my god."

"It's a human. Hold on a minute, do you recognize him?"

"I, uh, yes, I know him. I-Iknew him, or I met him...briefly, last summer—what's he doing here?"

"Okay, then we won't eat him. Whatever! Let's get some water and go back already."

"But...I can't just leave him."

"Why the hell not? Because he'sdyin'? God forbid one human dies from the rest of the perpetually infinite population.Yeesh."

"We can't leave him because he helped me, okay?"

"Helped you? The fuck? Did he put his man part in you? Did hesatisfy you?"


"What's that face? What's that face you're giving me? Stop looking at the ground. What's the matter?"


"You've stiffened up! If I didn't know any better, I'd think hedid put his filthy worm in you ... He did, didn't he!? What the fuck! What the fuck, no! You know who was into humanality? The filthy, putrid, devolved moles in the B.C.'s."

"Just leave me."

"Fuck! I always suspected you were a share-size bag of amorphous fuck-putty among the tribe, but among the humans as well, huh?"

At the shore of the water, two figures had gathered around Nik's body. They looked similar, both covered with raggedy and matte fur of black and red. They looked feral, especially the male counterpart. He was irritable and argued with the female before grabbing his head and flailing about. He kicked at the water, no longer thirsty, and stormed off. The female, having been used to that kind of abuse, did not cry. Instead, she gazed at Nik's body in wonder.


Day one.

Nik lifted his eyes. He wasn't in his bed. He was on some mossy stuff. He groggily scanned the area, his eyelids tending to droop erratically and out of sync with one another. He could easily remember how his nightly stroll had gone awry before then, but he couldn't recall how he ended up in the middle of a forest. The smell of moist soil lingered around, reminding him of a garden show in spring, though there were no signs of flowers; it was a grim little grotto, and Nik was being increasingly disturbed by its dreariness. Something was uncannily familiar about it: the endless conifers, the inwards curve of the land, the fact that barely any light made it beneath the concentration of pine needles above. The place reminded him of...a certain camping trip and...a ruined reputation. He just couldn't seem to avoid the truth that he was Nikolai, the "animal lover," regardless of whether he was battered into a short-term coma or not! Ignorance would have been bliss, but Nik was begrudgingly resolved to get up and explore instead of reenter a state of unconsciousness.

Before he could get up, though, he'd have to spend some more time reflecting, because brooding was apparently more important to him than finding out where he was. He gritted his teeth and closed his eyes shut in despair. "It was rape," he told himself reflexively, but the result was always the same. He was Nikolai, originator of freaky trends.

"What was?"

Nik's eyes shot open.

Someone was there, with him.

Nik wanted to sink into the moss and disappear. He could not say anything; he could not scream. He tried getting up to his feet, but only made it so far where he was leaning on his elbows before his chest exploded in agony.

"Don't get up!"

When his chest tightened, he yowled and found his voice. He shrieked, "Help! He'll kill me! Someone get me out of here!" The outburst sent a flock of spearow scattering everywhere from behind some trees. Nik immediately shut up as a dark humanoid frantically entered his field of view.

"Please be quiet..." its voice resounded inside his head.

Nik looked over the creature disbelievingly. He turned and retched, feeling acid flow up his throat and retreat over and over again.

"Are you okay?" said the creature.

"I'm fine," Nik gurgled angrily, still turned away from the creature. "I've just swallowed a lot of water."

"You were on the shore of the water. You know, by the dam."

Nik wiped his face. "And you brought me here for another annual mating ritual, right?" he hissed caustically.

"So you remember me?" the creature replied quietly. "Gee, you didn't seem this angry about it the day after."

"That's because I had no clue how severe and life-destroying the ramifications would be." His eyes were beginning to water. It was all a dream, right? He wasn't really talking to the same zoroark, was he? On the off chance that he was, he'd...he'd have to ... He slowly turned until he was face to face with the apologetic zoroark.The zoroark. He looked over her body. "I don't know how you did it. I don't know how you talked me into it." His stare was intense, and the creature showed signs of apprehension. "I must've been such a pushover, I guess. But now I'm not, and if you're 'in heat,' " he made sure to add a lot of rude emphasis to the statement, "then you're out of luck."

Nik forced himself to get to his feet, ignoring the pain that shot up his spine. He left the zoroark, not bothering to ask for directions out of the forest. He didn't make it too far, however, before he collapsed. The zoroark walked to him and knelt down, putting a paw on his shoulder.

"You're mad at me. I'm mad at me, too."

Nik let out a muffled groan in response.

"The tribe, they've ostracized me. They don't like the idea of animals and humans mating. I can only assume what you've been through this past year has been very hard, but I guess we're on the same boat. You screwed up, and I screwed up. Look, for what it's worth, I'm sorry." She then noticed Nik crying.

"It hurts," he murmured, rolling onto his side. "My chest, it really hurts," he sobbed.

Zoroark sighed. "That's why you have to let me help you."

Nik tried to summon any amount of saliva he could, to show the zoroark what he thought of her helping him, but his mouth was dry. He let out a frustrated cry through gritted teeth and stared at the canopy above.

Day two.

"Good morning."

Nik violently wiped his face and sighed.

"Er, how do you fee—"

"In pain and nauseous."

"Still? I mean, you'll be in pain for a while, but you're still nauseous?" She rested her paw on Nik's stomach as if the gesture would ease him. He instead grumbled and swatted at her paw.

Now fully awake, he said, "I noticed everything from my pockets were removed yesterday. That includes my phone." Nik shivered, knowing Zoroark had to have seized his pockets while he'd been knocked out. This lead to him presuming he'd also been violated during his unresponsive slumber. In his eyes, especially after what happened a year before, Zoroark was in an unending state of estrus. Nik shivered more.

"Oh, yes, your phone. It was waterlogged, so I put it in the sun to dry."

Nik's gaze wandered about the monochromic landscape. He squinted at Zoroark. There was no sunlight.

Noticing Nik's skepticism, she explained that his personal stuff had been relocated to a more open part of the forest.

"I want my phone," Nik said, beginning to stir.

"Please don't move."

"I'm fine. It's just my back that's sore." He climbed to his feet stiffly. He stood with a hunch, clutching his sides. He limped around, making sure not to bend his back. "See...? Fine..." He slowly turned on a pivot to face Zoroark. He could not stare at the beast without holding a glare. "Show me the way to my phone, then show me the way out," he demanded. He wanted to hurt her, but it wasn't worth it. He wanted to leave more than anything.

Zoroark only nodded sadly and escorted Nik up the hill, having to wait occasionally for him to catch up. When they finally arrived, Nik regarded the sun beam atop the craggy boulder pile, unimpressed. He thought that if he'd go with Zoroark, perhaps he could refresh himself in the sunlight. Unfortunately, there wasn't much sunlight to speak of, and the trip turned out to be a pointless enervation. Zoroark climbed to the top of the crag to retrieve his phone and other belongings. When she returned, she wordlessly handed him his phone, his wallet, and his car keys. Nik frowned as he scrutinized the musty material of his wallet before shifting his eyes to the electronics. His phone was understandably broken, and the unlock and lock buttons on his key could not be pressed in anymore. Nik growled at his misfortune.

"How do I get back to the park?"

"Follow me," Zoroark replied glumly.

"Wait." Nik paused, his eyes on a nearby creak. It looked familiar. He took off, leaving the zoroark confused. Nik continued uphill until he ended up at a campsite. He limped around for a bit, exploring the area keenly. He eyed one of the trees. It had a lone nail through it. at the base of the tree were signs of old fur that hadn't biodegraded. Nik grimaced and nodded, continuing beyond an old fire pit and up the hill some more.

Zoroark, who had been poking along in a lazy pursuit, gave the pale nail a glance before shrugging and continuing. She looked around for Nik. She spotted him standing on the outskirts of the campsite, looking at the ground. She approached him. "Nikolai?"

He didn't answer.

Zoroark noticed where they were. That was the spot the two kids set up their hammocks and sleeping bags. Nik looked up at where he had been situated, underneath the crooked deciduous tree.

"Been a while since I was here last. About a year or so, I'd say." More pain shot up his spine and forced him to lie down.

Zoroark decided to sit against a tree. "Nikolai, why were you sleeping on the shore of the water?"

Nik stared at the canopy as he responded. "I was assaulted by someone at the top of the dam." He heard a soft gasp from Zoroark. "I fell."

"Who would do that?"

"I dunno. One of the many people who're against pokéality."

"Pokéality. So that's what they call it. But, but there are so many interspecies relationships now."

Nik moved around uncomfortably. "So? There are still people out there who'd rather stick with traditional relationships—me being one of them—and those people generally hate the ones who prefer pokéality."

"Oh. I had no idea there would be feuds over such a trivial thing."

"It's a bigger deal than you'd think. Human's have standards mainly based on morality. If you have sex with a pokémon, it's considered unethical or abusive or what have you."

"Well, why doyou consider it unethical?"

"Because ... Because it ruined my life, maybe?" Nik struggled to sit up straight. He had a pained expression.

Zoroark looked at the ground thoughtfully. "So, youwouldn't be against it, had younot been the first one to do it?" Zoroark was aware that she and Nik were the first to have done it—during that day and age, anyway.

"No," Nik replied sternly, though his voice trembled slightly. "God dammit, no. I would be against it unconditionally." He sat in silent contemplation as he swished his tongue around in his mouth. His stared at Zoroark sharply, judging her while he cycled through wary facial expressions. After a while of tense silence, he got to his feet and stretched like a rusty coil being pulled at both ends. "Well, my family must be worried." He started off, knowing exactly where to go, as he was in a revisited area of the forest, but as he stepped onto the trail, an inkling of doubt crossed his mind. He turned back and looked at the zoroark, who returned the stare with fervor, thinking he'd remembered to say goodbye. However, Nik was concerned with something else. "This trail leads to the side of the forest opposite the park," he informed Zoroark, crossing his arms in an insatiate manner. He gazed at the beast expectantly.

"Uh," was her reply.

"As you can see," Nik continued, "I'm not in the best shape to be walking ten miles."

Zoroark was overwhelmed. What was she to say? Did he expect her tocarry him or what? He was so intimidating. Finally, she spoke hesitantly. "Do you want me to, to carry you?"

Nik was disgusted. "You've touched me enough already," he laughed coldly. "Show me how to get back to the park."

Though the zoroark felt threatened, she was also oddly attracted to Nik in a sense that she wanted him to stay and give her company. It'd be a nice break from the rabid male zoroark who served as her chaperone, for lack of a better word. "Why would you want to go back?" she asked spontaneously.

Nik paused and shot her a look.

"I mean, just so you can be harassed more, and possibly killed?"

"It's better than this," Nik replied idly.

"Is it?" Zoroark contended.

"God dammit, it is!" With his back turned towards the zoroark, Nik took his shirt off, surprising her. He inspected his chest. It was covered in purple and gray. He softly brushed his fingers up and down against the mounds of his ribcage and was instantly lightheaded. He had broken ribs before, and he remembered his doctor saying something like, "This is something only time can heal. Try not to get into any more fistfights. However, if you break a rib from a fall or a crush, then you should consult me immediately." Nik didn't want to wait any longer, in fear that a loose rib would cut through his chest or something crazy like that. Additionally, the crushed oran berries Zoroark insisted on spreading on him weren't very effective or assuring.

Zoroark was hurt. She quietly lead him back to base camp. Upon arrival, Zoroark noticed that the sun was setting. "Maybe we should go in the morning. It's quite a ways from here."

"How far did you carry me?" Nik asked incredulously. "You carried me this far?"

Zoroark shrugged. "This was the most comfortable place I could find; it's so mossy," she said absently, patting the moss.

Nik acquiesced. He lay down and rested his head against a tree. It was probably a good idea to coat his chest up again with oran paste. He flinched when Zoroark took his shirt.

"Shirt. Off." She presented to him the berries.

He couldn't refuse them. They did feel pretty nice. He spent two minutes or so trying to undress himself as the zoroark awkwardly but unheedingly looked on. Once he was ready, he laid back with a grunt and waited for the cold paste to come. He tensed up as the zoroark applied it. He could feel it absorbing into his muscles like he were taking a bath. But it wasn't enough. He needed to see a doctor. He needed to go back to his family. What was his family thinking right then? Were they worried that Nik had disappeared? Were people searching for him? Did his parents care about his absence? Did his parents love him?

Animal fucker.

Nik sobbed quietly. All of a sudden, his chest stung. His eyes opened wide when he saw what Zoroark was doing. She was applying Razz berry paste. It felt spicy, but warmed his heart and lungs. He closed his eyes contentedly. He felt the Razz berries absorb into his flesh, fizzling like pop rocks, and for once he was happy. Zoroark massaged his chest, gently pushing the berries into his skin. Before, her paws had overstayed their welcome, and Nik had had to bat them away. This time, though, he was too sleepy to protest. She, too, had her eyes closed, but she continued to work her paws until she unconsciously began kneading his chest.

Nik spoke wistfully. "I-I blamed you, when I should be blaming all the humans against me. I'm sorry."

Zoroark was stunned that he had forgiven her so quickly—that he had forgiven her. "Do...you still believe it was...rape?"

Nik smirked drunkenly. "Nah. I enjoyed it." He was intoxicated by the scent of berries, though hedid mean it.

Zoroark opened her eyes and squinted. Weird, she thought.

Day three.

Nik sat on a fallen tree, alone, thinking. It was early in the evening still, but he had not mentioned anything about leaving. He spent the morning quietly thinking instead. There were just too many problems he had been faced with during the year. Matt and Taylor. Nik knew of Taylor and his mightyena's covert relationship. Alli stayed the same, happy and carefree, while Taylor changed noticeably. It was funny how he always denied it when Nik probed him about the relationship. Taylor openly did not endorse it, though he had sheepishly told Nik, way back when, that he and Alli had "tested the waters" the day they returned from the camping trip. It sounded stupid, so Nik slapped Taylor and said the usual: "Nothing happened between me and that damn animal!" Taylor would deliberately refuse to listen, as the thought ofhim being the first to engage in bestial sex made him self-mutilate and want to cry.

It had seemed that people were just waiting for some fool to do it first, so then the rest can adopt the lifestyle and not have their reputations hurt.

"You know, the other day, when you told me every human was partaking in, you know—I was kind of surprised," Zoroark spoke to Nik, sitting on a stump not too far away. Their backs were both turned to one another. "I never knew it was a big deal. But I don't understand why people would hate you if they follow your example."

"I told you already, the people who don't 'follow my example' are the ones that hate me," Nik replied, annoyed. "Don't go thinking humans don't mate with humans anymore."

"Oh. I'm sorry. Er, Nik? What you said last night..." Zoroark maintained an irresistible coyness in the way she spoke as she turned on her stump ever so slightly, although there was this playful undertone present.

Nik grimaced. "That? Forget I said it."

Zoroark frowned and tapped her three nails against the stump. How did the human girls do it? she wondered. She waited momentarily, then she reached around to her back, unhooked an invisible strap with a playful "ka-shnk," before standing and swaying, like a prostitute whose legs have atrophied. She brought her claws to her chest, groping an imaginary article of clothing, removing it and displaying her inexistent breasts for Nik, though she knew well that he wasn't watching. Her bra hung loosely from her claws before floating to the ground like a leaf. Zoroark regarded it stoically for a moment, then returned her stare to Nik, dazed by the sudden sunlight breaching the canopy. Glueing her legs together, she seized her hips and slid her claws down her legs, removing yet another imaginary undergarment. She was fully naked. Nik didn't notice. She breathed out and shook her head. It must be embarrassing being a human girl, she thought, shivering in the breeze.

Nik stood up and turned around, testing his back. "Well, I think I'm ready to go."

Zoroark's heart dropped. She failed to seduce him, but she was not done yet. "Nik, wait." She carefully went up to Nik.

He blinked.

The beast ran her claw down Nik's shirt. "Give me a chance," she whispered longingly. "What've you got to lose?"

Nik gazed into the beast's teal eyes. He cried inwardly, but he felt his lips betray him in an involuntary smirk. He slowly wrapped a hand around the beast, feeling her fur heat up where he made contact. The beast pulled him into a kiss. It felt funny, like brushing his face against a carpet. He allowed her tongue into his mouth, and he felt a tear escape his eye.

After a minute, the beast guided him backwards, gently pushing him onto the fallen tree. He sat straight, staring into the beast's red hair in a trance. She looked at him coquettishly as she worked his zipper downwards. The zipper proved to be no trouble for her and her extensive knowledge of human clothing.

Nik felt his jeans an underwear be slowly pulled down, exposing his skin to the beast, who looked on in wide-eyed amazement.

The beast hesitated, deciding what position would make Nik feel the least uncomfortable. In the end, she went with the usual, though she was afraid Nik would be put off by looking at her inhuman face. She apprehensively enclasped his still body and eased down over his length.

Nik felt it happen. He was swallowed up slowly. He closed his eyes, his mouth open, and held onto the beast's fur. Actually, he found it better when he put his arms more behind him. It felt nicer that way, and he didn't have to be reminded by her fur that she wasn't a human.

She bobbed up and down, mouth agape, staring over Nik's head and a blurring forest. She leaned her head down and licked Nik's neck, eliciting a grunt. "Nikolai," she cooed. "Such a biblical name..." Then began her soft moans.

What the...? thought Nik, cringing. He was glad the humping was nothing primal, but he was overheating regardless. He didn't dare take his shirt off, however. That'd indicate he'd be getting more into something he wassupposed to be reluctant to do. He felt something building. It came fast, a burst of air through dampened pine needles.

The beast felt it too. It erupted, coating her insides and getting forced out slightly through the creases, oddly overwhelming her and causing her to follow suit. She suppressed a howl and instead squeezed Nik's back with her claws.

A twig snapped nearby. Someone gasped.

Nik's eyes shot open. He snapped his head towards the sound and saw an old man in trashy clothing with a male zoroark being dragged along. Both of them stared in shock. Nik grabbed Zoroark firmly and stared at her with a distinguishable fear she had not seen before. She turned and saw it too. Nik shook her off and zippered up quickly.

Zoroark stood and stared at the other zoroark. She let out a confused, "Uh?"

The male replied, in a small voice, "Cid?" He was on the verge of tears. He was hurt. The ASP being pushed into his temple only helped to exacerbate the situation. "I-I'm sorry. I had to f-find you."

"You'd think falling off a dam'd be enough to kill you," the old man spoke sourly. "I got to the bottom and you wasn't there. This feller was though."

"Let him go," Zoroark whispered, quivering where she stood.

The man made a guttural noise in response before gruffly adding, "I'ma kill all three of you."

"Please, why?" Nik demanded, holding his hands in front of him. "Why does this matter to you so much!?"

"You changed my daughter with your ways!" the man howled back, his face contorting into a hysteric frown. He sobbed. "It ain't right! It just ain't right." He composed himself and aimed at Zoroark. She froze. The male zoroark didn't hesitate to bite into the arm which had been strangulating him. The man cried out and slammed the ASP into the zoroark's head. The male fell forward but brought the old man with him, making the man vulnerable to the other two.

Nik was unmoving. Zoroark acted promptly and went for the gun. The man was flailing it around in the air. Then, as if he just remembered he had it, he brought it down to the male zoroark's head. Zoroark seized it and pulled it away, but it was caught on the man's forefinger. A blast resounded throughout the forest. Zoroark's eyes rolled upwards in shock, staring at misplaced hairs flowing freely in front of her eyes. She growled and bit the man's wrist. With a groan, he let go of the gun. Zoroark fiddled with the piece of metal. When she positioned her claws, she unleashed a number of blasts in succession, turning the man's head into pulp.

The male zoroark got off the man, letting out a whimper, and stumbled away, leaving a trail of blood.

Nik blinked vacantly. Zoroark sure had no trouble whatsoever dispatching that guy, and she did it so ruthlessly too.

She, too, began whimpering. "What the ... Nik, is that what you deal with back home...?"

Nik thought for a moment. "Yeah," he said abruptly.

"These humans are crazy!" Zoroark screamed. "Why would you want to live with that?"

The event had brought about a revelation in Nik's mind. "I...guess I don't."

The two stood in silence. The clearing. The fallen tree. The corpse. The breeze had stopped.

Day forty-five.

Nik sat on the little wooden balcony, overlooking the Canadian landscape. He felt a paw rest itself on his shoulder. He smiled faintly and continued to look on. He wondered if he'll ever go home again. Probably not, but he was okay with that. Nik was living in an never-ending camping trip.

Ringtone: G-Funk Intro - Snoop Dogg

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