Disclaimer: The Smash Bros. series belongs to Nintendo.

Author's Note: Originally, there were supposed to have 3 chapters left until the 3-part series finale.
But time is running short and my schedule is getting busier, and Smash Bros. Ultimate is just 10 weeks away. So I decided the bring the series finale closer. This means that the preview events you've been reading at the end of every chapter-not all of them will happen.

Hope you enjoy this chapter. It's been a while but at least I've delivered. A big thank you to those who still stuck by me since then. :)

Super Smash Bros. 3D

Witch Time in 3D



OCs (Original Characters): Jacen 'Jace' Riders, Hunter 'Hunt' Long, Jenn Dimentio

SBs (Smash Bros characters): Mario, Luigi, Rosalina, Peach, Link, Zelda, Palutena, Pit, Bowser Jr., Bowser, Kirby, Pikachu, Yoshi, Samus, The Koopalings, Robin/Grima, Evil Ryu, Bayonetta, Olimar.

Minor Characters

OCs (Original Characters): Mai-Lee Yashida (Jace's mother), Daniel (Mai's fiancé), Bella Dimentio (Jenn's mother), Cassie de Bellefort

Nintendo Characters: Slippy, Peppy, Krystal, Jack Levin

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Previously on Smash Bros. 3D:

(Dr. Mario and Luigi on Jace's sacrifice)

-Dr. Mario: That's-a how much of a hero he was: he died to save us all.

-Luigi: But we're-a gonna bring him back right?

(Cassie to Isaac and Garet on reviving Jace)

"We could use the Golden Ball's powers to bring him back to life." Cassie asked Isaac.

"I don't think it works that way." Isaac solemnly said…. … "No revival items in the Nintendo World could bring him back to life. The only thing left of him are his memories."

(Cassie and the Golden Sun cast cross path with Buzz-Buzz the insect)

"HEY WATCH IT!" Buzz-Buzz screamed when Cassie tried to kill it.

Cassie screamed in panic of a talking insect.

(Buzz-Buzz explaining the Multiverse)

"This Earth Realm, where we are in right now, is one of multiple mirror versions of the Earth Realm that is the nexus point of all Earth Realms" Buzz-Buzz said, "It means that there are multiple versions of you three in the multiverse."

(Cassie and the Golden Sun cast, with Lucina and Ness, meet Jace in another Earth, Alternate Jace)

"There's another Earth World, different than this Earth World… and there's another me there?" Alternate Jace asked Cassie.

"Yes. You. From my world." Cassie then handed him his letter. "He doesn't exist anymore."

He looked back at Cassie, "I died… saving you?"

(Buzz-Buzz learns that Cassie wants to bring Alternate Jace back home)

"Are you suggesting that I help you bring Jace from an alternate world back into your world?" Buzz-Buzz said, "it's AGAINST THE LAWS OF TIME!"

(Alternate Jace makes a decision)

"I'll be able to meet the end of your bargain" Alternate Jace said to Cassie.

(Father Time Chromium aka Chrom helps Alternate Jace out)

Chrom stretched his hand out and Jace's body suddenly flashed a bright blue

"I've created an alternate version of you." … … … "you are now officially a foreigner in this world."

(Alternate Jace, arriving in our World, stumbled on his counterpart's dead body. He stood still, shaken)

"Bro…" he whispered

(A Time quake due to two versions of the same person erupts in the room)

"What's going on?" Cassie screamed.

Alternate Jace backed away until his back felt against a wall. To everyone's horror and surprise, Jace's dead body was swallowed by a celestial white and jumped into Alternate Jace's mouth. Alternate Jace fainted and his entire alternate self, transformed back into his real self.

(Real Jace wake up)

"J-Jace?! Is it…? …really you?" Cassie said.

"…I… I thought I'd lost you." Jace replied.

(Ganondorf and Cassie's family confronts Cassie on a big decision)

"Princess Cassie. You need to understand the situation here. Marrying Prince Cashmere will expand your family dynamics." Ganondorf said, "And I'm confident that you will make the right decision."

"So Princess Cassie." Belgick turned to Cassie. "What's it going to be?"

Cassie stood still, not liking the outcome.

(The Smash Bros getting the magical 3DS back but then shortly after they notice Peach and Zelda went missing)

"We need that 3rd Dimensional Screen if we want the Amiibo curse to be reverted on your father" Palutena said to Jenn.

"What is it, Rosalina?" Mario asked.

"Peach." Rosalina said, "She was here a minute ago."

The Smash Bros. notice a message on a wall I HAVE PEACH.

"It's Zelda! We've lost her!" Pit said.

How do we know it's the same people who kidnapped Peach?" Link said,

(Buzz-Buzz reveals a prophecy)

"Within the next month, his cousin Jennifer Dimentio will take from his hand the 3rd Dimensional Screen and will hand it over to a powerful sorceress…"

(Bayonetta kidnaps Dimentio)

"Morgana?" Casey, Dimentio's protector gasped.

Bayonetta adjusted her glasses and brushed her jet-black bobcut hair, "Wrong witch, pretty boy."

"Bayonetta." Dr. Dimentio said her name.

… Bayonetta casts Witch Time on Casey, freezing him in place. …

"If you don't give Dimentio up to me…"

she crunched hard on the Mystery Box. The box crackled and Dimentio inside the box screamed in panic. Casey gasped in terror.

"…you will lose him too."

(Jenn learned of what happened to her dad)

"I'm really sorry Jennifer." Casey said.

"I'm the one who should apologize." Jenn said, "I put you in serious danger…"

"…you actually led us straight to the person behind the princesses' kidnapping."

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Three months later…

Jace had never felt so alive in his entire life.

His surroundings—series of trees, buildings and asphalt—poured into his eyeballs at limitless speed, his vision capturing sharper colors and more pixels like a projected 4K resolution.

The high winds blew past his ears, capturing its rushing sound despite wearing a helmet. The sun pierced through his black jacket, giving him warmth over the roaring cold. The mossy earthy odor of the Hudson River reminded him of the time he and Hunt had stumbled upon a homeless camp under its bridge back in 11th Grade. Hunt freaked out when that homeless guy pulled out a knife on them—to carve them a nice roadkill dinner of possum.


He twisted the throttle handle once more and his green Kawasaki bike roared before gaining another speed down the highway crossing East Brunswick in New Jersey. The Washington Bridge was couple of miles ahead. The asphalt road under him moved in a blinding blur. Soon, cars before him piled up as his speed remained at 120 miles per hour. That added to the challenge of avoiding them all.

He should slow down now. With couple of swerves, twists, and not applying too many brakes to tip his bike over, he should be fine.

Hell, he felt more than fine. He felt… well, ALIVE!

But then one more glance at his speed again and a powerful rush of terror crutched his heart. He suddenly wasn't questioning the feel of speeding through traffic on his bike. He was questioning riding the bike itself! How was he doing that? He never rode a bike before, let alone a BMX. Where were his training—

Whoa! A sharp gasp escaped his lips as a Sedan pulled in front of him and screeched. He wrenched his bars right and barely brushed past the Sedan.

"Watch where you goin', asshole!" He heard the driver scream as he moved past him. Once in front, he glanced at him from his sideview mirror and flipped the bird. He twisted on his throttle and rode on, ignoring the driver's loud horn as a displeased reply.

He finally reached the Washington Bridge. Traffic was filling up now, congesting both lanes. There was a construction crew up ahead controlling traffic. He let go off the handlebars and relaxed his feet on the asphalt ground that was blurring out before him ten seconds ago. He pulled the helmet off and let the sun greet him with a kiss.

He glanced above the clouds, breathing heavily. What had happened just now? One minute he knew what he was doing then the next, everything around him felt new, including bike riding which he's been doing since high school.

"Remember Jace… you will gain the memories of your original version in that world." A voice spoke behind him.

He turned around and right in the middle of traffic was someone he'd never expected to see since seeing him back in the Nintendo World.

"Chrom?" he said, "Dude, is that you? What are you—"

The blue-haired swordsman suddenly transformed into an African-American young man sporting a nice red jacket and vest ensemble, had glasses and had the hairstyle similar to Apollo Justice.

His sudden morphing didn't faze Jace. He didn't know why he wasn't fazed. He should be. Seeing that he never met the dude before but somehow he knew his name was also Chrom.

"They will not overwrite your memories of this world." Chrom said, "So you may end up having a case of… identity crisis as side effect."

"Identity crisis?" Jace said.

Chrom then smiled, "Don't worry. It's not permanent."

Next thing Jace knew the man vanished and he was staring right at a middle-aged driver in a Hyundai hatchback staring back at him, confused. She'd looked behind to see if he wasn't talking directly to her and then shook her head and shrugged.

He grinned and dismissed her with a simple wave and a thumbs-up. Turning back to face the road, he

tapped his helmeted head in thought. Memories of this world? Original version? Identity crisis? He had no idea what this Chrom guy was talking about…yet somehow, he knew exactly what he was talking about. One thing for sure, his mind was playing tricks and he needed to get to the bottom of this.

He leaned back to clutch on his bike's handlebars as he allow the thought to sink in, when something fell from the sky to his lap. A letter. It had Peach's insignia on it. Looked like an invitation with her signed crest.

It's been a while since Peach spoke to him. Shoot, it's been a while since he'd seen Peach at all.

He looked up and saw a Luma waving at him before departing into the distant sky. That was a Luma, Jace thought. Rosalina was still in town. She'd wanted to talk to him before Europe. He should get to her.

He opened the letter and read.

"Jace. You're cordially invited to…" he frowned, "…wait, what?"


The Plaza, New York City

"…You're registering all of us to the Etiquette School of New York?" Hunt said in shock, "Because of Jace?"

Hunt and Jenn, along with Luigi, Palutena and Rosalina were at the Plaza ballroom with Jace's mom Mai-Lee, and her fiancé Daniel. Caterers were setting up tables and bringing in all kinds of gourmet dishes from braised pork to chocolate fountains.

"Of course!" Mai-Lee said.

"But why?" Hunt sounded in pain.

"Jace has found love with that Glendorian Princess Cassie and so to prepare him for the model royal boyfriend role, he is eligible for the etiquette school. Plain and simple."

She then let out a gushing laugh. "Oh I am rather very hopeful that he's gonna drop his bad boy image for good, thanks to her."

"Then why do I have to get dragged into this?" Jenn asked.

Mai got quiet for a brief moment, "…because I invited the director of the Etiquette School for a cotillion dinner?" she muttered.

Jenn's jaws dropped, "You invited Mom?" she barked, "But, W-Why?"

Mai turned to her husband, "Daniel. Can you talk to her, please?" she went on her business.

"Oh come now, Jenn, your aunt is highly optimistic about this." Daniel looked between Hunt and Jenn now. "She's expecting big changes in her son's behavior since he's now dating royalty." He then turned to Luigi, "…like Mario over here who is dating Princess Peach!"

Luigi forced a grin, "…you're mistaken me for my brother. But I'm kinda flattered…"

"Oh." Daniel tilted his head, "…you're not Mario?"

"No, I'm his—"

"Make sure he gets this." Daniel cut him off and handed him a picture of Mario, "It's… for my sister. She's a big fan and wants an autograph. Thanks."

Luigi tightened his jaw.

"Guys, this cotillion party I am hosting is very important." Mai said, "Inviting Bella is an incentive to get you guys, but most importantly Jace, to get accepted to the etiquette school as the decision hadn't been made final yet." She went to the banquet table to verify the foods there. Jenn and Hunt followed.

"So, basically this dinner is like his interview?" Jenn asked. Hunt then almost choked a laugh. "And you think he's gonna—"

Mai grabbed a tonsil and pointed at Hunt, "Hunt, so God help me, if you say he's not gonna pass, I will feed you to the piranhas!" she nudged her head over to a large aquarium full of colorful fishes being transported into the room.

Hunt raised an eyebrow. Hard to believe those fishes were piranhas. But then when he saw one leap from the water, it made a sound that was very reminiscent to a saw grinding on a bone. A cold chill tingled all over his skin.

"But we're talking about Jace here." Jenn said, "The man wore a hoodie instead of a tux on Prom night!"

"In his defense though, the hoodie was under a tux." Hunt defended.

"But does the tux had to be sleeveless though?" Jenn protested.

"That's going to change. Trust me." Mai strode on, but Daniel let out a chortle. She turned to glare at him and he stopped.

"I actually am quite fond of cotillion parties." Rosalina gushed, "The Lumas and I would throw one every year during the Lunar Eclipse."

"Pit and I would throw one every 30th of the tenth month." Palutena gushed, "We'd call it the festival of the harvest. And in every full moon, the whole ballroom would transform into a midnight masquerade."

"Oooh! Fun!" Luigi relished, but Mai got tensed. She turned away, clutching her neck for a rub.

"What? What is it?" Palutena asked.

After a long pause, Mai turned back to the group with a false smile, "I hate to be a negative Nancy here but," eyes darting between the Nintendo characters, "I'm not really comfortable… inviting… you guys."

Disappointment filled the goddesses' eyes. "…what?"

"Aunt Mai, come on! That's prejudice!" Jenn then added, and Hunt interjected, "Come on now!" Even Daniel was shaking his head. "Not cool, Mai."

The stunned Mai darted her eyes back and forth, "W-what? I'm not being prejudiced!"

"You are." Hunt confessed and Luigi nodded in agreement.

"Wh—I…" she hesitated, "It's just that…" she stopped to take a breath, "I know you guys are still adjusting to your new home here on Earth but there are some guests who may not be comfortable being with you guys. I'll throw another party similar to that soon, or at least until your friend, Mario, come up with that formula to make you look like us?"

"We promise we'll behave." Rosalina said.

Palutena raised a swear hand.

"I can't promise that." Luigi blurted out, "I'm out." He turned to leave.

Mai huffed. She looked at Jenn and Hunt hoping for them to change their minds. Or at least tell them how dangerous this could be.

"Give them a chance. Please Aunt Mai." Jenn said.

"With the life we're living right now, a change is what we need." Hunt said.

"And if Jace saw that his best friends, the Smash Brothers weren't at the cotillion, he might even attend the party in…" she shuddered. "boxers."

Mai scowled at the image. She then looked at her fiancée who nodded, "It's true honey. Boxers."

"Okay." She threw her hands up. "Fine. You win. You had me at boxers."

Palutena cheered and high fived Rosalina. "Yes!" Hunt exclaimed.

"Oh, Jenn! I forgot to tell you." Mai said, "Someone wanted to see you at the hotel lobby. And no, it's not your mother."

"Really? Just me?" Jenn said.

"Actually," She then turned to Luigi, Rosalina and Palutena, "she asked to see all of you."

Palutena and Rosalina exchanged glances, and Luigi cocked his head on one side, "All of us?" Rosalina repeated.

"Now, who could that be?" Palutena wondered.

"That would be me, sweetheart." A female voice answered her.

Heads turned to the source. Mai smiled at her presence, "Ah, there she is."

Coming toward them was yet another Nintendo character. At the sight of her, Jenn could feel her blood turn ice cold.


The Umbran Witch was in her white formal dress with her white hat. She inched toward Palutena, Rosalina, Luigi and Jenn as if she was a guest of honor. Jenn made a low guttural growl.

"Not her again." Luigi muttered, exactly speaking Jenn's mind for her.

"Bayonetta?" Hunt said, mouth hanging.

"You know her?" Mai asked, then resignedly said, "Oh never mind of course you do. Same people from you guys' video games."

Bayonetta turned to Mai upon hearing that, "I don't know what you mean by that sweetheart but, I'll pretend that was a compliment."

"Oh it was." Mai quickly interjected, "I didn't mean to sound rude. It's just that my son and best friend and my niece here are always into those, dare I say, kids' games and since you are all part of it I can't take you guys' seriously."

"Hee-hee." Jenn forced a grin, "Aunt Mai, you might wanna learn to hold your tongue." She then leaned in close to her and whispered, "Those kids' games people are still people! With feelings."

Mai raised her hands in surrender and went back to her duty. Something rang in Hunt's phone. He took a quick glance and started for the exit, "Sorry, I have to take this." He hesitated, reluctant to leave when Bayonetta and her horny self was beaming in his line of sight like a blinking red light and he was the cat after it.

"It's so," Hunt reached in to touch her arm. He jolted at the soft skin feel, "…good to see you." He grinned.

"Oh, pleasure's all mine, darling." Bayonetta said. Hunt grinned, did a small wave and finally departed.

Now Jenn, Rosalina, Palutena and Luigi were alone, with the witch who's ruining their lives.

"What are you doing here, you bitch?" Jenn snarled.

Bayonetta fake-gasped, "Now dear. Is that a way to treat a friend? Your friend just now treated me nicely."

"We're not friends, Bayonetta." Palutena interjected. "And Hunt just wants your body—" Jenn cringed at the comment, "—I know what you did to Rosalina! And the princesses!"

"And where is—" Jenn held her breath then said in a low-tone, "where is my dad?" With Aunt Mai and her husband still in the room, she didn't want her to know her brother-in-law got kidnapped; and the kidnapper was right in front of them dressed up like she was going to church; and not to confess for her sins.

"What have you done to him? Did you hurt him?" Jenn snarled.

"Oh relax. He's a doll." Bayonetta said. "And you should be grateful. In this curse that he's in, he would've been dead by now, but I preserved his box to last a long while. At least until I get what I want."

"I can't believe you'd have the gall to come in here and gloat," Jenn hissed. "after what you did to him and to Casey."

"Okay, chill! I'm not that type of villainess who just teleports from out of nowhere, takes another man's box and then just leave. I asked permission first."

"With a Witch Time Bob-Omb?"

Bayonetta broke into a grin, "I don't have to be nice."

Jenn lunged at Bayonetta, hands outstretched for her neck. Luigi grabbed Jenn by the waist, Jenn swung and thrashed to break free, stretching for Bayonetta's neck. "You little bitch! Why I oughta—"

Palutena and Rosalina jumped in between her and Bayonetta. "Jenn! Hold on!" Palutena said, "You don't wanna do this."

"It will not be wise to attack her!" Rosalina exclaimed.

"I'm gonna have to agree on that." Bayonetta said, her boobs thrust out.

Jenn stopped swinging, lurching and breathing harshly from the struggle. Luigi let go off her and dropped to his knees, exhausted.

"You don't want to mess with a witch like me. Your friend Casey y'see, he was not strong enough. And he's a powerful wizard. You, darling, are not. If you want to see your father, and the other princesses, you're gonna have to meet our demands. And that's why I'm here. To let you know about those demands."

A piece of Bayonetta's statement surprised Jenn. Our demands. She wasn't alone in this?

"What do you want?" she asked, "…and who's we?"

Bayonetta briefly held her breath. "Save your questions for later, sweetie." She turned on her heels and walked away, "You have 48 hours!" she stopped to face the girls in the eye again, "That's how long your father's Mystery Box would last, until he dies. If you want to see him again, I need you to steal that machine from your cousin."

"And you know what I'm talking about sweetie." She added, "The 3rd Dimensional Screen. Don't bring anything else but this. Not even a fake. Trust me. I'll know. And don't even think about tracking us down. Or they will be hell to pay."

Jenn sighed in defeat. She needed the 3rd Dimensional Screen to revert the Amiibo curse from her dad. But at this point, if she had to give that 3DS up to get him back, that was a risk worth taking. Who knows, maybe Bayonetta may give her back her dad as who is supposed to be—a human.

"Would you like to stay for our cotillion dinner tonight?" Mai stepped in, asking Bayonetta.

"NO!" both she and Jenn shouted in unison, startling Mai. Jenn turned to Bay with barred teeth, "Let me walk you out. Because I want to be a lady in front of my auntie. So she can tell Mommy how proud she should be to have a daughter like me."

Bay lifted a hand to stop her, "No need. I can show myself out." She then whispered, "Again, you have 48 hours. Get the device and meet me at the Rose club. I will know when you show up." She winked, "Oh! And you can forget about Mommy. She's never gonna be proud of you." She blew a kiss, turned on her heels and walked away.

"AT LEAST TELL ME WHERE ARE YOU HOLDING MY F—" Jenn held herself. She didn't want to draw the attention of her aunt who was at close proximity to hear the truth about Dad.

"Did I miss something?"—Aunt Mai asked. Jenn turned to her "Or anything, at all? Should I be concern?" Mai asked again, possibly noting the worry lines over her forehead.

"Actually, Aunt Mai." Jenn said, "I do want to be part of the cotillion!"

Mai's face lit up, "Really?"

"Yeah! As long as you do something really important for me!" she then turned to Rosalina and Palutena, "And I need you two to do something for me too."


-Starbucks Coffee-

-With summertime fast approaching, Luigi could feel the sun roasting his skin under his overalls, offering no relief. He began to think he should've worn shorts.

Then he entered the coffeehouse. Now he wished it was colder outside because the crowd of people didn't help.

"Are you okay Luigi?" Rosalina asked him.

Luigi tugged on his collar, feeling the walls in his mind closing in on him. "No…" he gulped, "Don't you get the feeling that we're being watched or something?"

He'd only meant to say that or imagined that was the case. But people were staring at them. Nintendo characters, in a Real World coffeehouse.

People working on their laptops or tablets no longer paid attention to their screen.

Customers chatting with friends and acquaintances over lunch or coffee, had their phones snapping pictures at them, and murmuring talks of their presences as if they were celebrities. And it wasn't just them. Pit, Link, Fox, Falco and Kirby were at the far-off corner at a spaced-out bistro table with padded seats, with all eyes on them.

Palutena and Rosalina pushed past the crowded people, whispering "Excuse me, pardon me…" until they reached the characters, "Seriously?" Rosalina hissed, "A coffeehouse?"

"You would rather us being stuck in that stuffy room in the middle of a hot weather?" Falco interjected.

"At least it's private." Palutena said.

"Where's Mario?" Link asked, "Or is he still in his Dr. Mario phase?"

"Not anymore. Saw him this morning." Luigi confirmed. "Told him about the cotillion party and it caught his interest."

"Cotillion?" Pit lit up, "Like the Festival of the Harvest from back home?"

"Yeah but you can forget about attending Pit. We weren't invited." Palutena said, "Well, at least not at first."

"Aww, why?"

"It's…" Palutena stopped, prowling over the crowd of people who were still not minding their own business in the coffeehouse. "Can I freeze time?"

"You're the goddess." Fox said, "Go…"

Palutena did a whisk of her hand and the joyful murmurs and chatters went dead with everyone except the Nintendo characters standing frozen and still.

"…nuts." Fox finished his sentence.

Palutena slouched with a slight moan. "Now we can talk freely."

"So why are we not invited to the cotillion?" Pit asked.

Palutena threw a dismissive hand, "That's not the issue right now Pit."

"Then what is?" Link asked.

"Err… the princesses?" Luigi furrowed his brow, "Being missing? We've been searching for them for the past month!"

"Well you don't have to worry about that any longer." Link brought a hopeful smirk, "…I think we caught a break." He gave Falco a look that searched for confirmation.

"A break? Are you sure?" Rosalina asked.

"Yep." Falco said, giving that confirmation, "Captain Falcon. Samus had him tracked down and he's in some building in New York called the FBI."

"FBI?" Pit shook his head, "Not familiar with that. What is it?"

"They're a special kind of operative enforcers." Fox said, "They specialize in investigations. Like space patrols but here on Earth."

"That's great!" Palutena exclaimed, "Where did Samus find him?"

"There is a portal at the FBI Building." Falco said, "It can take us to Mute City's Command Center. We will meet with Samus there and talk to Captain Falcon and his crew."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Luigi said.

The group jumped to their feet and were about to exit, but the eerie quietness of the coffeehouse had them hesitate.

"So what do we do with them?" Pit asked.

"We could try this really cool trick where Palutena unfreeze time and I teleport us all to the FBI Building?" Rosalina proposed.

Palutena smirked, "Way ahead of you." And with a snap of her finger, time unfroze on the coffeehouse and in that same instant, Rosalina snapped her fingers and the gang vanished.


-Somewhere in space…-

-Peppy, Slippy and Krystal have made a circle around a small strange astronaut with big nose and monolith eyes that looked like they were closed. The strange astronaut was tied to a chair, completely dazed and disoriented.

"…so, stranger." Slippy reached a finger to poke the astronaut's nose. Peppy slapped Slippy's hand away from the astronaut.

"May we ask who you are?" Peppy asked the astronaut.

"Uhh... …." the astronaut grumbled under his breath.

Krystal approached the astronaut and checked the charm on his necklace. "At least he has a name." she concluded, "Olimar."

Olimar's nose twitched. He then lit up and let out a gasp, "Hey! I smell food! Fresh fruit!" his lips suddenly excreted some saliva.

The StarFox crew looked at each other.

"Would you all be so kind as to fetch me some apple or mango? Ooh! Or berries?"

"Didn't we just feed you some berries?!"

Olimar paused.

"I don't remember." he muttered after a moment of silence.

"Olimar." Slippy asked, "What are you doing here? Where is your own ship?"

A loud clanking noise was heard, followed by a series of whirring sounds. The group turned to the door of the spaceship slowly creaking open.

Then a small explosion caught their ears behind.

"Looking for this?" a ruffian male voice alarmed them. They turned to a furry canine with grey hair and an eyepatch. He had in his hand the key to Olimar's spaceship; and he wasn't alone. By his side were a pig and a cameleon.

"Who are—?" the rest of Krystal's sentence got cut off by a sharp gasp of surprise. "Oh no…"

Wolf O'Donnell and his Star Wolf team have interrupted them.

Olimar got dropped and hit gravel hard in his head. Peppy, Slippy and Krystal made the same rough landing. Next thing Olimar knew he heard rusty hinges squealing then a cell door scraping against the uneven floor; then a loud slam jerked them back to their feet.

"Wuh—HEY!" his eyes widened in panic, "What's the big idea—?"

"SHUT UP!" howled Leon Kowalski the chameleon. Pigma Dengar and Wolf stood beside him. "You're our prisoner now! So you have nothing else to say, got that?"

Olimar cowered.

Wolf peered into the prisoners' frightened eyes. "Hope you're enjoying each other's companies, ladies."

Ladies? It took a second for Olimar to realize that Wolf was no longer talking to him and his friends. They weren't alone in that cell.

"I'd really enjoy my new guests' companies, if we were out that prison and in my home castle!" yelled Zelda.

Peach clutched her arms together, rubbing for warmth and sniffling.

"That's not going to happen." Leon said.

"Until we get what we want." Pigma declared.

"…and uhh, what is it that you want?" Slippy drawled.

Wolf just grinned. "Eh. You'll see." he then turned to walk away.

"Then why did you kidnap us and put us in this large ship?" Krystal shouted. Wolf paused. He slightly turned his head but not all the way to face the prisoners.

"All right. You wanna know? Leverage." Wolf said.

"Star Fox is gonna get what's coming to them if they don't deliver what we want." Pigma bragged.

Olimar looked ready to cry.


-Mute City Command Center-

-The Nintendo characters appeared at the Mute City Command Center to find Captain Falcon and Samus talking with each other. The duo turned their attention to the new guests.

"I see that you are aware of the situation, Captain?" Palutena asked him.

"Indeed." Falcon crossed his arms, "And I have to say I am a tad disappointed that you did not informed me of this matter sooner."

"You're a bounty hunter, right Falcon?" Pit asked, "So we really need your bounty hunting skills."

"Way ahead of you." Falcon swept his hand over the crowd of Command center employee behind their computer desks, furiously typing on their keyboard and chatting amongst each other on their latest findings online.

"I have a whole crew of people who work for me, tracking down that Umbran Witch you speak of." Captain Falcon brought a reassuring smile to Palutena and Pit, "It'll be a matter of time before we figure out where she—"

"CAPTAIN! We got a hit!" someone shouted over at a cubicle.

The characters gathered to the person's cubible. The guy was a blond spiky haired guy with a killer smile.

"Did you find something? Mister...skinny legs?" Falco asked, noting the guy's ridiculously long legs.

"This is my friend Jack Levin." Falcon introduced, "Jack, these folks and I know each other very well."

Jack fixed his eyes at Palutena and Rosalina, grinning from ear to ear, "Well," he cleared his throat, "I'd like to know you ladies especially, very, very well."

"Ew." Rosalina scowled.

"Can we focus on what you found please?" Link said.

"Ah yes!" Jack turned back to the screen, showing a sophisticated GPS display on there. "See this red dot at latitude 38° 41' 7.836"? This apparently is a space ship. It's pretty massive and floating not far from—"

"That's no ordinary space ship. That's the Great Fox!" Falco said.

Attentions turned to him and Fox. "What's your ship gotta do with Bayonetta?"

Fox suddenly looked like he'd seen a ghost, "Oh no, don't tell me..." he tapped on his communicator resting on his ear. Digits appeared before his field of view. "Peppy! Slippy! Krystal! Can you all hear me?"

"Who... are you talking to?" Pit said slowly.

"He is talking to me, pal!" the voice of Wolf sounded off on the communicator, eliciting a gasp from the characters.

"Holy Monoeye!" Pit shouted, "That machine of yours just talked!"

"And it sounded like Wolf O'Donnell." Falco responded, growling under his breath.

"Who?" Luigi asked.

Falco pulled Fox close and yelled at the communicator, "What the hell are you doing on our ship?" he squawked.

"OW, dude! My ears!" Fox snarled.

"What do you think? We're taking over the Great Fox!"

Hearing Wolf saying this phrase with dark confidence sent chills through Falco. He ripped the communicator from Fox's ears. "YAOWW!" Fox protested but Falco didn't give two cents.

"Listen you miserable ball of fur, if you do anything to hurt the Great Fox, the control panel, the new navigation server, I swear—"

"What about Krystal?" Fox asked Wolf, almost as a reminder to Falco. "And Slippy and Peppy?"

"They're fine." Wolf said, "And so are the princesses and their new guests."

The group exchanged inquired glances.

"Princess Peach? Princess Zelda?" Luigi and Link said in-sync.

"Wolf!" Fox spoke, "We're looking for Bayonetta. Is she with you? Is it the 3rd Dimensional Screen you're all after? Because—"

"You can forget about that lame trinket as an exchange." Wolf said, "It's not going to happen. We love this ship and we're making it our home. And the princesses are now our family."

Baleful glares are exchanged between the characters. All except Falcon who had a crooked grin formed to his face. He and Jack Levin gave looks of approval.

"We got their location." Captain Falcon announced. "The Great Fox is hovering by the Hudson River as we—"

Suddenly Jack stopped and pulled back with a look of dismay. "Oh no…" he then tensed, "Oh no, no, no, no, no…" he furiously tapped on his keyboard. The PC screen filled with red and green code, furiously scrolling non-stop.

"What?" Samus shouted, "What's going on?"

Jack stopped typing on his keyboard and a grim look replaced his confident one. He turned to Samus and the others, "…we've been hacked."

Before the group could react, a blast of red color filled the entire Command Center. Something like wiring then a clanging sound, added with a loud screeching alarm sound took over. Collective gasps and panic filled the center.

"Are we on lockdown?" Palutena asked.

"Worse." Captain Falcon said slowly, before a robotic voice came into the intercom with a dreadful announcement.


The characters are left horrified.


-Plaza Ballroom-

-The ballroom was much livelier than what it once was on Thanksgiving. Chandeliers bathed the room with warm light and Beethoven filled the air, giving guests at the cotillion that feeling of being brought back to a combo period of the Renaissance Era and the Roaring Twenties. And Jenn felt out of place in that room.

In fact she felt awkward, almost naked in her silver flapper dress and feather headband. She couldn't bear to cut her hair to a bob cut as this was the style back then so she had to borrow a wig from an old lady guest at the plaza for a while, and thank God she was blond.

Hunt approached Jenn.

"Well aren't you spiffy this evening?" Hunt cracked. "What are you supposed to be, a harlot?"

The insult didn't bother Jenn. Hell, she exploded with laughter and couldn't bear to stop because of his costume: a four-piece suit sagged on his gaut shape and his Fedora hat covered half his face.

"Oh my god!" Jenn laughed out loud.

"What?" Hunt said, "I thought you'd get offended by what I said."

"Why would I? You yourself look ridiculous!" She said, "Like Michael Corleone after shedding 100 pounds his original weight!"

"He was 125 pounds!"

"Exactly!" Jenn guffawed.

Hunt grumbled. Jenn laughed so hard a few guests took notice. She soon lowered her volume. Soon as she did that, one of the guests approached her. Peacock shaped chin raised to a high level of standard, small eyes painted in expensive mascara, fair skin draped in a $4000 turquoise Gucci dress… truly this lady had a face a mother could love. And that mother definitely loved herself more, especially with the pearls gracing her neck and bouncing with every step her Prada shoes made on the marble floor. That's when Jenn realized she fucked up.

"Dahling!" she said, one hand raised whilst the other held a champagne glass.

"M-Mom?" she feigned a grin, "What are you doing here? I thought you—"

"Don't wank with me child." She cut her off, "You knew I was coming and didn't bother to send me a greet?"

"It's not like that, I—"

"Just give me a kiss." She said, with her usual ordering tone, fake British accent, and fancy insults. Wank? Don't care what she said. Wank was not a fancy version of the f-word. It wasn't even the F-Word!

Jenn leaned in for the kiss, knowing full well what kind of kiss she'd expect from mommy dearest. Mom was barely by her cheeks when she made the smooch sound once. Then on cue they switched cheeks and repeated. Twice. Jenn rolled her eyes.

"Hunter!" She flashed her diamond ring in her hand for Hunt to smooch it.

"Hi Mrs. Dimentio." He gently took her hand and leaned in, "So good to see…"

She yanked her hand off Hunt, "A-hem! It's not Mrs. Dimentio anymore. I'm divorced, remember? It's Ms. Geller now."

"I'm sorry ma'am. I—"

"Oh who am I teasin'? Your brain got buried six feet under a library anyway." She turned to Jenn, "I must say Jennifer. I am utterly disappointed in you."

"Here we go…" Jenn grumbled, expecting a lecture.

"You haven't returned any of my calls, replied back to any of my texts…"

"Mom, you have done NONE of these things!"

"Psst." Bella threw a dismissive hand. What insipid human being, no wonder Dad divorced you, Jenn wanted to say.

Jace's mom Mai, donning a strapless gown a shade above sapphire with a silvery satin trimming, pushed through a sea of tuxedoes and gowns in a frenzy, until she bumped into Hunt.

Hunt stumbled back with a yelp. "Oh, sweetie I'm sorry." She said absently, eyes darting across the crowd.

"Aunt Mai, what's up?" Jenn asked with concern.

"Have you seen your cousin?" she asked, "He's late. He's supposed to be here…"

"15 minutes ago?" Jenn's mom finished her sentence, startling Mai.

"B-Bella?!" Mai gasped, "Didn't see you there!" she forced a grin, "I was just… y'know, looking for the appetizers…"

"Hm! And you believe Jacen has them?" Bella questioned; her direct probing eye contact made Mai stuttered,

"Well you know how he is when it comes to food, I…"

"Mai-Lee, dahling." Bella cleared a throat, stepped in front of Mai, nose barely touching, "We may be family, but I run a prestigious business and your son is making a mockery of it by being tardy; and I don't tolerate it in a professional manner."

"Who says tardy?" Jenn growled under breath.

Mai looked away from Bella to stare at her expensive heels, "I'm… I just…"

"Say no more." Bella said as the sound of glass tapping filtered in the crowded noise, "We're about to start. I give you 5 minutes." She strutted out.

The ballroom went silent. Briefly. Until someone else spoke over on mic at the podium.

"Welcome everyone!" an elegant woman in purple and in her late 40s spoke, "I thank you all for attending this event… …"

As she went on, a beet-red Mai hissed, "Where the hell is Jace? He's really making a mockery out of what I'm trying to do for him!"

"Have Did you tried calling him?" Hunt asked to which Mai shook her head, "We can't. This event is a cellphone-free zone."

"What?" Hunt gasped, "When did that happen?"

"Rules of the cotillion." Mai said, "All electronic devices go to that room over there." She pointed at a secluded room not far behind her, where a large bouncer-looking dude in a tux stood in front of its door. "Once you're in this ballroom, you cannot use your phone until the event ends."

"You've gotta be kidding me!" Hunt scoffed, "Who came up with the rules? Cotillions are boring!"

"Jenn informed me to enforce the rules. Said it's very important that we all learn to communicate."

Hunt gave Jenn a dark scowl. Jenn pulled out an innocent grin.

"Talking is an important form of communication, Hunt. Not technology." Jenn said.

Hunt huffed. He turned around and drew his phone out.

"Oh, and Hunt!" Jenn said, "Once you done with the phone, give it to that gentleman over there, mm-kay?"

"Grr… I'll kill you for this." He grumbled before heading toward the secluded room, approaching the bouncer-looking dude. The more he got close to him, the more he recognized him. And he was no human.

"Donkey Kong?" Hunt called him. "So YOU'RE in charge of the phones?"

DK, wearing a powder-blue tux and pants over his DK tie, nodded and grunted. He outstretched his massive palm for the phone.

Hunt shifted, fingers curled over the phone. With barely a stomach, he finally placed the phone to DK's hand.

DK twisted the door open and tossed the device in. Clack! Paff! Crash! Came the noisy avalanche of devices on contact. Hunt twitched in terror. Then SLAM! DK shut the door. DK brought out his teeth. "EHH-EHHHH!"

Hunt's chin quivered. He turned around and was about to walk back into that cotillion crap. Why did he have to mention calling Jace? If only he knew, he himself would've done it, somewhere no one could see him. Damn you Jenn! Why did she enforce that rule to begin with, when she herself can't bear to be away from her phone for five seconds?

Something was off. Jenn was keeping something from him. But what?

He was about to look for her when he spotted Mario.


Mario turned to him, "Why-a hello Hunt!" he greeted with his thick Italian accent.

About a year ago, it would've felt weird for Hunt seeing a Nintendo character casually walking down a hotel ballroom with actual people watching. But it has been a year ago, still felt weird… but he was totally used to it.

He wasn't so sure Mario felt that same way lately.

"So I've heard you and the Nintendo crew have been developing some drug potion that's supposed to turn you human?"

Mario paused then scratched his cheek, "Wait, for real?"

"You don't remember?"

"Uhh…" he slightly shook his head after a pause, "no. I don't follow."

"For real? I mean you, and Luigi, and Zelda and Link. You guys were working on something called Morph… Mints…?"

It took Mario a moment to let his guard down. "Oh!" he shouted, almost as if he had an epiphany, "That…a wasn't me."

The response startled Hunt. "What… what do you mean that… wasn't… you?"

"That was my alter-ego, Doctor Mario."

Hunt just stared; really hoping the next word to come out of his mouth was Gotcha! But Mario's blue animated eyes remained stoic.

"I—I'm sorry?" he finally said.

"He thinks he's-a so smart." Mario went on, "Like… smarter than me—" he then rolled his eyes and made a disagreeing grunt, "—I mean the gall of this guy." He stepped in close, "Tell me Hunt. When you spoke to him, did he ever brag about developing a cure for the Blorbs?"

Oh my god, Mario was damn serious. He talked about Dr. Mario like he was another completely separate person, not some part he was playing at a school play. There's a condition for people like that. And an asylum with their names on it.

"I—I'm sorry, I…" Hunt stuttered, "…I wasn't there at the time. But I want to talk about you. Do you, like, not remember anything that has happened? Like—"

"Like the terrorist attack in Glendor and London?" Mario nodded, "Yes, I've heard the sordid tale from Luigi. He kept me up-to-date. Is-a everyone okay?"

"Err… I think… so…" Hunt paused, then tried to ask something. He had questions about Mario and… apparently, his alter-ego when a loud roaring sound came from outside. Sounded like bike engines.

"Now what is all that commotion I wonder?" the woman at the podium let out a small laugh. "It's not like we're building more skyscrapers outside anymore. This city has already reached its limit on construction."

The crowd laughed along. But that laughter quickly died when the roaring engine no longer was heard outside but inside now.

All heads turned just as the sound grew louder and inaudible and then they saw him, rolling into the ballroom on a sportsbike rushing at 20 miles per hour. Men and women dispersed out of the biker's way, shouting in panic.

The sportsbike curved and screeched to a complete stop. The wheels barely touched a table with a gorgeous centerpiece and candle lights in the middle and buffet trays. No one got hurt. No utensils were harmed.

The biker stood out from the suited crowd, wearing a biker coat, biker jeans and matching high tops. He twisted his throttle knob couple of times, as if making a statement that the life of the party has arrive, and he was it. Annoyed whispers filled the room.

"What sort of manner is this?" the woman in the podium gasped.

"Excuse me?" Bella approached the biker, "Just who the hell are you?"

Hunt knew exactly who that was. He couldn't find the stomach to said it out. He looked at both Mai and Jenn, and the beet-red color on their faces agreed with his thought.

The biker got off the bike and strapped off his helmet.

"Ehh, how about a round of applause for our catering service huh?" Mai sputtered, intensely trying to draw attention on one of them. The young catering girl made a simple wave and smiled but that didn't do a trick. Everyone craved for the identity of the man behind the helmet, and they did: Jacen Riders.

Jace zhushed his spiky hair and flashed a smile at the stunned crowd. "Sorry I'm…" He glanced around the room, "…fashionably late." He settled the helmet on the bike, "Traffic was a bitch."

He lit up at the sight of his mother, "Mother! So good to see you as always."

Mai let out a pathetic whimper. Jace gave her a hug, to which she weakly returned it.

"I heard Aunt Bella was in town. Where is she?" He turned to face her, "Ah, Zia Bella! There you are." He went for a hug to which Bella cringed at it in response, not hugging back.

"How have you been? Is London treating you well? Learned any new slang lately? BTW, wank does not mean the F-word." He then whispered aloud, "It means jerking off."

Mortified groans swept the ballroom. Hunt pressed his fingers to his eyes, almost tempted to jam them. Jenn's eyes darted back and forth for an exit, and Mai looked ready to faint. Bella gave her a cold stare.


-Inside the Great Fox-

Wolf, Leon and Pigma, were chatting and laughing along as they strutted the Great Fox cargo passageway, when a throat clearing caught their ears. Turning around, they saw Bayonetta standing there, arms crossed, and so was her face.

"Something the matter, Bay?" Leon nicknamed her.

Bayonetta studied the group. "I seem to have notice that we have new prisoners."

"That's right!" Pigma proudly said.

Bay's eyes narrowed under the glasses, "why?"

They gave each other quick glances before turning back to Bay. Leon drawled. "Err…"

"Also, I couldn't help but overhear. Did anyone of you just… spoke to Falco or Fox?" she asked, to which Pigma quickly replied. "No, of course not! Why would you think that?"

"Because I heard you bragging to the prisoners and I quote 'Star Fox is gonna get what's coming to them if they don't deliver what we want.'" Bayonetta repeated Pigma's words. "And then five minutes later, you're all talking to Fox and Falco."

"And one of you three hacked into the Mute City's Command Center, where you had the inter-communicator connect into." Bayonetta revealed.

Leon smirked, "Pretty sweet eh?"

"Idiot!" Bayonetta hissed.

The group jumped back, startled.

"I hacked into the Mute City Command Center." Bayonetta further revealed.

Wolf crossed his arms, a sly scoff left his throat, "Eh. I figured that was you."

"Aw come on Wolf! Can't we at least take some credits?" Pigma exclaimed.

"What can you two do that the Umbran Witch can't, really?" Wolf gazed at the duo, "I mean, you don't know butt about computers," he pointed at Pigma, and then at Leon, "…and you're one step behind Falco in piloting skills."

"Watch it Wolf!" Leon threatened.

Wolf towered over Leon, "Orrr what?"

Leon cowered.

"The idea was for us—" Bayonetta huffed, "—to not expose ourselves and our location to them until Jennifer delivers the device to me! ME!"

"Oh…" Leon muttered. "Well you could have mentioned that to us before we captured Olimar and the rest of the Star Fox team!"

Bayonetta tutted in disappointment. She summoned her gun and pulled the trigger. BANG!

Leon violently shook as electric field coursed through his chameleon skin. He then dropped on the ground, knocked out.

"LEON!" Pigma shouted.

Bayonetta turned to Pigma. Pigma froze up.

"You know what they said: once a traitor. Always a traitor."

Pigma turned to run. She pulled the trigger again. Electricity coursed through his piggy body as he too yelped in terror. He dropped to the ground, dead.

Wolf was the only one standing.

Bayonetta now turned to him.

"I'd rather die in your hands than in Fox's." Wolf taunted.

"Hm!" Bayonetta smirked, gun drawn and aimed at Wolf's forehead. Wolf tried to stay brave, but he could feel his throat dry and quivering like a chill in a desert.

After a short pause, Bayonetta put her gun away. Wolf let out a small sigh of relief.

"You, I'll keep alive. You may be useful."

"Look, I'm not really big at apologizing but, I'm… not happy that our actions kinda messed up your plan and…"

"Say no more." Bayonetta threw a dismissive hand, "You should go talk to him. Let him know plans have changed."

"What about Jennifer?" Wolf asked.

"I'll deal with her." Bayonetta said. "We'll call this, Plan C."

"Plan C?"

"Well we already have Plan B in motion: Hacking the Mute City Command Center with my Witch Time Bob-Omb. Which is gonna fail anyway, so…"

Wolf blew a raspberry, "It's not going to fail. You're Bayonetta. It's your Witch Time Bob-Omb."

Bayonetta gave Wolf one long meaningful stare, "Ohh, honey." She cooed, "I'm flattered."

Wolf blushed.

"…but we're dealing with the Goddess of Light Palutena. Trust me. That bitch will make it fail. Now, onto Plan C… …"


-The Plaza-

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! OW!" Mai had pulled her son by the ear, away from the crowded ballroom to a secluded corner. He expected that kind of reaction from his mother, but he didn't expect the actual ear-pulling to be so public.

"OW!" he pulled away to rub his sore lobe. "Really Mom?"

"How dare you." Mai hissed, "How dare you HUMILIATING ME in front of all of those people, including your Aunt Bella! You think she considers you her favorite nephew like Andre? Well she doesn't. She's ruthless!"

"Yeah, no kiddin'." Jace scoffed, "She dissed my hug."

"And what's that you're wearing?"

"It's my biker jacket! Gotta keep safe on the road."

"You're supposed to be dressed for the occasion."

"I am!" he unzipped the leather jacket to unveil a gray sleeveless hoodie vest over a white T-shirt with a tie printed on it.

"You've GOT to be kiddin' me." Mai sneered.

"What? I like this outfit! It makes me, well, me!"

Mai pressed her hands to her hips, "Takashi Yashida-Dimentio."

"Argh!" Jace growled. The sound of his real name crawled in his skin like nails on chalkboard, "Mooom!"

"That's right, Takashi! I will keep calling you by your real name until you listen to your mother! You need to dress up for the occasion! This, is not dress-up!" She then grinned, "Lucky for you, I brought backup."

On cue, a fashion worker strode behind Mai carrying a garment bag. Jace grumbled under his breath.

Jenn approached the group. "Your mother is right, Jace." She said.

"Wuh—" Jace gaped and stuttered. "Are you…" his gaze went off focus.

"Look. Aunt Mai did all of this because of your relationship with Cassie. Never we would've thought that a British princess would marry an American man and look here we are."

"We're not married yet Jenn." Jace said.

"But it could happen!" Mai gushed, "And I'll be sitting at one of these tall podiums at that Windsor Castle Church during the televised wedding ceremony and on that day, I'll be proud to say that's my son and I knew him when. So please, please, PLEAAAASE," she took the garment bag from the hotel servant, "put this on!"

"And can you give up the devices?" Jenn added, "Including the 3DS? Like now?"

"Why?" came the voice of Hunt. He had an intense gaze on Jenn. "Why, Jenn, is giving up our devices so, so important to you?"

"Rules of the cotillion boy!" Jenn gritted, "And it's none of your business!" she turned back to Jace with a fake smirk.

Without question, Jace handed over his bike jacket to Jenn, "Here. Just take the jacket. My phone and 3DS are in the pockets. Careful with them."

Jenn lit up and ran off with the jacket. Hunt followed her. Jace went on with his mother, "Mom, I appreciate your concern, I really do. But this is me. I'm so comfortable looking like this in a fancy setting. It makes me cool."


"And Cassie likes it. That's all that matters right? I almost lost her, I don't want to risk it again, and I wanna shout to the stars that I'm in love."

Her face went pale, then an upturned face formed, "Oh my gosh. Really? Are you sure?"

Jace laughed, "Positive! And no cotillion or school of etiquette is gonna define how I should live my life with the girl of my dreams. Even if she's a princess."

Mai scratched her jaw, unable to keep the grin off her face as it mirrored her son's joyful one.

While Jace and his mom were conversing, Jenn headed for the no device room guarded by DK. She gave DK a "move aside" wave and the jolly ape stepped back. She entered the room, surprised to see a mountain of smartphones and tablets filling up the small closet space. "Damn, really?"

She turned to her side to see racks of coats. One rack branch was free. She set Jace's biker jacket on it and proceeded to open the pocket.

And the 3DS was the first thing she pulled out. Yes!

Now she can save her dad from that witch Bayonetta. A profusely breath of relief left her lips.

She slipped the 3DS into her cleavage and stepped out of the closet room.

"KYAA!" Jenn jerked back. Hunt was nose-to-nose to her face.

"Girl, what are you doing?"

"DAMN YOU HUNT!" Jenn cursed, "You scared the crap out of me! Gawd!" she pushed him aside.

"I wouldn't need to, if you'd just tell me what you—"

"It is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS, OKAY?" Jenn blasted, "I—" she then hesitated, "I just gotta go get some stuff from our suite. Really important."

"So you're leaving the cotillion?"

"Yes, I am!" She then threw a stern finger point, "DON'T follow me!" and just like that, Jenn left the ballroom and went for the exit.

Like I'm gonna listen to her. He thought. What's the worst thing she was gonna do to me?

Hunt paused, thinking of a couple of scenarios. Each one of them involved getting pinned to the floor like a wrestler pinning his victims in a lock hold or a chokehold. That's a risk he was willing to take.

He was about to follow her. But then he remembered his cellphone. He can't leave without it. He turned to DK who was at the door again. The large ape had his arms crossed.

"Heeey, monkey?" Hunt grinned, "Would you be so kind as to let me get my phone back?"

DK shook his head, grunting.

"I have to leave DK, you gotta give my phone back."

DK grunted again.

"Damn it monkey! GIVE IT BACK!"

DK barred his teeth. Hunt jerked back, muscles stiffened. He then lowered his guard and slumped his shoulders, turning back the way he came.

Then he bumped into Mario, grinning mischievously.

"Looking for this?" the ex-plumber pulled out a smartphone. Hunt lit up. "Hey! Oh my gosh, thanks Mario!" he took the phone from his hand.

"It's not really your phone but, it'll do." Mario said, "I could tell you were miserable at that cotillion party and…"

"And all I want to do is surf the web or play some games in it. Like your game Super Mario Run! Have you tried it?"

"Err…" Mario drawled.

"Doesn't matter. But that's the least of my worries. Jenn is hiding something from me and I want to know what it is."

"Well, whatever she's-a hiding, I'm-a sure it doesn't mean anything." Mario said.


Hunt turned to the phone's screen and the byline almost made him drop the smart device.

"Glendorian Princess to be part of British Royal Family?" he exclaimed.

"What does that mean?" Mario asked.

"I don't know but I don't like it." Hunt located a video on the phone and pressed Play.

"…this just in, comes three months after the attack that rocked the European nations, we're finally have some good news. Now confirmed by the Royal family press, report has it that our newly revealed-to-the-public royal Highness Princess Cassie de Bellefort of Glendor, is now officially on her way to becoming our new British princess! As the loving fiancée of His Royal Highness Prince Cashmere of England, the decision to go on with the wedding came from the guidance of the kingdom's newest advisor; also His Royal Highness, Cashmere's stepfather and Duke of Wales, Ganondorf Dragmire."

If Mario and Nintendo characters being in the real world wasn't weird enough, seeing Ganondorf—on Live TV, with the royal family, and the reporter calling him His Royal Highness as the Prince of England's stepfather—was weirder…

No, not weirder. An abomination!

"The wedding is expected to be televised in front of millions in Europe and the world over later this summer," The reporter went on, "but with a wedding that promises to be as big as past royal weddings, there may be a strong chance that the world would finally get to see the true face of Princess Cassandra de Bellefort of Glendor, the mysterious woman who never existed up until the threat of Amiir Black."

"Cassie…? Is marrying Prince Cashmere?" Hunt gasped, "And they set a wedding date already?"

"Ganondorf… is a British prince?" Mario blinked.

The duo exchanged inward stares.

"Mamamia, I sure did lost track of… a lotta time."

"Jace cannot know anything about this!" Hunt put the phone back in his pocket.

"Why not? That doesn't concern him, this concerns Link and Zelda." Mario said. "Ganondorf a prince of a kingdom? That spells major trouble for us!"

"Yes, it concerns those two also but, that girl Ganondorf is forcing her and Prince Cashmere to marry… that girl was supposed to be Jace's girlfriend."

"Wait…" Mario furrowed his brow, "Jace is dating a princess?"

"Wow, Mario, you really did lose track of time as Dr. Mario. Come on, we have to let Mai know about Cassie."

Hunt and Mario turned to find Mai, when the door opened before them. A tight feeling gripped Hunt's chest and Mario stumbled back at the sight of the two new ballroom guests standing right in front of them.

Princess Cassie de Bellefort was here! And she wasn't alone. The new self-proclaimed prince of Wales, Ganondorf was with her!

"Who wants to know about Cassie?" Ganondorf asked with a cocky grin, "Care to share?"

Hunt and Mario's pupils darted back and forth.

"Hello, Hunter." Cassie greeted.

Hunt just stared and blinked, eyes bulging under his glasses.


-Mute City Command Center-

T-MINUS 4134. 4123. 4112. 4101.

Thousand of employees at the Command Center made their way out the building, following Pit's single file command.

Luigi approached him. "Why is the bomb timer speeding up? Can't he count the second by second and not skip the second by 10?"

"11." Pit corrected him.

"Who cares?"

"It's because we're slowing down." Palutena warped in front of Luigi.

Luigi jumped back, startled. "Ohh." He clutched his heart and breathed in relief, "Goddess you scared me!"

"Sorry, but we don't have much time."

"Yeah tell me about it." Pit said. The two then exchanged an agreeable glance, "Bayonetta?" Pit asked.

"The one and only." Palutena said, "She knew we were tracking them down, so she casted Witch Time on us and planted a bomb that will move at its regular speed while everyone affected slow down."

T-MINUS 3882. 3871. 3860. 3849. 3838.

"At least we're slowing down by 11 seconds." Pit said, "So we need to be 11 seconds ahead of the clock and disarm the bomb."

"How can we be 11 seconds ahead of the clock?" Luigi asked.

Link warped in front of Luigi, startling the Mario brother. "KYAAA!" Luigi hid behind Palutena now, "Link! Knock it off!"

"Sorry friend." Link said.

"Did you just warp?" Pit asked.

"Nope." Link removed his green hat to reveal bunny ears.

"Bunny Hood!" he introduced. "It allows me to move faster by 5 seconds. I brought it from a merchant on our way here to the Command Center. Thought it'll come in handy."

"And it definitely will!" Palutena smiled broadly, "Great job Link!"

"Do you have more of them?" Pit asked.

"Only one." Link said, "But I propose you guys hold on to me if you want to move faster than the Witch Time and disarm the bomb."

"Great idea!" Palutena swiped the Bunny Hood from Link's head. "Wuh-! HEY!"

"Goddesses first!" Palutena quipped. She placed the Bunny Hood on her head. "Everyone, hold my hands!"

Pit held Palutena's hand and so did Link. Luigi grabbed her by the torso and placed his head near her boobs.

"That's not my hands Luigi!" Palutena grimaced.

"They were taken." Luigi perversely grinned. Link and Pit facepalmed.

Palutena's green eyes flashed neon. Her staff floated behind Luigi in response and grabbed him by the collar, yanking him off her. "YEOOWSH!"

"With the Bunny Hood and my Lightweight ability, we're gonna go at the speed of light. Goddess speed of light. Lightweight!" She and the heroes whooshed across the building.

T-MINUS 3925. 3914. 3903…

Fox, Falco, Rosalina reconvened back to Jack Levin's desk after evacuating everyone from the building.

"Either the bomb timer is malfunctioning, or Star Wolf is doing this on purpose." Fox suggested.

"The bomb is fine. It's Bayonetta's famous Witch Time Bob-Omb." Rosalina revealed, "We're slowing down by 11 seconds."

"That's crazy." Falco said.

"Any luck on deactivating the timer?" Fox asked Jack, who had reclined at his desk, staring at the timer on his screen.

He swiveled his chair to look at Fox, "Oh yeah. It's going quite smoothly I may say. I've managed to get the keyboard working, the mouse working, and have gone through the passcode, to check my email. Did you know I've won a cruise to the Bahamas?"

Fox narrowed his eyes, "Y'know you could have just said, 'I'm working on it'."

"Does it look like I'm working on it?"

"No," Falco growled, "it looks like you're being footstool up my a—"

Palutena, Link, Pit, and Luigi warped in front of the group. "AAAH!" Falco screamed.

"Goddess Palutena!" Fox greeted. "Any luck?"

"Why are you guys holding hands and…" Rosalina noticed Luigi hooked on Palutena's staff. "…why is Luigi hooked on your staff like a coat on a coatrack?"

"Bunny Hood and Lightweight." Palutena said, "We're able to speed up by 10 seconds, beating the Witch Time by 1 second. For us to move at that regular speed, everyone had to hold out our hands." The goddess sighed, "You do not wanna know what Luigi had to hold."

Luigi grinned and waved sheepishly. "…hey."

Captain Falcon, Samus, and Kirby joined the group.

"We found the bomb." Captain Falcon revealed. The heroes looked at him, stunned.

"Wait, isn't the bomb on the computer?" Jack asked, confused.

"The output timer is." Samus said, "But the actual bomb itself is an animated bomb. With eyes."

"I knew it!" both Palutena and Rosalina said.

"It's Witch Time Bob-Omb!" Pit said, "Of course there will be a Bob-Omb involved!"

Samus sighed. "Not just a Bob-Omb."

The heroes looked at each other.

With Palutena's Bunny Hood and Lightweight, Captain Falcon and Samus guided them to the location of the bomb: inside Captain Falcon's office!

…and the sight was terrifying.

A nice office—with all-white walls with sky-blue tapestries at every corner and a massive floor-to-ceiling window behind mahogany desk and swivel chair, overlooking the city—was plagued by Bob-Ombs! Lots and lots of Bob-Ombs.

Lines of Bob-Ombs bordered the floor-to-ceiling window like Christmas lights; and some blended with the tapestries at the corner, and some surrounded even the door.

The heroes stared at them in terror. The Bob-Ombs stared back, blinking with stoic demeanor.

T-MINUS 3749, 3738, 3727, 3716…

"What… in the hell…" Jack gasped.

"Come on guys! They're just Bob-Ombs." Jack chuckled wryly, "They're not gonna kill us."

"We're dealing with the Umbran Witch Bayonetta." Palutena said, "Trust me. That bitch wants us killed."


-The Plaza-

"Ganondorf…" Mario greeted.

"Mario…" Ganondorf greeted back.

"Cassie! What are you—"

Ganondorf cleared his throat, interrupting Hunt, "It's Her HIGHNESS, boy!" he said, "You should address her properly."

Hunt shot Ganondorf a stern glance. Ganondorf didn't hesitate to counter one back.

"It's okay, Ganondorf." Cassie said, "Hunt is a good friend of…" she stopped herself, then went on, "How are things?"

Hunt cocked his head on one side, "I don't know Cassie. You tell me. If you're looking for an RSVP to your Royal Wedding, you ain't getting one."

"Boyyy…" Ganondorf warningly drawled.

"Err, Ganondorf." Mario stepped in the middle, "We're at a private event. So if you'd be so kind as to chill a little bit and not cause a scene…"

"Cassie?" the voice of Jace caught the group's attention. Jace stared at her, a twinkling spark in his olive eyes.

"Hi Jacen…" She gave a little ticktock wave of the hand; her warm voice sounded low and uncertain.

Jace's voice however sounded filled with hope and joy. "What are you doing here?" he stepped toward her, "You came to see me?" he then stopped smiling, "Wait, you came to see me? Ah!" He stepped back and gazed at his outfit, "And I'm not even dressed for the occasion!"

"I thought you didn't care about how you dress." Mai-Lee stepped in, a smirk that seem to tease an 'I told you so' to her son.

"What?" Jace snapped, "Mom! That's crazy talk! This is PRINCESS Cassie we're talking about! She's a PRINCESS!"

"Mmh-hmm." She waved the garment bag toward him. He grabbed it without question and stormed off.

"Wait, Jacen! There's something I—"

"I'll be right back, Cassie! I won't be long!" he shouted as he disappeared to another room to change.

Cassie paused. "I really didn't care about how he dressed." She muttered.

Ganondorf placed a hand on Cassie's shoulder, "I wouldn't worry about that. Once you give him the news, he won't have to think about his fashion choices anymore. Especially going bat for you."

"What's that supposed to—" Hunt once again gets interrupted by Mai.

"So you must be Her Royal Highness!" Mai gushed at Cassie. She then turned to Ganondorf. Rather than asking him what the hell was he doing her, posing as a British prince, asking him for his actual credibility of his presence at the party, she asked, "I don't know if I should curtsy or bow before the princess."

"Either is fine." Ganondorf grinned, "I would prefer if you do so twice, as I'm family just as much."

Mai was about to curtsy when Hunt lay hand on her shoulder, stopping her, "Ms. Yashida. I'd strongly advise against it. Ganondorf is evil!"

She pulled him off and proceeded to curtsy twice.

"I really appreciate it but I really don't need the forma—" Cassie tried to speak but then…

"Is that Princess Cassie?" a passersby from the party shouted. Before everyone knew it, the entire ballroom stormed in to crowd around Cassie and Ganondorf, leaving Hunt and Mario behind.


-Mute City Command Center-

T-MINUS 2891. 2880. 2869. 2858…

"WHAT DO WE DO?" screamed Luigi.

"First of all," Falco said, "We don't panic."

"Easy for you to say!" Luigi barked. "We're moving 11 seconds slower than a snail!"

"Everyone" Palutena said, "Relax. We're making good times. It's not like the Witch Time Bob-Omb is gonna make us slow down more.

A huge heavy feeling suddenly pressed on Palutena's head. Dizziness churned her brain and she could feel her lunch gurgling in her throat. Then the countdown brought a fresh chill of terror down her spine.

T-MINUS 2700. 2650. 2600. 2550. 2500…

"The countdown!" Luigi exclaimed, "It changed!"

"It's not by 11 seconds anymore. It's by 50!" Pit shouted.

Luigi cried out, running around in one place. Falco and Fox tried to calm him down but his panic wasn't helping them. Falco got more angry and Fox tried to tell him to calm down, to which Falco snapped in disagreement. Jack then tried to intervene and Falco suddenly turned on him, insulting his skills as a poor hacker; and Jack retaliated insulting his social skills. Everyone tried to talk each other down.

"Everybody calm down now!" Palutena shouted but to no avail.

"Here's an idea." Falco approached one of the Bob-Ombs and grabbed it, "How about we yank—"

"NO!" Pit shouted. As soon as Falco yanked the Bob Omb, another Bob-Omb attached to it, then another one, and then another one—everyone screamed in horror as a domino series of Bob-Ombs were ready to hit the ground.

Palutena stabbed her staff down. The series of Bob-Omb stopped midair. She gently waved the series of Bob-Ombs, trying to move them back to where they were; but more Bob-Ombs perched on the corners and around were in the way; blinking and staring.

"This... is a problem." Palutena sighed.

T-MINUS 1550, 1545, 1540…

"We really do not have much time." Fox exclaimed.

"Good job, Falco." Link growled, "Can't you put some water into your wine just this once?"

"Well excuse me if I'm not in the best mood. Being stuck in a building rigged with bombs and time slowing down on you isn't a pilot's ideal best day ever just so you know?"

"Jace had to disarm a bomb before right?" Luigi said, "How did he do that?"

"He didn't. Ryan Somith did." Pit said.

"I thought it was Bowser." Link said.

"Bowser tried to do what Falco almost did!" Luigi argued.

"Yeah. But his way worked right?" Falco said.

"Not every violent way HAS to work, Falco." Fox said.

"You know what Fox? Tell me something we don't know!"

Kirby made couple of sounds and gestures; pointing at the bomb and himself. Jack Levin is the only way taking notice, "What? What is it?"

Kirby cooed, as if making an appeal.

"What are you trying to say..." Jack turned to the group, "Hey guys! Your pink friend is trying to tell you something!"

The group paid no attention to Jack. C. Falcon watched them back and forth. He too was mum; unable to think or say anything. He had to try and calm the group down. Just when he got the courage to do so, Kirby did the unthinkable.

He ran toward Falco and headbutted him.

"Kyaa!" Falco dropped the Bob-Omb he had on hand. Everyone screamed.

Then Kirby stretched out his mouth wide and a powerful suction caught the falling Bob-Omb midair. The Bob-Omb disappeared into Kirby's mouth. Then another Bob-Omb followed, then another, then another… …

"Oh my gosh, Kirby! That's smart!" Link exclaimed.

"You go, puffball!" Luigi cheered.

T-MINUS 1000. 950. 900…



"Is what everyone says true? Are you actually getting married?"

Swarm of people gathered around Cassie and the princess could feel her space getting choked.


"Forget the wedding!" One guest interjected, "What about the fact that we never knew about you till recently?"

"Are you an imposter?" another guest asked.

"She's probably posing as one." Another guest agreed.

Clamoring and disputes filled Cassie's air to the point that anything she could say would've fallen to deaf ears.

Then the crowding guests hobbled back, nervous moans left their throats at the sight of Ganondorf, stepping in, shooting daggers at everyone.

"Care to tell Her Royal Highness that she's an imposter?" Ganondorf sternly asked the guest who brought it up—a young New Yorkean with short curls and a drunken gaze.

"You probably are an imposter too!" the young man hicced. "I mean, where did you come from: a children's video game? You don't look like one of us at all!"

Ganondorf uncurled his fingers and dark smoke began to extract from between them, "Care to say that again?"

"G-Ganon…" Cassie tensed, a foreboding feeling in her chest. He wouldn't do it. He wouldn't actually kill the ballroom guest in front of everybody.

"Your Royal Highness!" a woman stepped in and grabbed Ganondorf's hand before he could raise it up. She gave it a firm shake.

"Forgive this guest. He has no manners." The woman said. She probably looked mid-age, and had a peacock shaped chin, slanted eyes and wore a really expensive turquoise Gucci dress; with Prada heels that matched her neck pearls.

Ganondorf smirked. "Charming."

"He obviously was not raised in an etiquette, rather in a disgusting ghetto. Where black people—"

She caught herself just as gasps filled the room, "Forgive the remark. People of color living in poverty resides. It is not meant as an offense." She said it, directly looking at Ganondorf, as though the remark was low-key meant for him.

"None taken." Ganondorf said, "And I'm not black. I'm Gerudo and proud."

"Geru… wh—?"

"Enough talk!" Ganondorf cut her off before she could recover, "Cassie, remember what we talked about."

"Right." Cassie turned to the crowd, "Everyone, I appreciate your…"

"Nosiness." Ganondorf interjected.

"Well… not exact—"

"The princess has something important to discuss," he placed his hands over Cassie's shoulders, "and that is to be done alone with a certain young man."

Once again, people started talking over the duo. "Is it with Prince Cashmere?" another guest asked.

"Are they talk of honeymoons?" another guest guessed.

"Ooh! I bet they're gonna talk about shipnames: Cass-mere. Get it? Cass?"

"That name is stupid. It should be called Cash-andra. Assuming her name in full is Cassandra."

More talks and chatters. Cassie gave Ganondorf another requesting look to bail her out. Ganondorf stepped aside, "You're on your own on this one."

Cassie sighed. She couldn't be rude to those people. Besides, they have never spoken to a princess before, and she, never spoken to actual people. She joined in the convo, unaware of her surroundings.

Jace was about to step back to the ballroom. He looked sharp and handsome in a blue powder suit. It was well-fitted and he had a neck tie to match. His usual spiky hair was gelled and combed back.

"How do I look?" he asked his mom, Hunt, and Mario in the room.

"Like Prince Charming." His mom said. Both Hunt and Mario gave him thumbs up.

"You think she'd like it?" he asked.

"Honey, she'd love it." She reassured him.

"Yeah, it's Princess Cassie!" Hunt said, "No men is going after her."

"And all you need to know is she's definitely not reserving her heart for Prince Cashmere." Hunt laughed and patted his back.

Jace feigned laughter, then it faded quickly and he gave him this 'I'm gonna kill you' look. "You're kidding me right?" he said sternly.

Hunt felt chills down his spine. "What? Of course I'm kidding!"

"Okay…" Jace breathed. "Because the last thing I need is Cassie sharing talks of wedding with another person. That would kill me. All right! Wish me luck!" he stepped into the ballroom and Mai and Mario waved.

"Err… J-Jace! There's something you need to know…" he called out but he didn't turn back. Hunt desperately turned back to Mai, "Ms. Yashida. He can't be with Cassie."

Mai dropped her hand in surprise, "Why not? Something the matter?"

"Cassie is engaged."

Her mouth fell open for almost half a minute.

"Haa! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Haa! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha—" she took three steps to Hunt's face "—WHAT?"

"So, I'm guessing we're not keeping this a secret anymore?" Mario asked Hunt after an awkward silence. Mai looked back at Mario, eyes bulged. Hunt gritted his teeth at him.

"So, when's the wedding?" a guest was heard speaking to Cassie. The group soon joined Jace at the ballroom.

"Look everyone." Cassie was telling her ballroom guests, "I appreciate your concern but I'm not really ready to discuss wedding plans. I mean, Cashmere and I haven't even moved in together."

"What?" Jace's small uncertain tone caught Cassie's ears. She turned around to see him.

"What's this all about a wedding?" Jace asked.

Cassie melted at his sight. He looked handsome before in his casual party boy hoodie, but he really looked handsome in that tux. At that moment, she no longer paid attention to the crowd of people around her. It was as if the ballroom was empty and she and him were the only two standing.

"Jacen…" she approached him, "Wow. You look…" she reached to cup his cheeks and smiled.

Jace faintly smiled. He gently took her hands and pulled them off his cheeks. "What's this about a wedding?" He asked with a look of concern.

Her stomach rolled. She couldn't believe he heard her. Thoughts of escaping, storming out of the ballroom and away from everyone—with Jace, without Ganondorf watching nearby—swam in her head.

"I hope it's not mine." Jace sounded nervous, almost babbling, "Well, technically, I hope it's mine, but I'm not really ready to commit. Yet. Not that I'm not falling in love with you, it's just that…"

"HAAHA!" The drunken guest interrupted, "Falling in love? Bro! Get in line! We're ALL falling in love with the princess!"

A woman tiptoed to Jace and whispered with a giddy tone, "She's marrying Prince Cashmere of England."

"Guys! It's—" Cassie stammered; losing her words. Thanks a lot! She wanted to cry at the woman. She was so rude, blabbing that secret to Jace like that. But she couldn't be mean. She had a reputation to uphold. And the woman wasn't being be rude either. She didn't know the full story.

She turned back to Jace. His olive eyes rapidly blinked, as he tried to process what he'd heard. "Wait… is it true?"

A dull ache in the back of her throat made it difficult to respond.

"I'm sorry bro." Hunt spoke; catching his attention. "I couldn't tell you because you looked so happy…"

"Hunter, now is not the time…" Cassie tried to say but Jace interjected, "Wait, you knew?" he asked, eyes bulged out. "I thought you were joking?"

"We all did." Mario casually said.

"I didn't!" Mai raised her hand in protest. "I JUST found out like you, my son!"

Time seemed to have stop on Jace. He didn't move for almost a minute. Then he snapped back, looked around, shaking his head. The ballroom stared back at him, quiet and with bated breath.

"But I… I don't…" he stammered.

Cassie reached to grab his hand and pulled him to focus on her, "Can we talk? In private? Please?"

Jace looked back at Cassie with an inward gaze. She could see the tears forming under his pupils. After a minute, he nodded. The duo left the ballroom, hand in hand, to a secluded area.

As soon as they were alone, Cassie let go of Jace's hand and stepped away, her own tears dropping in a cascade. She clutched her arms to her chest as if pained, and quietly sobbed.

"Cassie…" he whispered after a moment of quiet, "…please tell me."

She hated seeing Jace like this. He looked like he got hit by a train. She could feel his heart, shattering in pieces from where she stood.

"Are you… seriously… breaking up with me?" he added.

His question made the fear of breaking his heart much more powerful. She couldn't do this to him. But she had to.

It's the only way to protect him. From Ganondorf's dark magic. His grim warning returned to mind.

"Be with Jacen Riders, and your kiss with him will be his undoing. One smooch and Jace will die… that kiss of death will not only kill Jace in this world, all the Jacen Riders born with that name will also be killed in all worlds, including the one at the nexus point."

Sniffling, Cassie turned around, "It's just that this whole, royal thing. I'm gonna be the first African-British to be part of the Royal family and… it requires a lot."

"Yeah but a lot of people have crazy schedules too and yet, they still manage a relationship." Jace appealed.

"You're right, they do." Her chest weight heavy at her next sentence, "And Cashmere is my relationship.

Jace cringed.

"I realized that I still love him. He still has a…" she held herself, "…special place in my heart."

"You honestly gonna tell me that?" He said with a tight jaw. Cassie looked away, fighting back the tears.

"Come on Cassie. We both know how you feel about Cash…" Jace said, "What's going on? Talk to me."

She weakly shook her head. Then she felt his hand on her shoulder and she turned around, zeroed in on him.

"It's Ganondorf is it?" he asked, "Did he put you up to this? Talk to me."

YES! Ganondorf gave me the kiss of death! And he warned me that my relationship with you would be your undoing! I would lose not only my home and family, but you too!

Her mind was screaming these words… but not her lips.

She put on a brave face. Gotta get this over with. "You want to know what's going on?"

Jace nodded.

"Fine. Let's face this now before this is goes any further. You and I are too different. Different worlds. Different views. Different social cues. You and I do not want the same things, Jacen."

"And that is what? Being together?" Jace asked, "Is it because I live a chaotic life and your life is mostly sheltered behind tea parties and dress ups?"

Cassie shrugged. It had nothing to do with that, she wanted to say.

"I'll sell my 3DS. I'll sell my motorcycle. Hell, I'll sell all my belongings and move to Glendor to be with you. I'll open my own charity case! Anything just to be with you! You name it!"


"Please!" he squeezed on tight on her hands, "I can't…" his voice cracked, but he tried holding himself, "…I can't just let you go without talking to me! Name your price! I'll do anything. I swear. I love you… t-too much!"


I love you too. Again her mind said it, not her lips, pinching together. She could feel her limbs tingling with fatigue and her eyes growing wet.

"I just want to be with you." He said.

Dizziness settled in. Her posture sagged around him. If it wasn't for what was happening… if it wasn't for the fact that she went across time and different realities to save him… the bleak thoughts of losing him all over started to outweigh the risk of being with him. Like, to hell with Ganondorf's spell. Love conquers all, right?

"Jacen…" she started to say.

"Am I interrupting?" the Gerudo thief interjected. They briefly looked toward him.

"No, you're not interrupting," she looked back at Jace, "We can't, Jacen…"

"We can't what?" he said out loud.

"We can't just… get what we want!"

She turned to leave, "Let's just go home." She pushed past Ganondorf and left the room. Ganondorf turned to follow.

Jace grabbed him by the shoulder and spun him around, "Hey! Not so fast, dude."

"Lay a hand on me again boy, and I swear…"

"You'd do what? Kill me? Not until you tell me what the hell you're up to?"

Ganondorf shrugged, "No agenda here boy."

"You're lying." Jace interjected. Ganondorf laughed it off.

"You're after something, Your Highness. Prince of Wales? You think you can worm your way into the Royal family like you did back in Hyrule?"

"Hey, I was always part of the Royal family back in Hyrule, boy. Before the King banished me." Ganondorf snarled, "And other Ganondorves in different time eras would vouch for me."

"Not all of them."

"There is a lot of diplomatic sessions and lot of works to be done to keep a kingdom running." Ganondorf went on, "And the United Kingdom is no different. It requires maturity and a clear head. And that is something you truly lack."

Jace paused.

"So don't blame me for the breakup you two just had. You can only blame yourself for living such rowdy life. No girls in this world wants to be with a troublemaker. Mark my words boy. They want stability. Not chaos."

With that Ganondorf left the room.

Stability. Not chaos. This coming from the most chaotic villain in the Nintendo world. And what did he mean that he was part of the Royal family back in Hyrule before the King banished him? Well, Ganondorf wasn't the only Ganondorves in the Realm of Hyrule. Based on the Hyrule Historia book which Hunt brought home from the library one college night; there were many other Ganondorves, each one with complicated histories with many other Links and Zeldas. This Ganondorf too had history.

But the words that he mentioned. It hit him like a nail. Stability and not chaos. He couldn't help but think that Ganondorf was right. Jace had finally met the girl of his dreams and it turns out that it wasn't her royal status that was in the way of what they could had. It was his bad boyish ways.

And stealing that 3DS didn't made things better. It made his troublemaking days way worse. How many times has he put his family and himself in trouble? He couldn't count.

He had to change his image. Do a 360 and make things right. And there was only one way to do this.


-Mute City Command Center-

T-MINUS 500, 450, 400, 350, 300…

A flood of Bob-Ombs surged inside Kirby's mouth, disappearing from existence. Watching the puffball inhaling these bombs was like watching comets disappearing into a black hole.

Yet, Kirby's face looked pained. His forehead profusely poured in sweat; his face blushed red and his puffball weight turned into a life-size balloon. Any more Bob-Ombs and he could fill the entire office.

"Kirby! You gotta spit them out! I don't think you can do it!" Pit implored.

Palutena pressed her staff on Pit's chest, stopping him from even approaching Kirby and his powerful suction. "Let him." She said, "I think he can." She looked up and so did the heroes. There were still some more Bob-Ombs left, perched around the top-to-floor window.

One by one the Bob-Omb snapped from their places and entered Kirby's mouth; their blinking eyeballs frowning in distress.

200, 150, 100…

The last Bob-Omb disappeared into Kirby's mouth and Kirby closed his mouth.

"SPIT IT OUT! SPIT IT OUT! SPIT IT OUT! SPIT IT OUT!" Everyone screamed in unison, and Kirby spat.

A huge star, taking up the entire office space shot out of his mouth; its sharp legs ground through the carpeted floor and shaved the white walls. Everyone ducked, avoiding its sharp points. The star crashed through the floor-to-ceiling window and disappeared into the city sky.

50… ZERO!

The star ignited in a fiery ball of yellow flame, billowing outwards, filling the sky with an orange glow; its noise reverberated over Mute City.

Half of the shattered windows crumbled once more. Smoke and fire rushed in. Thousands of pieces of glass and steel showered down on the heroes. But Palutena waved her staff again and a huge shield blocked the deadly rainfall of shards on the heroes.

Alarms - shrill and deafening- erupted in the building as the explosion disappeared and the sky returned to its bluish hue.

Palutena waved her staff and the shield vanished. And suddenly, time started speeding up around the group again.

"Is everyone okay?" C. Falcon asked. Everyone nodded. Falcon turned to Palutena, "Thank you ma'am. You've saved us."

"It's Kirby we should thank." Palutena said, "He almost sacrificed his life to save all of us."

Kirby cooed in agreement, smiling.

"THANK YOU KIRBY!" Luigi wrapped the puffball in a tight hug, tears pouring down his face, "Ohhh-oh-oh-ohh… I thought I'd be a goner! But you saved us!"

"Looks like Bayonetta was right about you guys." Wolf's voice was heard in the intercom again.

"Gosh," Samus growled, "Can these pests learn not to hack on law enforcement's computers?"

"What do you know about Bayonetta?" Palutena asked Wolf, "She put you up to this did she?"

"You could say that again." Wolf cackled, "And you must be Palutena, the Goddess of Light. I heard about you from Bayonetta. She calls you a bitch by the way and I agree. You are one."

"HEY!" Pit screamed, "WATCH IT! You're speaking to the Goddess of Light! Show some respect, knave!"

"Hmph!" Wolf just said, "Why should I? You didn't respect Jennifer's wishes for her to deal with Bayonetta by herself. You had to try to track us down."

The heroes exchanged worried glances.

"Well guess what?" Wolf chuckled, "Bayonetta has big plans for her. Thanks to your effort."

"What are you talking about Wolf?" Fox asked.


"Wolf? WOLF!"


The Plaza

The ballroom was now empty. Tables were filled with empty and half full glasses, used napkins and scattered used plates and silverwears. Hotel staffs were cleaning up the place as Mai Lee sat near the podium, fumbling with her phone.

"Mai-Lee, dahling." The voice of Bella caught her ears. Bella towered over her.

"Oh sh-!" She stood up fast, "Bella! You scared me! What is it that—" Bella handed Mai a box, "—oh?"

"Here. Give this to your son." She said, "A gift from his dearest aunt."

Mai looked at Bella, then at the box, "Aww… that's sweet! Why don't you just give it to him your—"

Bella pressed the box to her chest. "Oh!"

"You do it." Bella said, "I can't show emotion at times like these. My reputation must be upheld here." She turned to leave when Jace appeared before her. She jumped back, startled. "Oh dear!"

"Thank you for the gift, Aunt Bella." Jace said, his voice no longer cheerful but flat and monotone, "But I can't accept it."

"I've paid a lot of money on that gift." Bella snapped, "I don't need your excuse not to take it." She snatched the box from Mai and shoved it to Jace's hands, "Just take it!"

"Oh!" Jace gasped.

Bella harrumphed. "You'd find this gift much to your liking. By your leave." She gave a nod to both her family and departed. By the time she reached the doorway, she turned back, "And by the way, Jacen. I'll give you another chance for next time to make eligibility to the etiquette school official. Fail again, and you will be banned from all etiquette schools even before applying."

And Bella left.

Jace grumbled, "Like I care about attending any school for proper fine people."

Mai placed a comforting hand on Jace, "Are you okay honey?"

"I'm fine." He snapped.

Mai bent back, stunned.

"I'm sorry mom. I'm fine." He said calmly.

"You're angry with me are you?"

"No." he shook his head, "No I'm not. I know you're telling the truth. You always do. You didn't know until that exact moment when she said she was still in love with Cashmere."

"Oh my… she actually said that to you? That she still loves him?"

"Not her exact words. But she's trying to make me believe that." Jace sighed, "I know she's lying."

"No she's not." Hunt said. He and Mario came in just when they heard him. Seeing both of them caused Jace's face to crinkle.

"She's telling the truth man. She's marrying the prince." Hunt said.

"I'm-a sorry friend." Mario said.

"Why are you still twisting that knife on my back?" Jace snarled, "Haven't you done enough damage?"

"Wh-what?" Hunt gasped, "Jace. Bro."

"No, don't you bro me. You knew about Cassie's engagement and you never told me?"

"I didn't know until I saw the news!"

"Wow. Really." He said bleakly.

"Yes!" Hunt approached, "Bro I'm sorry! I didn't mean for this to come out this way!"

"Well it did." Jace huffed. "You had me played for a fool."

"I'm sorry."

Jace sighed, "Whatever…" he then exchanged glances between Hunt and his mother, "Jenn still has my jacket. If you guys see her, tell her that 3DS, it's hers. She can keep it."

"Honey are you sure?"

"Stealing that device was a mistake. And it's about time that I own it. Tell her it's hers. She can take it back to headquarters." He then gave Mai a kiss, "Love you mom. Talk to you later"


He then snapped back at Hunt and Mario, "You guys are done."

"What do you mean we're done?" Mario exclaimed.

"Come on man!" Hunt exclaimed.

"Let it go guys." Mai said. "Give him time to think."

Hunt turned back to her. "I honestly never meant to hurt him."

"I know honey." She said, "But I think it'll be wise to give him some space. He'll come around."

Jace arrived at the sitting room area of the hotel. He set the box that Bella gave him and unwrapped it.

Then something exploded from the box in a blast of magic, surprising onlookers in the area and briefly filling the area in smoke.

The smoke faded off to reveal the box content.

An animated chest! With the Smash logo in it!

"What the hell?" he gasped, already feeling his stomach roll.

He looked around to see if that didn't catch any attention. It did. Onlookers in the area all stared at the animated chest. He forced a smirk.

"Just a prank! Everything's fine!" he said. But this was NO prank. Why would Aunt Bella give him this? And what's in that chest?

He didn't know why but there's one thing he could think of that was inside that chest.

He grabbed him and stormed off to the stairs.

"Err… Excuse me?" Mai heard a young man speak.

She turned to be greeted by two individuals, with one of them being a Nintendo character—a young man with spiky hair sticking out of his red cap, blue baggy jeans, a red and blue varsity-looking jacket and a backpack on his back. That Nintendo character looked like real life had just vomited a Saturday morning cartoon character in front of her…

As a matter of fact, he DID look like that kind of character. Hell, she might even… …recognize him…

"Hi. Uh, we're looking for a certain someone." The normal, live-action boy said. A young African-American in a typical race jacket, "Have you guys seen—"

"Pikachu?" the young man finished Romeo's sentence.

Mai cocked her head on one side, "Excuse me?"

"Yeah, I'm looking for my Pokémon." The animated young man asked, "Have you seen him?"

"Oh! Yeah, he's uh…" Mai turned and in an instant she heard Pikachu.

"PIKAPI!" the Pokémon rushed toward the young man, whose face lit up with joy and relief at his sight.

"Pikachu!" the trainer lifted him up his feet and they spun in place, "Ohh man, I'm so happy to see you safe."

"Pikapika!" Pikachu agreed.

"I think I recognized you." Mai initiated, "Sorry for sounding insensitive. It's…"

"This is Ash Ketchum, from Pallet Town!" Romeo introduced him, then whispered, "…and he's from the Pokémon anime TV show!"

"Ahh, well, nice to meet you Ash." She stretched out a hand for a shake and he took it. "Likewise ma'am. Thank you for rescuing my Pokémon. I really appreciate it."

"It wasn't really a rescue. Pikachu really missed you and was lonely. Just glad you showed up."

"Yep." Ash said with a smile, "And it's time for me to head back home."

"You sure you don't want to stay here in New York and hang out?" Romeo proposed, "I mean, so far, none of the characters who appeared here knows how to get back home."

"What? Aw man…" Ash sighed.

"You got a point, young man." Mai said, "You guys could go visit Central Park down the street. Or Times Square a long way away."

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea." Romeo proposed.

"What do you think Pikachu?" Ash asked, and Pikachu agreed wholeheartedly. "All right let's do it." He said and the two men walked out.

Mai continued cleaning out the room when a voice distracted her once more.

"Excuse me?"

Mai turned to the stranger and smiled. "Oh hello."

"Are you Mai-Lee Yashida?"

"I am. How can I help you?"

"I have a message from your sister, Bella."

Mai let out a stressed sigh. "What does she want now?"

"An apology."

The tone he projected was quiet and got Mai's curiosity peaked. "Really now?" she said. "What is she sorry about I wonder?"

The man faintly smiled, "She's outside. If you'd like to find out."


-Rose Club-

Jenn entered the Rose Club room. The strobe yet dim lighting pulsing from inside the hot fuchsian hue gave Jenn a sense of anticipating dread. Like something unpleasant was gonna happen here in any second. Something out of a mafia movie where the main character, being her, was coming to meet Big Boss to rescue her loved one.

Ironically, that was the situation she was facing.

And the smell of cigarette and perfume wafting the air was not helping.

A shaky breath left her throat without giving an effort. All she wanted at this point was her father back. Her father okay. And that bitch Bayonetta...

Where the hell was she? She gazed past the bar behind its counter. Liquors and assorted drinks lined up the shelves untouched. She turned to peer over the rose-colored seats. Nobody sitting there or standing beside them.

She spun to look at couple of corners. Not a shadow looming.

"What are you looking for?" The Umbran witch's voice startled her.

Jenn turned around. Bayonetta towered over her, five feet from where she stood.

Jenn produced the 3DS from her pocket without a word. Bayonetta beckoned with a finger. Jenn took a step forward. As soon as she did Bayonetta snapped her fingers and the 3DS vanished in a puff of violet sparkling rose-colored smoke.

Jenn stopped, the weight of the 3DS no longer felt on her palm; now in Bayonetta's hands. The witch held on to it like she had found her precious purse back.

"Ahh. Great. The 3rd Dimensional Screen." she quipped, running her delicate fingers over the rim of the game portable, "I can feel its power pulsing through me just by holding it."

"Great!" Jenn said, "Now that you have the 3DS, where is my father?"

Bayonetta stopped caressing the machine and glanced at Jenn through her thin butterfly glasses.

"I've kept the end of my bargain. Where is yours?" Jenn shouted, "Where is Dad?"

Bayonetta nudged her head past Jenn. Jenn, not understanding the strange silence, tried again.

"I'm right here, honey." A familiar voice stopped her from speaking. She turned around and saw him: Dad. No longer in Amiibo form or locked in that mystery box.

His presence stole her breath and the heat from her skin; her defenses suddenly turned mush like paper soaked in a pool of water. "D-Daddy...?" she finally spoke, voice reduced to that little girl she once was.

Dr. Dimentio let out a croaked chuckle; his tearful eyes matched Jenn's. Before Jenn could control her body, she lunged into Dimentio's arms and the two embraced in a tight longing hug.

"Oh Daddy!" Jenn bawled.

"It's okay honey." Dr. Dimentio reassured, "I'm okay."

"I thought I was gonna lose you!" Jenn bawled in his chest, "You had no idea!"

"Shh..." Dr. Dimentio gently raised his daughter's chin and looked into her sad eyes. "I'm okay honey. Are you okay?"

Jenn just nodded.

"Oh joy." Bayonetta drawled, "Now that y'all reunited, we're not done."

Jenn and Dr. Dimentio let go of each other and turned to Bayonetta. "What are you talking about?" Dimentio asked. "We are done!"

"NOT after the crap your Smash Brothers friends just pulled," Bayonetta said, "We're going Plan C."

"What?" Jenn took a step toward Bayonetta, "What do you mean Plan—"

"JENNIFER!" Dr. Dimentio shouted.

Jenn turned around and a huge fist struck her from behind. She flew across the room over a table, roughly landing on a couple of seats.

"JENNIFER!" Dr. Dimentio shouted again.

Jenn looked up and saw to her horror, a huge morphed King Dedede, with bulging biceps and rock-hard abs, looking like Frankenstein's monster. Dedede seized Dr. Dimentio's arms, restricting him. "Wuh-H-HEY!" Dimentio screamed and struggled but to no avail.


Jenn jumped to her feet and—

Huge weaves of hair shot from the ground and grabbed Jenn's legs, restricting her from running to her dad.


More weaves of hair sprouted and began wrapping around her arms, legs and soon her neck. Before Jenn knew it the hair swallowed her in a weave of darkness.

Dr. Dimentio screamed in horror, watching his daughter getting swallowed by giant living hair; the hair plunged back to the floor and vanished.

"JENNIFER!" Dr. Dimentio growled, "You witch! What have you done to her?"

"This doesn't concern you anymore, doctor." Bayonetta said.

"That's my daughter you just kidnapped! It sure as hell concerns me!"

"Then if you value her life, do something for me would ya?" Bayonetta said, "As a thank you, for breaking the Amiibo curse from you, get your nephew to me."

"Jacen?" Dr. Dimentio gasped, "What does he have to do with anything?"

Bayonetta smirked, "Well, for starters. You lied to him."

Dr. Dimentio continued to struggle in Dedede's arms but the morphed king was impossible to break himself off him. "What? I've never lied to my nephew!"

"Really?" Bayonetta smirked, "Then you have no problem telling him the truth that he never stole the 3rd Dimensional Screen to begin with, since he is the right heir to its power?"

Dr. Dimentio stopped struggling. In an instant, memories he thought he had forgotten came flooding back, haunting him once more.

"That's right, doctor." Bayonetta chuckled, "I know the truth. The whole truth. Jacen Riders. Son of your dearly departed brother, Henri Jacen Dimentio. Oh, may he rest in peace due to that tragedy. He was no ordinary gamer, was he?"

Dimentio shook his head, "No..." but Bayonetta went on, "He was a hero. A Nintendo hero, chosen by a powerful weapon: the 3rd Dimensional Sword to save the Nintendo World from the forces of darkness and restore the dimensions. That Sword possessed powers equal to other legendary swords: the Falchion, the Monado..." she gasped, "even the Master Sword."

Dimentio growled under his breath. "You're not making any sense..."

"Really? Then enlighten me. Why would a sword that has the power to affect dimensions and pierce through other worlds would take on the form of a technological machine set to entertain children with creative means like video game? AKA a gaming portable that acts as an escape from 'reality', and would reside in the world of realities: Earth?" she took a dramatic pause, "Now, didn't Henri used to own a magical Game Boy?"

Dimentio fumbled. He slightly slumped as if defeated.

"...and look at that." Bayonetta smirked, "I hit the jackpot."

"What do you want from my nephew?"

"He's doing it right now as we speak." Bayonetta said, "I just need an incentive for him to hurry the hell up. Because we don't have all day. Tell him that, and we'll go from there."

With those words, Bayonetta vanished and so did Dedede. Dimentio felt the weight of the morphed Dreamland king released from him and he dropped on his knees, gasping. His mind went into millions of miles a minute, trying to comprehend what just happened. All he knew so far was what he could not fathom: his daughter kidnapped; by a video game character!

And his nephew, once again, had something to do with this.


-The Plaza-

Jace went to his hotel suite; the locked chest in his hands. He shut the door behind him and his room engulfed him into the darkness of the night.

He fumbled on the light switch and the room came back into view.

He went to sit the chest at the sitting area table and went for his pockets…

…his cellphone. It was still in his missing jacket back at the ballroom.

Damn it!

He gazed around the room. The hotel phone was there by the lampstand. He went for it picked up the receiver and started dialing.

But a trilling tone stopped his advance. Then "Hotel Lobby?" came a voice.

"Hi. Yeah. I'm trying to call my aunt. Aunt Bella? She was at that ballroom party earlier this evening?"

"What's the number?"

Jace paused. "I don't remember."

Click. Dialtone.

"Hello?" He hung up with a sigh. So much for not remembering his aunt Bella's phone number. But who would? She was a hard case that woman. And a killjoy. She never deserved a place in his phone to begin with anyway. But why would she give him that chest? Was this some sick joke on her part?

He'd ask his mom but that would make her involved. And he didn't want that.

He stared at the chest, nibbling on his inner cheek. What was inside that content he'd wonder. He could think of something. He could remember Master Hand's request to collect the remaining pieces of the Smash Orb. They may be in that chest.

Or it could be something dangerous.

But why does he remember Master Hand? Did he ever speak to him?

He noticed something carved on the chest. He approached it. It's a series of digits.

"76274." He read.

He went around the chest. There was a lock on it. With a spinning wheel of digits. "Okay…" he wiped the sweat off his palms down his pants and went to work: 76274.


A weighted feeling filled his chest. Taking a gulp, he flipped the box open.

Glistening under the soft light of the suite, lay what he exactly expected to see: the remaining pieces of the Smash Orb!

And each one of them a different color than the last: red, blue, and green.

He stepped away from the chest and ran to his room. He returned with the only one smash piece he had collected. Its glistening golden hue shimmered under the light. Inching closer toward the four pieces, his hand began to shake.

He was nervous for sure, but he couldn't fathom this little mission would've been an easy task. He was near the chest again and his hand no longer vibrated but his arm too.

He grabbed his wrist to stop the shaking, but then when he saw the pieces glowing intensely, he realized he wasn't nervous at all. The pieces themselves were vibrating. And the gold piece in his hand violently moved his arm up and down.

He let go of the smash piece and… …each one of them leaped to their place… and floated. He watched in amazement, the four pieces of the Smash Orb levitating before him, swirling in a little dance that created a medium size twister in the room. The lights flickered. The lamp, the chandelier, the hotel picture frames hanging on the walls vibrated along with the walls, chairs, and table.

Then in a loud KLISH! The four pieces of the Smash Orb slammed on each other to form the Final Smash Ball. The ball floated before him in full glory, neither moving nor twirling. It just stood there.

Jace took another gulp. He had played the game. He knows how powerful the Smash Orb is. What would happen to him if he touched it? He could be burned for sure, noting the dancing flames extracting off the ball.

He took a nerve-wracking breath. Master Hand wanted him to use it. Use it to destroy his world, so to save Nintendo's. Hell he wanted it to happen so much that he cursed Jace with it. But that's not the worst part: that dream revealed Nintendo World was also doomed to be destroyed.

What a hero to do?

He slowly reached for the ball, with a shaky bating breath. "Here goes nothing…"


Jace let out a startled yelp and turned around. The mysterious boy with the Phanto Mask was right behind him.

"You again!"

Hand outstretched, the boy approached Jace, "Don't do this." His voice suddenly came out in a squeaky panic.


"Don't do this man. Don't use its power. It's a trap!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Jace said, "You told me that I've been cursed and so I—"

The boy with the Phanto Mask proceeded to grab an umbrella from a coat rack and swung. The Smash Orb split again to pieces.

"HEY!" Jace shouted, "What are you doing? I have to use this! I have to… destroy a world to save another!"

"That's what he wants you to believe!"

"What? Who? Master Hand?"

The boy with the Phanto Mask let out a shaky breath too.

"Okay" Jace now sounded frustrated, "You need to tell me what the hell is going on right now!"

"I can't tell you!"

"Why not?"


"My world is gonna get destroyed no matter what I do anyway, so why should I trust you?" Jace then hesitated, noting a sudden pitch change in the boy's tone of voice, "…and why do you sound like…?"

"Because,"—the boy ripped the Phanto mask from his face—"I'm not who you think I am!" he shouted. Or rather, she shouted.

The boy with the Phanto Mask was a girl. It was Shantae!

"Sh-Shantae?" Jace exclaimed.

"I'm sorry Jacen," Shantae spoke, "but I cannot let you do this. You're just gonna have to trust—"

A loud guttural scream ripped from her throat and her body hunched forward, as a disgusting thick fleshy sound came from behind her.

Next thing he knew, the genie princess Shantae dropped flat on the carpeted floor; a pool of red began oozing out of her.

"Oh my god…" he gasped, turning to the person who did this to her. A man—or what appeared to be a man.

The man—Shantae's killer—looked like a living statue. No, a glass statue. Only except his form seemed to shift and sparkle like a particle of light with purple and blue electric flashes dancing across him like arteries.

Standing eight feet fall, weighing the size of three bodybuilders but not the size of a heavyweight, he was ridiculously threatening. Even more so when Jace noticed his right hand had shapeshifted to a large spike.

A flood of terror from his ordeal with Amiir Black flew back to Jace's mind. "oh my god, oh my god, oh my god…" he went to Shantae to check her pulse, "Holy s***, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god."

"Had to do it." The glowing man spoke, his vocal tone that of a god, "She was revealing way too much."

"You killed her!" Jace shouted.

"You could call it divine intervention." The glowing man said, "She was in the way of your mission, Jacen."

"Divine intervention?" Jace gasped, "Gods don't do this to their people, you're a MONSTER!"

The glowing man chuckled, "Am I now?"

Realizing who he was speaking to, Jace stepped away from Shantae, gaze remained fixed on the glowing man. This beautiful form of abomination could be none other than Tabuu.

"Wh-who are you?" he asked anyway, "What do you want?"

"You know who I am, Jacen." Tabuu said, "And I want you to finish what you started."

"I thought Master Hand made me in charge of… of this." Jace said.

"Master Hand said a lot of things." Tabuu said, "But who's to say that I didn't manipulate his thought process? That I turned his son, Simon, against a clone of his, that I'm forcing you to use the Smash Orb on the worlds?"

"Worlds?" Jace whispered, "So you are not just after my world but Nintendo's!"

Tabuu stretched his hand out and the four pieces of the Smash Orb floated between them, "Use the Smash Orb…" Tabuu's hand glowed red.

In an instant, Jace felt red heat on his arm. "Gaah!" he dropped to his knees, furiously rubbing on his arm. It burned. That abomination of a tattoo felt like it had set his arm on fire but it didn't.

Rolling up his sleeve, he instead saw the hand on the tattooed clock speeding up.

"or pay the price."

"What the hell…?" Jace gasped, "…where did this come from?"

Tabuu blinked its glassy ruby hollowed eyes. "Err… I cursed you. Remember?"

"I don't remember a freak as you curse me." Jace hesitated. Or maybe he forgot. No. This may have something to do with him incorporating the Jace from the other version of Earth, "…when was that?" he wondered.

Tabuu growled, "Don't play games with me." Tabuu raised his spear-shaped hand over his head for a blow, "…or I finish you right here and now!"

Just as Tabuu took a swing, a hand grabbed Jace from behind and yanked him back. Tabuu swung and missed; and next thing Jace knew, he got engulfed into a sea of cloudy swirls and darkness enveloped his sight.




- Jace learns the truth behind the 3D Screen, and its counterpart the 3D Sphere. The battle of heroes vs villains is about to go into an epic head.

- Jace reunites with the Smash Brothers and is now on a mission to save his friends and family

- Tabuu's intentions are revealed

- Ganondorf loses out on a royal opportunity

Next Episode: Finale in 3D (part 1)