Scroll I

It had been two weeks since Flavia, Jonathan, Nubia and Lupus had solved their first mystery together. Since then, however, things had changed. Two weeks before Flavia and her friends were set to arrive at Flavia's uncle's farm, Captain Geminus; Flavia's father received a letter from an old friend inviting him, family and friends to his villa in the centre of Rome.

Flavia was brimming with excitement, a holiday! Flavia could not remember the last time she'd been on a holiday outside of Ostia, in fact she could, it had been back when her mother was alive that was over 3 years ago now. So, now to gather her friends together and find out if they could come with her. She wondered if Jonathan's father would let him go on the journey. What about Lupus, as well? Jonathan's father might have some work for Lupus to do. Might he find someone else to do the work?

Flavia called at the front of Jonathan's house and the door was opened by his sister, Miriam. "Hello, Flavia. Do you want to see Jonathan?"

"I'd like to see Jonathan, Lupus and your father, if I may", replied Flavia. "I have a very important question to ask your father".

"Well, come in and I'll call them. Luckily, they're all here at the moment". Flavia entered the house and was still overcome with the strong smell of herbs and spices. Miriam showed her into Mordecai study were Flavia had been carried into when she had twisted her ankle. Jonathan's father was silently reading the Torah whilst the boys seemed to be "talking" on the long couch.

"Father, Flavia has a question she must ask you." Mordecai glanced over his shoulder then gestured for Flavia to take a seat, the boys looked up and both offered Flavia warm smiles. Flavia pulled out a small scroll and stood in front of Mordecai and his family.

"Dear Gaius Flavius Gemini,

Greetings! Dear friend we have not met since the ides of September 3 years ago, a month before your beloved Mrytilla passed away to the underworld. I now invite you, your lovely daughter and any close friends of yours to attend my humble villa in the centre of Rome. I invite you to stay with my household for three nights, during this time I will show you all the wonders of Rome. I sincerely hope you can attend.


Your dear friend


Flavia let out a deep sigh of relief. "My father was wondering if your household would like to be our guest of honour."

Mordecai looked deep in thought for a moment.

"Flavia, I am afraid to say I will be unable to attend the event, however, Jonathan and Lupus may attend under these conditions. Miriam will accompany you. She must know at all times where you are and what you are doing." For a brief moment everything was silent then the whole room seemed to erupt.

"Thank you so much father! I promise I'll obey the rules at all times. I swear!" Jonathan promised. Lupus nodded vigorously, showing us he agreed with what Jonathan was saying. Suddenly, Lupus' smile faded.

"What's wrong Lupus?" Flavia asked with concern. Lupus pointed towards Miriam who looked upset and left out.

"Miriam, what's wrong?" Jonathan asked curiously

"Farther, I don't think I can go. What if you need help and I'm not here-"

Miriam was interrupted by her father raising his hand signalling her to hush.

"Miriam, it will do you good to get away, please for me." Miriam still looked unsure so Flavia quickly added "If your father does need help I'm sure Alma and Caudex wouldn't mind coming round."

Miriam looked a little happier and agreed to come. Flavia then took Lupus and Jonathan back to her house to tell Nubia the good news. Nubia had been out grocery shopping with Alma. She always loved getting up early to go; it was just extremely annoying when she missed important news.

Flavia knocked hard on her door expecting Caudex to slowly open it. So she was surprised when the door swung open and Nubia was standing there smiling. However, when Nubia saw the depressed looks on her friends' faces she immediately became concerned. "What wrong Flavia?" Nubia asked her voice full of apprehension.

"Well, you see there's a problem with Jonathan and Lupus coming." Flavia started to explain.

"What the problem?" Nubia said, then realising her mistake she corrected "What is the problem?" Flavia smiled slightly at this, Nubia was getting somewhere with her Latin. Finally!


Nubia looked confused "What wrong with Miriam? Is she sick?" Nubia asked curiously.

"No" sighed Jonathan "But she's just going to mother me!" Nubia turned her attention to Lupus who was sniggering.

"See!" cried Jonathan "He knows how bad she gets!"

"Jonathan, stop complaining. At least you have mother." After Nubia finished speaking Jonathan saw both Nubia and Lupus looking down at the ground. That was when he realised how stupid he was being. He walked up to Nubia and put his arm around her shoulders.

"I'm sorry Nubia; to both of you, I guess it's just a bit weird for me." Jonathan then heard a loud cough from in front of him. "Flavia," he sighed. "At least you have a father; Nubia and Lupus don't have anybody."

Flavia looked extremely annoyed "But Jonathan! My mother died when I was younger! At least they have us now .Their old families don't matter anymore, right Nubia?" It then dawned upon Flavia that what she had said was extremely unkind and horrible. Nubia had immediately burst into tears and was now being comforted by Jonathan. Lupus, however, had taken of like an arrow from a bow and was nowhere to be seen.

Flavia sighed, everything had been perfect. Her best friends were coming with her to Rome, Nubia's Latin was rapidly improving, and Lupus was starting to trust them more. Then, she with her big mouth had wasted it all. Jonathan probably wasn't going to come on the trip, Nubia's confidence had been dramatically thrown and Lupus, if he even came back, was probably never going to trust her again.

"Flavia! You have such a big mouth," She said to herself under her breath "You have one day to fix everything! Start as soon as you can!"