Me-Hello, everyone, and I am so sorry for not updating Perfect for me like I had promised. A lot of stress this week, and a lot of stuff had happened which wasn't particularly planned. All I know is that, this Monday the chapter will be updated like scheduled, but in the mean time this is a new story that will be updated on Tuesday nights. I got this idea from an amv which I absolutely loved and it can be found at this link watch?v=m8kysKgGy_A&lc=2JpCkHfvzXcheJ0jTqQ7euWnEkIO wdqe-SEZIZEM80U&feature=inbox
The link itself might not work but I tried, anyway the name of the video is Invisible by WonderfulLight091, and with permission to use the story behind the video we start our journey on my first LissanaXNatsuXLucy fan fiction. I've done a lot of Nalu fics but I've never done a Nalu story with Lisanna in the mix. I like Lisanna's character though, and unlike most stories I've read (even though they were good anyway) have her portrayed as a sinister character that is hateful and hates Lucy. This time she's going to be different and as she is in Perfect for me, she will be the same here. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own the story idea, or Fairy tail, but if I did Nalu would of happened already!
Chapter 1: Self-loathing
Every day it was the same, and no matter how she felt she couldn't change his feelings. It was obvious that she was falling for her idiot of a best friend and it didn't help much when he was always clinging onto her, but now that Lisanna was back; everything changed.
He didn't ignore her, but it wasn't the same between them like it use to be. Natsu would always be found near Lisanna when Lucy entered the loud guild, but she didn't expect him to act the way he was. Whenever Lisanna would laugh, he would blush and stare at her with loving eyes, the eyes Lucy would often use on him. When Lisanna would cry, he would look around nervously before hugging her with all his might to get rid of the tears. He would do that for any of his precious nakama, but the way he acted around the cute white haired mage was different.
Lucy desperately wanted to question his behavior, but she knew that if she did, her heart would break into a million pieces. She didn't want to lose him, but it seemed like it was an ongoing battle with her feelings, and the want of making him happy.
"Luce!" Natsu exclaimed as he ran over to his blond best friend. Lucy gave a slight smile as he gave her his trademark grin. Lisanna saw Lucy and waved which caused Lucy to feel weird; she knew Natsu liked Lisanna, and she thought she could live with it, but every time Lisanna would wave or smile at her, a wave of jealousy would flow through her very being. Lucy hated that feeling, and to brush it off, she waved back to Lisanna in case Natsu would question her actions, not that he would get the reason behind them.
"Natsu…do you want to go on a mission today?" Lucy questioned, usually Natsu would say yes, but on occasion there would be a no which was very unusual for the dragon slayer. When Lisanna came back, it meant fewer missions for Lucy because Natsu wanted to spend time with her, and Lucy knew that feeling since everyday she wanted to spend time with the fire breather. Deep inside Lucy just knew that Natsu was in love with Lisanna despite that sliver of hope that he liked her as well. Lucy felt invisible most of the time to Natsu and despite being noticed by most of Fairy tail, they couldn't see her heartbreak, they couldn't see the tears that she cried on the inside, and they couldn't see the hurt of watching someone you love go after someone else. She finally understood how Lyon felt when it gave to Juvia whom was desperately in love with Gray. It hurt.
"Not today, Luce, maybe tomorrow?" Natsu told her upon which Lucy gave a small smile and merely walked away. Natsu knew she was upset with him, but he also knew that Lucy wasn't being herself and it bugged him that his teammate looked so damaged and broken. He didn't understand her sometimes, but he knew that she wasn't herself, and he wanted to find out why.
"What's wrong with Lucy?" Lisanna questioned Natsu as he shrugged his shoulders.
"I'm going to go after her, I'll be back." Natsu spoke and without a moment's notice he vanished from sight. Lisanna smiled at this, and was happy to be back home with everyone. She met the new members as well and she wished she could befriend Lucy like Natsu has but Lucy seems to have put up a shield around her heart. Lisanna knew that she wasn't like this before, but she also knew that it could possibly be Natsu which could be another reason why the blond didn't seem to enjoy her company. Natsu was near her everyday which if someone liked the boy, it would cause pain, but not the pain that was external, but an internal pain that only affected the heart.
Lucy…" Lisanna spoke as she wished that Lucy would find a way to get over this pain she felt, and become stronger from it.
"Lucy!" Natsu cried out as he held onto Lucy for dear life like he use to whenever he felt he was going to lose her. He still felt that way now, but he couldn't help the way he felt toward Lisanna.
"Leave me alone for now; I need some time to think." Lucy spoke up with a sharp voice which made Natsu cringe from the sound of it. Natsu heeded her words and released her body from his grip and watched her figure as it distanced itself from him. He smelt the salty water at it had cascaded down her cheeks. He knew that he was the one hurting her but why he didn't know, but all he knew was that one day he would tell Lisanna his feelings, but the first step was to get the old Lucy back. He didn't know how, but as he thought about this he ran back to the guild to Lisanna. The one person that his eyes could linger on for hours at a time, but make Lucy feel so invisible.
Me-I hope you guys like the first chapter, and next chapter there will be a lot more happening, and just remember to review, and if you want it to continue, I need at least up to five reviews, so if you like it just review and tell me what you think of it, and make sure you check out the video with the story that made this possible.