Disclaimer: I don't own them, I just play with them. They are owned by their mistresses, neither of which is me. No harm, no foul….that's my thought.
Pairing: HM (HP)/EC
"That wasn't so bad" Luna stated as she packed up her things and waited for Hayes to finish packing up his own things.
"So you say" Hayes grumped, he was never very good with numbers and math but it seemed that Luna had a love for numbers, at least one of them liked the class.
"Edward" Isabella Swan called out hoping to get a few minutes alone with Edward; she had been beside herself with worry when the family left with little warning, with the Morganroth's in tow, now they were back and had added another person to their odd collection of a family.
"Isabella" Edward said stopping and turning around to speak to the girl that seemed to follow his every move.
"What happened? Are you okay? Who's that girl?" Isabella rattled off in quick succession before waiting for Edward to answer her questions. Edward stood there shocked that this *girl* thought he owed her a reason for his family's leaving and now subsequent return.
"Edward…I was worried sick" Isabella said primping when she saw the students moving about her and whispering about the scene.
"A kind gesture, I'm sure" Luna answered for Edward, she could see the greed that the girl had in her eyes. She wanted to be the focus of everyone's attention not some new girl that seemed to be friends with Hayes Morganroth and the Cullen-Hale family. Isabella threw a glare at Luna before putting her doe eyes back on and moving towards Edward.
"One more step bitch" Rosalie growled out coming from her first class of the day along with her 'boyfriend' Emmett and her 'brother' Jasper.
"Uh Rosalie" Isabella stumbled on her words, everyone in the school was afraid of Rosalie Hale, even the teachers, there was just something about the girl that scared you in a way you had never been scared in.
"Class" Rosalie said pointing in a direction not caring if it was the direction that the girl needed to go in or not. Luna laughed when the girl took off in the wrong direction just to get away from Rosalie. A few glares were thrown Rosalie's way by some of the boys that were crushing on Bella Swan, but no one said anything to the girl. By the time lunch arrived Luna was amazed at how muggles were so similar to witches and wizards in their gossiping. The Hogwarts Rumor Mill was just as good it seemed as the Forks High School Rumor Mill. So far the idea that Luna was some long lost cousin of Rosalie and Jasper had surfaced along with Luna being some long lost child of Nan Morganroth, which she just found out about.
"Edward" Bella Swan called out making her way over to the table that had no empty seats, they were all taken and yet here the girl came looking as if she planned to eat lunch with them.
"Is she crazy" Emmett asked, he had never seen a girl so persistent in their pursuit of his 'brother'.
"She must be" Rosalie agreed before she continued staring at nothing in particular, waiting for the girl to slide up to their table with the thought of sitting with him.
"You didn't wait for me" Bella whined before looking the table over and seeing that there was no empty spot for her. That just wouldn't do, so she moved over to where Hayes sat talking to Luna about the project they had been given in English and Art, and pushed him out of his chair; knocking him over in the process.
"What the hell!" Emmett voiced boomed before he made his way over to where Hayes sat on the floor stunned that Isabella Swan had just pushed him out of his chair for absolutely no reason at all.
"You're sitting next to *my* boyfriend" Bella said loud enough so that most of the students in the cafeteria heard her words.
"Have you lost what little bit of mind you have?" Rosalie snarled, she had known from the moment the girl arrived that she would be trouble, and now here she was causing trouble.
"Edward tell them" Bella prompted to Edward as if he was going to take up her side, sadly she was mistaken.
"I don't know where you got your information but I am certainly *not* going out with you, if I am to be going out with anyone it is with Hayes" Edward stated now helping his mate off the floor, twining their fingers together. Most of the room gasped at the words, so it was true that Edward and Hayes were a couple, it had been a rumor that the pair was seeing each other but when the two families left Bella had free reign over what she could say about her status of being Edward's girlfriend. Now though it seemed that someone was lying and all points pointed to Bella Swan.
"Edward!" Bella shouted scandalized by his words, she had figured that once he returned from whatever vacation the family had taken that he would realize that she was meant for him, she could see it plain as day how could he not see it? The students soon began whispering to each other as Edward held onto Hayes and watched Bella turn an interesting shade of red.
"The Jillijypuffs have gotten a hold of her mind" Luna interjected which had Hayes laughing and smiling while tears ran down his face. He had been so scared for a moment that Edward would realize he wasn't worth the time or effort he and his family were putting in to protect him from the Witches and Wizards of Great Britain, most looked at the new girl with a strange look, what a sentence to say when someone was speaking ill of your supposed new family. The Cullen family along with Hayes took her words in stride; they had been dealing with Luna for a bit longer than the population at Forks High School.
"You bastard!" Bella screamed all the while crying in her best friend's arms. Most of the boys in the room gave Edward a disgusted look, as if they couldn't understand why the teen didn't want to be with Bella, instead attaching his name to Hayes's.
"We were never going out to begin with" Edward clarified for the students that still stood around them.
"Is there a problem here?" Principal Greene made his way over to where the crowd had formed around the Cullens, Isabella Swan and the two Morganroth children.
"No sir" Emmett was quick to answer, not wanting any sort of trouble to be started with the principal. The man looked at the group and noticed that the Chief's daughter was crying.
"And the reason for the tears then?" Principal Greene asked looking over the group waiting for an answer; surprisingly it was Alice who supplied the answer.
"She's bitter that Edward chose someone else instead of her" Alice said giving the girl a look that told her she had been played for as a fool.
"Ms. Swan" the principal called out wanting to know what was really going on. Most waited with baited breath, would the girl tell the truth or some fabricated version of her truth?
"It's….it's nothing sir" Bella choked out before wiping her eyes and looking at the principal as if she was fine. Her waterworks scene hadn't made Edward cave, and so there was no really need to continue on the path that she was on. She would just have to find another way to trap Edward into being her boyfriend and then husband, living in Forks was so beneath both her and the Cullens, in her opinion. Principal Greene eyed Bella for a moment longer before turning and making his way back to his office. Bella soon departed after Principal Greene left, there was nothing she could say at the moment that would change any of the Cullen-Hale's minds on her becoming a part of their family.
"You will need to watch her, the Jillijypuffs have complete control of her mind" Luna warned before skipping off to her next class, or at least what she thought was her next class. Hayes shook his head and followed her to English where they would once again be working on mythology.
"Alice" Edward said looking to his sister wondering if she had seen anything happening between Bella and them.
"She will try but Luna is correct, she is not sane" Alice said seeing a scene where Bella had Hayes at knife point and the outcome had yet to be decided.
"Watch her" Edward said before speeding off to English, so as to not be late. Edward arrived just in time and soon made his way over to where Hayes sat with Luna sitting next to him in a folding chair.
"You may have my seat Luna" Edward offered to the blonde haired girl, which had the two of them switching places. Class soon started and Mr. Mason started on Roman mythology and the history behind some of the gods and goddess that were used from the times of the Greeks.
"Now you have the last ten minutes to work on your project, Ms. Morganroth a word" Mr. Mason said before everyone set to work on their project, some had at least an idea of what they were doing while others monkied about and got nothing done. Hayes and Edward soon began working on their projects with Edward asking an occasional question about Thestrals, while Hayes worked on the next creature in his book.
"This should be great fun" Luna said after she arrived back from Mr. Mason's desk, where he had given her the specifications of the project that all of the juniors had been given.
"I thought the same thing" Hayes agreed before Luna looked over his shoulder and saw a drawing of an Aethonon, since he had finished his drawing of an Acromantula while at Hogwarts.
"I think I'll do the Augurey" Luna said picking an animal that truly existed instead of her fictional creatures that only she knew about.
"That should be fun" Hayes said thinking of what Luna would do for the art portion of the project, what he was coming up with made his smile. He could so see Luna walking around school with greenish-black feathers everywhere, while every once in a while crying out in a mournful tone.
"I quite like the Augurey" Luna said before grabbing a piece of blank paper from her notebook and quickly writing down all the things she knew about the bird with the mournful cry, that predicted the rain instead of death. The bell soon signaled the end of class, both Hayes and Luna packed up their things while Edward waited for the pair to complete their task.
"Edward" Alice called out after getting a vision of Bella trying to do something to Hayes after Art.
"Alice" Edward said looking to Hayes to see if he was needed, Hayes waved him away while he and Luna started their journey to their next class which they didn't have Edward in it.
"I fear for you Hayes" Luna said as they passed by the Art Building, she got the worse feeling when passing the building but she couldn't figure out the reason for it yet.
"Luna" Hayes said knowing better than to dismiss Luna's words like most did when she spoke, it was part of the reason why Luna had been more than happy to leave Great Britain and the people who ran the Wizarding World there.
"I'm not sure, but…" Luna said stopping right outside of the building and getting the oddest scene flashing before her.
"You must protect your belongings" Luna said seeing Bella slip something into Hayes's bag and then accuse him of stealing from her after Art let out, which would have the most witnesses when she pulled out the item.
"Right" Hayes said bringing his bag closer to him while he looked around trying to see anyone who would try something with his bag.
"Keep your bag and coat close" Luna warned, she saw a blonde haired, green eyed girl dropping something into Hayes's bag during their last class of the day. All during their next class Hayes made sure to protect his things going as far as wearing his coat the whole period.
"Careful" Luna warned as she followed Hayes out of the building and over to the Art Building where it seemed that Edward was waiting for them. It was as they neared that Bella Swan popped up out of nowhere.
"Edward" Bella said trying to get as close as possible to Edward as the boy would allow.
"Stay away from me" Edward warned taking a step to the side to push Bella away from him.
"I don't understand why you continue to hang out with Morganroth" Bella said acting as if the scene at lunch had never occurred. She had a plan and this was phase one of it, the next phase would hopefully be completed by Lauren and the final stage would occur after class with the whole school milling about getting ready to leave for the day. Edward acted as if he hadn't heard her, he had been warned by Alice of what she planned to do and part of the plan required him to actually speak to her before their final class of the day.
"Edward" Bella said getting angry and frustrated that Edward wasn't paying her any attention, instead he was watching Hayes and the new freak girl make their way closer and closer.
"Edward" Hayes said in greeting before throwing a look to where Bella stood hands on her hips and looking most unhappy about something.
"Fine be that way" Bella said after scanning the crowd and seeing that a few were paying attention to the scene she was causing. Bella stomped off while Edward, Hayes and Luna made their way into the building and then to the Art classroom.
"Hayes" Edward said watching Hayes as he guarded his things more than usual.
"Luna said I needed to keep my things close" Hayes explained, knowing that Edward would understand the warning he was giving.
"Alice said something similar to that" Edward mused before Ms. Montoya began the class after the bell rang.
"All right people, I want that outline today" Ms. Montoya said looking over her class and shaking her head. Most didn't even attempt to do their project while others tried to look as if they were working when they were busy gossiping with the neighbor. Everyone groaned at the news, there were only a few that were prepared for the request of their teacher.
"But first" Ms. Montoya said noticing a new student, and that she was seated next to Hayes and Edward.
"You, come to me" Ms. Montoya said her voice taking on the quality of a gypsy while his crooked her finger in the 'come here' motion. Luna stood up and made her way over to the teacher, papers in hand. After Luna left Lauren made her move.
"Hey Morganroth" Lauren called out getting the attention of both Edward and Hayes, along with the rest of the class.
"Lauren" Hayes said in greeting to the girl, he still had his coat on and his bag was sitting in his lap a place that he knew Lauren wouldn't be able to get to.
"Is there a reason you are trying to steal away Bella's boyfriend?" Hayes rolled his eyes at the words, did they really think that if they said it enough that it would come true? Edward had never been and would never be Bella Swan's boyfriend; he had the Courtship Ribbon wrapped around his left hand to prove it.
"And who might that be?" Hayes played dumb waiting for the girl to approach, knowing that she would. At about the time that she got up to make her way over to where Hayes sat Ms. Montoya called the class back to order.
"Now, let's get started" Ms. Montoya said before taking a seat at her desk and calling names off at random.
"It is time" Luna whispered to Hayes and it was then that Ms. Montoya called out his name. Hayes handed his bag to Edward and walked to the front of the room with his book in hand. Lauren watched the boy as he made his way up to the teacher's desk and then stood herself slinking over to where she was certain that Hayes's bag would be sitting on the floor. She arrived behind Hayes's chair and noticed right away that his bag wasn't sitting on the floor as it usually did. She looked up to where he stood speaking in-depth with Ms. Montoya about his project before she glanced around the room trying to find the bag.
"Looking for something" Edward broke into her thoughts; he not only saw her approach but he heard her thoughts and none of them were nice. Lauren jumped at hearing Edward's voice, her heart rate evened out and she answered the best way she knew how.
"I was looking for something" leaving that it was Hayes's bag out of the sentence even though she thought it.
"Well I don't think it is here" Edward warned her before he heard Ms. Montoya's thoughts about who to call next.
"Ms. Mallory" Ms. Montoya called out after looking up and seeing Lauren not in her seat but over where Edward and Hayes sat along with the new girl, Luna. Lauren looked up shocked that she had been caught and not even before she completed her task.
"Why don't we visit for awhile, hmmmm" Ms. Montoya said looking at Lauren with hard eyes, the girl was always giving Hayes a hard time and now here she was over in a spot she need not be. Lauren could do nothing but nod her head and make her way over to where Ms. Montoya sat waiting for her, getting Hayes out of the trouble that was certainly brewing.
"Mission failure" Luna said as Hayes arrived back a smile on his face. Ms. Montoya had loved what he had so far, so he was in great spirits when he arrived back to their desks. For the rest of the period Ms. Montoya called up the class and most failed at explaining what they were doing for their project. Some seemed to believe that they would be able to pull something out at the last moment and get a passing grade, they would soon find out how wrong they were about that. The end of class came and the three made their way out of the room and building watching as Lauren ran passed them not even stopping to get out of other people's ways as she ran to update Bella that she hadn't been able to complete her task. Bella was waiting for them as they exited the building, along with most if not all of the students at Forks High School.
"Edward" Bella said before latching onto Edward's arm and blinking her doe eyes up at him, while Lauren stood back a pale look on her face. She had tried to get to Bella before she started her grand plan but she had been unable to find the girl in time, and now here she was putting her last phase into effect not knowing that Lauren had been unable to do her part.
"Isabella" Edward said formally before twinning his fingers together with Hayes's, looking at the mass of students that sort of stopped moving when Bella spoke, as she intended for it to be.
"How many times have I told you silly, call me Bella" Bella said batting her eyes up at Edward and attempting to pull him away from where he stood next to Hayes.
"Come on, dad wants to talk to you" Bella said looking around and seeing the students watching the scene confused on what was going on. Just at lunch the girl had been rebuffed, and now here she was talking about Edward meeting her father. Were things that serious with the pair?
"After all dad won't let me out of the house with a stranger" Bella said before giggling and continued to look over the students that still watched the scene.
"I'm sorry but you must be confused. I have no need to meet Chief Swan" Edward said pulling his hand away from Bella and moving away from her. Most noticed the move and began to wonder what was really going on.
"Oh stop, there's no need to hide our relationship now" Bella said before moving towards Edward away but being stopped by Luna and the vacant eyed look in her eyes.
"Get out of my way freak" Bella said in a nasty tone before pushing Luna and attempting to get closer to Edward.
"We aren't together and we have never been together" Edward said looking at the girl closely and getting bits and pieces of her thoughts now.
"Edward" Bella said slowly as if she was speaking to a child.
"Bella" Lauren called out trying to get Bella to stop her plan, it would only back fire at this point and she may not like the girl much but she knew that should this blow up that no one in their right mind would associate with her after this.
"Lauren! I'm talking to my boyfriend" Bella spat back before Lauren took a step back and raised her hands. Now who was she to fight with her? Let her crash and burn for all Lauren cared.
"Now Edward" Bella said in a sickening sweet voice that no one believed.
"Isabella I will tell you this once and once only, I am quite happy with my *boyfriend* Hayes" Edward said now bringing up their joined hands and kissing a patch of skin not covered by the Courtship Ribbon. Soon you could hear people whispering and there were at least a few exchanges of money between people when the news came out. Bella was not happy at this declaration at all, she had had this all planned out and at no time was Edward to announce that he was seeing Hayes Morganroth. No he was to ask her about her day and she was to then tell him that someone had stolen her most precious bracelet and she would then accuse Hayes of stealing it, only to reach in his bag and pull out the missing item. From there things would fall into place, Hayes would become an outcast at school and Edward would realize what a loser and freak Hayes was and that she was meant to be by his side.
"You're going out with me!" Bella demanded before deciding to move on in her plan, maybe when Edward saw the bracelet come out of Hayes's bag he would change his story.
"Someone stole my bracelet" Bella said out of the blue before looking at the many people watching the scene.
"Well I'm certain it will show up soon" Luna spoke already knowing what was about to happen, after all they had stopped Lauren from dropping the item into one of Hayes's belongings, so Bella was about to make a huge fool of herself. Lauren tried one more time to distract Bella from her task but got a glare and a snarl before she spun and accused Hayes of stealing her bracelet.
"I saw you eyeing it" Bella said in a nasty tone her eyes lighting up with glee when she was certain that she was about to get rid of the only thing standing in her way with being with Edward. Hayes just looked at the girl and wondered what her deal was; did she actually think that Edward would believe her over him? Unless of course she had proof of her words, and that was when everything clicked for him.
"You understand" Luna whispered to him, he nodded his head and watched as this played out.
"So give it back" Bella said sticking out her hand waiting for Hayes to say he didn't say he had it.
"I don't have your bracelet" Hayes said which had Bella screaming that he wasn't telling the truth and that he needed to give her back her bracelet. By now the scene had caught the attention of not only the principal but also a few teachers that were making their way to the main building for a meeting.
"What is going on?" Principal Greene said eyeing again the same people that he had dealt with at lunch.
"He stole my bracelet, I just know it" Bella accused throwing a look to Hayes, who was standing there amazed that the girl truly thought she would get away with what she was doing.
"Mr. Morganroth your things" Principal Greene said before Hayes handed over his bag to the principal for the man to search through. After the search proved fruitless he asked for Hayes's jacket which he was given and found nothing in as well.
"Ms. Swan it seems you owe Mr. Morganroth an apology" the principal said turning and giving the girl a look, she was causing way too much trouble to be considered normal.
"He took it I know he did" Bella said now scanning the crowd for Lauren, who had suck back into the crowd when the principal appeared. She wanted to have nothing to do with this for she saw Bella getting a heap of trouble for this.
"Well he doesn't have it and that means he didn't take it" the principal summed up before speaking directly to Bella.
"I think some detention time would do you some good, follow me" and with that Principal Greene and Bella Swan made their way to the main building to talk about her punishment.