Kurofsky's Constructions had finally gotten the rights to bulldoze down the old house at the corner of McGregor's Street. The owner David and his team had sectioned off the street and quarantined the house to make sure no one was to get hurt. Most of the workers had gone home for the day except Jacob Israel who was in charge of keeping watch during the night for vandalizing teenagers looking for a place to hangout. Even though it was good pay he hated working the night time shift.
"It's better than sitting at home jerking off to porn," he said aloud.
Suddenly he heard a noise coming from inside the house, "Damn kids!" he fumed as he searched his car for his flashlight. Putting down his coffee in the holder he flicked on the light and motioned it over the property. A random cat appeared out of the bushes and scampered off. He chuckled to himself as he turned the light off and went back to his car. Settling in his seat he turned on the radio to listen to WHYY hoping to catch WireTap. Jacob laughed at Jonathan's remark while taking a bite of his turkey and rye sandwich. The sound of something crashing inside the house caused him to glance up, "Stupid damn cats! I hate animals…" he muttered going back to enjoying his radio.
It was dark in the basement except for a piece of moonlight shining through the crack of the slightly broken window. The room was empty except the cobwebs and dust that sat in place from whenever the place was last cleaned. Through the darkness a pair of glowing green eyes stood out. They scanned the room erratically searching for anything it could get its hands on. A source of bright light had briefly lit up the room as the green eyes retreated further into the darkness. When the light faded it relaxed, waiting for whatever was outside to come in here. Suddenly a cat scurried across its path. Quick to react it snatched up the cat and twisted its neck; silencing it from making any further noises.
Jacob turned off his radio before grabbing a hold of his flashlight. The noise he had just heard was getting on his last nerve as he decided to enter the abandoned house in front of him. He shined his light through the foyer, "You damn junkies better not be shooting up in here!" he warned making his way around. He checked in the kitchen and living room, but there was no sign of trespassers anywhere. Feeling like all of this searching was worthless he turned to go back out the door when he heard another noise again. Using his light as his guide he came face to face with the basement door. Shaking his head, "Got them now…" he stated as he slowly pulled open the door. Shining the light around he crept down the stairs and immediately started to sneeze from all the dust around him. Jacob was unaware of a pair of green eyes watching him from within the shadows. Suddenly his light flickered out, "Cheap piece of crap!" he yelled hitting the flashlight to try and get it to turn back on. When he was successful he spun around and screamed. There a rather tall but thin man stood staring at him. In Jacob's mind he looked like he was dressed as a pirate. The man had long shoulder length blonde hair and with a pair of wild green eyes.
"The hell are you doing down here? This place is condemned!" Jacob yelled trying to show authority.
The man tilted his head, "I didn't realize…"
"Well now you know! Get to stepping or I will call the police to have you removed. This is private property of Kurofsky's Constructions!"
The man took a step forward, the moonlight hitting him, "I'm so hungry…"
Jacob eyed the man, "Are you a junkie? I don't have any food."
"Oh but I think you do," he said slowly
"Look, leave now by the time I count to ten or I'm going to call for backup!"
"I can't let you do that," he spoke before locking eyes with Jacob, "I'm awfully sorry about this."
Without any warning the tall man bared his sharp canines before grasping Jacob by the neck. Using all the strength he had he pulled Jacob towards him searching for the largest vein in his neck he could find. Quickly he bit down missing the vein causing the man to shriek, "Sorry…" he muttered apologetic like before sinking his teeth into the correct spoke. As he continued to drink he felt the man's body lessen and soon all motion came to a stop. Releasing his victim he licked his mouth to lap up the excess blood. Once he was done relishing in the taste he looked down worriedly at the person on the floor. Crouching down he picked up the man's wrist only to watch it fall to the ground.
"Sir? Good Sir are you ok?" he asked not receiving a response, "Oh no…I did it again." He grabbed the man and started shaking him, "Hello in there! Wake up!" he yelled. Frustrated he stood up and tried to prop the man up against the stairs, "Ok listen… " he glanced at the badge, "Ja-Cob? I'm really sorry for biting you but I famished. I've been down here for a long time and I really needed to eat…the cat I ate earlier only helped for 10 minutes. Please sir, wake up! Tell me where I am! What is this…" he eyes roamed over, "Dark place?" Jacob's lifeless body slumped to the floor. The man stomped his foot, "Are you mocking me? I do not like to be mocked for I am the Great Samuel Christopher Evans! Heir to the Evans fortune…are you even listening? Get up!" he hissed picking up the body again, "There," he said satisfied. Pacing around the room Samuel was trying to figure out what to do next. He waited for Jacob to respond to him. When he received nothing he continued pondering, "I need a bath. By the looks of these quarters I don't think water runs here anymore. Take me to where I can freshen up," he demanded staring at Jacob. "Mmm…go outside you say? But I don't know where I am." Thinking about the idea for a moment longer he decided he would go outside, "I bid you farewell Sir Jacob. Thank you for your kind words and your charity," he beamed leaving Jacob's corpse as he tripped over the body trying to ascend the stairs. Standing up straight quickly he ignored his clumsiness and continued upstairs. Looking around the house he searched for anything that could tell him where he was.
Mercedes had just gotten done working the night shift at the local bar in town. She collected her tips and stuffed them in her bra before saying goodbye to the local bar patrons. Before she could leave Tina grabbed her arm.
"Hey Mercy, be careful!" Tina said
"Girl, I'm always careful. But thank you T"
"You're welcome. It just looks so creepy out. It's getting closer to Halloween which means the creeps come out at night."
"I can handle myself. Folks around here aren't that scary."
Stepping out of the Lima bar she let the cool nights air hit her face. Pulling her coat closer to her she started to head home. She only lived a few miles from the bar and thought it was useless to waste gas driving to work. Her feet ached from the heels her manager Will Shuester had made all the girl bartenders and servers wear. Not being able to stand it anymore she stopped to lean against a wall to take off her shoes, "This feels so much better," she sighed. Wiggling her toes against the ground she continued on her journey home.
Samuel stayed pressed against the building watching a curvy brown woman leave the building. Everything about her body had said delicious and he felt himself grow hungrier than he had expected. Making up his mind he decided that she would be his new prey. Samuel dusted his clothes off so that he could at least look presentable if he wanted to charm the young woman. He walked a few feet from behind her keeping his distance to not startle her. The woman could sense someone was there and briefly glanced over her shoulder to see nothing. When she turned back around she was met with a pair of wild green eyes. Backing up she stared at the man like he was insane.
"You're in my way," she said trying to move around, "If you don't move creep I am going to mace your ass!"
Samuel stepped out of the way to allow her to pass but proceed to keep up the pace, "How is your evening madam," he said smoothly
"Look fool I am not a hooker. Save your smooth talking lame pimp looking ass words for someone else," she said picking up her pace.
"I am sorry madam. I do not mean to offend," he said stepping in front of her trying to hold her gaze.
Mercedes scrunched her face at his actions, "What are you trying to do? Why are you giving me the lazy eye?"
The man looked offended, "Lazy eye? I don't have a lazy eye…" his voice trailed trying to hold her gaze again.
"If you don't stop trying to eye fuck me I will poke you in the eye! Get away from me!"
He lowered his gaze, "You're not affected by my stare?"
"Are you high? No that shit is not working on me!" she sighed with frustration pushing past the man, "Stay away from me."
He caught her hand, "Wait a minute brown woman! Where are you going?"
She froze pulling him, "Brown woman?" she sneered
Samuel wasn't prepared for her movement and fell flat on his face, "I'm…I'm sorry I do not know your name…" he said face still buried in the pavement.
She snatched her hand away, "And you will never! Goodbye asshole."
Mercedes proceeded to speed away from the weirdo she just encountered, 'Tina was not playing when she said the creeps come out at night,' she thought to herself. This was the first time she had ever encountered anyone strange in Lima, that wasn't a familiar face. Not wanting to think about it any further she hurried home so that she could feel safe behind her apartment door and shake off thoughts of the strange man. When she got inside she flicked the switch and was greeted by her grey cat 'Monkey'. "How's my baby?" she cooed at the cat before going to check its food bowl. Opening up her cabinet she grabbed a can of cat food and opened it, dumping the contents into the cat bowl. She filled Monkey's water bowl up before heading off to her bedroom to discard her clothing. Once she was down to her bra and underwear she fell back on the bed letting the softness of her mattress envelope her.
Not wanting to feel any further shame Samuel picked himself up off the ground. He glanced around the street looking for any sign of the woman he had just encountered, 'How could she resist my gaze? No one can resist a vampire's gaze!' he fumed. He looked around trying to spot another prey but came up empty. Feeling defeated he started walking hoping his feet would lead him to an unsuspecting group of people. When he found none he pouted to himself thinking about his new friend Jacob that he had met. Out of nowhere he caught the scent he had smelt earlier, "The brown woman…" he deadpanned. His face had now turned into a scowl at the memory of her planting his face into the ground. Wanting to seek his revenge he watched her carefully easing into the bushes across the street from her home. "Now I know where you live…" he announced humorlessly laughing to himself when another pair of eyes in the bushes was looking at him. He glanced at them and shrieked, jumping out of the bushes sprinting across the street.
Hearing a loud noise from outside Mercedes looked out of her window. There was no one outside accept a small squirrel that came bouncing out of the bushes from across the street. Closing her curtains she turned her attention back to massaging her feet. Suddenly she heard something fall in her living room. Pissed that Monkey may have broken something she grabbed her robe before leaving her bedroom. It was dark and she hadn't remembered if she turned the lights off or not. Searching for the switch in the dark she came face to face with the weirdo from outside the bar. Not waiting for him to make a movement she grabbed her lamp and tossed it at him. When he yelped she knew she had hit her target before trying to run back to her room for her phone. Before she could make it to the door she felt something grab her by the waist and pull her back.
"Let me go! I don't have any money or anything of value!" she screamed
"I don't want your money…" he snarled, "I want you!"
"Let me go!"
"No, I've come to collect."
Pulling her to him he stared at her trying to hold her gaze again. The one thing he didn't notice about her before was how large her brown eyes were. They seemed to be holding an endless stare for what seemed like hours until the sound of the vein throbbing in her neck caught her attention. He averted his eyes from her to focus in on the loud sound. Licking his lips he slowly leaned towards her neck. As if in sync she gently tilted it only to find herself being pushed back. Snapping out of her daze she noticed that Monkey had took it upon himself to attack the man in front of her. 'Now's your chance!' her mind screamed as she ran to the kitchen and grabbed a frying pan. Swiftly she hit him over the head with it. When he didn't react she tried it again.
"Ow…ow…please stop hitting me!" he cried, "Are you trying to crack my head open?"
Mercedes glared at him, "Die you fucking strung out weirdo!" she yelled holding up the pan.
Samuel protectively placed his arms over his head, "I'm sorry brown madam. I'm sorry… please, just put the cooking instrument down!"
"No! Not until you get the hell out of my home."
"I mean you no harm," he weakly lied
"Oh yeah? Then what the hell are you doing in here?"
"I'm just hungry," he sobbed, "I'm so hungry…"
Hearing the man breakdown in front of her she started to feel bad, "Are you homeless?" she asked
He nodded, "Yes… I haven't had a home in a long time."
Feeling conflicted she looked around, "Stay right there. If you move from that spot I will beat the shit out of you again."
Samuel nodded in agreement as cowered against the wall. His eyes never breaking contact with the furry beast that attacked him earlier, 'One day when you least expect if I will eat you!' he thought. As if the cat could hear him it hissed causing him to look away. He let his eyes travel to where the woman had went. She moved around the space she lived in with her back turned towards him, 'Now's your chance,' he thought but immediately erased them when he remembered her warning. She returned with a plate and set it down pushing it towards him with the pan still gripped in her hand.
"What is this?" he asked
"It's food… Look if you're going to be picky then go find someone else's house to squat in."
"I can't eat this?"
"Why not? Are you a vegan or something?"
He stared at the plate before staring at her neck, "It's cooked"
"Oh…you're one of those raw food diet people. No wonder you're hungry," she said getting up, "I think I have some raw hamburger meat if you want to brave that."
Mercedes moved back to the kitchen and opened the fridge. Pulling out the Tupperware container she opened it to smell the meat, "Still smells fresh," she said placing it on the counter. Instantly Samuel was at the counter eyeing the mushy looking substance in a box. Sticking his finger in it he poked at it, "If you're going to play with it you better eat it," she commanded. He noticed the blood that started to leak from the meat. Greedily licking his lips he picked up the container and started to eat its contents. Mercedes eyed him carefully taking in his appearance. He was very pale, paler than the normal in Lima. His long blonde hair looked like he hadn't washed it in years. His clothes on the other hand looked like he robbed a Shakespeare's play wardrobe. She also noticed he was easy on the eyes for a hobo. Her attention was grabbed at the loud slurping sound he was making.
"Um…manners much?" she said
"Sorry," he said putting down the container, his fangs now on display for her to see.
"HOLY SHIT!" she screamed backing away from him.
"What?" he asked innocently.
"The fuck is your mouth? I know the homeless have some strange shit going on but um…" she said fearfully pointing at him.
Immediately his hands flew to his face trying to cover his mouth, "I'm sorry," he said sadly.
"Ok, my level of tolerance for this Twilight Zone mess has been reached and you sir need to get out now."
"Wait please…I don't have anywhere else to go…"
"Weren't you living on the streets? This isn't a Motel!"
"Please…I can't…the sun…" he panicked
"The sun?" she gasped awkwardly, "Buddy you could use a little bit of sunlight to help you out."
"I can't" he said stepping near her, "Please help me!"
She eyed him, "I don't know what to do for you. There are shelter's you can go too."
"Please…" he pleaded looking at her fearfully, "I'll die if I go into the sun."
He looked down trying to gather his thoughts, "I'm…I'm vampire…" he confessed.
There was immediate silence between them before it was broken by her loud cackling, "That's really good! Are you auditioning for a Twilight sequel?" she laughed
"I'm serious…" he breathed becoming irritated at her making fun of him.
"Ok…so if you're Dracula, what are you doing in Lima? Aren't you supposed to be in Europe somewhere?"
"I am not this Dracula that you speak of. I am the Great Samuel Christopher Evans," he announced proudly.
Mercedes continued laughed, "Oh god… please stop! I can't with you… this is too much this early in the morning," she was now gasping for air as she braced herself on the counter.
Not wanting to be further mocked he crossed the kitchen quickly and pinned her to the wall, "I…am…serious…" he deadpanned fangs slowly descending to prove his claim.
Mercedes paled for a moment, "What do you want from me?" she asked staring into his green eyes.
He let her go and softened his expression, "I just need a place to stay."
"Fine…but I'm locking my door so you can't do whatever that thing is you do with the lazy eye you have."
"I don't have a lazy eye…"
"Whatever. Do you need blankets or something?"
"None of the sort. I just need a dark place to sleep. You are a dark woman so I gather this would be an excellent find…" his voice trailed
Mercedes glared at him, "Did you just racially insult me?"
"No?" he said confused
"Look I ain't having no racist vampires stay in my place," she said reaching for the pan.
He grabbed her hand, "Please no…I'm sorry. Look, tell me your name madam so that I can formally address you."
Not being able to resist his charm, "Mercedes," she replied
"Mercedes?" he thought for a moment, "That is a very lovely name."
"Thank you Samuel the Great"
He looked flustered, "You can just call me Samuel…"
"Can I call you Sam? Samuel makes you sound old as hell," she said flatly
"I am as old as this hell you just said. But if you must you can call me Sam."
"Ok Sam…"
"Thank you. I shall now make myself at home in your living quarters."
He stepped away from her and walked around examining her room. He took note of her large bay windows, frowning at the idea of all the sunlight that would be let in. Sam punched a hole in her wall, "I will make a new home for myself. Thank you kindly for your hospitality. I bid you goodnight," he said before trying to settle in between the bricks. Mercedes blinked for a moment, "Hold the hell up Bela Lugosi! Did you just knock out my wall? I don't think so!" she said grabbing him. He hissed at her causing her to hiss back, "I ain't scared of you. You can sleep in my closet for now. But tomorrow you are finding your own damn depths of despair to stay in!"
Directing her to her small hallway closet she quickly tossed some of her things out of it. Sam waited patiently for her to finish eying the cat who was watching his every move. He made a mental note to have a private chat with the fur demon that lived here. "Here you go," she said presenting the cleared out closet to him. He eyed it sticking his head in, "It'll do," he said. She sucked her teeth at his remark before pushing him in and closing the door. "I will let you out before I leave for work tonight," she said locking the door. She noticed Monkey still staring at the door and smiled. Grabbing the cat she carried him off to her bedroom and locked the door behind her. "What the hell am I thinking?" she said suddenly to no one. She knew that she should be completely terrified of the fact that there was a strange man sleeping in her closet claiming to be a vampire. Part of her was still in disbelief while the rest of her was trying to register the events that just took place. Reaching under her bed she got out her small hand gun checking it for bullets. When she loaded it she placed it on her nightstand. Before getting into bed she opened up her curtains wide. If was indeed a vampire he wouldn't harm her when the sun was out. Feeling satisfied she dragged her desk chair over to the door and propped it under the handle. Walking to her bed slowly she deciding to sleep with the lights on just in case. Tomorrow was going to be a very interesting and long day for her, she could feel it.