Title: terrified

Summary: but oh honey, if only they knew how terrified you are \ Fleur \ freeverse \ all lower case

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

Author's Note: I'm in the midst of a few computer troubles so this could be my last post in a while. Or not. I don't know just yet.


you're a goddess

they know that

your friends, your enemies, your teachers and family

they all know

that you're the goddess and they all ought to bow at your feet

yeah right

they think they're right

but oh sweet merlin, they're not

they're not even close

you smile

and flip your hair

and blow a kiss to the crowd

like you have no cares, no worries

(no fears)

because when they whisper to each other

"she's perfect."

it's a lie

when they whisper

"she can do anything."

it's a lie too

"she's got it all."

is just another lie

and then they whisper

"she's not scared of anything."

and that's the biggest lie of them all

but oh honey, if only they knew how terrified you are

but you just flip your hair

and blow a kiss to the crowd

like you have no cares, no worries

(no fears)

and walk boldly into that maze

(even though darling, you don't expect to come out alive)