Edited this chapter a little bit~


England was watching a trial take place on a TV in a building's lobby. He could see that France and America were the ones being sentenced.

"I sentence you both to house arrest," He heard. "Your sentence will last 1 ½ years."
England smirked. 'Well that will keep them busy for a while,' he thought smugly. He walked out of the courtroom, missing the rest of the trial, and strolled back to his house.

England was woken up by the doorbell the next morning, and boy was he annoyed. It was six o'clock in the morning on a bloody Saturday, and the bloody bell wouldn't stop ringing! He untangled himself from the mess of blankets, taking one to cover himself with as he staggered down the stairs to the door and opened it.

"Yes?" he yawned.


England was wide-awake now. "America!?"

"What about me, Angleterre?"

"France!?" England looked at them in shock. "What are you two doing here; I thought you were sentenced to house arrest?!"

"We were!" America affirmed.
"But you see, with our charms we convinced the judge to let us choose where to serve our sentences."

"And the first place I thought of was yours!"


"Uh...huh..." England slowly said, a pit of dread forming in his stomach. They have to stay here? With him? For 1 ½ years?! He tried to calm himself down, but it was barely working.

"Hey dude, you got any burgers in this place?" America (loudly) asked, pushing past England to get to his kitchen. England was too stunned to move to stop him.

"Onhonhonhonhon~, I wonder what Angleterre has in his bedroom~" Again, England was frozen with shock, so he didn't register France prancing up the stairway.

Minutes passed. France came back downstairs, and America popped his head through the kitchen doorway. He appeared to have found a burger, and he began to describe to England his heroic quest to rescue it from the depths of England's fridge.

"Oh...d-don't talk with...with your mouth full..." England managed to stammer halfheartedly. France frowned.

"What's wrong sourcils? Aren't you happy to see us?"

"Yeah, 'specially with that extended sentence and all-"

"What did you say?" England abruptly interrupted.

"Oh, we didn't tell you? Sorry dude." America shrugged. England's head mechanically rotated around to face France, who looked solemn.

"Oui, in exchange for our little convenience the judge extended our sentence to ten years."

"T-ten y-years?" England squeaked. He started to hyperventilate.

"Yep!" America chirped.

England's blanket fell to the floor as those ten years played out right in front of his eyes. America being too loud and annoying. France suggesting perverted things. America filing his house with hamburgers and soda. France spending money to buy expensive wines and foods and perfumes. Him having to eat hamburgers. Him having to eat French food. No one eating his food. Them prying in his life them looking through his stuff them finding all his secrets for ten years straight toomuchtoomuchtoomuchtoomuchtoomu-"


France raised an eyebrow. "No?"


"You okay Iggy?"

England didn't hear America, still repeating his mantra in a panicked haze.

France turned to America. "Why don't you go and make him some...hamburgers? Maybe he'll come back to his senses."

"Sure! The hero is on it!" America ran for the kitchen again.

France turned to England, whose wild emerald eyes were darting everywhere. France started walking towards the Brit. As France stalked closer, England backed away. Soon his back bumped against the wall and he had nowhere to run as France pinned his hands above his head.

England's mantra sped up. America didn't seem like he was coming back anytime soon. On top of that, England found he couldn't free himself, and his legs were paralyzed. He was powerless.

"You're mine now," France murmured.

Their faces were getting closer.

6 inches.

5 inches.

4 inches.

3 inches.

2 inches. France's rape face took up all his vision.

1 inch.

½ an inch.

¼ of an inch.

France leaned even more forward, so close that their lips-

"NO!" England woke up and fell out of bed, hitting his head on the floor.

After falling out of his bed, England laid there, half on the bed and half on the floor, trying to catch his breath.

"Just a dream," he whispered to himself.

"Just a dream," he said aloud again, starting to chuckle.

"It was just a dream!" England yelled, his laughter filling the air. He laughed loud and long and true, simply happy that the entire horrifying ordeal was just a figment of his imagination.

England's laughter was interrupted by the doorbell. Undeterred, England, after putting on a robe, walked down the stairs with a giant smile on his face and opened the door.

"Good morning!" he sang.

"Onhonhonhonhon~" "Hey Iggy!"

England came back down to earth to find America...and France...at his doorstep...each with suitcases...


England's eyes rolled back in his head and he fainted.