Hi so I decided that there's not a lot of Merle stories so I thought I'd try and write one. I know my grammar isn't perfect so please forgive me.

Just a warning there is a lot of racism from the start.

Please review.

Chapter 1.

The sun was high in the sky over Atlanta giving off a merciless heat. Merle Dixon was handcuffed to a metal pipe on top of the mall, the heat was driving him half mad and the dust covered his large bear like body and sat in the back of his throat making him cough and wheeze. It could have been the stifling heat or it could have been the drugs but Merle heard footsteps, he crooked his head to see his baby brother waking over to him. Merle squinted he looked no older than ten. Merle gave the kid a crooked smile and then frowned his brother was covered in cuts and bruises.

"Tell me a story big brother." The small dark haired boy sat down on the dusty ground opposite him. The boy wore loose fitting hand me down clothes and had a bruised eye, another gift from their old man no doubt.

Merle chuckled his baby brother always loved his stories. "'Kay baby brother how's about I tell you about the time I knocked that good for nothin' non-com's teeth out." Merle laugh was more like a rattle now and he coughed up the dust lodged in his throat. "Well he comes up to me tryin' to tell me what to do. Can you imagine that brother a nigger tryin' to tell me what to do? Those types shouldn't even be in the military unless we're usin' 'em as human shields " Merle started coughing again and released a large wheeze Merle had now become completely delirious. "He was built like a tank but was no match for ya big bro. So he walks up to me shootin' off his big yap and I told him I don't answer to no sorry assed coon." Merle looked over at his brother sitting crossed legged he looked like he had gained more bruises and blood was now seeping through his over sized top. "He comes up to me and gets right up in my face." Merle shook his head and smiled. "Starts spittin' at me yellin' what you say to me Dixon?" Merle laughed again his grey eyes looking up at the sun that was frying every inch of his body. "So I said that's right. You heard me, bitch. You got a problem? Bring it on if you're man enough, Or take it up the chain if you're a pussy. You heard me, you pussy-ass noncom bitch. You ain't deaf. Take it up the damn chain of command or you can kiss my lily-white ass." Merle leant his body back against the pipe and laughed. "That's right. That's what I said. You heard me. And then this idiot, he takes a swing, You know, and well..." Another wheezy laugh escaped Merle's body. "Oh, you should've seen the look on his face when I punched out his front teeth. Yeah, five of 'em. Pow! Pow! Just like that. Huh. Oh my God. 16 months in the stockade... Oh, that's what them teeth cost me. Ah, that was... that was hard time, but by God, it was worth every minute of it. Just to see that prick spit his teeth out on the ground." Merle closed his eyes and let out a small chuckle from his chapped lips. "Yes sir, worth every minute."

A small gust of wind blew across the rooftop and Merle's eyes flicked open and his brother was gone. Merle moved his right chained hand and for a split second his brain gave him a moment of clarity and he realised where he was. Alone trapped on the roof slowly dying he pulled at the handcuffs like a rabbit caught in a snare. "Oh no. No no! No no! No no! God! God! No no! God! Jesus! No no, merciful Christ! No no. No no. God, help me! God! God! Jesus, please! Jesus, please. Help me! Come on now! Help me..." Merle gave a whine and twisted his body placing his feet on the metal pipe trying to break free pulling with all the strength he could muster. Then he heard a noise it was the all too familiar sound of clashing teeth and groaning, walkers were trying to push through the door. Their hideous faces pushed between the chained door, their claw like hands reaching out for him and Merle even thought for a split second that their groans sounded like they were calling out his name. Merle wasn't sure if he was delirious from exposure or if the disgusting geeks clawing for him were real but there was no way in hell Merle was going to sit around waiting for an answer. He pulled feverishly again against his bonds until Merle realised just how futile the action was. "Ohh, Jesus, Jesus, help." Merle sobbed and moved onto all fours. Merle realised he was going to die here and it was punishment for the way he'd lived his life, for the times he had let down his brother. Merle started to bang his head on the dusty roof top and sobbed again. "No, Jesus. Jesus. No no no no no no. Please. I didn't behave, I know. I know I'm being punished. I know. I... Oh, I deserve it. I deserve it. I've been bad. Help me now. Show me the way. Go on, tell me what to do. Tell me. Tell me. God!" Merle banged his head against the ground again and gave a grunt. Merle knew there was no help coming not from Jesus and not from anywhere else. Merle's eyes fell on the hacksaw lying nearby and his survival instinct kicked in. Rolling on to his back Merle grabbed his belt and started whipping it towards the hacksaw. "That's okay. Never you mind, silly Christ boy. I ain't begged you before. I ain't gonna start begging now. I ain't gonna beg you now! Don't you worry about me begging you ever! I'll never beg you! I ain't gonna beg you! I never begged you before. Oh shit. No!" Merle's belt hit the hacksaw and he pulled it towards him. "C'mon c'mon." Merle muttered pulling the hacksaw closer and closer until it was in reaching distance. Merle grabbed the hacksaw in his left and started trying to saw through the handcuffs.

Merle had been sawing on the chain for what felt like hours his hand now had blisters forming it. Merle dropped his head and sat for a few minutes he knew there was only on option left, cut off his hand. He placed the hacksaw on the ground and grabbed his belt tying it around his arm to use as a tourniquet. "Don't wanna go bleedin' out now." He muttered to himself. Merle knew there was no way in hell he'd be able to saw through his bone, he knew he'd have to break his wrist first to make the grisly job easier. Merle positioned his body to face the metal pipe he was cuffed to then he placed his wrist firmly against the metal piping. Gritting his teeth Merle pulled back his leg and with all his full weight kicked his wrist until the sound of cracking bone was heard. "Fuck!" Merle growled through the pain. "Those sons of bitches are gonna pay." He snarled. Merle grabbed the hacksaw in his left hand and pulled the handcuff down as low as it would go to reveal a deep bloody line that looped his wrist from where he had been struggling to escape, he placed the saw on the bloody line and gave a large huff and gritted his teeth. Merle pulled the saw back and gave an animalistic grunt and howl as the pain shot up his arm. "C'mon now." Merle panted through the searing pain. "You ain't no pussy you gotta survive, teach them sons of bitches a lesson." Merle grunted working the saw back and forth each stroke bringing more pain. Sweat gathered on Merle's brow and he bit down on his lip hard enough to draw blood he could taste blood in his mouth, it took a few more hard strokes and his hand hit the floor with a thud. Merle looked down at his amputated hand lying in a puddle of blood and his face twisted in anger, he was going to make them all pay every last one who left him to die.

Merle pulled himself to his feet his body trembled through blood loss and heat exposure but he knew he had to push through it, he needed to stop the bleeding. Merle placed his gun over his shoulder and looked around for something that could be used as a silent weapon. He started rummaging through the abandoned tool box and picked out a large wrench, he swung it back and forth in his left hand and decided it would have to do. Merle made his way into the building blood dripped from his amputated stump, he moved quickly and cautiously down a flight of metal stairs the wrench held tightly in his good hand. Merle moved through rooms as fast as his body would allow him; he knew he had to stop the bleeding. He ended up in what looked liked a reception area where two walkers were stumbling around and Merle smashed both their skulls in with the wrench and then dropped the weapon on the floor in exhaustion. Merle lent on the reception desk and steadied himself taking in deep breaths, killing the two geeks had taken its toll on the burly redneck. Merle could hear the sound of shuffling footsteps coming towards him and moved quickly through the double doors that were just to the side of the large desk. More blood dripped from his wound and he knew he needed to act fast.

It didn't take much longer for Merle to find the kitchen area. He moved over to the oven and lit it, he then placed his gun on one of the counters and looked around for something he could use to cauterise the stump. Merle picked up something that reassembled an old metal iron. "That'll do." He muttered to himself placing it next to the dancing flames of the oven. He then quickly untied his belt from his arm and placed his arm firmly on the counter in front of him blood started to trickle on to the counter. Merle picked up the sheet of metal in his left hand holding it over the flames waiting for it to become red hot. Then with out a second thought Merle placed the sheet of metal directly on his open wound, the smell of burning flesh filled the air and Merle gritted his teeth tightly knowing any form of noise could end up brining the geeks down on him. Merle pulled the metal away from the wound and gave a pained snort, his body was shaking in pain but he had no time to recover as groans echoed through the building. "Fuck." Merle muttered under his breath. He picked up his gun and walked over to the window using the butt of his gun to smash open the small window that led to the fire escape. Merle looked out of the window there was a slight drop but he had two choices jump or get eaten by walkers. Merle moved his legs out of the widow so he was sitting on the windowsill; he shuffled forward slightly adjusting his position ready for the jump. Broken glass dug into the back of his legs causing Merle to wince in pain, he took a deep breath then he jumped. Merle landed on his feet with a heavy thud the metal stairs shook and Merle took a few minutes to get himself together. After adjusting his gun on his shoulder Merle pulled out his pistol from his waistband and moved down the fire escape and in to the alleyway. He was pretty sure Daryl would have noticed him missing now and started all sorts of trouble; Merle just hoped he got back to camp in time to join in with the fun.

Merle took his time moving through the alleyways trying to avoid walkers. His arm was in blistering pain, he felt dizzy, tired and his mouth was drier than a desert the only thing keeping him moving was the thought of taking out that pig and nigger when he got back. Four figures in the distance caught Merle's eye and he stooped down low behind an abandoned car. As the figures moved closer Merle realised he knew them, it was that damn pig and his nigger boyfriend, Merle scowled as he saw his baby brother pulling along some spic kid. What the fuck was Daryl doing? If the rolls were reversed Merle would have shot both the men in the face and spat on their lifeless bodies. Merle noticed the police officer had a bag of guns slung over his shoulder. Maybe his brother was planning to steal them and then take care of the scum, he watched the four men enter an old abandoned building and once they entered Merle jogged over to the building and knelt down under one if the boarded up windows listening to as much as the conversation as he could. Merle's face fell into a twisted snarl, from the scraps of conversation he could hear they were trying to save the damn chink and they were willing to give away guns. Merle felt numb inside he had raised his brother and always taught him kin came first and now here Daryl was saving some damn china mans life and letting his own brother die. Merle stood up his anger had just grown by tenfold he looked at his missing hand and clenched his jaw as far as Merle was concerned Daryl, his only living family had just chosen a group of strangers over him. His brother was a traitor.

Merle jogged off towards the old railroad track his anger pushing him forward. He came to the mesh fencing that led to the outskirts and squeezed his body through the gap an evil smile spread across his face as he saw the abandoned white van. "You love your group so much baby brother!" Merle yelled wildly. "Then I'm gonna make them pay for what you and your friends have done." Merle cackled like a madman as he stood alone by the abandoned van ready to cause a hell load of trouble.