Steve smiled as he heard the loud crack of the bat hitting the baseball and he watched it soar out into the field. He jumped up and began cheering as the outfielders realized the ball had gone over the fence and he watched as his boyfriend ran leisurely around the bases. The boy reached home base and tore his helmet off, revealing blonde hair, blue eyes and a smug grin. The team ran from the dugout to crowd around and cheer him.

Steve made his way from the stands to the field and looked for the blonde haired boy. He saw him pushing his way through the team and run towards him. Steve caught him easily and hugged him tight, "I didn't know you were here!" Danny stole a quick kiss.

"Came over straight after work" Steve let go and brushed himself off where the dirt from Danny's uniform had brushed off on him.

Danny grinned, pulling him towards the huddle where the coach was yelling for him, "Sorry, I'm all gross and sweaty. Come on, let me sit through the huddle and shower and we can go back to my house"

"Sounds good" Steve replied and walked behind Danny to the team huddle. His face blushed as a few of the other players whistled and cat called and Danny chuckled.

Danny reached up on his tip toes to whisper in his ear, "They're just jealous"

Steve waited outside the locker room, talking to each player as they exited and waiting for Danny. As usual, he was the last one out and Steve caught him by the wrist pulling him in for a kiss, smelling the fresh shampoo and soap on his skin, "I think that's fastest you've ever showered and dressed"

"It's the hair babe" Danny scowled as Steve ran his hands through it, messing it up and causing strands to stick up, "Would you-" Danny was cut off as Steve curled his fingers in the hair at the back of his neck and tilted his head back and soon Danny felt the wet heat of Steve's mouth on his neck, sucking on his pulse point and leaving a deep bruise. Danny groaned, arching into Steve and pushing him back against the brick wall, before tearing Steve off his neck and attacking Steve's mouth.

"Go home Williams! Make out in your room not on school campus" The coach yelled as he walked out of the locker room, interrupting the boys, chuckling.

Steve and Danny broke apart, straightening their clothes and Danny grabbed his bag, "Yes sir" He looked at Steve's flushed face and they both started laughing.

"Come on babe, lets go back to my house" Danny grabbed his boyfriends hand and dragged him toward the car.

Danny grunted as Steve slammed him into his bedroom door and his hands scrabbled behind him as he tried to find the door knob. He found it and twisted it, the door flinging open behind them and they stumbled into his bedroom. Danny got his hands under Steve's shirt, running his hands along the defined muscles and pulled it up over his head, flinging it across the room. They fell onto the bed and Danny rolled them so he was on top and he grinned looking at all the tanned skin before leaning down to nibble on Steve's jaw.

"Daniel! Come help me and your mother carry in groceries. We know he's here so you might as well tell Steven to help too!" His dad called from downstairs.

Danny rolled off Steve and ran a hand through his hair, flattening it back down. He picked up Steve's tshirt and threw it at him, "You heard him babe"

"Yeah. I did, now I have to face your parents with a raging hard on" Steve grimaced and pulled his shirt over his head. They made it downstairs and out the front door, walking down the driveway to the car where Danny's parents were currently unloading groceries, "Mr and Mrs. Williams"

"Steven, how are you dear?" Mrs. Williams patted him on the arm before loading him up with bags.

"Great. It's been a good day. Danny hit a great home run" Steve smiled as the blonde blushed.

Mr. Williams nodded, his eyes gleaming with pride, "Yeah we heard. We had to leave a bit early to finish the shopping but we saw most of the game. You staying for dinner?"

Danny looked to him hopefully and Steve smiled, "Yes sir, if you'll have me"

"You're always welcome here Steven" Mrs. Williams smiled warmly at him. They walked to the kitchen and she took the bags from his arms, setting them on the counter, "Thanks sweetheart. You two go back on upstairs, we'll call you when dinners ready"

Danny grabbed Steve's hand and dragged him back upstairs, "Well the moods pretty much ruined now. What do you want to do until dinners ready?"

"I don't know" Steve crawled back up the bed and flopped down, leaning against the head board. Danny settled between his legs, leaning back and laying his head against Steve's chest and Steve's arms came up and curled around Danny while his face nuzzled in the blonde hair. They talked about school, baseball and football, and about what they would do after school. They dozed off and Danny's mom came upstairs to get them for dinner but she stopped in the doorway and smiled, she let them doze and walked back downstairs.

"Yeah!" Steve jumped up, yelling as Danny cracked another home run. He was grinning wildly and he looked to the scoreboard, they led by 10 points and there was no doubt in Steve's mind that they would win and make it the playoffs. Danny made it back to the dugout, tearing off his helmet and Steve made his way down there with a bottle of water. He walked into the dugout and sat down on the bench beside Danny, "Nice run"

"McGarrett! Don't distract my players" Coach Lekala growled. He was both the football and baseball coach and so Steve had more leeway with him than most.

"Yes sir!" Steve replied sharply and grinned when Danny squeezed his thigh, "So I was thinking tonight, my house, dinner, movie..." Steve's voice dropped to a whisper, "... a little desert"

"What about your parents and Mary?" Danny asked, his hand sliding further up Steve's thigh.

Steve stopped Danny's hand, smiling wickedly, "On the mainland for Mary to visit our aunt and uncle. Is that a yes?" Danny nodded and Steve grabbed his hand, removing it from his thigh, "Then wait until tonight"

"Williams! You're up again!" Coach Lekala yelled and threw a helmet at him, "Get out there!"

Danny pulled on the helmet and selected a bat, making his way to the batters box, the crowd cheering before the pitcher even threw the ball. The kid pitched the ball and Danny cracked it again but he ball landed in the outfield and he took off running. Steve watched as an outfielder threw it in and Danny was just on his way to 3rd. Danny slid in just as the baseman caught the ball. The other player landed on top of him and they landed in a heap and Danny let out a strangled yell as he felt the players cleat crush his knee.

The crowd fell silent as the dust from the play cleared and Danny held his knee, groaning in pain. Steve tore from the dugout before the team could even see what was happening, he ran across the field and dropped to his knees by Danny, "Danny..." Steve gently pulled his helmet off, and saw Danny's jaw clenched in pain, "Danny... what's wrong?"

"My... knee" Danny gritted out and then the Coach and rest if the team were gathered around him.

Coach Lekala tried to pry Danny's hands away from his knee, "Son, you have to let me see it. The medics are on the way"

"Danny, let Coach look at it" Steve coaxed him, grabbing his hand and Danny squeezed it tight.

Coach Lekala sighed, "I think you tore some ligaments and tendons"

The medics came in and rolled a gurney in, they lifted Danny onto it and he cried out when they tried to strap his leg down, "Don't!" Steve yelled and jumped forward, glaring at the medic, grabbing Danny's hand again.

"Ride with me. Please" Danny begged, looking up at Steve and the medics.

The medic shook his head, "Sorry. He's not family, we can't let him"

"I'm riding with him" Steve growled and the medic looked like he was about to argue but withered under the 18 year olds glare.

"Fine. Just stay out of the way" The medic ordered, before helping load Danny into the ambulance and Steve climbed in beside him.

"Is it bad?" Danny asked through his clenched jaw.

Steve shook his head, "No. It's ok, you're gonna be ok. You're gonna play baseball again babe, promise"

From what he'd heard, seen and read about torn ligaments and tendons, especially in the knee were serious injuries. Steve could only hope he could keep his promise.