(A/N): I don't know where will this go, but it will have angst in Oh-woe!quantities and crack. Sweet delicious crack.

Thor stood in the middle of the half-crumbled tower that, until recently, had been his little brother's sanctuary. He stared at the messy room without actually seeing anything.
He had just arrived back into Asgardia after Loki banished Surtur into the dark reaches of space. Loki saved the day. And Thor probably killed him.

Thor was forced to watch the fight and Surtur's defeat stuck in boiling lava, constantly attacked by the carnivorous fish dwelling in it. He was tricked by Loki to fall into the fiery heart of Muspelheim, where Surtur's power was at its strongest. As he fought for his life ,Loki appeared in front of him, telling him to not fight the incredible pull of the lava. To let it drag him into the darkness.
Thor was seeing red at that point.

'HOW dare he? I TRUSTED him! What an orbital fool I was to ever think Loki will be capable of changing his evil ways!' seethed the thunder-god silently as he approached the frail form huddled at the very edge of the interdimensional rip. Loki stared into the great, shimmering tear that opened in the aftermath of him using whatever stolen magical relic he had to defeat the Red King. He was tired, but proud of his accomplishment.

It spoke for his exhaustion that he only noticed his enraged brother standing above him, when he felt Thor's thick fingers close around his neck tightly.

'You betrayed me, Loki! Me, the only one who was willing to extend you an arm in forgiveness! How could I ever believe you to be anything but an abomination? I was the one who called you back into life, the one who set you free upon this world to terrorize its inhabitants! But fret not Loki; I will rectify my mistake!'

Loki only stared in numb horror as his brother extended his arm, dangling him off the cliff right above the anomaly.

'Brother, please, if only you let me explain...'

'No more of your lies, Trickster!' roared Thor, shaking his brother for emphasis 'I truly believed that you would change. That you deserved a second chance! You are an ungrateful monster, Loki! After all the kindness we have shown you-'

'Kindness, dear brother?'laughed Loki bitterly 'Tell me brother dear when was this so-called kindness bestoved upon my undeserving self? When I was beaten black and blue for saving everyone? Or mayhaps when I was forced to bargain away my very soul, just so you could have a meaningful death and Earth would still exist at the end of the day? Though it might have been when your loving Allmother blackmailed me to act as a spy, sent me to fight a war for them, then damned me for acting as they commanded me to! I have only acted in the Kingdom's interests, and if you can't trust a liar's word, then why don't you ask your mother? Surely you won't accuse her with dishonesty!'

'I had enough of your foul words, Snake! I cast you out and may you never find your way back to us!'

Thor still didn't understand what came over him that moment, but one thing was clear:

By the time he could think rationally once again, only he stood on the top of the craggy cliff in Muspelheim.