A/N: This chapter is also written for the "My Boggart...My patronus... Competition" on the HPFC.

"Are you ready, sis?"

Molly nodded, a bit nervous. Her mind told her there was nothing to be nervous about, but she didn't like not knowing what was awaiting her. She was standing in the backyard of The Burrow, her wand loosely in her hand.

"All right then, think of something that makes you happy."

She glared at Fabian. "I know how the spell works."

"I know, but if you want to have a Patronus carry a message for you, you'll first need to learn to produce a really powerful corporeal one. If I recall correctly, you only managed a silvery cloud when at Hogwarts."

"Well, I was occupied with other things back then," she murmured.

"I'm sure you were," he grinned. "And I have a feeling those 'other things' have red hair and freckles," he teased. "One would think though that that alone would be enough for a strong Patronus."

She had the decency to blush and wisely kept her mouth shut. She didn't feel like sharing the details of her daydreams back when she was still at Hogwarts. He was her brother after all, and there were some things you just didn't share with brothers.

He pretended not to notice her blush and cleared his throat.

"So, let's get back to where we left it: think of something happy," he continued.

She closed her eyes, because she remembered that it worked best if you had no visual distractions. Almost immediately Arthur's face came to mind and she smiled. She thought of the first kiss they shared, of long walks in Hogsmeade, of the day he had proposed and showed her their house, of her wedding day when they promised each other eternal love...

Then she thought of Bill, upstairs sleeping in his cot or looking at her with those big eyes and calling her "Mum" for the first time. She thought of the unborn baby that was due in two weeks and she caressed her heavy bump. Then she thought of all the babies they hoped to have in the future - at least a Quidditch team, Arthur had jokingly said - and her smile grew even wider. She felt warm and fuzzy just thinking of their future family, she and Arthur at the head of a large company of redheads.

Fabian, who must have been watching her closely, broke her reverie by saying: "Okay, that seems like a very happy thought indeed, judging by the look on your face. Well, you know the incantation, right?"

She nodded, while keeping her eyes closed. The family of redheads remained and she steadied her stance, clearly pronouncing the words. "Expecto Patronum" with the smile still on her face. She only opened them when Fabian said: "Not bad at all."

What she saw wasn't an animal, but it was not cloudy either. It was something inbetween, which was already better than what she had ever produced at Hogwarts.

Her brother let her cast the spell several times, and each time she did better. It was wearing her down though and after six tries she felt sweat trickling down her back.

"Perhaps we better leave it at this," Fabian said. "Are you all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she replied, not exactly truthful. The baby was kicking as a way of protest. "I want to try one more time."

"I'm not sure that's a good idea. Gideon is on Order watch as you know, but I'm sure he can come round next week to continue what we've worked on today. You already made a lot of progress. Why force things now?"

She shook her head. "This little rascal is due in two weeks, but he might just as well be an early one, like his brother. Besides, I can sense that I'm so close. If we stop now, it might be wasted. I get that I won't be able to create a Patronus that carries messages just yet, but I at least want to accomplish a corporeal one. Just one more time, okay?"

Reluctantly, Fabian complied. "All right, one more time. But that's it. I don't want to cause any inconviences to a pregnant woman."

"Don't worry. I know my body," she smiled reassuringly.

"Okay then. Ready?"


She closed her eyes again and steadied her breating. Come on Molly, she told herself firmly. You've come so far today. You can do this.

She focused once again on the future family she invisioned. Arthur as a loving father and husband, the rock that would support them all. She the doting mother her kids would turn to for advice. A couple of redheaded boys, running around in the orchard, chasing each other. A girl dancing barefooted in the grass, laughing and smiling at her. The entire family gathered around the kitchen table, or by the fireplace, listening to a story Arthur read from a book while flames jumped from log to log in the hearth...

It was the clearest vision she had had so far and this time, she felt something happen to her when she said the incantation. It was like a thread of determination mixed with her happy reverie to weave an intricate pattern that enveloped her in its warmth. It was the first time this happened and she knew instantly that she would get it right this time.

She opened her eyes.

In front of her, she saw a small silver animal.

Fabian chuckled. "Of course," he said. "How could it have been anything else?"

The silver animal lasted only for a second, but Molly had recognised it as well. Fabian was right. It was only fitting that her Patronus was a weasel.