Oh my god, I haven't updated in months! I AM SO SORRY. First I was grounded and then I couldn't think what to write and then school and I got so distracted. If anyone is still reading I appreciate it. All I ask is that I get more reviews and maybe even a couple Pm's about your ideas or questions for the story. I'd appreciate them, because I don't always have the ideas in my head. XD PLEASE REVIEW OR PM CAUSE I AM SO STUCK!


Emmet's P.O.V

We found a trail for the Amazons but would always get distracted for...other things. The Amazons lived so deep in the forest and were Nomadic like crazy. I don't even think after all this, they'll know what to do. Rose and I were talking about the possibilities of Jane's transformation. She still had her powers apparently, based on our recent family phone conversation. She still craved blood, specially wolf blood, and in particular Seth's. Carlisle seems to think that Wolf blood is included in the "cure" to vampirism.

"How is any of this possible? Speed can't still have vampire qualities but still be human. It's not like she can run fast and bend metal." Rose said as she sniffed around. I was leaning against a tree, basking in the sunlight.

"Look, I don't know what the Amazons will know, but they'll know something."

"If we can even find them." Rose punched a tree in frustration. I hugged her waist to calm her down. We'd lost the scent a couple of days ago and really didn't know what to do. We weren't trackers, and if we were, we're not the best at it. There were already to many smells in the rainforest as it was.

"Be quite funny if they found us. If we think about this destiny crap in some way."


Scarlett's P.O.V

I couldn't help avoiding her when she was around. The smell was still too much for me. Not Alec though, he had to get used to it faster, they were family right? I was nothing. All I could do was try to actually leave the room when she came in. I hated it all the time, it killed me. Well...again I guess. I hate avoiding her since she has always been so nice to me.

"Scarlett, you okay?" Nessie asked me as we sat in the front of the house.

She was my new best friend, a vampire best friend. I didn't want to devour her or chase her in a hunting way. I chase her for tag or for fun. She looks so much like her mother, and I envy that because I never knew what my mother looked like and I look more like my father.

My father...

"Yes, I'm fine." She takes my hand to lead me back inside, showing me food to say that she's hungry. When we enter we see everyone sitting in front of the television, not moving. I tune in to what's being said.

The European Union has declared a state of emergency, for people to get out if they can. If you cannot pay for transportation banks are loaning out money to be paid back if possible or never.

"It will spread." I whisper, but of course everyone hears me. They all nod to themselves.

"I bet at first," Alec interjects, "they forbid travel knowing that, but now their desperate and don't know what to do."

"It all seems a bit dramatic and it's happened so quickly." Esme says with grief. I look at Jane sitting in the corner in a fetal position. She's covering her ears as if there is too much noise. Doesn't Edward...

"Don't I what?" He comes over to me with a questioning look on her face. I nod my head in Jane's direction. He's over to her in a second on his knees. "Jane?" She looks at him jerkily like she didn't notice him coming. "Something wrong?" She shakes her head an closes her eyes in response.

"What do you hear?" I said aloud.

"Well most of the time her thoughts are on dreams and I try to ignore them since most of the time their the same ones, but other times..." the confusion on his face called Bella to him. "I didn't notice, but it's like her thoughts are on...replay. That's not possible though or else I would hear...Bella are you blocking her thought?"


"Jane, are...are you-" Jane stood and walked out of the room. I wanted to go after her but I hadn't hunted in a while and it made me wary.

No one knew what was going on with anything; we all looked a bit lost. Carlisle with the cure to vampirism, Emmet and Rosalie with the prophecy looking for nomads, and us worrying about the death of the human race.

Help me with the rest guys :P Id appreciate it :D