I'll specify from the start that this is adapted from I'm Called Little Buttercup from HMS Pinafote. Something to be sung rather than read.


My sister likes Buttercup,

My sister loves Buttercup,

And frankly I do not know why.

Because I hate Buttercup,

I really hate Buttercup

Will do so till the day I die.

We should drown Buttercup,

Get rid of Buttercup,

Get rid of that cat I despise.

But my sister loves Buttercup,

Adores blasted Buttercup,

My suggestions bring tears to her eyes.

Oh I really hate Buttercup,

I heap insults at Buttercup,

And in turn he hisses at me.

But my sister likes Buttercup,

Protects her Buttercup,

And I guess that is alright with me.