Friday night.

Dick pulled at the ropes that held him. He had been bound at his ankles and thighs, and another section of rope tied his hands behind his back. A third length was wrapped around his torso, pinning his upper arms to his ribs.

He squirmed around the small space f Bruce's car's trunk. He had no idea who had put him there or why he had been thrown in Bruce's trunk. Wasn't the point of a kidnapping to get the victim away from people? They obviously didn't want him found, as Dick was gagged by multiple bandanas. Dicks head jerked up as he heard muffled voices. He closed his eyes and strained his ears to try to hear the voices more clearly.

His eyes snapped open; he recognized one of the voices! "Bruce!" He tried his hardest to yell out for his guardian, but the gags muffled the sound too much for any words to come out past a 'mmmm!' sound. Way to soft for someone to hear through a door. He heard the distant sound of a door slamming shut before feeling a small rocking and hearing a louder slamming. As the engine roared to life and he felt the slight jerk as the car started moving, Dick began to wonder how long it would be before he was found. How long would it be until the millionaire needed to go to put something in his trunk only to find his ward bound and gagged and probably starved or dehydrated half to death? Did Bruce even know he was missing?

Dick suddenly began to panic, his heart racing, eyes wide. He tried to scream again and pulled at his bonds as he thrashed about. He had to be found. He just had to be. He kicked his legs against the side of the trunk as hard as he could. Hopefully Bruce would hear him, and stop the car to figure out what the noise was.

A loud screech filled the air, and he was violently thrown against the side of the trunk as the car swerved. He grunted as the car obviously ran into something and lurched with the force of the impact, causing Dick's head to come into contact with the trunk. Whatever it was wasn't enough to stop the car though; it kept going. Dick was thrown around the trunk like a ragdoll until the car finally came to a sudden crashing halt.