This was not fair.
Josh stared at his weeping sister. She had just been chosen to be bride to the recently crowned Demon King.
That was the life of angels, or valkyries depending on your location, some married who they loved, angel or otherwise. Others were married off to demons in the hope of changing their souls to the pureness of the angel itself. The Shannon's were one of the lucky families. The moment Elizabeth met Jim, they were basically angel turned and set in the holy city.
But there was always a dread that an angel youth should be chosen as the next spouse to a demon. Their sinfulness like a sickness infecting. For every five angel's married off, it was rare for even one to change their spouse to something pure.
"Mads it's going to be okay." He tried to comfort his little sister, whom he should be protecting from this, but he can't stop it. She was going to the Palace of Azkela. The darkest in the realm.
And heck, the throne was won by a younger demon, meaner and crueler then the previous.
"Don't make me go, please, I haven't done anything wrong. PLEASE." Her sobs grew louder as her great soft snowy owl wings wrapped tightly around herself.
"I'm sorry little hatchling." One of the elders said, they were preparing to take her forcibly from the Shannons. "But you must do this or another war could break out. Look at your little sister, what type of future would she have if it is filled with battle."
She hiccupped and stared at her little sister that had no idea why Maddy was sad. "Are you sure they will be safe?"
"It's what has stopped them for thousands of years. Come." They held out a hand and his little sister shakily took it.
"Wait," Josh stepped forward. Shit, he was crazy, but he didn't give a rat's ass. "I'll go with."
"What?" The elders looked at each other, people don't just volunteer to be a demon's spouse. "We have no place for you-" Another elder started whispering in his ear. "On second thought, you may go to the palace with your sister, but you do understand that we can help neither of you the moment you enter their realm?" They both nodded.
The other elder yelled, "Take them to the carriage, the King expects the bride in a days time." The Shannon siblings were ushered out after a last good byes to their shrieking, sobbing parents, promising to write them.
The ride was quiet, but Josh held his sister's hand, and then he hugged her. "I will do whatever I can to protect you."
"I know." She whispered back, tracing the back dots on her white feathers. She leaned over and stroked some of his tanned ones, her show of affection to him. "Why did you agree to go to hell with me?"
"Because Kara went to hell alone, and she's dead. I thought at least I could try, but I be damned if I let you get hurt why there is still breath in my lungs." She nodded, her brows furrowed as she stared out the window again.
When they reached a rest stop, Maddy was taken away and prepared, a gown of white already made for her. Josh just waited patiently for her to return to the carriage, trying to figure out how to protect her.
He came to the same conclusion, he would have to let Maddy to the King.
They neared a place darker than they have ever seen. The Palace of Askela was made of black stone, death and the dead surrounding it. Whether flesh eating ghouls or simply husks, it was the sign they were near. Maddy began to tremble like a leaf, silent tears sliding down her cheeks and her hand squeezing his.
"Shhh." He whispered as she let out a single loud sob, his lips against her dark hair, and him rocking her, like he would when they were little and she had a nightmare.
The carriage finally stopped and both the angel youths stepped out, the coachmen giving Maddy a scroll and telling her it was for the king.
She nodded and they walked up the long and terrifying pathway to the palace buried in the mists. Monsters of all kinds stopped to watch the angels, aware of their purpose on the grounds.
"So this is the Angel they send me!" The New Demon King was unlike anything Josh or Maddy had ever seen before. Instead of red or orange fire of eyes, his eyes gushed with blue fire. Standing he could easily be twenty foot, a demon's façade, and he sat on a fitting Throne of black marble, with his booted foot on a pile of bones. Bodies were strewn around the court, demon underlings in the shadows and watching the angels with a hunger. "I understand my bride being here, but you, what are you for?" He asked grabbing Josh by the wing and shaking him in the air.
Pain shot through his joints and he knew if the king continued, the wing would surely break.
"Stop, Please." Maddy begged as she watched her older brother get dropped like a rag doll to the ground.
"Ah, the queen speaks, come, the sins call you." He smiled those perfectly sharp white teeth, but all Maddy could see was the hatred and evil he reeked of. She carefully started towards him, taking her time as he awaited her approach to the great throne.
Josh watched with ragged breathing as she had to flutter up a step before the king snatched her like a cat would a bird and held her tightly in his fisted palm. "Now my little birdie, I want you to sing." He growled, but she just held out the scroll, her eyes screwed shut.
The King took the letter and barked something in the language of death, forbidden for angels to even think of learning it. Josh waited as the King's fire pits of blue landed on him.
What made them blue? He had seen many demons before but always with red fire eyes, not blue.
A figure in a leather cloak, the hood drawn over her head, took it and read the letter aloud. That devilish grin lit the King's face. "Come here, angel boy." He barked, and Josh slowly rose to his feet to limp over, the fall having done more damage than he thought.
As he neared he saw the tears in his sister's eyes. "It'll be okay." He promised, but the King laughed.
"Oh yes, after I rape her, force her to bare many children, then kill her for my own pleasure. Yes, it'll be okay." As he spoke Maddy burst into tears, and she tried desperately to get away, flapping her wings and scratching at his knuckles to get away. His index finger around her waist was holding her tight.
Josh kept walking towards him, why the hell did he let his sister to this monster? Oh yeah, that stupid war. Maddy struggled, wiggling her way out only to be caught by the King's other hand. This continued until both angel children understood that the King was playing with Maddy like Josh would play with a bug.
"Please, let her go, for Christ sakes." He begged, and the king did let her go…to grab Josh and throw him against one of the pillars.
"Should I hear such names from either of your mouths again, I will rip your wings of and hang them on my castle walls for the world to see a dishonored angel lives here." He growled and when Josh moved to sit up again he gritted his teeth, pain shot up through his shoulder, back and chest.
The hooded woman was suddenly beside him once more, her hand on his good shoulder. "Do not move. I will fix this." She stood straight and approached the King and he realized that her cloak wasn't a cloak at all, but black leathery wings. She was a Hell's Angel, a direct child of Lucifer.
"Brother, since she shall be queen, don't you think that I shall marry him, since I shall be princess."
"No." he barked, eyeing her suspiciously. He stood letting his great leathery wings out too. They were both Lucifer's children.
"Let's not forget how you won this throne." She growled and the King grumbled.
"Fine, but he stays in your part of the palacw, away from my bride." His orders echoed off the walls and only then did Josh notice the million eyes in the shadows. Demons of all kinds were here. "No, better yet, he can escort my wife to my chambers, so that he can hear and watch what I do with my women." Maddy sobbed somewhere, Josh's eyes landing on her limping form near him, as she staggered to the ground and covered her face.
"No. If he was brave enough to come here with her, what's to say he won't try to intervene, and if he does you will leave me a widow." They both looked to the sobbing girl, Maddy scooting closer to Josh.
Before she could move any further, the King's hand wrapped around her, gently this time, and soon she was cradled against the giant's chest as he sat down on his throne once more. "Bring in the slaves, I'm bored." Large doors opened and Josh saw humans chained up be brought in and for demon's to start circling them.
"Come, bridegroom." The Hell's Angel grabbed his good arm and pulled him up, "My chambers, I will fix your broken wing." She whispered as they walked out of the courts that echoed with pain and death.
As Josh was set on her bed, he looked around. The room was…elegant, not a trace of death was here. He actually liked it. But where he found comfort, Maddy was being tortured. Reds and golds and burgundies were all over the room along with the black of the stone walls and furniture.
"They don't like it." She said in the quiet as she lit scented candles around.
"Huh?" His blue eyes swiveled to her.
"The demons, they don't like it, except my brother and I. Where you angel's find comfort, the demon's find unsettlement. They cannot function here. So you are safe in my chambers, even my wing of the castle. Just don't leave without me with you." She picked up a wicked blade and started towards him.
He jumped up and tried to shield himself, only to fall over in pain. "What was that for?" He was sure she was glaring under that hood, but he couldn't see her face so he wasn't sure.
"You're going to kill me." He whimpered as she sighed and used the knife to cut off his shirt. Soon he was gasping as some cool jell was lathered on by her delicate hands. "I wouldn't think you a demon, you are helping me and you are being nice about it." She laughed.
"Because, my mother was a vampire, and I want you healthy as my blood donor." He stiffened. Of fucking course this would happen. "Don't worry about your sister." She said softly as she massaged the sore and ripped muscles and tendons,
"How can I not. Your brother is a fricken psycho that is going to tear her to pieces for fun!" He looked at her and from his angle could see her burning blue eyes. Just like her brother.
"Yeah, and how many demons were in the court with us? Hmm? A king's power comes from fear and hate, but Mark is a big softy to the innocent when no one is around to see. Well other than me that is. It's why we can actually live together without killing each other." She peeled back her hood and his breath hitched. "Once they are alone together, Maddy will have never been safer than wwith him. He just needs to explain this to her."
He had never seen a more beautiful creature in his life. Her hair was a light brown and her burning eyes dimmed to a glowing blue much like his own. Her pale skin was flawless and her delicate lips rosy.
"Now, bridegroom, bed, I am hungry." She stood and walked to the bed, discarding clothes as she went. "Strip." She ordered when he stood dumbfounded and staring at her, in all her glory, even with the leathery wings. He was already shirtless, so he pulled his pants down and left them in a pile on the floor. "And your underwear." She sighed, but he shook his head.
"I don't even know your name. And all you want tonight is blood right?" She shook her head with a flirty smile on her face.
"I like to…mix, my pleasures, blood and sex are my favorite, neither of which I have done with an angel." He stared. Oh, if she was like this, than what was Maddy having to deal with?
And he still didn't know her name!
Maddy yelped, landing on her feet and hands after the King threw her into his chamber, growling coming from him as he stalked in after her. She sprung up and lifted into the air of the huge chamber. She didn't know it yet, but it was set up like the Princesses. Unsettlement for Demon's all around.
"Birdie?" The king growled, then the doors clanged shut. She heard cracking and grunts, then a softer, but no less manly voice cut in. "My little angel, come out now."
She couldn't help what she said next. "No, you'll hurt me more." Suddenly a strong hand had hold of her and she was being pulled from her hiding place by…
The light filled the room and Maddy found that the man clutching her was beautiful. He had blue eyes and smooth tan skin, muscular and strong, and somehow he was gently with her, even though he was dragging her out. "There's my angel."
Maddy was always told that the true demon beneath the demon façade was so horrible looking at it could kill you by looks alone. But now, it was all too much for Maddy to handle in one day, especially the man handling during the wedding feast that her brother or the princess was not at.
"Oh, King," She whispered before she collapsed, exhausted. The king held her and smiled, returning to his demon façade, the larger form frightening, but at least she had seen his true self. He Genlty held her in his hand as he climbed into the giant sized bed. His head on one pillow, her laying in the center of the other with a blanket over her, tucked in as best he could do for her.
"Starting now, we are changing everything, everything my sister and I have been working for will be known, and our kinds will exist in peace." He kissed her wing and closed his eyes.
Lucifer's first born, Marcus, finally had his queen….for now.
Review if I should Continue…or ya know don't if you want it to end here.