"Kate..." I heard.

"Mmmm," I stirred.


Wait, I knew that voice. And I knew this moment. Could it be I was lying in my room again? In my actual home? Darren no more than 30 ft down the hall in his own bed lying peacefully – still alive?

Could it be that all of this had just been a really cruel, cruel dream?

Vivid, but yet only a simple figment of my imagination?

"Kate, I need you wake. I need you to be ok."


I wanted to tell him I was ok. I wanted to talk to him, but I couldn't. It felt as if there was a rock crushing down on my mind. And no matter what I wanted to do, I knew it was never going to happen. I was too weak and my brain was resolute. There was no cooperating tonight.

"C'mon Kate..."

His beautiful velvet voice hummed in my ears. Sending a cool, relaxing shiver down my spine. Isaac…

I had to get to him. I had to come back.

I was almost there…

"Mmmmm…" I groaned and found myself moving once again. But no part of my body agreed to cooperate. You need to rest, I heard a little voice in the back of head say, but I ignored it.


I have to help. Too much was going on. I had to wake up. Wake up! I shouted to myself. Which only brought on a buttload of pain to the back of my head but I disregarded it. C'mon Kate, I said. You got this. The stinging in my head amplified and added on a bit of pulsated.

This was bad for me. This was incredulously bad for me. But I wasn't going to give up.

Kate… get your ass up right now, I told myself with real steam I my voice. You have to help. You just can't bail out. They need you. They actually need you….

But that little voice in the back of my head was getting louder. And I almost felt like listening to it. Maybe it would be better if I just lied here…

Kate! I shouted. No. Wake up Kate!

"Kate…" I heard.

It was all too much. There was too much going inside my head.

I cringed. "Kate." I heard one last time. Softer this time. In the most beautiful I've ever heard. But this time I couldn't quite recognize it. I had no idea who it was.

I felt my eyelids twitch and suddenly I became conscious to my surroundings – though I wasn't quite awake yet. I was in a car. I could feel the movement of the wheels rolling on the rutted pavement beneath my legs.

"Mmm…" I stirred once again. My neck rolled to the other side of the car seat. The texture of the road beneath me causing my head to bounce subtly up and down. "Mmmm…"

Finally my eyelids fluttered open and groggily I examined my surroundings.

I saw a head.

A bald head. A beaten head.

And skin.

I adjusted my eyes so I could see better and just like a camera going into focus the image became clear.

Stiles. He was safe.

I was safe.

But did that mean Gerard let us go? Why would he do that?

"Sti-Stiles," I murmured. Even my voice sounded broken. Abruptly he looked at me. My eyes widened. Oh no. His face. I couldn't stop it. Gerard had gotten wanted he wanted and inevitably beaten Stiles' face to a pulp. I almost wanted to scream in frustration but knew I was well beyond too brittle to even try.

Stiles looked at me. And even though I should be the one I was worried about, I couldn't help but frown at the injuries that resided on his face. His right cheek was beaten so brutally the red seeping through seemed harsh and heavy compared to the rest of pale white skin. It stretched all the way to the side his face indicated that there must have been a lot of punches thrown in from all directions. The lower right eye was beginning to swell as well as his lower lip. Thank goodness he looked back to the road 'cause I didn't know how much more of it I could take. I knew that was going to happen. I could have done something to stop it, but I was too fragile. Too weak.

"Hey you ok?" he asked me in the form of a croak. It only made me feel guiltier. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I guess it was going to take some time for my mind to reset. Since it was basically still in a blaze. Stiles understood this. "Yeah, don't worry – we're almost home," he muttered.

Home? What were we doing going there?

"Where's Scott" I asked found myself saying. I don't know where I found the strength but I almost found myself forgetting the words as soon as I said them. My head still throbbed. Stiles sighed. He seemed a little irritated.

"I don't know. But look we need to get you looked at."

"I want you to take me to Scott and Isaac," I said. The command itself was weak, but Stiles could tell I was serious.

I wasn't done yet. There was still something I could do. I know it.

Just then the car stopped, sending me forward. What I really wanted to say right then and there was: Ow Stiles what the hell!? But all that came out was a feeble, "Ouch."

"Kate," he said firmly. He was basically on the verge of losing it. And I understood. I knew he must have thought I was crazy. Which I was starting to believe myself. "You're on the verge of slipping into a coma. You wanna know how many times you've banged your head?! Well you can't. Because I've lost count. I've lost count Kate! And last time I checked a blow like that too many times can kill you. So I'm sorry but no, alright? You're leaving the werewolf stuff to the werewolves and I'm taking your ass home so my dad and I can check you in the hospital." After that rant Stiles let out a big breath and turned back to the front of the car. I wasn't mad at him for yelling at me. I knew where he was coming from. And though it hurt my ears all the up to my head I remained completely calm.

"Fine," I muttered. "Just take me to Jackson." Surely one them had to be there… I hope.

Stiles threw his hands up in the air incredulously. "No way ok?! We're taking you to the other hospital at the other side of town."

Ok. Now I was getting a little annoyed. I rolled my eyes.

"Stiles," I said. "I have to help them. They need my help."

"For what Kate?! You can barely walk, you can barely talk. You probably didn't get a vision with your mind all jacked up like that – what more can you do alright? What more do you owe them?! I mean you already got you head beaten in for them-," Just them Stiles stopped. He took a deep breath and started shaking his head. Yup, he had officially lost it. But again, I didn't blame him. And I couldn't help but think it wasn't exactly me he was talking about – or rather yelling about.

I started chewing on the inside of my lip.

What could I do? He looked so distressed. I never even stopped once to think about what he must be going through. Stiles has been dealing with this supernatural business a lot longer than I have and clearly it's taken a toll on him. It's gotten him in beaten up, it's just about destroyed his relationship with his dad, and not to mention brings nothing but stress and death and things no sixteen year old should have to deal with.

I reached for and grabbed his hand sitting on the staring wheel. Immediately he looked at me. His golden eyes glistening we water.

"Stiles. Go home," I whispered.

"What?" he choked. My stomach dropped. I hated, hated seeing like this. It made me want to cry as well.

"Go home," I repeated. "Go to your Dad. Tell him you're ok. I'll find them on my own."

Stiles shook his head. "No Kate I just leave you alone out-,"

"I've been alone for a very long time Stiles," I told him. A humorless smile on my face. I hadn't noticed, but tears really have been building in my eyes. My vision was unclear when I looked back to him. "I'll be fine."

"Kate…" he whispered. Pity in both his eyes and voice. It made me laugh. And I had no idea why…. Shit. I really was crazy.

"Stiles," I said one more. "Go. Find. Your dad." And smiled. A tear or two had slipped down Stiles face before and he wiped the streaks.

"Look," he sighed, more calmly this time. "Let me just – let me at least drop you off at the hospital ok?"

"Ok," I agreed and nodded.

"But promise me you'll get checked out before you do anything?"

I grinned. "Promise." Then, with another sigh – and an eye roll Stiles started the car again.

"You know you're a hard ass, right?"Stiles asked me, a grin sneaking up on his face. I laughed – truly for humor this time.

"That's um – that's what my mom used my dad. I guess I get him from him."

Stiles cracked a laugh. "Yeah well like father like daughter huh?" he said looking at me through the review mirror. I kept the smile on my face.


We pulled up in front of the hospital not too much later. I smiled. "Thank you," I breathed and turned to get out of the car.


I turned back around. "Yeah?" It looked like Stiles was getting choked up again. Oh no. What was wrong now?

"I just – I never got to thank –," Stiles sighed again. "The other night, when we were at the police station - and my Dad got hit over the head – I wanted to thank you," he said looking at me. His teddy bear brown eyes filled with both gratitude and guilt.

I was confused though. Thank me for what? "Stiles I-,"

"Look I know you didn't have to do what you did. I mean it's the reason you're like this in the first place – but, still – thanks," he said. He wasn't even looking at me anymore. It seemed more like he was just rambling to himself now. I furrowed my eyebrows still just as baffled as before.

"For what?"

Finally he took a deep, peaceful breath and rotated back to me. "For doing something when I couldn't."

My eyes immediately softened. And there it was. It did bother Stiles that couldn't do the same things Scott or Isaac could. Just as it would bother anybody.

But he didn't need to. Stiles was amazing just the way he was. He's one the bravest, kindest and definitely one of the smartest people I have ever known and I was so glad I met him.

I didn't know what came over me but quickly I attacked him with a hug. I put my arms around him and didn't let go. And neither did he. We sat there holding on to each for who knows how long. It was fine by me. I needed it. I needed this hug. I needed this kind of – care. And I'm sure he did too.

And that's it hit me. I knew I loved Darren. And though he wasn't perfect, he was still a pretty great brother. And I will always love him. But maybe this – finding Stiles - was the earth's way a paying me back. By giving me an even better one. An actual brother.

When the squeezing was over, slowly I pulled away and Stiles followed. I looked at him. I had never noticed this before, but Stiles was pretty beautiful too. Not exactly like Isaac's supernatural beauty, but Stiles was like a normal person. And even through his beaten, battered, exhausted face – he was absolutely gorgeous.

His nose was absolutely adorable, his eyes lashes - long and lush - surrounded all around his softly colored eyes. His cute childish cheekbones ready at the mark. And I had been wrong before. His skin wasn't as pale white as I thought. Maybe it was just the way the moonlight was hitting his face before, but Stiles skin tone was olive almost – a beautiful shade. Perfect for what looked like his smooth, soft skin. And every few centimeters are so the cutest mole in the world would be placed on there. So lovely and brown. Lines of exhaustion next to his nose led down to his square jaw, where his dimples laid just around his lips.

His lips.

With the clef so deep and lips so pink and plumb.

Though busted open – they looked – I mean – I – I…

Why was I staring at them? And why wasn't he calling me out on this? My sight returned to Stiles eyes.

Oh. That's why.

Because he was staring at mine too.

Quickly I cleared my throat and turned away. Stiles did the same. We both sat forward now. Staring straight at the windshield without peeping a sound.

I didn't have time for this. I needed to snap out of it. Though my body was still incredibly weak, I turned for the door. "So um? I'll see you later ok?" I muttered, head still turned away.

"Uh, yeah," Stiles said. I stepped out of the car and shut it behind me. Stiles grinned, though the light didn't reach his eyes, before finally pulling off.

A/N: Not very brother-sisterly behavior it is? Haha review with thoughts please! And thank you all so much for your constant support and kind kind words it means soo much! ily guuuysss (: