Hello everyone! this is my first fan fic and my first for samcedes. i take all kinds of criticism, whether its good or bad. I can take all. so leave any comments or even suggestions, and I will try to answer and improve my working.

I want to say a big thank you to my Beta and friend KurlyQ722 , without you nothing would be possible, you are beyond amazing, with you my words make sense, even for me lol.

disclaimer: I own nothing because if I did Samcedes will be on screen all the time and will be not just a figment of my imagination.



It's been a long time since I found somewhere I belong. A place and a world where I would be recognized as me, Samuel Evans, and not as Dwight's son A place where I would fit in.

It's been hard dealing with some of the things in my life, like my dyslexia and my love for comic books. I've never been confident enough to associate with people and build relationships, because people would only see me as the weird kid. And, I must admit, they weren't completely wrong. Even I thought I was weird. I liked the simple things, like playing my guitar and spending an entire night watching the stars. I would find peace in these moments, a sincere peace in world that I'd built on my own.I mean, it was hard dealing with loneliness in the beginning, but the older I got, the more comfortable I felt by myself. I had my family, and that was enough for me.

My little brother Stevie and my little sister Stacy mean the world to me. I want to protect them from the world, one of violence, strict rules, and fathers walking in and out of their children's lives to serve their countries. We've never truly had a father figure around. I never really knew him. My dad enlisted shortly after I was born and I hardly saw him. As a Master Sergeant in the US Military, he was almost always MIA, always traveling on some dangerous mission or another God knows where while we sat at home and waited for him to, hopefully, return to us. I was fine with him being absent. My mother was our rock and absolutely supportive of his decision. She never hesitated to give us all of her time, even if she was tired or upset. She always managed to be there for any and everything we needed, and we were never short of love and affection.

The only problem was, when my father would return, he'd act as if he'd never left us, as if he'd always been the father we wanted in our lives. To say I was upset would be a gross understatement. I was furious, livid even, because he chose a job defending a country that didn't care about him over us, his real family. We were supposedly his whole world. So, why wouldn't he stay home and get a regular job, like other dads?

Yes, I understood how important my father's job was. He put his life on the line for a cause, placed himself in danger for the good of a country, for a president and a nation... But, knowing that we were his last priority, that mom, stacy, stevie, and I had the least of him, made me feel like we weren't worth his time. I wouldn't say much to him, but in my heart, the rejection killed me.

Once again, we had to relocate to a new state because of my father's job. I was numb about it. I mean, I didn't get attached to anybody, so it wasn't a big deal for me to leave people behind.

My last school was an all-boys academy in Tennessee. I was considered the awkward jock, shy and really quiet with my nose always buried in his comic books. It was fine for me. The boys and I….we didn't connect. They treated girls horribly when they dated them and hung out with them and the southern gentleman in me couldn't tolerate that. When I saw that, I knew I was far better off alone. I would never disrespect a woman like that. My mother was an incredible woman and I hated the way my dad brushed her aside like she was nothing. I could never be like him.

But, then again, I never really tried approaching any girls, so it was never a problem. I wasn't afraid of them, but there weren't any girls I'd seen that I found attractive. No girl ever really rocked my world. I guess it wasn't the right time for me to find the girl of my dreams, to find the One. I wanted the kind of love that my grandparents shared, the forever kind, but a lot of kids my age didn't believe that it still existed. Kids my age were into quick hookups and short-term, commitment-less relationships. How would I ever find anyone?

I walked in my living room to find my father and my mother standing next to each other and my siblings on the couch. It wasn't a good sign. Family reunions always finished with tears because dad would always announce that he was leaving for another assignment. I sat down next to Stacy and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, preparing myself for bad news. Jumping the gun, I spoke before my dad could. "So, when do you leave ?"

He gave me the famous Evans' crooked smile, one that could be charming and annoying at the same time.

"Now, now Samuel, that's not the way to greet your father. After all, it's been a while since you've seen me."

"It was your choice to be absent..." I bitterly replied.

"Sammy..." My mother sighed. She hated when I started with my father.

"No, it's okay Mary. I understand. I haven't been as present as I would like. As a matter of fact, all of that's about to change."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his answer. How many times have I heard that? Promises that he will change so he wouldn't lose us? I was completely fed up with his bullshit, but I kept my thoughts to myself, for my siblings' sakes. I didn't want to upset them with my personal feelings.

"Yes, I will leave, but not without you guys. I've been sent to post in Ohio, Lima to be exact. It's a small town, a quaint family atmosphere, and I'm sure we'll love it there. Maybe we will finally find our place and settle down."

It was the last straw for me. I couldn't sit there and listen to him talk about family and finding our place when he didn't know the first thing about home and family.

"Finally find our place ?! You've got to be kidding me, right? Is this a fucking joke ?!"

"Sammy, language!" hissed my mom.

"I'm sorry mama, but I can't stand to be here and listen to him say this stuff when he's the reason why we don't have a stable home in the first place!"

"What are you talking about Samuel?" asked my father in an angry tone.

Oh, so now he was pissed. Good. That makes two of us.

"What i'm saying is, I'm fed up with you coming in and out of our lives and messing us up! I just want stability. I'm tired, dad." I hated seeming so vulnerable in front of him, but he was my dad, and at the end of the day, I wanted him to care.

"I think it's time to go to bed, children." My father told my siblings, never leaving my eyes. I knew that I was supposed to stay.

Mom escorted them upstairs, and I finally found myself in the living room in front of my father, alone. He fidgeted and open his mouth like he wanted to say something, but he struggled to find the right words.

"I'm sorry, dad. I didn't mean to upset you..."

"You know how many nights I wake up feeling completely empty ?" He said finally, frowning.

His words shocked me. "Ex-excuse me ?" His words came out of nowhere, and made me uncomfortable.

"Do you know how many days and nights I spent looking back on my life, reflecting on all I'd done, and realizing that I've been a complete failure ? »

"No, I don't know." I answered truthfully.

"I'm sorry, son. I haven't been the best father to you and your siblings. I knew my sense of duty and love my job, but…..I lost myself somewhere. I felt you slipping away from me, but I told myself that you'd understand one day and come back to me. But son, it's me who finally understands. With your mother's help, my eyes have been opened."

I sat there dumbfounded, stunned at what he was saying. Was he apologizing?

"I want my family back, Sam. I want you back, son. Can you give me that chance? Will you let me back in?" he said with tears in his eyes.

I couldn't believe it. My father, who I never saw outside of his uniform, who never once reached out to me, stood in front of me in regular clothes begging for my forgiveness. I was not used to this side of him, and as satisfying as it was, the change scared the hell out of me.

I didn't know what to say. Of course I wanted my family back, but I had dismissed him as a non-factor long ago. In my mind, he was already gone. I was so ready to give up on him and concentrate myself and my little siblings and mother. But now, he was here, saying the words I'd been waiting to hear for years. I didn't know what to do or say. I was so lost. I couldn't give up on my anger so easily, so for my sanity and the sanity of my family, I made the only move that my confused mind could think of. I stormed out of the room.

Mercedes POV

I was Mercedes freaking Jones, wasn't I? So, why the hell couldn't I stand up for myself in glee club and finally shut Berry the hell up? Why couldn't I tell Kurt that it was killing me seeing him with Rachel, pretending that our friendship meant nothing to him. Something had to change, or else I'd lose everything that's important to me. This semester would be a new beginning for me and I was determined to step up my game and take a confident step forward.

Sure, I could always count on my trouble tones sisters. Santana, Brittany and Sugar were amazing friends, but I missed Quinn and Tina. I was sort of on their blacklist since my outburst in booty camp, and ever since then, they would either walk on eggshells around me or just avoid me. It annoyed the hell out of me. I mean, was I wrong to finally stand up for myself ? Why was that so wrong?

But, I wouldn't stress about it too much. It was senior year and I was looking forward to enjoying it. Or, at least get through it without any more drama.

I woke up with a start this morning with an indescribable, expectant feeling. What would happen today? I wasn't sure, and frankly the feeling made me a bit uneasy. I wasn't eager to get ready for school, but I didn't have a choice. If I didn't want my mother bursting in my room, I had to wake up and start getting ready.

I chose my best outfit that morning, some black baby phat jeans that hugged my bottom perfectly and a gold and white striped kimono style top that emphasized the small of my waist and round bust. I put on a little make up, grabbed a banana from the kitchen, and kissed my mother on the cheek and my father on the forehead just before heading out the door.

"Bye guys! I'll see you tonight. Wish me luck on my first day!" I say joyfully.

"Bye, baby girl! Don't let anyone limit you. You are a Jones. You can do anything" replied my proud father.

"You are amazing, baby. I know that this year will be a piece of cake." assured my mother with a smile.

"Yeah, a piece of cake..." My eyes turned a little sad, but I quickly saved face and gave them a bright smile before headed toward my car.

"A piece of cake...my ass." I muttered under my breath, talking to my reflection in my rear view mirror.

As I arrived in the parking lot, I noticed Kurt walking toward the entrance. I decided it was my chance to catch him alone and finally have a heart to heart, since he'd spent most of the holidays with Rachel and I hardly saw him. But, I wanted the conversation to be peaceful. He was still my Kurt and I was still his Mercedes, despite the distance between us. I just had to remind him. Taking the first baby step will hopefully get us back on track. At least, that's what I was hoping...

"Hey Kurt, wait up!" I cried, running to catch up with him.

"Hey Mercedes! What's up, girl?" he said

"I'm fine. It's a new year and I couldn't be happier! What about you? You were MIA all damn summer, Kurt. What's going on?" I asked with a half hurt tone.

"Yeah, I know and I'm sorry. But, you know Rachel. And I tried to concentrate on our NYADA auditions, and it took up a lot of my time..."

Was it me, or did his voice sound neutral, like it didn't matter to him at all?

"I know how important that is to you, Kurt. I would have really liked to be able to help..."

"Hey Kurt! Hurry up honey or we'll be late !"

Rachel's voice made me cringe. But what really upset me of fury was that she just addressed Kurt like I wasn't talking to him a minute ago, like I didn't exist! She pushed between us without any thought, knocking my books out of my hands. Kurt looked back apologetically, but didn't do anything to help me. Kurt ran off behind her, leaving me alone and stunned. I couldn't believe him! Was I living in some alternate reality?

I reached for my books on the floor with watery eyes. I was so angry with myself for crying over this; I should have expected it. No one cared.

Suddenly, I felt electricity shoot through my hand and run through my body, across my shoulders and down my middle to the very tips of my toes, jolting me alert. It hit me so suddenly, so quickly, that I fell over, but a pair of strong arms grabbed my waist before I could hit the floor. It was like a dream, being swept up by a handsome stranger, a knight on his noble steed ready to pick me up and whisk me away to his kingdom...

Who the hell was I kidding? I must really be in some twilight zone. When I looked up, the most beautiful emerald green eyes I've ever seen met my own. I was mesmerizd. It was like he could see me, truly see me, and I was powerless in their wake. Swooning was inevitable.

"You're okay?" he asked.

"Definitely... " I answered with a dreamy smile.

He smirked and bent over to pick my books while I watched, paralyzed in the spot, unable to move.

"I saw what happened...why didn't you say anything ?"

"It was nothing, really...Thanks for the books..." remembering why my books were on the floor made me answer a little more gruffly than I wanted to. It wasn't his fault. "I'm sorry for my tone, Mr….?"

"Sam. My name is Sam I am, and no, I don't like green eggs and Ham" he replied, almost nonchalantly.

"Wow….. that was weird." I laughed, surprised by his answer.

He smiled bashfully, looking at her with light in his eyes. But the next second, almost as if a switch had flipped, his eyes turned dark and cold. He looked me up and down and quickly rushed toward the doors of Mckinley High school without a second glance in my direction.

Yeah, I was definitely thrown in the freaking third dimension and nobody told me the rules.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget... Reviews please :)