No Patience

As Big Mac waits in one of the outer rooms, he's wondering,

"What's happening because no pony told him anything."

He paces back and forth, he has been for hours. Big Mac begins talking to himself,

"Why hasn't anypony told me what's going on around here, they bring me to this room and just leaves me here without a word?"

Big Mac begins to get angry and bucks a table breaking it.

Princess Luna's assistant hears the crash and comes in,

"Big Mac you can come with me now." they make their way down the hall, Big Mac can hear somepony singing a lullaby, the assistant opens the door to Princess Luna's room, he sees a very tired, sleepy mare with two beautiful foals in her arms, Big Mac walks over and sits on the side of the bed.

"Meet your daughters, Princess and Pristine Apple."

Big Mac begins to cry and leans over and kisses Luna and his daughters. Is the happiest day of Big Mac's life.

A/N: To Bahumut Crisis Core more oneshots coming enjoy. You like this oneshot then read and review thanks.