Kendy: Mew -.- I've been soo busy dong like absolutely nothing!

Drew: That made no sense…

Kendy: Ohh well it made sense to me!

May: well Kendy doesn't own Pokémon; if she did it would always be aired late for no reason.

Kendy: Hey! Also I'd like you yell at my beautiful reviewers. No one corrected my horrible fail! Considering Wynaut like Leeche Berries not Pecha… I'm so stupid wah!

D or B?

"Well?" Dawn turned toward her friend disapprovingly.

"I- I don't know." May threw her hands to her face to hide her forming tears.

"Well, let's look at the good points for both them." Dawn sighs slumping into her chair.

"Well, Drew is kind, and he sticks up for me."

"And Brendan…"

"He is kind sometimes, and he likes me."

"And… the bad things"

"Drew has a short temper. And Brendan's a glorious douhgebag."

"Miss Maple," Professor Oak sighs. "If you are going to zone out, can you at least make it look as if you are paying attention?"

A few students giggle and Drew sends me a comforting look. He has been acting soo weird the past few weeks. Maybe it's because Dawn stood up for him, but he has been being strange around Brendan as well. Ohh well. I look up to Pro. Oak and say I'm sorry. It's silent for a moment and then he continues his lesson. I turn toward Drew and he smiles and hands me a letter.

(Drew: Italics, May: Bold)



Whats on your mind?

I'm not sure actually hah!

Well I have another guys date with Paul, Gary, and Ash… Any pointers?

Where are you going?

Playing soccer…

Ohh well that should get on Gary's good side.

Yeah I guess so…

Well hey, if they laugh about something that you don't really feel comfortable about, they just like you trust me


I was in the middle of writing a response when an announcement came over the school.

"Dear students and staff," There was an uncomfortable pause causing students to whisper, " we seem to be having an issue with our bells today so we are dismissing you all by intercom. Have a nice rest of the day."

Drew looks up confused and then turns back to me. I blush and throw the note into my backpack. We head out of the classroom with Dawn who seems to be in a big hurry to go to Paul's locker. Drew and I split up and a head to my locker and turn the combination. Suddenly I feel someone's hand reaching into my bag. I turn around to face Brendan reading our note!

"What the hell Brendan!"

"Talking to Mr. Douche?"

"What does it matter who I'm talking to, it obviously has nothing to do you with you!" I grunt reaching for the note. Brendan lifts it higher and pushes me up against my locker.

"I really don't understand how you could be with such an idiot like him." He sighs grabbing my wrist.

"We aren't together." I wince under his grasp.

"Oh so he wouldn't mind if I did this?" Brendan smirks crashing his lips against mine. I twist and crumble attempting to get away from him.

"Hey Brendan." I heard Drew's voice yell. Brendan smirks and turns around, only to get Drew fist to his face. Brendan stumbles back from the hit and wipes his mouth.

"Ohh you are gunna wish you hadn't done that."

Brendan runs toward Drew with a punch but Drew slides to the side easily dodging it.

"Hey stop!" Dawn yells from down the hallway, her hand intertwined with Paul's. Cute…

Dawn runs straight up to Drew and examines his (Obvious) Lack- there- of wounds, and Brendan runs off down the hallway.

"This could not have gotten anymore weirder." Misty sighs confusingly, as she walks up to us. I didn't even notice my hands were wrapped around Drew's arm, but Dawn did.

"Whoa there sweetie, I think you're moving too fast." She giggles. I blush and back away as fast as I can.

Paul picks up the note that Brendan dropped and examines it.


"What is it?" Dawn shoves her face next to his and reads the print. Paul Blushes barely but Drew and I can see it clearly. Gary and Leaf run up out breath to find us.

"We heard about the fight," Gary breathes.

"Are you ok?" Leaf follows.

"Yes, Brendan just being a pussy as usual." Drew flicks his hair. We all walk outside and find our separate ways, the guys head to the soccer field and we head to dawns house. About half way there I realize there is one person missing.

"Where's Misty?"

"With Ash." Leaf states plainly. This gives me and Dawn a reason to punch her in the arm.

"What the hell!" Leaf yells.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier!?" Dawn screams.

"You didn't ask." Leaf retaliates.

"Awe, I'm happy for her. They make a good couple." I ignore the fighting.

We find our way to Dawns House and pile inside. We run up to her room, a blue bedroom with dark purple bird paintings across the top of the walls, hard wood floors with a dark purple rug in the middle. Her bed is pushed off to the corner and her desk in the other corner. A fairly simple design but only Dawn could pull it off. We sit on the floor in the middle of the room and lose ourselves in talking about guys.

"So I saw you and Paul holding hands running down the hallway." I smirk.

"Yeah…" Dawn trails off blushing.

"So are you guys going out?"


"What!? You two are totally into each other!" Leaf laughs.

"No! He practically hates me! He never talks to me, and we will never be together."

"Gotta give it time." I smile remembering that time in the park.

"Oh yeah? What about you and Drew? You two aren't taking any time." Leaf smiles. I can feel my face burn up.

"What, we are barely friends."

"Lies." Dawn Laughs, "You guys are totally doing something on the side."



"I mean think about it May, we are your best friends, and after one weekend on a trip with your family and you want us all goodie, goodie with the whore of our school?" leaf sighs.

"Well," Dawn starts, "I like Drew you know he is really kind once you get to know him, but May I'm going to have to agree with Leaf. It's weird how you two barley liked each other and then after a weekend mourning at a funeral you two are best friends?"

"It- it." I stutter. Great my lie finally caught up with me. -.-'

Leaf and Dawn giggle and look at me with creepy faces. I crush my pillow to my chest and hide my face.

"You guys are soo weird!"

There is a ring at the door and Dawn stands up to answer it. When she comes back into the room, Paul is with her and her face is beat red.

"Paul wanted to know if we wanted to play soccer with the guys."

Leaf smirks and stands up. "Hell yeah I want to kick Gary's ass again!"

"Um sure," I mumble.

Dawn turns to Paul and smiles. "Alright, but I kind of suck at soccer."

"Troubleso…" Paul trails off noticing Dawns face.

We all leave the house and head back to the school where Gary and Drew are. Leaf sprints up to them bragging to Drew how she owned Gary in their last game. Dawn and I take our time, I've never been good at soccer and Dawn has never known the term "sport". I notice Paul standing next to Dawn as we walk and so I decide to run up to Leaf, Gary, and Drew.

"Hey Haruka." Drew smirks, a triumphant glare across his face.

"Shu." I glare back with the same triumphant look.

Gary and Leaf share the same confused look before Leaf laughs.

"Come on pet names, and you guys aren't even dating yet."

"Yet!" Gary laughs with her.

I feel my face get red with a mixture of embarrassment and anger. Drew's face remains unchanged.

"What are you talking about!?" I speak up.

"Hey, Just a question, but you used to like hate the guy and now you two are best friends, how is that?" Gary frowns.

"Leaf used to hate you, and now you two are best friends. Same process." Drew states plainly.

"Is it just me, or has Paul been acting a little OOC lately?" Leaf changes the subject.

"That's what happens when you are in love." I smile.

"Doubt he is in love, I mean then he would be acting like Ash." Gary chimes in.

"No, he might be in love, but not Ash. Ash is what we call whipped." Drew laughs.

Gary and I join the Laughing but Leaf seems distracted.

"What is it?" I frown.

"What's he doing here?" She replies angrily.

We all face to see Brendan walking toward us. He reaches us and Gary has to practically hold Drew back. He takes my hand and takes me away from my friends.

"What do you want," I spit out.

"I wanted to say, I was sorry about everything." He started, "I've been having some issues at school and I've been taking them out on you."

"Ok? And this has something to do with me how?"

"I want to take you out, to say I'm sorry." He holds my hand gently.

"I don't know Brendan…"

"Please May, Just to say I'm sorry, and if you like it then maybe again."

"I- I guess."

Brendan leads me back to my friends and Drew shoots him a rude glare. It kind of makes me feel stupid for accepting the date, but hey, he just wants to say sorry. Brendan leaves and we start our game. In the end guys beat us 17-2. Drew and Paul have some great skills that I never even noticed before. He kicked the ball mid –air upside down in to the goal. Unfortunately, we were stupid enough to make Dawn our goalie. We all head back to dawns house for some ice tea and cookies. I sit next to Drew and across from Dawn and Paul. Once we are finished Drew walks me home. We walk in silence for most of the trip until he stops and turns to me.

"What'd he want?"

"Who?" I look around confused.


"Ohh nothing he just wanted to say he was sorry about today and such…" I trail off.

"I don't like him." Drew frowns and continues to walk toward my house. I run up to him and grab his hand.

"Don't worry about me alright."

Drew says nothing but he doesn't push my hand away either. We walk until we reach my house and Drew walks me right up to my front door.

"You know, my dad is going to flip when he sees you."

"Oh well…" Drew smiles.

He leans in and kisses me on the cheek. I feel my face burn up and I smile. Then I walk into the house while Drew walks home.

"So…" Dawn sighs.


"Who is it gunna be? D or B?"

Kendy: Ta-Da Done bitch xP

Drew: This was not in the plans…

Kendy: I know but I figured since this story was going nowhere fast might as well throw in a gapping plot hole and twist.. sound farmiliar?

May: Other than the feeling I got when I used to watch code geauss.. nothing..

Kendy: Well yeah code geauss does suck so much that I don't even care how it's spelled. xP

Drew: Well, um continue reading…

May: And Review!

Kendy: And follow ;D and we will see you next time :)

Drew:: Also Kendy is starting to feel self conscious about us being here so if you don't find these side comments amusing or something… say something about it on a review…

May: Bu- but then we'll leave!

Drew: So? Who cares?

Kendy: Me! I'll be alone wahh

Drew: go cry about it.

Kendy bawls

Drew: In a different room…

Kendy walks out of the room and bawls louder.

Drew: Silently!

May: Ohh. Bye guys review : ) and get your friends to read too yay friends :D oh and one more thing, Kendy is starting a new story I think she gave up the other story because of too many gapping plotholes.. but the NEW story is going to be a mystery ohh xD watch out for it.

Drew: yeah it is actually well written…

Kendy: You think so!?

Drew: No

Kendy: Bitch get back here I want those bangs off now! .

May: byee!