THE NIGHT WAS CLEAR, without a single cloud in the sky. The moon and the stars reflected their beauty in the calm ocean. But that peace was disturbed by a sound in horizon.

The alarm sounded through the whole island and the installations that were on it. In high metal buildings, thousand of robots were running around the place searching for something. In the center of the island, was the highest building with spiral shape and at the top an observation cabin.

Inside, robots were chasing a dark shape that was running through the corridors. The intruder was able to reach the launching platform and got to one of jets that were all over the place. Once inside, the intruder ripped the control panel. After finding the correct wires and cross them, the plane finally lit in time when robots were approaching.



"Doctor, the intruder is trying to escape." Said a large yellow robot.

A human shape was sitting in the back, was watching the videos of security and he didn't look happy.

"Don't let him get away!"

"Yes, Doctor!" Answered another robot; this one looked like the other but it was grey, shorter and chubby. Both robots started to tab theirs keyboard.


"ATTENTION! ATTENTION! All units report to the launch area! Repeat! All units report to the launch area!" The mechanic voice doomed the entire place.

The robots arrived to the runway and surrounded the jet. Luckily, the cockpit closed in time before a robot jumped over it. The mechanic troop was trying to rip the plane apart, but then the jet started to move. The jet accelerated leaving the robots behind. When it finally left the ground and took off, it caused the robot that was at the top to fly away and crash to the pavement.


"NOOOOO!" The man screeched in anger and slammed his fist in the desk scaring the yellow and grey robots. "Send the Flybots and the JetHawks! I don't care what it takes! I WANT MY EMERALD BACK!"

"Yes, Doctor!" Said both robots in fear.


In one of the warehouses of the island, the doors opened and dozens of plane-like robots started to take off and chased the intruder in the dark night.


The night was quiet in the zone of Green Hills. It was a true paradise with green fields and beautiful blue lakes. It was a place away from the cities and it only had the town of Knothole on it.

Two farmers were riding their way back home over their cart with two horses pulling it.

"Late again…" The human farmer sighted. "My wife is going to kill me."

"Well," the raccoon farmer started, "if someone had filled the tank of the tractor…"

"It was your turn to fill it!"

"But you used it last time!"

Before they could continue arguing, they saw someone leaning against a tree that was on the side of the road. The brown hair human pulled on the reins and the horses stopped.

"Goodnight, lad." Greeted the raccoon farmer.

A young blue hedgehog opened his green eyes and looked at them. "Hey, there. Aren't you a little late today?" He asked with a grin.

"Yeah, we had some problems with the delivery thanks to certain masked." The raccoon growled at his friend's joke.

"Too bad." The hedgehog said. "If I'd known, I would have helped you."

"Thanks lad. We know you would but-" The raccoon was interrupted when a light in the sky caught their attention.

Looking up, they could see lights flying in the sky. The villagers were not sure what was going on and suddenly an explosion surprised. They were able to distinguish that, whatever it exploded, was falling at great speed and crashed in the woods a few miles from where they were.

"What was that?" The human farmer broke the silence.

"I'm not sure." The blue guy smiled. "But I'm going to find out." And with that, the hedgehog disappeared in an amazing speed before the farmers could say a word.

"That wasn't very wise. Right?" commented the raccoon.

"Well..." The man couldn't help but chuckled. "You know him. He loves living at limit."


The jet crashed leaving a trail of dirt and metal parts of the ship everywhere. The cabin began to open and the pilot, with difficulty, jumped off the ship collapsing on the floor.

Not long after the driver collapsed, a large plane flew down and dropped something heavy and metallic. The ground shook slightly when a huge robot fell to the ground, leaving a small crater beneath him. Its eyes scanned the area until it found its target and then started walking towards the pilot. His metal hand was about to grab the person fallen, when a blue flash knocked the robot back. When the robot was able to stand up...

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." The robot turned to face the owner of the voice. A blue hedgehog with green eyes, wearing white gloves and red Sneakers, was just between it and the target.

"Hey there, buddy. Wonderful night, isn't it?"

The robot responded with some bits as it analyzed the new arrival. "SCANNING OBSTACLE. DESTROY!" The robot pulled up both arms and prepared to attack.

"Oh, come on." The hedgehog said after seeing that robot wanted to fight. "Why ruin a beautiful night?"

The robot threw a strong punch only to end in the dirt. The robot stood rigid again and discovered that the hedgehog was gone.

"Looking for someone?" The robot turned around and saw him standing in front of it like nothing, so the robot tried to punch him again but the blue guy ducked the strike.

"Too slow." He teased.

The robot didn't give up. He sent one blow with other but it was pointless. The blue hedgehog was just too fast. And he looked that he was enjoying the moment. It wasn't like everyday you could fight a robot. But after a while he got bored, so he sat on a rock and yawned.

"You know? I'm starting to get a little bored here. Why don't we just call it the night and go home?" The robot stopped the punches and that put a smirk in the hedgehog's mouth. "See? That wasn't so ha-", suddenly the robot's fist changed to canons and aimed him.

"Uh-oh..." the hedgehog's eyes wide in surprise, but then he let go a whistle. "I didn't know you were a convertible."

The robot started to shoot and the hedgehog ran around the robot to void the bullets; but he was very careful to not be close to the jet, which pilot's began to regain consciousness.


Everything was spinning. The headache was excruciating and the eyelids felt like concrete, but in the end, the blue eyes opened slowly. The sounds of gunfire echoed painfully in the ears. The vision cleared, and although it was dark, the pilot was able to distinguish the robot and ... a blue beam?


Although it hasn't hit the intruder, the robot didn't stop shooting. Then, its sensors felt movement in the plane. Stopping the attack, it saw that target was getting up using the plane as support. Forgetting the intruder, the robot returned to its primary mission. Retrieve the jewel.

The blue hedgehog stopped running when he saw that the robot had lost interest on him. He soon realized where it was going. The robot stretched an arm to reach the target. The metal hand was about to catch it, when blue lightning passed in front of him and the pilot disappeared.

"You don't know when to give up, do you?" The robot turned at its side and saw the intruder holding the target in bridal-style.

"Why don't you pick someone of your own size?" The hedgehog said very seriously. He could stand the robot attacking him, but hurting someone that couldn't fight back it was something he just couldn't accept. The robot launched to them and the hedgehog placed his cargo down and faced the robot.

"Ok, buddy." He said while thundering his fingers. "You asked for it." In a flash, he spin over himself tuning into a ball and like a thunder he shot himself going through the robot. Pieces of machinery and circuits landed on the floor and in less than a second, the robot fell to the ground.

The hedgehog stood up and cleaned the dust of his hand. "And," He said. "That's how you ends when you mess with Sonic the Hedgehog."

With one last look at the fallen robot, Sonic returned to the unconscious figure and with delicacy, he lifted the person and watched her face. She was a human teenager with pale skin and the hair's color was dark berry. The hairstyle was a fringe on the forehead and the back to the neck is short to the nape and two long locks on each side of the head that fell on his chest.

"You sure get yourself into many troubles, don't you Missy?" He departed leaving behind the rest of the robot without noticing that the video and audio was still active and was sending the information to an island.


The screen showed the battle through the robot's eyes until it fell to the ground.

"You sure get yourself into many troubles, don't you missy?" The blue hedgehog leaving was the last thing the robot transmitted before the image and sound became static.

"So... Our guy was really a lady, huh?" The human shadow said with a little amusement.

"Doctor, we lost KF-7." Informed the grey robot.

"It doesn't matter." Said the doctor. "Now that we know where to find our little thief..." He went to his chair and tapped some bottoms on the armchair. The monitor changed the static to the picture of another robot. "She won't get away."


The morning sun was shining bright in the little town of Knothole. There were neither large buildings nor luxury shops; it was even rare to see a car crossing the streets. The villagers lived their routine life happy and everyone knew each other; that was part of living in such a small town.

Margaret Birch was shopping in the market; a nice and old lady in her fifties, wearing a green dress and glasses with her grey hair lifted in a bun. She just finished paying an old seller and went to another market stall, the red panda seller finished with a costumer when she spotted her.

"Good morning Maggie." The red panda greeted her.

"Good morning." Margaret greeted back.

"The same as always?"

"Actually, I need an extra portion for today."

"Got it." The panda picked some fruit from her stand and put them in the basket. "How is your granddaughter? I haven't seen little Jade for a while."

Margaret smiled. "Not little anymore. She is 15 already."

"That's right! Years pass so fast."

"I know! Is hard to believe that it was just yesterday when I had to go to school to fetch them up."

"And what about Miles? How is he doing?"

"Much better." Margaret said relieved. "Part of it is thanks to Jade. She takes care of him like he was her little brother." The panda could see the proud in the Margaret's face.

"Oh, she is such a good sweet girl." The red panda smiled back. And the nice moment was interrupted by a robotic scream in the distance.

"GRANDMA!" Both ladies turned to see a little blue robot, with yellow hands and feet, with an orange propeller in its head that made it fly like a helicopter.

"Omochao?" Maggie said in confusion. The little robot stopped before he crashed with her. "What's wrong?"

"Grandma! I flew as fast as I could and-" the little robot looked at the red panda," Oh! Good morning!" He bowed politely to her and went back to Maggie "Where was I...? Oh, right! Jade is in troubles!"

"Again?" She asked annoyed instead of concerned. "Is not even 9 of the morning." She held her forehead." Alright, I'm on my way." She grabbed her basket.

"Teenagers, you know." She said goodbye to the red panda and followed Omochao.



A redhead teenage girl with green eyes; wearing blue shorts, an orange blouse and a black vest; was grabbing a teen monkey from the jacket and pressing him to a wall, screeching in his face.

"F-for saying that your gramps is a crazy dude a-and that your fox friend is a two tails freak!" He screamed terrified.

"Good!" She held him tighter. "Now you should think twice before-"

"Jade Birch!"

The young girl froze and turned her head back very slowly. Margaret was standing firm with a fist in her waist, while her other arm was hanging the nest.

"Put that boy down in this instant!" She ordered.

"Hmph." It was the only sound she made before realizing the monkey boy and he fall with a bump over his butt. He stood up and ran at full speed screaming like a baby. Jade saw him go in disgust and turned back to her grandmother who was still in the same position and spot.

"What?!" Jade yelled in despair. Margaret shook her head and started to walk away. Then Omochao flew to Jade's side and she glared him.

"Quidnunc." She muttered.

"Sorry…" Said the little robot and both followed Margaret.


Margaret and Jade were walking in a path outside the town in the countryside. There were many trees and a few houses, but theirs was in the top of a hill. They hadn't said a word since they left town, the only sound was the birds singing and Omochao's propeller.

"Jade?" The teenage jumped lightly at her grandmother's voice. "I was hopping that you would keep out of troubles at least on weekends."

"That soppy started it." Jade crossed her arms and looked away. She had the habit of starting fights with other kids for speaking ill of her grandfather and Tails. And she always won.

"I know it's been hard since Miles came around," Margaret said firmly, "but there are better ways to solve this situation."

"I just can't stand those morons! Who do they think they are?"

"Sometimes people can't understand what is different. But if wasn't for difference, life would be boring." Margaret said gently. Jade looked at her grandmother and smiled. She always knew what to say in the worst situations. That's what Jade loved of her.

"Dear, it doesn't matter what people say." She put her free hand over Jade's shoulder and looked at her eyes. "The important thing is that you and I know Miles is a great kid, and that your Grandfather is a genius."

Suddenly an explosion echoed in the distance surprising them. Looking ahead, they saw smoke coming from the garage of their house. All of them, including the little robot sweatdropped.

"At least most of the times." Said Omochao.


She could hear the birds singing and felt the sun on her face. When she opened her eyes, she realized that she was in a bed. With effort, she sat up and looked around. There were some furniture, a stereo, a mirror, a wardrobe and a window open. For the style, she concluded that it was a girl's room. But how did she get here?

She noticed that she wasn't even wearing her clothes, but a cream gown without neck and short sleeves. Then a green glow came to her mind. She had to leave. Giving one more look, she spotted in a chair her coat, bandana and haversack then she started to move the sheets.

"It is good to see you are awake." A male's voice made her stop. She looked at the window and saw a blue hedgehog sitting there with a smile in his face.

'When did he arrived?' She thought. She tried to get up but the pain in her head prevented it. She winced in pain and held her head.

"Take it easy, Missy." Sonic hopped off the window and walked toward her. "It was a wild party last night."

"Last... night?" The young girl looked to him in confusion.

"Yeah. Don't you remember the freaky robot?"

It took a while, but at the end she remembered. The island, the chase and the robots attacking her. Before she was able to talk, the door opened and a little orange fox with two tails, white gloves and red shoes went inside.

"Oh! You woke up. What a relief." The little fox joined Sonic.

"Hey, Tails." Sonic smiled at him.

"Hi, Sonic." Tails greeted him back and turned to see the girl. "How are you feeling?"

"Where am I?" She reclaimed ignoring his question.

"Sheesh, Missy. Relax." Sonic stepped forward, "You act like got out of the wrong side of the bed and you haven't even get up yet." The girl gave a cold glare to Sonic and he only crossed his arms and smiled at her, clearly trying to tease her. Tails decided to interfere.

"Is alright." He assured. "You are in the Birch's place." Then he smiled. "My name is Miles Prower, but you can call me Tails."

"And I'm Sonic." He winked at her and raised his thumb. "Sonic the hedgehog!" But the introductions didn't help. She was still glaring at them.

"You don't have to be afraid." Said Tails when he noticed her insecurity. "We just want to help. I assure you that you are safe here." Suddenly a great sound shook the house making Sonic and Tails froze and the girl looked around in panic.

"Well... As safe you can get with someone like Grandpa," Tails laughed nervously. "Be right back!" Then he disappeared through the door.

"Don't worry." The girl turned to the blue hedgehog. "That was just Grandpa Thomas. You just lie down and rest. Ok?" Sonic winked her again and followed Tails.

The girl watched him go. She didn't know how to take his comment but assuming that they wouldn't come back any time soon, she got up from the bed and ran to her haversack and opened it. Looking inside, she sighted in relief. It was still there.

"Now to get out of here."


"Grandpa!" Tails shouted when he opened the door of the garage. The room was filled with smoke causing the little fox cough. "Grandpa!" He wanted to shout more, but an attack of cough didn't let him. It wasn't long until Sonic joined him.

"Wow! It might be wise to open a window." Sonic ran and opened all the windows of the garage letting the smoke go.

"Thanks Sonic," Tails said gratefully as he cough a little more. The room cleared up and it was when Sonic and Tails saw an old man among his fifty wearing a white coat, laying over the floor.

"GRANDPA!" Tails and Sonic screamed as they ran and knelt by his side.

"Grandpa Thomas, wake up! Are you alright?" Tails shook him off.

"Oww… Mommy? Is that you?" The old man said sleepy making Tails sigh while Sonic only laughed.

"He is fine," Sonic assured. "Let's move him, Tails." The little fox held him from the feet as Sonic from the torso and sat him in a chair. A few seconds later, Margaret, Jade and Omochao arrived. Margaret was tired from running the rest of the way home.

"THOMAS!" Margaret screamed.

"GRANDPA!" Jade screamed as well as Margaret and Omochao joined them.

"Don't worry, girls. He is fine." Said Sonic.

Omochao looked the room and saw that the laboratory was a totally mess. "I'm not going to clean this." Jade glare at his comment and Omochao froze. "I-I mean, is great to see he is not dead." The attention returned to Thomas was somehow coming to his senses.

"Did someone check the number?" Thomas sat up straight and rubbed his head. "Man… What happen?"

"You tell us!" Jade exclaimed.

"You were still inspecting the rest of the robot when I left." Tails added.

"Hmm?" Thomas thought for a second. "Oh! Now I remember. I found the center of power and when I tried to test its capacity, the scanner exploded." He stood up and rushed to his computer. He opened the lid of the burned scanner, realizing a yellow light, and took out something.

"Is that it?" Sonic asked as he and the others approached.

Thomas nodded and turned around so they could have a better look to a golden ring.


The ring was resting in the center of the table and everyone was in the living room having tea and cookies. The young ones were sitting in a sofa; Sonic and Jade were eating cookies while Tails was drinking a cup of tea. Thomas was on a chair with a cup and Omochao sitting on his shoulder. Margaret was serving tea on cup and cookies in a tray.

"Jade?" the teen was taking a sip of her cup of the when Margaret spoke to her. "Could you be a dear and take this to our guest up stairs?"

"Why me? Isn't Sonic's damsel?" Without answering, Margaret gave her a stern look and Jade sighted in defeat, "Fine. I'm going." She stood up and took the tray murmuring in her teeth and went upstairs.

"Sonic's damsel." Thomas chuckled. "It actually fits, after the way you brought her last night, son." Grandpa Thomas commented as he remembered what happened.



The fresh breeze of summer was brushing the land, and everything was in peace and calm... except for the Birch's house.


"Oops. Sorry Jade. But I couldn't resist." Tails said, sitting in the sofa as he was munching the muffin and Thomas was sitting beside him reading a book.

"Grandma!" Jade whined. "Tails took the last muffin again!"

Margaret came from the kitchen cleaning her hand with the apron followed by Omochao. "Oh, Jade. Don't make such a fuss about it."

"Besides, Tails is a growing boy." Thomas said as rubbed the little fox's head. Jade just crossed her arms and pouted about it.

"Tell you what." Margaret hugged her. "Tomorrow we'll go to the market and buy what we need to cook more."

Jade smiled at her offer. "Make them of chocolate this time and is a deal."

"Deal." Margaret laughed and sat with her husband. Suddenly, someone knocked the door.

"Who could be at this hour?" Margaret commented looking at the clock.

"I will get it." Omochao offered and flew to the door. It was when they heard the sound of the door opening.

"Who was it, Omochao?" Grandpa asked. He put down the book and saw Sonic in the hall covered with dirt and with an unconscious girl in his arms.

"Hi! I would have call, but I had my hands busy."



"And when you showed us the robot!" Exclaimed Tails.

"I really had to see it to believe it." Thomas said. "The design of the robot was more advance than anything else I have ever seen. And it surprised me more when I discovered the source of power was a ring."

"Talking about it, how much energy of that ring did you use Grandpa?"

"Well," He held his chin. "Before the machine explode… I think it was a 68% or so."

"Wow... It really has power." Tails left his cup and took the ring. "What do you think it's made of?"

"I don't know." Thomas drank from his cup and continued. "But for some reason, it concerns me. Who needs so much power?" Tails had to agree on that.

"What I really want know," They turned to Sonic who was eating in his twelve cookie. "Is how all of this fit with my damsel." Sonic couldn't forget how the robot was willing to kill the girl even if she couldn't fight back. Why would it attack her in the first place?

"Maybe," Margaret interfered as she refilled Sonic's cup, "You can ask her yourself."

"That might be a problem." Jade had just returned from upstairs with a worried face.

"Why is that?" asked Omochao.

"She's gone." She answered.


When Sonic and the others went to Jade's room, they saw the bed empty and the window open. Tails and Thomas got close to the window and looked outside hoping to see the girl.

"And she didn't bother to said good bye." Said Omochao as he floated over the bed. "How rude of her."

"She is definitely gone." Sonic affirmed as he pointed the empty chair with his thump. "She took all of her stuff."

"Not all of it," Margaret picked up the gown the girl was using. "Her cloths are still in the laundry."

"OH NO!" Everyone jumped at Jade's screech. Turning to face her, they saw her desperately searching inside her closet.

"What!? What's wrong, sweetheart!?" Her grandfather asked freaked out.

"She took my new sweater!" With her answer, everyone stared at her in disbelief.



Wearing a blue sweater, dark blue pants and white boots, she was running as fast as she could. But it was hard. She was still weak and injured, not mention exhausted and hungry.

She stopped and held her chest trying to catch her breath. Once she recovered, she reached her haversack and brought out a bulge. Removing a little of the cloth, a green light came from inside. Now the she knew the object was intact, she covered it again, put it back inside and continued her way. But she didn't notice an object in the sky was coming closer.


Thomas pressed the bottom of the control remote and the door of the garage opened. Inside there was a blue two-seated, vintage-style biplane with the word TORNADO painted in one side and SONIC in the other.

"I still don't know why going after her, Sonic." Thomas said when Tails aboard the pilot's seat. "I mean, is not like she has done something wrong."

"Are you kidding?!" Jade protested making her grandfather stare at her in fear. "She stole my new sweater!" Then she aboard the second seat and Sonic hoped to the right wing.

"Besides, if she didn't do anything wrong why she escaped? Something else is going on." The hedgehog said. "And I assure you that we are going to find out." He smiled with determination.

Tails initiated the motor and the propeller started to move and the Tornado took flight.

"Be careful!" Thomas said cupping his hands over his mouth.

"Come in time for supper!" Margaret imitated Thomas.

"We will!" Tails shouted back while the Tornado was in the sky, leaving behind the old couple with Omochao.


"How are we going to find her again?" Jade shouted through the wind.

"Simple!" Answered Sonic from the wing. "We just search the area."

"Just like that!?" She yelled angry. "If you haven't notice, Greenhills is a huge place! For all we, know she could be in the other side already!"

"I doubt it." Tails was looking in the sides of the Tornado. "She was still weak when we left her alone. She couldn't go far."

"So you think that a giant letter is going to appear and say 'Hey, I'm right here'?"

Her question was answered with a big explosion from behind them. Looking back they saw a big metallic purple bird plane-like shooting at the ground. It took altitude and let itself dropped into minced. It looked like he was attacking something in the ground. Or someone would be better.

"I think that would do it." Jade said and Tails turned around the Tornado.


The robot opened its beak, generating an energy ball and fired. She protected herself by hiding behind a rock before the ball hit the ground. A dust cloud covered her and when she looked up, she saw that the robot took altitude again.

She tried to escape, but she had no energy to do it. The robot prepared to fire again so she prepared for the impact. The robot carried out the attack, but a blue beam hit it and made it fail. When she realized the attack missed, she looked up and saw that the robot was flying unstable.

"We must stop meeting like this." She blinked and looked at her side to meet Sonic. "How many metallic friends do you have?"

"What are you doing here?" She asked coldly.

"Saving you again… Down!" Sonic knocked her to the ground as the robot flew a few inches above them. The robot turned to them again but the Tornado got in its way.

"HEY!" Jade screeched to the robot. "Over here you big piece of junk!" Tails was trying to divert the attention of the robot by flying in front of it. Which work because the robot started to follow the Tornado.

"Nice move, Tails!" Sonic shouted as he got up.

"That plane has a weapon to fight back, right?" The girl asked.

"Huh..." Sonic's smile disappears with a sweatdrop.


"WAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Tails and Jade screamed with all their will as the robot shoot the Tornado.

"TAILS! DO SOMETHING!" Jade demanded as she hugged her seat.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK I'M DOING?!" The little fox snapped back as he dodged another attack but the robot just kept attacking.

"What are we going to do, Tails!?" Jade's hysteria changed to fear.

"I don't know! The Tornado wasn't designed to be in combat!" The robot was about to reach them and if something weren't done soon, they would be done for.


Sonic and the girl chased the robot to a hill and saw the persecution in the sky. With horror they saw the Tornado didn't had a chance against the metal bird.

"They won't be able to dodge forever and that thing won't stop until they are destroy," The girl's voice was neutral, but her eyes showed sadness. "There's no hope for them." she glanced to Sonic who stayed quiet.

Sonic thought of a plan, it was risky but he was willing to take to save his friends. He took air and cupped his mouth with his hands, and yelled. "TAILS! Bring that bird brain over here!"

"What?!" the girl become astonished by his request. It was clear Tails heard Sonic because the Tornado was flying right to them.

"Are you crazy?!" She tried to reason with him. "You will never defeat it. That thing can fly and you don't!"

"Maybe I can't beat it, but I refuse to stand down and see my friends get killed!" Sonic saw her with determination in his eyes. She started at him and caught herself admiring the hedgehog's courage. Coming back to reality, she saw the planes approaching.

"I suppose you have a plan."

"Just punch hard," And with that he disappeared in a flash leaving a breeze behind him. The girl covered her face as the breeze went away and when she opened her eyes she saw Sonic running behind her.

'Did he just...?' Before she could finish her thought, the blue hedgehog was running back in super speed. Using the hill as a ramp, Sonic became a living cannonball.

Tails realized his plan so he waited to the right moment and when Sonic was close enough, he pull the control to the end, making the Tornado flying right up leaving the path free to Sonic. The blue hedgehog tackled the metal bird making it lose control, spinning backward.

"Yeah!" Sonic said in the air.

"Way to go, Sonic!" Tails and Jade scream in joy.

From the ground, the girl was stunned by the ability of the blue hedgehog. "Impossible," she whispered to the wind. Meanwhile, Sonic was preparing to land.

"SONIC!" He looked to the Tornado when he heard Tails warning. "It's back!"

Looking back, Sonic realized the robot recovered faster than he expected and it was coming after him. It flew pass him and turned again up.

"Wow!" The robot tackled Sonic sending him fly away and then it did it again and again. "Hey! What's the big idea?!" he complained as the robot tackled him again. Tails and Jade were watching the commotion.

"Is he fighting or playing volleyball?" Jade asked in desperation.

"I think it's trying to keep Sonic in the air," answered Tails.

"What for?"

"Maybe... Maybe that robot realized about Sonic's abilities."

"What are you talking about?"

"We have to get Sonic!" Tails yelled. "If he does not touch ground, he will never defeat that metal bird." Then Tails flew direct to the confrontation. The robot tackled the hedgehog higher than before and Tails took the opportunity to rescue Sonic.

Sonic smiled at seen the Tornado coming closer. "About time!" he exclaimed in relief. They were almost there, but the robot interrupted the rescue by knocking them and the Tornado and the hedgehog lost control and fell to the ground.


Sonic and the others were screaming in panic while plummeting. Tails was trying to take control of the Tornado and didn't notice when a bright object flew off the plane.

Sonic also tried to gain control of his fall by moving his arms and legs. Then he saw the shiny object that fell from the Tornado and as instinct, he grabbed it and saw that it was the ring. When Sonic squeezed it, he felt his body filled with a strong energy, almost like the day he got drunk for a lot of sugar in Tails' last birthday. But this was different, warm and powerful feeling.


Before the Tornado could crash, Tails was able to take control and made an emergency landing, but he and Jade were alive. It wasn't long until the girl joined with them. Ever since Sonic left her alone, she watched the battle in the sky.

"You're still alive?" She asked emotionless.

"Yes. We're safe thanks for your concern." Jade said sarcastically as she glared her.

"Where's Sonic?" Tails asked as he hopped out the Tornado, still a little dizzy.

"He's still up…" The girl looked up and suddenly she gasped.

Tails and Jade noticed the girl's stunned expression, so both looked up and discovered what shocked the girl. Sonic was glowing.


The energy was so intense that Sonic needed to realize it and to him there was just one way. Curling himself into a ball, he started to spin.

"YAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOO!" Sonic went in supersonic speed to the robot and went right through it destroying making an explosion.

From bellow, Tails and Jade were cheering up Sonic's victory, but the strange girl couldn't believe what she saw. The speed and strength of the hedgehog was beyond anything else she ever saw. Her thoughts were interrupted as Sonic landed in the front of them.

"Wow!" Sonic threw his fists up. "That was awesome!" he yelled in excitement as the others ran closer to him.

"Nice jump! I give you an eight." Jade said showing him four fingers in each hand.

"An eight, Jade?" He faked a hurt look.

"You lost points... FOR TIME!" She yelled because it took him long to get rid of the robot.

"How did you do that Sonic?" Tails asked amazed.

"Um… Guys?"

"All I know is that I felt this huge power inside my body." Sonic answered then he noticed the ring in his fingers lost its glow. "It happened just after I hold this thing." Then handled the ring to Tails.


"Why it stopped glowing?" The little fox thought aloud.


"That reminds me..." Jade looked to mysterious girl. "I want my blue sweeter back!" she said angry.

"Jade, there's no time for that." Came Tails to her side.

"Guys!" The girl scream and when finally got the attention of everyone, she pointed to the sky. "I say is time to get out of here!" The rest looked up to see the remains of the robot-plane falling right to them.

"Run for it!" Sonic scream. They got away from the place of impact and when the robot hit the ground it made a great explosion sending the four of them and the Tornado fly away. They ended over the ground and covered themselves from explosion.

When it calm down, the first to stood up was Sonic, debris falling from his back and spikes as he sat up and look back where the robot crashed. There were flames and pieces of the robot around them.

"Tails! Jade!" Sonic ran and kneeled next to his friends. They moaned as they sat up, debris falling from them as well. "Are you Ok?" he asked worried.

"I think so," Tails answered, rubbing his head. They were covered of dirt with some scratches and scrapes but nothing serious.

"Yeah, nothing broken," Jade said as she pulled off a piece of metal from her ruined hair.

"Good to know." Sonic helped them to stand up, but then he notice someone was missing. "Hey! Where's Missy?" The three looked around trying to find her.

"There she is!" Tails spotted her lying face down not far from them. Everyone run to her and Tails kneeled to checked her pulse.

"Is… Is she…?" Jade didn't dare to finish.

"She is alive." Tails looked back at them with a smile. "Just unconscious."

"Again?" exclaim Jade annoyed. "Is the only thing she does?"

"It would be best if we take the Tornado and go back." suggested Tails.

"That will be a problem." Jade commented looking back. Tails followed Jade's gaze and squeal in panic. The Tornado was lying in a side, missing a wing and the propeller.

"Relax Tails." Sonic tapped Tails' head. "I'm sure you will have it flying in no time."

"Oh, that's nice," Jade said sarcastically. "But… how exactly are we going back!?"

"Take it easy." Sonic waved a hand. "I will bring your Gramps with his Pickup truck."

"Fine! Go! Tails and I will wait here with 'Sleeping Beauty'," Jade crossed her arms, glaring at the fainted girl who still was using her blue sweeter.

"Right! I won't be long." Sonic was about to run, when Tails saw the girl's haversack and picked it up, but thanks to the explosion it ripped from abode letting some of it's contents to fall to the ground. One was a dagger in its holster with a beautiful patron of gold with tiny gems adorning it and the second object was the bundle of rags but when it fell the ground, it unfold itself reveling its inside. It was a big green gem emitting an intense light.

Sonic, Tails and Jade stared at the jewel and they froze of amazement for the mysterious glow. The hedgehog was the first to get out of the trance and slowly he approached to the mysterious gem and extended his hand to take it. He hesitated for a second until he finally took it, and when he had it in his hand the jewel intensified its glow. Sonic and the others marveled at the beautiful light; but Sonic felt great energy more powerful than he felt with the ring.

"What the heck …"

"…Is that?" Tails finished Jade's question.

"I have no idea." Answered Sonic as he continued admiring the rare jewel. "But it will be the first thing Missy is going to answer." Seriously, he looked to the unconscious girl. Thousands of questions were running through his head, and one of them was… Who is she?



The yellow and gray robots were running through the corridors and panic was showed on their faces. They monitored the robot's fight while the doctor went to refresh himself. They witnessed the battle with the same blue hedgehog of last night and once again, he destroyed another of the doctor's creations.

They stopped in front of a large door with a symbol of a crown in it. None of them dare to go inside.

"Oh... I hope he's in a good mood, Bocoe." Said nervous the yellow robot.

"Me too…" The grey robot nodded. "Well..." He gave a hard slap to his partner who tripped lightly. "Good luck, Decoe."

"W-Why does it have to be me?!" Decoe complained.

"Because I told him last time."

"No, you didn't! It was me!"

"Well, I was hit with a wrench when the emerald was stolen!"

"So was I!" Both robots were glaring each other but knowing that the other won't desert, they relaxed their bodies with a sigh.

"Someone has to tell him." Bocoe said. And like a sign, they heard a cheerful humming coming from behind. They turned around and saw a small black robot with green eyes wearing red shoes and white gloves walking down the aisle with a small propellant in his back. He was the doctor's latest invention, a bioorganic android. The little robot had the aspect of a six year old, but it looked like a little devil by the shape of his head.

"Bokkum!" Decoe and Bocoe called in unison. The little robot stopped and met with them.

"What do you two want?" Bokkum asked mischievously. Decoe and Bocoe ran towards him and rubbed their hands, his eyes showed that they were smiling.

"We have a special mission for you." Decoe said and the little robot tilted his head in confusion.


Inside the room, there was a voice from the bathroom singing out of tune.

"(A) you're adorable, (B) you're so beautiful, (C) you're a cutie full of charms…"

Bokkum flew into the room carrying a bag with him and he winced when he heard the doctor singing in the shower.

"He just took all the charm of that song." He complained holding his head where his ears should be. Ignoring the pain, Bokkum opened the bathroom's door and entered. A curtain was surrounding the shower and a large silhouette was the only thing visible. Bokkum got closer and opened a bit of the curtain.

"(D) you're a darling and-"

"Hey, Doctor!" Bokkum called.

"Heh? What?! Bokkum?! What are you doing here!?"

"I have a message for you, doctor!" Bokkum said as he brought out from his little bag a little TV.


Decoe and Bocoe were circling outside the room waiting for Bokkum.

"Ooooooh. The suspense is killing me!" Decoe commented.

"You know? I'm beginning to think this." Bocoe commented. "You think it was a good idea to send Bokkum?"

"Why you ask?"

An explosion from inside the room answered his question. Both robots run inside to find that the bathroom door was crashing the king-size bed and that the all room was a mess cause the explosion. The little robot flew away from the bathroom laughing and landed in front of them.

"Message delivered." Then they remembered why it was bad idea to send Bokkum.


It took an hour for the doctor to calm down after Bokkum's surprise. The robots were cleaning up the mess that had caused the explosion while the doctor was changing in the bathroom.

"Um ... Doctor?" Decoe dared to speak. "What are we gonna do with the thief issue?"

"Well… In a situation like this, there's only one thing to do." Said the Doctor to come to light. He was tall, fat, with a big mustache under his big pink nose, and wore a red suit with black pants and boots, and a pair of sunglasses small circles.

"If you want something done right," A creepy smile crossed his face. "Do it yourself." Doctor Ivo Robotnik began to chuckled, but then became a cruel laughter that rang throughout the island.