Hey people, I'm soooo sorry that I haven't updated in so long. I was going to end the story but decided to keep going. Thank you for all of the reviews last chapter and I promise I will update again soon. Please leave a review.

Haku's p.o.v.

Chihiro and I walked back from the beach hand in hand. I loved how her hand fit into mine perfectly. I couldn't help but look at her the hole time we were walking back to Lin's. I walked a bit slower than what I usually do just so I could see her a little more. I looked down at her hand to see the ring and I couldn't help but smile. I still can't believe that she has loved me all these years, I can't believe she's mine. I have never been so happy and my heart was beating faster.

We were now standing outside of Lins house. Chihiro looked up at me with her beautiful eyes that I always found myself getting lost in. "Night Haku," she said with a beautiful smile. She kissed me on the cheek and was about to walk inside when I stopped her.

"Chihiro, are you off tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yes I am, why?" She asked.

"I want to take you out on a date. Our first date. Is noon okay?" I said with a slight blush on my cheeks.

Her smile grew and she swung her arms around me tightly. "Yes, that's perfect," she said than kissed my cheek and went inside without another word.

I stood there and my hand went up to my cheek which she just kissed. I smiled and started to walk back home. "Tomorrow will be the best date ever," I said as I continued walking my smile only growing as I thought about where to take her.

Chihiro's p.o.v.

I woke up the next morning smiling. Today was my first official date with Haku. Last night could have been considered a date but last night when he asked me he said 'our first date' so I guess this will be our first one. I ran out of bed and took a quick shower. I brushed my hair and walked over to my closet. I looked at all of my clothes looking for the perfect outfit. I found a light pink sun dress and black flats to go with it. I placed it on my bed and put some normal cloths on and went out into the kitchen to see Lin making breakfast.

"Morning," I said as I looked at the food she placed on the table, bacon and pancakes.

"Why are you so happy? Did something happen with Haku last night?" Lin asked as she started to eat.

I felt my face heat up and I knew my face must have been bright red. I lifted my hand to scratch the back of my neck thinking of what to tell Lin when she screamed.

"What is that on your hand!" She screamed and grabbed my hand bring it up to her face to look at the ring that was on my finger. "Why is there a ring on your finger! Don't tell me you and Haku are going to get married! It's been like a day since you guys told each other how you feel. When I see Haku I'm going to kill him!" She said as she continued to look at the ring on my finger not letting me say anything.

"Lin, it's just a promise ring. We're not getting married or anything like that," I said and she looked a bit relieved.

"Well that's fine than. It's very pretty, who new Haku had such good taste. So what else happened last night?" She said as she finished looking at the ring.

"We are going on a date today," I said a small blush on my face.

Lin smiled than said "better go get ready soon."

I nodded and put my dishes away and made my way back to my room. I put on my dress and looked at myself in the mirror. I usually don't care how I look but today was special. I put on some lip gloss and a tiny bit of eye shadow. I painted my nails a light shade of pink and put my black flats. I went back to the mirror and smiled at my reflection.

I heard the door bell ring and Lin yell "I got it."

I looked at myself one last time and took a deep breath. I smiled and went out to the living room to see Haku standing at the door talking to Lin. He was in a black button up shirt that had the two top buttons undone, he had black jeans on that were kinda skinny. He looked amazing. I new my face went a slight pink color just by looking at him.

Haku's p.o.v.

I breathed in as I stood at the door. I raised my hand and hit the door bell. I heard Lin yell behind the door. The door opened to a smirking Lin. "Hey lover boy," she called me. I didn't care nothing could ruin my mood today.

"Hi Lin," I said and she looked at me.

"Well somebody got all dressed up. Wow and flowers, who new you could be so romantic," Lin said smirking at me.

I stood there holding the flowers I got for Chihiro while Lin started to go on about how she almost died this morning because she saw the ring on Chihiro's finger. I tuned her out when I saw Chihiro enter the room. I couldn't find the words to speak. She was just so beautiful. I always think she is but I have never seen someone more beautiful ever. She was gorgeous I had no other way to explain it. My heart started to beat faster and my face started to get hot.

I walked into the house past Lin who was still ranting about the morning. I stood in front of Chihiro who was slightly blushing. I was trying to think of something to say but was to nervous to say anything. 'Why am I nervous? I have never been nervous before. Maybe because this is our first date. I just need to calm down and breath.'

"You look beautiful Chihiro," I said handing her the flowers. She took the flowers and smiled at me. Even her smile is beautiful I thought to myself.

"Thank you Haku, you look very nice yourself," she said with a smile and placed the flowers in a vase with water.

"Want to go now?" I asked as I held out my hand for her.

She took my hand and nodded as we walked out the door. As we started to leave I could hear Lin yell "have fun on your date!"

Chihiro's p.o.v.

Haku and I were walking hand in hand down the street. My face was still a bit pink but I didn't care. Me and Haku made some small chit chat but I was so nervous that I couldn't make a hole conversation.

"Haku, where are we going?" I asked since he never told me.

He looked down and smiled at me and said "it's a surprise,"

After walking for a little bit longer we reached the path that lead to the field of flowers. I smiled as we reached the field. "This is the surprise," I said looking up at him a smile on my face.

"Over that hill there is a single tree in the field and I thought we could have a picnic there," He said looking down at me.

"Really, but we didn't bring food," I said.

"It's already there," he said smiling and I smiled back at him.

"Let's go!" I said and ran towards the hill.

As I ran up the hill I heard Haku yell "wait up Chihiro," but I just kept running. When I reached the top I looked at the beautiful field of different colors. I have been here before but every time it get's more amazing. "Isn't it beautiful Haku," I said.

"It is the second most beautiful thing I have ever seen," He said looking at the field.

"What's the first?" I asked curious.

He looked over at me and smiled "You."

I felt the heat go up to my face and new I would be bright red now. I lowered my head to try and cover my blush. "Let's go over to the picnic now," I said and started to walk down the hill when I tripped on a rock and started to fall when I heard Haku yell my name and grab my hand which made him slip and fall down the hill with me.

When we finally stopped rolling down the hill I opened my eyes to see Haku on top of me his hazel eyes looking down at me. Our faces were only inches apart from each other and I couldn't help but blush again.

We stared at each other till Haku leaned in and kissed my lips softly. When he pulled back he smiled down at me. "Chihiro, I don't know what I would do without you. You have no idea how much I missed you all those years. I woke up in the night from thinking that you had forgot about us and had moved on with life. As each day went by and I couldn't see you me heart would slowly break," he said softly than placed a hand on the side of my face.

"Being able to hold, touch, see, hear and talk to you is all that I have been thinking about all these years. Being able to do look at your beautiful face and see you smile everyday makes me happy. I swear I will love you till the day I die, even after that my love for you wont change. Nothing will change my feelings for you," he said softly and I could feel the tears running down my face as he wiped them away with his hand.

"Haku, I love you more than anything or anyone in this world. I missed you so much those years that it hurt. Every night I would wish to see you if only for a second. I wanted to tell you how much I loved you and missed you. I thought I was dreaming when I came back and saw you. Even if we were worlds apart I will always love you," I said softly as tears kept flowing out.

"Thank you Chihiro, for being my light in the darkness and my reason to live," He said softly and smiled before he kissed me again.

Thanks for reading!

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I'll update again soon!