Emma gradually slipped her arm around the petite waist of the brunette, helping her to ease the immense pain that was spreading through her body. Regina only refused with a quick shove of rejection downwards on Emma's arm, making the blonde wince at a tinge of pain.
"Regina," Emma quipped, "if you want me to help you, you're going to have to let there be contact between us." She eyed the once strong and brutal mayor, helplessly trying to hold her weight up against the wall, which was now too becoming grimy like Regina's skin and clothes.
Regina let a defeated sigh and gave in as she stumbled gently into the blonde's outstretched arms awaiting her. She grimaced at a slight shock of pain that was sent through her thigh and she clutched on to Emma's shoulders. For a moment, the two stood silently, Emma awaiting Regina to catch her breath, and Regina trying hard to keep her composure, but slowly failing by each move.
"Well," Regina sneered, her true self shining through again, "Are you just going to stand here Ms. Swan, or are you going to help me?" She growled softly while adding emphasis onto help. Emma groaned slightly. "Same old Madame Mayor Attitude as usual," she muttered. Regina rolled her eyes dramatically, ignoring the smug grin that was spreading on Emma's face.
Emma gently scooped Regina up into arms; it looked like a mock reinterpretation of the poster Henry had photoshopped some time back during the 'election' of town Sherriff. This time, Regina's eyes sparked with anger, "Miss Swan, I prefer to hobble over this!" Emma took no recognition of Regina's smug comment and began to slowly make her way up the stairs, being sure she had a firm grip on the brunette with every step she took.
Regina had finally taken into account that she wasn't going to win this fight and it was best to just go with this until she was her normal self again, the Evil Queen that is. She gripped tightly onto the blonde's neck.
Emma gently pushed open the bedroom door with a swift bump of her hip. She stepped into the room , observing the room silently. Regina's bed was adorned in a satin light blue bed spread which made Emma's muscles ache realizing how much she needed to sleep.
"If you prefer a tour," Regina growled impatiently still gripping onto Emma's neck. The blonde slowly faded back to reality and looked at the mayor in her arms.
Emma rolled her eyes while carrying Regina into the bathroom quietly. She placed the mayor on the granite counter top beside the sink and immediately began to slowly unbutton the mayor's ash caked suit jacket. Regina met contact with Emma's hand with a swift slap, "Miss Swan!" "Regina," Emma frowned slightly sensing the tension in the mayor, "you need these clothes off, the ash will make you even sicker!"
Regina let out a repressed sigh and began to unbutton her suit jacket on her own now. Emma watched her slowly go down, button by button until finally the suit fell open slowly and Regina slipped it off. A white button down was all that she had on underneath as it was pretty revealing of the mayor's black bra which immediately Emma found her gaze locked too, but was interrupted by the mayor leaning forward and slipping off her suit pants. She was able to push them down to her ankles, but that was as far as she could bend without recoiling in pain. "Emma," Regina muttered silently, she gestured to the pants scrunched down by her ankles.
Emma knelt down and softly slipped them off, smiling at the fact Regina had used her name for once. The mayor looked at the deep cut on her thigh, maybe an inch or so, and groaned in agony from both pain and just the revelation of everything taking place. A coldness made the brunette shudder as she realized Emma was already tying a bandage tightly over the gash to stop the bleeding, her fingertips dancing on Regina's slightly tan skin.
"Emma," Regina spoke softly with a tone Emma recognized. It was the one where someone was trying to hold back tears, a raspy and shaken tone. "They're going to kill me," Regina said as tears gleamed in the waterline of her eyes which made Emma melt as she slowly stood up.
"No," Emma said tenderly, "No, I promise they won't." The brunette didn't even think twice before shaking her head, "I'm the Evil Queen, my dear." She swallowed softly before continuing, "I ruined their happy endings. They want me dead." The brunette stood from the counter and limped gingerly over to the window facing the town in her bedroom and fear shook through her as she watched smoke from the fire at her office bellow through the air. "I'm not worth helping, Emma."
Emma's body shook with sadness as her heart went out to the brunette, "Regina… I'm the savior, correct?"
Regina snarled softly to herself. "Yes." She spat softly, still watching the dark smoke dance against the blue sky.
"Then let me be yours." Emma said silently, stepping towards the brunette. She raised her hand and gripped Regina's shoulder tightly. Regina didn't say a word as a tear finally trailed down her cheek, blurring her vision of the smoke, "My savior?" Regina spoke softly, not even above a whisper.