Author's Note: Inspired by the new cap of Tim and the gang staring at all the memorials of their fallen comrades.
Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice.
The Victim
You're carelessness almost cost us the mission.
Tim winces, even now, as he makes his way around Mount Justice, remembering the sound of Batman's voice when they'd returned to the bat cave earlier that evening. He'd sounded so angry, so disappointed, and while Tim had always known him to be a tough mentor, he'd never dismissed Tim so harshly as he had tonight.
Of course Batman was right. Tim's mistake in the field could have ruined a mission that they'd been planning for months. Cutting off the steady supply of cobra venom to Gotham had been a project of theirs that had to succeed. All that prep work and research—a lot of which had been done by Tim himself—had almost been completely destroyed
All because of him.
Tim sighs, and without realizing, he realizes that he's come to a stop in front of Jason Todd's memorial.
Jason Todd, the second Boy Wonder, and also the fallen Boy Wonder.
His eyes wander over the very same costume that he dons every night. Jason has a different build than Tim, a little bit stockier, more muscular and he wonders why that didn't help him. Why didn't he break free of the Joker's restraints? Couldn't he fend him off?
Everyone told Tim that Jason had been a fighter. So why hadn't he fought harder?
Tim wonders if Jason made a stupid mistake in the field. Did Jason ever royally fuck up in the field and get sent home with his tail between his legs? Did Jason ever do anything stupid?
Was Jason dead because of his own incompetence? Tim didn't think so. The Joker was a formidable adversary for even Batman. And Jason had been a kid, just like Tim.
Based on the way Dick talks about him, Tim's pretty sure that when he was alive, he was the perfect Robin. Then again, it's bad to speak ill of the dead, and maybe that's why Dick is so complimentary. Although from what Tim had gathered, Dick and Jason hadn't had the most harmonious relationship to begin with.
It didn't really matter, Tim realizes. Because Jason is dead and Tim's the new Robin.
But he'll still never be good enough.