A/N: Last chapter :] This was super fun to write. I've written one chapter each week during my 3 hour technology-free lecture. Aaaand now I'll have to start something else because god that lecture is boring as fuck. So yeah, read and review please! I haven't really gotten much feedback on this and I would really like some!

Disclaimer: Don't own Teen Wolf. Woo.

Sheriff Stilinski woke up four days later. In those four days, either Scott of Derek had been constantly at Stiles' side. Without them he wouldn't have slept, wouldn't have eaten, wouldn't have moved from the wooden bench outside his Dad's hospital room.

When the Sheriff finally woke up, Stiles was asleep, head in Scott's lap, Scott's fingers running through his short hair. Mrs. McCall rested her hand on Scott's shoulder, jerking him out of his trance. Scott in turn nudged Stiles awake, while sending a text to Derek.

They went into the room together. Scott held Stiles' hand, while Derek rested a hand on Stiles' shoulder.

Sheriff Stilinski was sitting semi-upright in the bed. His head was still wrapped tightly in gauze bandages, and there was an IV tube in his wrist, giving him a steady drip of morphine. His eyes were slightly glazed, cheeks eerily hollow.

Stiles swallowed. "Dad…" he rasped out.

Sheriff Stilinski's eyes slowly raised to meet his son's.

"Stiles," he whispered, trying to lift his hand to reach for his son. The tears were already streaming down Stiles' cheeks. He broke free of Scott and Derek to race to his father's side.

"Dad, you're okay," he sobbed, crashing to his knees and burying his face in his dad's chest. Sheriff Stilinski raised his arm to rest his hand on Stiles' shoulder, eyes squeezed shut. He pressed his lips to Stiles' forehead.

Relieved sobs wracked through Stiles' body.

Derek jerked his head towards the door and Scott nodded, following the alpha out into the hall. They had both felt Stiles' desperate need shift from them to his father. Scott felt the loss acutely, like a gaping hole in his consciousness, causing his throat to constrict.

"Why does it hurt?" he asked Derek, frowning and balling his hands into tense fists.

Derek looked just as pained as he felt, face pale, shoulders stiff. Derek let out a ragged breath.

"I wasn't sure until now, but..." he looked down at the ground, swallowing. "Stiles is your mate," he explained. After a pause he revised, "Our mate."

Scott's head shot up, eyes narrowing.

"How does that—How is that—"

"How is that possible?" Derek sighed. "I told you you're not an omega, you're your own alpha. Alpha's have mates. I didn't think it could happen but… We both need Stiles. I can't take him from you, or you'll die. Same goes for me. I guess this means—"

"We share," Scott finished.

Derek nodded.

They sat together on the bench, staring somewhat shell-shocked at the white cinderblock wall in front of them. Scott was trembling, tapping his fingers on his legs with a nervous desperation.

A nurse came to shoo Stiles out of the room so they could do some cognitive tests on the Sheriff. When he came out into the hallway, his presence slammed into Scott's awareness and suddenly he could breathe again. Stiles' eyes widened as Scott leapt up to wrap his arms around him, clinging tightly.

"You okay buddy?" Stiles' asked, able to joke for the first time in a week. Scott nodded, unable to contain his grin.

"You're happy… and it's making me happy," he answered with wonderment. Stiles looked at him incredulously.

"Scott what are you—?"

Scott shook his head, silencing Stiles. "Need you to be happy," Scott mumbled, burying his face in the crook of Stiles' neck. Stiles was vaguely aware that Derek had come up behind him, slipping his hands around his waist.

Stiles blinked, "Guys I—"

"Shut up Stiles," the two wolves muttered in unison.

"What? Oh yeah, shutting up, I can do that, sure thing—"

Scott growled, then silenced Stiles with his lips, almost animalistically ravaging his mouth. Derek's fingers dug bruisingly into his hips. Stiles kissed back, still slightly overwhelmed. Scott's body was burning hot against him, and he could feel Derek's panting against him, and he could feel Derek's panting breath against his neck.

"Scott," he breathed when Scott finally pulled back. "Scott this is—wow—I—but can we, you know, take this somewhere private?"

Scott nodded, eyes flashing red. Stiles' eyebrows shot up. "You—when did you—?"

"Explain later," Derek growled in his ear, pushing him towards the bathroom door. Stiles bewilderedly followed his lead, Scott still clinging to him. As soon as the door closed behind them, Stiles was shoved up against the wall. Scott pressed his body flush against Stiles, every part of him throbbing with almost painful need.

Derek growled at Scott, sliding in behind Stiles. Scott ground his hips against Stiles', fingers clawing Stiles' tee shirt to shreds. Derek thrust against him from behind, hands reaching around to undo his belt and wrench his jeans from his hips, before yanking down his own pants. Stiles yelped as he was lifted up off the ground. Derek's hands were on his waist, holding him tightly against his chest, while Scott's hands gripped under his thighs, spreading Stiles' legs wide to wrap around his waist. Stiles' cock was crushed between his stomach and Scott's, while Derek's was digging almost painfully into his back.

"D-Derek," he stuttered. Derek growled deep in his throat, nails digging into Stiles' hips. Derek lifted Stiles so his cock was pressed between Stiles' cheeks. Stiles wrapped his arms around Scott's neck as Derek spit on his fingers. Derek slowly ran his thumb around Stiles' tight hole, sending chills up Stiles' spine. Stiles bit down on Scott's shoulder as Derek slipped a finger inside. He arched his back as Derek scissored him open, writhing in Scott's embrace. Derek's cock pressed against his entrance, precum mixing with spit to coat the tight rings of muscle. Stiles squeezed Scott tighter, nodding his permission to Derek. Derek gripped Stiles' hips, tilting them down so he could position himself behind him. He started slowly, pushing into Stiles, who cried out, tossing his head back. He pulled out when he met resistance, and then thrust forward again, burying himself fully in Stiles.

The sounds Stiles was making were driving Scott insane. He needed more of Stiles. Needed to help pleasure him. He gently lowered Stiles' legs, helping him stand shakily on his own. Stiles leaned forward, bracing himself on a wall as Scott dropped to his knees. Derek fell into a rhythm, thrusting slowing into Sties, hands gripping Stiles' hips. Scott licked a stripe up the underside of Stiles' cock then mouthed lightly at the tip. Stiles was trembling with arousal, eyes tightly shut as his hips bucked against Scott's mouth. He was in full sensory overload, only aware of Scott's warm, wet mouth and Derek's impossibly large dick.

Derek came first, filling Stiles with hot seed and collapsing against his back, breath shallow and pained. He stayed buried in Stiles until Stiles shot his own load into Scott's mouth. Scott eagerly lapped it up, hand diving into his pants to relieve his own painful erection. Stiles fell against Scott, completely spent and unable to hold himself up any longer.

"Love you," Scott mumbled. Stiles' chest rumbled with laughter as he nuzzled into Scott.

"Yeah, got that," he chuckled.

Derek picked Stiles up, turning him so Stiles could drape his arms and legs around him, and carried him to the shower. Scott stripped out of his clothes and joined them under the warm spray.

"So," Stiles slurred, sleepily, "You want to explain now?" he leaned against the tiled wall, allowing Scott and Derek to run their hands over him, covering him in a soapy lather.

Derek started to explain, but his words didn't process. Stiles could only focus on the soothing lull of Derek's voice, blinking sleepily as Derek talked about alphas and mates and…

When Stiles woke up, he was dressed in fresh clothes and laying in a cot with two warm bodies pressed up on either side of him. He blinked, grinning as he was met with two pairs of glowing red eyes.

"Holy shit," he breathed, the full realization of what this meant finally sinking in. Scott grinned and pounced on Stiles, capturing his hips, while Derek wrapped his arms snugly and possessively around his waist.
