"Simply do not understand why people have to create their own words. I mean utter nonsense. This can't possibly be an actual word. I swear that the people who read your blog are complete dolts. Bleghafluballoo." He shook his head in frustration, leaping from the couch, knocking my laptop onto the ground. I shuffled into the flat, arms full of groceries.

"Sherlock," John greeted, "What are you going on about?"

"Listen man! That is what ears are for. I've been ranting for the last two hours, and you've honestly not been listening to a word."

"Sherlock, I've been out." He explained, placing the bags onto the table and began to put the groceries away.

"Bleghafluballoo." Sherlock muttered his expression one of a neglected child.

"Blegha what?" John asked and he just turned his back to me.

"You would know if you would have been here, listening to me." John rolled my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me. I was bored, and you promised you'd entertain me. You're my boyfriend, it's your job." He scolded. John stopped what he was doing.

"My apologies," He smiled at Sherlock before striding over to where the man sulked in his leather chair, "But I was unaware that we were dating." Before Sherlock could respond John leaned in and placed his lips upon his boyfriends.

Read and review please!